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Proof of Neanderthal and Human interbreeding, and Oh they wore make up too!!!!

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posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Great picture by the way.
Just a little shave of the face and we might have ourselves a prehistoric Rosie O'Donnell.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by aaa2500

seen it. You forget that the brow grows in for adults. The same technique used to create that child's face lead to this:

But those images are not really that different from modern man.

And to me, if you don't change over the course of 100,000 years, then you simply do not innovate.

But we only know that they didn't develop their stone tools very much. They could have been very advanced in other ways. They could have been using tools made primarily from wood. They could have had very advanced societies, but simply not need better tools.

It's known that they did not have a large population because they were in the epicenter of the ice age. Early man had their total population size in a couple of few villages in East Africa.

It's also known that mankind is always found with necklaces that seem to show allegiances and brotherhood. Neanderthals are not found with these things because, again, they were cut off in an ice age.

Generally they developed to fit their surroundings and so did modern man.

Mankind has countless evidences found to show they were innovative. Neanderthals only ever show any traces of it during contact with humans.

As far as you can observe from the findings of stone tools.

Before that, they were essentially human-looking apes that were smarter than apes. They had our intelligence levels, but not the ability to be a blank slate and to create yourself. They simply did as taught and did it as long as it worked. Once it didn't work, or something better was found, they would seek something new, but only based on what they found.

That is pure speculation.

Now we humans can always innovate. The simple fact is that if they had our abilities, they wouldn't be extinct.

There is a difference between having the capability and using it. Using this capability is governed by the cultural aspects of a people, and that is exactly the thing we don't know about, when it comes to neanderthals.

It is interesting to contrast that with modern man. The ability to innovate and improve is not shared by all cultures today. Ask any european who has dealt with high context cultures in asia and the middleeast, and you will hear about how much customs and culture can interfere with innovation.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:52 AM
Odd how so many posts suggest as if stating fact that neanderthals were inferior in many or all ways. If people would study a topic before commenting they would find that neanderthals were actually well worthy of praise for many of their traits and habits. As has been mentioned they were found to possess a developed imagination, social interactions like modern man, and various physical features that modern man lacks.
Why is it people attack these wonderful creatures as if threatened by their attributes being honoured? It's not a wonder this world is so rife with hate when even an extinct relative of ours prods peoples egos into self-defense. Shame on some of you :\

I also don't think talk on drugs influencing sexual encounters between the neanderthals and cro-magnon man is even necessary (not excluding the possibility however) as the most likely case would be one of forceful sexual acts carried out by the stronger, more robust neanderthal males on cro-magnon females.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by aaa2500
...There is a difference between having the capability and using it. Using this capability is governed by the cultural aspects of a people, and that is exactly the thing we don't know about, when it comes to neanderthals.

It is interesting to contrast that with modern man. The ability to innovate and improve is not shared by all cultures today. Ask any european who has dealt with high context cultures in asia and the middleeast, and you will hear about how much customs and culture can interfere with innovation.

This is a very good point.

Until the 1950s, the Kalahari Bushmen were very primitive compared to the rest of the 20th century modernized world -- they did not use the tools that the rest of the world was using.

However, the Bushmen are Modern Humans just like us and they had the same brains as us with the same intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.

I'm not saying that Neanderthals were exactly the same as Homo sapiens, but just because they didn't use the same tools as H. sapiens does not mean they were markedly inferior.

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens (Modern Humans) may or may not be the same species, but even if they were a separate species, just considering the fact that Neanderthals were so high in the evolutionary tree -- right next to Modern Humans -- makes me think they had a similar intelligence to Modern Humans.

[edit on 1/10/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

I don't doubt that they interbred. But, like all interbreeds, the offspring were probably sterile.

On a similar topic. Ever hear of Oliver the half chimp half human?

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Nutter]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by aaa2500

On the contrary, human technological development has been exponential since the birth of civilization. The most recent evolution of humans happened some time after Neanderthals went extinct where there was some development of the language ability of the human brain, which paralleled the birth of civilization itself.

Also, humans are filthy creatures. They leave behind a lot. We have lots of stuff from homo habalis, homo erectus, etc etc, but seemingly nothing from neandathals.

Oh, and just because they look like modern humans, doesn't mean they are. That's called homo sapient chauvinism. Things don't have to look human to be human, nor do human looking things have to be necessarily human. You fail to realize that humans did not evolve to their surroundings, because they had none. Humanity should be extinct. They survived by modifying their surroundings, not adapting to them. They planted farms, saved water underground, and modified the land to make it fit for themselves. Neanderthals on the other hand never had advanced things of any sort. Because they were, like primitive man, linearly advancing, not exponentially. There's a break in the continuality of the curve when humans arrive. They suddenly advance more than humans did... because they copied humans who were already advanced.

And as a rule of thumb, the most advanced cultures survive. If they had a civilization, they would have survived, because humans came in small hunting packs, stole their land, killed them off, and then took their place. If they had a civilization, then they would have banded together and fought these tiny packs of humans. Instead, they were small in number, lived in caves, and cut off from each other. They were exterminated by human ancestors who wanted their lands and resources.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by aaa2500

On the contrary, human technological development has been exponential since the birth of civilization.

That's absolute BS. For the first 250,000 years of it's existance, modern man used stone tools and showed little innovation, then suddenly 10,000 years ago they developed agriculture and then things started happening.

Oh, and just because they look like modern humans, doesn't mean they are. That's called homo sapient chauvinism. Things don't have to look human to be human, nor do human looking things have to be necessarily human.

I am well aware that they were not modern humans, and congratulations on teaching yourself a new word. Someone posted the stereotypical image of a neanderthal, and I simply wanted to show that they might very well be more like us in appearance, and less ape like, than we have been led to believe.

They planted farms, saved water underground, and modified the land to make it fit for themselves. Neanderthals on the other hand never had advanced things of any sort. Because they were, like primitive man, linearly advancing, not exponentially. There's a break in the continuality of the curve when humans arrive. They suddenly advance more than humans did... because they copied humans who were already advanced.

Modern man didn't have any of those advances until 20,000 years after neanderthals were extinct. In the timeperiod where the 2 species coexisted, both used stonetools.

And as a rule of thumb, the most advanced cultures survive.

modern man didn't have civilization either. They were hunter gatherers and roamed the land.

If they had a civilization, they would have survived, because humans came in small hunting packs, stole their land, killed them off, and then took their place. If they had a civilization, then they would have banded together and fought these tiny packs of humans. Instead, they were small in number, lived in caves, and cut off from each other. They were exterminated by human ancestors who wanted their lands and resources.

This is pure speculation. There isn't enough evidence to support that idea, as popular as it might be. The thing is that you are portraying speculation as fact.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:12 PM
Exactly -- Professor William Calvin has tons of excellent books on human brain coevolution with technology:

Calvin argues that humans were reacting to catastrophic climate change -- so that the Younger Dryas "Long Summer" which kicked in about 15,000 years ago spurred humans into more left-brain dominance with right-hand dominance for technology use.

Calvin argues it's a serial processing system in neurology so we have multiple uses for the parts of the brain which process language along with hand-eye coordination.

Actually if we look at the Bushmen culture -- modern genetics state that the Bushmen are different than modern humans and that the Bushmen broke off from modern humans when there was a severe drought around 50,000 years ago.

In the Bushmen culture it is more like the pgymy chimp bonobos -- where there is no warfare and the females are dominant. Sex is used by the females to maintain no violence -- the males have sex all the time but rarely ejaculate. The Bushmen males also have similar training -- unlike the modern humans who are more like chimpanzees which have warfare and rape of females. So the female chimps were the first to use spears for hunting so they would not have to be dependent on the males using rape in the "food for sex" exchange. So modern technology evolved as a means for females to protect themselves against raping males.

There's a lot more to this that Stan Gooch gets into -- about the Neanderthals relying on the Lunar calendar -- having psychic powers -- and also using sex for healing. It all seems speculative -- although Gooch does rely on the hard evidence from the archaeological finds on the Neanderthals.

Still, again, if we look at the Bushmen culture -- their all night trance dance healing relies on the lunar calendar. Dr. Christopher Knight's tome "Blood Relations" argues that modern humans coevolved with technology through a "sex strike" of females -- so that females synchronized with the lunar cycle and thereby forced the males to do long distance hunting. In other words if the males didn't bring home the bacon -- the females were not going to "fry it up in the pan" so to speak. You know that old commercial -- "never let you forget you're a man?" haha.

Anyway Neanderthals had a much larger cerebellum -- so Stan Gooch focuses on how the right-brain left-brain split is not as important as the connection of the cerebellum to the third eye pineal gland. The cerebellum is also activated by music -- and it's our subconscious connection to our emotions and motor behavior. So through right-brain dominance trance dancing the pineal gland also synchronizes with the lunar energy.

Modern humans are unaware of our lunar energy synchronization -- except for the menstrual cycle. It is well documented that bizarre behavior happens during the full moon -- but for those who do the Bushmen training there is a permanent magnetic force which peaks during the Full Moon. This is why Buddhist monks do all night meditation during the Full Moon.

So Gooch is arguing that the Neanderthals had a whole culture based around this secret Lunar psychic energy -- it's when the natural electrochemical energy is at the strongest cycle. Modern humans have lost contact with this natural Lunar energy because there is a secret to leveraging it for psychic abilities. Again the males have to learn to have the female internal climax with no ejaculation -- via the vagus nerve connecting to the cerebellum. There is a secret lineage that passes the knowledge on through energy transmission. Stan Gooch encourages us to learn this secret paranormal ability that the Neanderthals once practiced as well.

reply to post by aaa2500

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by aaa2500

No. There's infinite amount of information to support that the most advanced civilizations exterminate the weaker ones. It's called every single nation that ever existed. All of them exterminated weaker ones before them.

Also, civilization didn't just mysteriously start 10,000 years ago. You seem to forget that this little thing called an ice age happened, causing the extinction of weaker species and the birth of our own. Anatomically modern humans began long ago, but only 50,000 years ago or so, the most recent genes of modern humans developed. This was when homo sapiens of today began.

After exterminating Neanderthals, and surviving the ice age, civilization was allowed to begin. Not mysteriously. It was because the Earth reached climate equilibrium and could support long-term farms. You see, in case you didn't know, it's easier ti build a farm after a glacier has passed by, as opposed to during its passing.

And I'm sorry, but we were far more advanced then Neanderthal tools. Neanderthal's used flint knives. We used Spears, bows, lances, etc etc. We also had culture, decorations, necklaces, etc etc before Neanderthals did. Mysteriously they seem to begin using these things once humans start showing up. And no, it is not speculation. Humans exterminated Neanderthals. There are some drawings of this event on caves. There are numerous indications which lead us to believe that humans conquered and killed/hybridized them. This includes that fact that Spanish Neanderthals are the youngest, while eastern European ones are the oldest, and that the most culturally and technologically advanced Neanderthals were the ones in Spain, cut off from their neighbors.

If you plot out the technological developments of man and Neanderthals from 100,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago, you see a clear problem. Mankind is exponentially growing, starting with flint knives, then using better rocks, then putting them are sticks, then putting these sticks with spears on to bows or flinging javelins. With Neanderthals, you see flint rocks... flint rocks... more and more flint rocks...and then an explosion of culture once humans arrive. Then all of the sudden you get dolls, necklaces, and even some cool tools. Here's the thing. Species do not have discontinuous curves of advancement. Discontinuation means intervention by a more intelligent species.

For humans, this is called the iterative process. For Neanderthals, like apes, this is called copy and pasting what you see works better.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by aaa2500

No. There's infinite amount of information to support that the most advanced civilizations exterminate the weaker ones. It's called every single nation that ever existed. All of them exterminated weaker ones before them.

So when you lack evidence you just make it up. This has nothing to do with neanderthals. It's merely speculation.

Also, civilization didn't just mysteriously start 10,000 years ago. You seem to forget that this little thing called an ice age happened, causing the extinction of weaker species and the birth of our own. Anatomically modern humans began long ago, but only 50,000 years ago or so, the most recent genes of modern humans developed. This was when homo sapiens of today began.

The glaciers only covered northern europe, so why didn't the modern humans invent agriculture when they were living in southern europe 20,000 years ago?

More to the point. Agriculture and animal husbandry developed around modern day turkey, where there was no ice cover during either of the last 3 ice ages, so why didn't it start there 20,000 years ago?

After exterminating Neanderthals, and surviving the ice age, civilization was allowed to begin. Not mysteriously. It was because the Earth reached climate equilibrium and could support long-term farms. You see, in case you didn't know, it's easier ti build a farm after a glacier has passed by, as opposed to during its passing.

Except agriculture and animal husbandry developed far away from any glaciers.

And I'm sorry, but we were far more advanced then Neanderthal tools. Neanderthal's used flint knives. We used Spears, bows, lances, etc etc.

Neanderthals made stone knives and spears. modern humans made stone knives and spears. The difference lay in the production method. Bows were not developed until roughly 12,000 years ago, well after the neanderthal went extinct.

You keep ascribing 10,000 year old technology to modern humans living 30,000 to 100,000 years ago.

We also had culture, decorations, necklaces, etc etc before Neanderthals did.
Mysteriously they seem to begin using these things once humans start showing up.

But as we weren't there, it is speculation on our part.

And no, it is not speculation. Humans exterminated Neanderthals. There are some drawings of this event on caves. There are numerous indications which lead us to believe that humans conquered and killed/hybridized them. This includes that fact that Spanish Neanderthals are the youngest, while eastern European ones are the oldest, and that the most culturally and technologically advanced Neanderthals were the ones in Spain, cut off from their neighbors.

Or perhaps their few numbers were so scattered that they began in-breading, and thus destroyed their gene pool very rapidly.

If you plot out the technological developments of man and Neanderthals from 100,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago, you see a clear problem. Mankind is exponentially growing, starting with flint knives, then using better rocks, then putting them are sticks, then putting these sticks with spears on to bows or flinging javelins. With Neanderthals, you see flint rocks... flint rocks... more and more flint rocks...and then an explosion of culture once humans arrive. Then all of the sudden you get dolls, necklaces, and even some cool tools.

You are exaggerating the human abilities and glossing over the neanderthal abilities.

Both produced knives and spears, neither produced bows and arrows.

For humans, this is called the iterative process. For Neanderthals, like apes, this is called copy and pasting what you see works better.

You are ignoring many finds such as various types of spear heads, clubs and knives.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Have archeologists found any proof that these people had mirrors?

Until I know that for sure, I will have a hard time believing the "make-up" story?

What's the point of having the make-up without a view to apply it?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Something to think about.

You may be interested to find that while the homo sapien is characterized by having five lumbar vertebra but homo erectus (the first of the human skeletons found in Africa, including Lucy and australopithecus africanus skeletons) typically had 6 lumbar vertebra. The presence of a 13th rib is of passing interest from the point of view of the Bible which suggests that God made Eve from the 13th rib of Adam.

I have an extra lumbar vertebrae, am I and everyone else with the same phenomena related to Lucy?

I agree with Spikey on the matter of "make up"

Ceremonial reasons.

This in itself could take up the whole page..painting the dead/death rites, hunting party paint, leadership or tribal colours, coming of age paint, paint for first hunting kill, paint to indicate rank or status, partnership or family unit displays and so on.

Practical reasons.

Used to ward off insects and mites and skin burrowing pests, used to mask human scent or for camouflage when hunting, sunscreen, in certain combinations may have been used medicinally as an antiseptic or purgative and so on, may even have been used as 'make up' in courtship rituals.

[edit on 10/1/10 by Whateva69]

[edit on 10/1/10 by Whateva69]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:41 PM
that's a good point but it's generally acknowledged that Neanderthals used red clay -- hematite -- as some sort of magical body paint. It is magnetic.

reply to post by Alethea

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
So Gooch is arguing that the Neanderthals had a whole culture based around this secret Lunar psychic energy -- it's when the natural electrochemical energy is at the strongest cycle. Modern humans have lost contact with this natural Lunar energy because there is a secret to leveraging it for psychic abilities. Again the males have to learn to have the female internal climax with no ejaculation -- via the vagus nerve connecting to the cerebellum. There is a secret lineage that passes the knowledge on through energy transmission. Stan Gooch encourages us to learn this secret paranormal ability that the Neanderthals once practiced as well.

You're on the right track.

Not understood by anthropologist, biologists, medicos - is that Neanderthal Man had what you might call a different "operating system" installed. If the body and brain are the computer hardware, how it's all configured to work is the software. This software is the configuration of the endocrine system, when and how various hormones are released, the triggers, the quantities, the sequencing.

I'm nort sure what the understanding of this science is called or the academic disciplines that study and try to quantify it. Unfortunately our knowledge in the past has been in the hands of occultists, the religious, mystics. Some highly advanced often brilliant people, but poor at documentation and record keeping.

This is a direction the sciences will be moving in the 21st Century as the religion of the 20th Century, psychiatry falls away. It never worked. It's success rate of positive change and cure actually being slightly below placebo controls.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by aaa2500

So when you lack evidence you just make it up. This has nothing to do with neanderthals. It's merely speculation.

Egypt got conquered by Nigerians when they overused their resources and became corrupt. New kings were not as bad, better culture won. Israel used special ops tactics when they entered Canaan. Rather than mass amounts of untrained soldiers, they had a few well trained night fighters. They conquered and won. The Minoans never worried about defenses or armies, just their navies. When their Island erupted, the well trained Mycenaean conquered them. The Greeks had many city states. Only Sparta and Athens are remembered in modern common knowledge for two reasons. Athenian government was superior, and Spartan soldiers were superior. Their culture conquered history. Rome was a bunch of peasants and slaves. They reorganized into well trained soldiers and conquered Italy. Military reforms later on reformed the Roman army into it's well known red and silver legions. They conquered all of Europe's primitive hordes. More military reforms later on created the stronger legions that conquered more of the world. Gaul and Gothic reforms created new weapons. They conquered Rome. The Spanish had gun powder, they conquered the primitive culture in Mexico. (And yes, they were primitive. Besides their knowledge of the stars, planning, and math, they were primitive). Islam created a new culture to unify the disorganized tribes. New weapons came too. They conquered. The US had better rifles and the new repeating pistol. They conquered. The Germans invented the tank, they conquered. The Brits and Americans invented flight, they conquered. The Americans and the Allies invented better stuff, they conquered. Nuclear bombs were invented, and Russia and America conquered their parts of the world.

On what basis do you have that this fact is made up? It is not. Advanced people conquer less advanced people. It is history.

The glaciers only covered northern europe, so why didn't the modern humans invent agriculture when they were living in southern Europe 20,000 years ago? More to the point. Agriculture and animal husbandry developed around modern day turkey, where there was no ice cover during either of the last 3 ice ages, so why didn't it start there 20,000 years ago?

Why farm when you have what you need? Farms were made when civilization began. before that humans lived in clans that didn't need farms. But they did farm water. Humans buried jugs of water in Africa long long ago, and they had dogs. All this during the times of the Neanderthal. Necessity is the mother of invention. We created civilization, thus we created farming. Neanderthals could have created civilization, but they didn't. And I'm simply afraid that the truth is that they are not better than us. They are equal to us minus imagination and innovation. Thus they could not have done more than primitive man.

Except agriculture and animal husbandry developed far away from any glaciers.

While the glaciers existed, humans were suppressed. Africa was in drought and people were too busy to survive. Don't think I'm contradicting myself with the idea of necessity being the mother of invention. Humans were happy. They stockpiled food and chillaxed

Further proof we were smarter, as Neanderthals did not. When they ran out of food, they left their cave or died out, hence why there are none today.

Later on, when there was a lot of environmental reconstruction, humans had lots of food, and thus civilization and trade began.

Neanderthals made stone knives and spears. modern humans made stone knives and spears. The difference lay in the production method. Bows were not developed until roughly 12,000 years ago, well after the neanderthal went extinct. You keep ascribing 10,000 year old technology to modern humans living 30,000 to 100,000 years ago.

No, we had more. Again our species began 50,000 years ago, not hundreds of thousands of years ago. our form has existed longer than our species has. in 20,000 years we went from flint knives, to what you see bellow. Neanderthals never went past flint stones and spears.

Stone points which have been identified as arrowheads were being used in Africa by about 60,000 years ago.[1] By 16,000 BCE flint points were being bound by sinews to split shafts. Fletching was being practiced, with feathers glued and bound to shafts.

- The Traditional Bowyers Bible Volume 1

Sorry dude, but you're wrong. Humans had superior weapons within a few thousand years of their evolution.

But as we weren't there, it is speculation on our part.

It is not speculation. The fact is that primitive man began making culture and self decorative items. Then once our species evolved 50,000 years ago, we began making clan nationalities indicated by markings, clothing, stones, etc etc.

Or perhaps their few numbers were so scattered that they began in-breading, and thus destroyed their gene pool very rapidly.

This would further disprove your own theory, not reinforce it. Human and Neanderthal bones are not old, and they are relatively easy to find. Not a lot has changed geologically in 50,000 years.

You are exaggerating the human abilities and glossing over the neanderthal abilities. Both produced knives and spears, neither produced bows and arrows.

I disproved this above.

You are ignoring many finds such as various types of spear heads, clubs and knives.

Apes make clubs and spears. To take this further, crows make spears. knowing that you can do more with it except poke is what makes you human and able to make bows.

I have no doubt that a cloned Neanderthal would live in modern society with no problems or disablement. But Neanderthals could not create this modern world in the time we did.

If you want to make a conspiracy out of it, the reason why they suddenly disappeared around Spain so suddenly was because aliens came and compared humans to Neanderthals. Neanderthals make better slaves. lol

Sorry dude, but you got to look up stuff more. We're a 50,000 year old species. In a few ten thousand years, we innovated our ancestor's creations. And after that we continued to exponentially develop, until today, we're we a reaching a very fast paced society.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:26 PM
I've actually researched this a lot. There's endothelial cells which store and transmit serotonin in the stomach and then next to the blood brain barrier. When the vagus nerve is ionized then, as per electrical smog research, large molecules can bypass the blood brain barrier.

When people LISTEN intensely internally we can hear ultrasound. The process then increases the ultrasound and along with dancing or pressure on the bones (full-lotus yoga posture) then there's piezoelectric transduction from ultrasound, the frequency of bone resonance.

So the vagus nerve gets ionized from the ultrasound and because of that the huge amounts of serotonin in our lower bodies are then transported up the cranial-sacral fluid and then can bypass the blood brain barrier.

reply to post by mmiichael

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
I've actually researched this a lot. There's endothelial cells which store and transmit serotonin in the stomach and then next to the blood brain barrier. When the vagus nerve is ionized then, as per electrical smog research, large molecules can bypass the blood brain barrier.

When people LISTEN intensely internally we can hear ultrasound. The process then increases the ultrasound and along with dancing or pressure on the bones (full-lotus yoga posture) then there's piezoelectric transduction from ultrasound, the frequency of bone resonance.

So the vagus nerve gets ionized from the ultrasound and because of that the huge amounts of serotonin in our lower bodies are then transported up the cranial-sacral fluid and then can bypass the blood brain barrier.

Thanks. In rushed non-technical mode with personal stuff ongoing.

An important thing to understand is that we really have another separate location brain. The one on top but also a more diffused one in our gut that handles the digestive process, emotions, intuition, certain mystical processes, etc. A lot of misunderstandings of what chakras really are derives from this.

Gooch never knew this, why his work on the cerebellum was marvellous but missing a vital component.

Not much literature. A good starting point is a flawed but fascinating study "The Second Brain: The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct and a Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines " by Michael Gershon. Being a medical type he didn't realize what he was getting into.

The structure of the book is provided by the argument over whether there is an independent central nervous system (AKA "brain") in the gut or the neurons in the gut are part of the peripheral nervous system. Consequently, you are treated to a description of the people (memoir) and evidence (textbook). The book provides a great primer of both the human nervous system and digestive system, their structures, functions, and taxonomy. It also provides a good firsthand account of the personalities and mechanics of scientific inquiry.

The book ultimately concludes that indeed, a second brain is responsible for digestion, and is responsible for the control of internal organs extending from your mouth to your anus, with other organs such as your pancreas along the way. The characteristics include the use of the same neurotransmitters as brain number one, and crosslinking of neurons.

The book explains how digestion is carried out when it works properly, and many of the ways it can go wrong. It's a fascinating book that despite its heavy dose of science is an engrossing and engaging read.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:51 PM
Thanks yeah I should add that through this process the pineal gland becomes permanently magnetized and then you get an open energy system so that electrochemical energy can be taken in directly through the lower chakras.

But this free energy healing -- through the electrochemical emotional energy -- was adapted to a culture which faced regular famines. So the Bushmen males do fasting without females for a month in order to rewire their physiology. And then whenever the Bushmen go hunting they also do fasting.

So this type of free energy system does not fit too well in the modern lifestyle which relies on three meals a day and left-brain dominance for right-hand technology dominance, etc.

Still the Neanderthal lifestyle -- the moon magic through the cerebellum -- might prove handy as civilization collapses.

reply to post by mmiichael

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to drew hempel

I learned a lot when I lived in South America particularly in the region where Venezuela and Brazil border called "La Gran Savana"

Fasting is done before entering the jungle on a long sojourn to prevent insect attacks. They are triggered by different body smells.

The real importance of fasting has a lot to do with qualitative sugars that circulate in the brain. A little understood area of organic biology, sugars come in more varieties than initially understood.

They are the original "high". You can replay whole memories like a digital code with the proper sequence of sugars running through your brain. I do it all the time. This is in part why our culture has become addicted to sweet things as it helps jog the brain into entering past experiences.

The chocolate bar is also a DVD.


[edit on 10-1-2010 by mmiichael]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:11 PM
That's the focus of Tony Wright who stayed awake from some 20 plus days by just eating mainly raw fruit for special sugars. I ordered his book "Left in the Dark" which is all about evolution and diet - fascinating read but I just couldn't agree with his argument to the degree he took it. Still I now notice the published has a new updated edition:

reply to post by mmiichael

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