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Giza Pyramids Indicate 2012

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Some stunning info here, no doubts! But I noticed that the main element of this paranoia about 2012, was left out of this thread: NIBIRU.

Is just impossible to understand what is behind 2012 prophecies without know the Sumerian cosmogony. Basically all spins around Nibiru and their supposed inhabitants, the ancient Anunnaki. By the way, the Mayan calendar is related to Egyptian astronomic data, since that the Meso-american civilization was raised by the Anunnaki king Ishkur aka Viracocha on the Andes mountains. I won't get in details about Anunnaki, 'cos the readers of Zecharia Sitchin's books already know that "...450.000 years ago, they arrived on Earth, coming from Nibiru, 'Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came'..." story, but all this "cosmic engineering" behind of Giza, Ankor Wat (aligned with Draco), Stonehenge, Kukulkan pyramids and all these buildings related to constellations positions, means much more than "megalithic clock timers". For instance, IMO the Giza pyramids had some alien Stargate device within, as well as all these ancient "sacred" buildings. The "Sun Gate" of Tiahuanaco is a good example. They Incas were pretty clear describing it as a controlled dimensional opening used by their "star gods". Anyway, according to Sitchin, Giza complex aka Ekur, was part of the Sippar landing facilities, but also I've been reading some speculation about its functions as Stargates, energy plants and cosmic time clockers. And all this ancient concern about TIME does have to do with NIBIRU ORBIT. Again: According to Sitchin's translations, this 4 times Earth sized planet (or according to some researchers, a cluster formed by a brown dwarf star, with some planetoids and their satellites) is part of our solar system and have a 3.600 years orbital cycle (from where came our 360 days/year system) and threats the balance of Earth's life due to its gravity force when approaching of our sun. Supposedly the Anunnaki left a huge complex of megalithic structures that whatever were their functions, also worked as cosmic calendar marks or "timers". According to the retired NASA operator Robert Dean, Nibiru only is dangerous when it aligns with Earth of the SAME SIDE of sun. Does anyone knows if the Mayan calendar have any reference about this alignment??? Anyway I wouldn't use the sinking of Atlantis as reference to the "End of sun" prophecy, 'cos IMO the cataclysm that destroyed that civilization and caused the last ice age, was provoked by ancient HAARP-like alien devices. Anyway, assuming that the infos on this threat are truthful, we are still blind since that the space agencies, as NASA and ESA, don't say sh*t to mankind. I wish that these Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan heritage can be jammed with scientific data, before this possible cataclysm, whatever it is, happens.

Interesting map provide by "The Hidden Records"


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Great thread Scott, great work, thanks for the info..

I will have to read more of your stuff now..

I have two questions...sorry if this was asked before..

Does the sphinx have anything to do with the constellation of Leo?

Does the star Sirius have anything to do with the great pyramid?

Thanks again..

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by wtfhuh

just my opinion - but in common with previous ` alignment theories ` he has simply used what ever data " fits " the alignment he wishes to protray

in this case - it SEEMS that the has used the hindquaters of the sphinx to make it fit his circle

then another random point somewhere near the head - as his previous point did not fit - so he simply moved it and hoped no one would notice

so much for the " amazing acuracy "

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
Why would anyone go to such obtuse lengths to try and say something? Why not just carve out a stupid tablet out saying "Oh.. you are all screwed in 2012. Just saying."

Precisely! I'm sorry Scott but even though you are no doubt an intelligent man, it doesn't get more convoluted than this. With enough creative math I could probably find that the dimensions of the ant hill in my back yard confirms 2012 predictions.


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by WISHADOW

Nothing presented by David Wilcox will turn out to be true. You should have realized this after none of his predictions came true.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:59 AM
wow nice info, great thread OP. sorry if off topic but i was just curious, have you heard of cytdonia (sp?), the so-called city on mars? ive heard opinions that the "face" and pyramid structures are related in distance and position to the sphinx and pyramids, do you have an opinion on this?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Hello again Scott, always nice to see your posts.

I just wanted to say that I agree with you on the Gizamids being Orion's Belt.

Not sure if I've posted these pics before, but wanted to show them to you guys. You can do this too if you would like to check the points out in detail. I used the newest version of google earth exclusively with the earth imagery from Google Earth and the Orion imagery from Google Sky (same don't have to leave it) I just captured an image in sky (orion) and then went to the Giza platue and overlayed it aligning the belt to the pyramids. You will find that many things line up to anomalies and land markings. Anyways if you have that program and need some help if you are interested in checking it out but don't know how. Let me know and I can help you. It's worth a look for even the slightly interested.

There is something to this folks. Perhaps the lines between where the points of the body lay consist of a tunnel system, because a body has veins. Perhaps the pyramids are not only a clock, but a "growth chart" so that you wouldn't only have time, but space also. Anyways, I believe orion itself is a map to something left over from the last calling of "the Ark"...They pyramids.


Thanks again Scott. Nice to have an educated and unpolluted mind to look to...

Peace, Ltru

Edit: Some things I've noticed.

Where ever a significantly bright star falls, something is sitting there...a road, a building. The museum sits on a big one. Also notice the Hexigram arrangement that I've outlined, though those are towers set up in that fashion but it falls right where the right foot falls.....

Reminds me of...

All we need to do now is get the amulet. Get past the Germans, scale down into the miniature master architect model of the city, attach the amulet to Hirams staff and insert the staff into the correct peg hole at just the right time for the sun to shine through the amulet which should theoretically point us to the correct location where the Ark of the Covenant is buried if the evil doctor working for hitler hasn't gotten to the woman yet and melted her face off like wax. Thank God Indy had a whip.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:29 AM
Hey Scott. Another brilliant piece of work. It's staggering how you're able to find knowledge in such subtle intricacies. The fact that the maximum point extends beyond 2012 to 2500 is perhaps a little reassuring.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:36 AM
My first thought was.......Jesus......Well sometimes the first thoughts are the right ones....but this thought was not in the context with the meaning of what would happpen in 2012. It was about your idea to draw all these lines and make something plausible with them.

I, like many others here on ATS, am very interested in the pyramids and what people make of it. And just when I think that there is nothing left to puzzle with them, somebody comes with something new. That is okay, but unfortunately there are never concrete answers. That is okay too.

It is people like you who will one day give us the facts and the purpose of the pyramids.

The pyramids are built to last and must have an important message or function. No healthy being would give the order to make such an enormes construction just for the fun of it. He built it with the purpose to withstand time so he would be sure that his message....whatever that may be....would arrive. Or it was built this big because otherwise it would not work.

But than again it is strange why the builder didn't leave a writen manual about how to read the construction or just wrote it down somewhere in the pyramid. Or was this intensionally done.....nobody should know the power of the pyramid or what it can do. Therefore only a few would know and is it a secret that is passed on by insiders over the ages?

There must be surely more going on than telling us about 2012. Maybe your discovery is part of the entire purpose. It is a date....So what if your finding is correct.....what has this box in that chamber to do with it? Why is the pyramid built with these specific proportions with the planet? These things have to do with natural forces...forces we do not yet understand. For the pyramid to function.... or to do its thing....on had to be buitlt with those measurements and on that Egypt.

I find it a pleasant surprise that we find all these crazy unexplanable finds all over the world. And it should be time that the established scientific communty admit that there is something interesting going on here.

Great stuff, thanks for sharing your findings.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 07:58 AM
good thread, well researched and presented, and count me in the camp who believes the pyramids are more than meet the eye . . .

but . . .

i just don't see why any civilization with this proposed degree of foreknowledge, and an apparently illustrated desire to document this knowledge for the ages, would not leave oodles of instruction manuals on how to break the code. i mean instructions by the truckload, thousands and thousands of copies, basically littering the joint with 'how to' manuals.

obviously, those who built giza would have had the knowledge of impending doom. it would seem to follow then that the ONLY logical reason to build monstrous hardpoints would be to pass along that knowledge to generation to come.

but no instructions? just measurements that are obviously open to many different interpretations?

w/o instructions, the entirety of giza is reduced to a bunch of very large and very interesting structures. seems like quite an oversight, one that destroys the whole point.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:20 AM
Anyone else notice that in slides 11 - 13, the lines from point 1 and 4 to the sphinx, are (close to) perpendicular/ have a 90 degree angle? And, I didn't actually measure it, but from roughly looking at it, I'd say, if you draw a straight line from the center of where the lines meet (the sphinx), to the bottom right of the "middle" great pyramid, you will get a line in the exact "middle" of the previous two lines (point 1/point 4 to sphinx), which is 45 degrees from either of the lines, and maybe another point on the timeline.. Maybe an indication of something else? Opening poster, care to check this out?

[edit on 4-1-2010 by vasaga]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:29 AM
[edit on 4-1-2010 by observe50]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

Hello Cythraul,

Very nice to hear from you - it has been a while.

Cythraul: Another brilliant piece of work. It's staggering how you're able to find knowledge in such subtle intricacies. The fact that the maximum point extends beyond 2012 to 2500 is perhaps a little reassuring.

SC: You raise an important point. The 2 sets of Queens pyramids at Giza present a symbolic representation of the Orion's Belt stars at their minimum (c.10,460 BCE) and their maximum (c.2,500 CE) culminations.

The word 'culmination' is important here. The culmination of the belt stars (when viewed on the SW & East horizon) is the time when the stars appear to STOP. For some 13,000 years they drift around the horizon and then STOP (culmination), change direction and drift around the horizon in the opposite way for around another 13,000 years - like a pendulum. It is a bit like the sun rises above the horizon, climbs into the sky in one direction, reaches mid-day where it appears to momentarily stop (culmination) and then changes direction (descends) towards sunset.

The culminations of the Belt Stars can belikended to 12 Noon and 12 Midnight (or 12 & 24 on a 24 hour clock). It would be somewhat of a remarkable coincidence if some forecasted geophysical event occurred precisely at noon. Not impossible but it would seem more likely that any forecasted event would occur some time before noon or some time after noon. If we were to simply accept the dates (i.e. c.10,460 BCE & c.2,500 CE) of the two culminations as presented by the 2 sets of Queens then there would be little need for the intentional circle. The circle allows the designers of this scheme to present a more accurate time i.e. it allows them to warn us to watch the times just before and just after the culminations of the belt stars.

Hope that makes sense.

Best wishes,

Scott Creighton

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Scott Creighton
Very nice to hear from you - it has been a while.

Yes I suppose it has. I've been less frequent round these parts than I used to be. Glad to see you're still sharing your findings though.

Yes your explanation does make sense. Most other scholars, because they have not found your 'circle' tend to suggest that the 'maximum' positioning of Orion's Belt must be the epoch of cataclysmic interest because it is so often assumed that the 'minimum' was also an epoch of cataclysmic interest. Fantastic that you've found such a legitimate connection between the Mayan prediction and Egypt; though, rather terrifyingly, it only lends infinitely more credibility to the 2012 prophecy.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Interesting stuff, but the one problem I have always had with the Giza-Belt correlation is the lack of Orion in the Egyptian hieroglyphs, e.g why are there no images of Pharaohs with the constellation in the background? It's hardly a difficult image to carve is it? I know you say you believe the Great Pyramid and Sphinx pre-date the rest of the Giza formation but if your theory is correct then those who built the rest of the structures to match Orion's belt must have thought it was pretty important! So why did they not leave some correlating imagery on the walls of the tombs etc? I mean, if you're going to go to all that trouble surely you would want to mention it somewhere?

Originally posted by fleabit

Why would anyone go to such obtuse lengths to try and say something? Why not just carve out a stupid tablet out saying "Oh.. you are all screwed in 2012. Just saying."

Yep, what he said!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Sorry about messing in your party without invitation, but supposedly the sphynx was built buy the Anunnaki that ruled Mesopotamia during the Leo age. Some erosion marks on the sphynx suggest that it could have between 10.000 and 14.000 years. Then probably was built just in the end of last ice age, when they returned to Earh.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:59 PM
The deniers in this thread are humorous to me.

They say "well this is too complicated and I don't think the Egyptians would have done that".

First of all, have you guys actually looked at the Pyramids??? They are insanely complex, do you really think they were build as simple tombs? If so, then why was not even ONE mummy ever recovered from a pyramid? They were all buried near by.

Scott, don't let them get you down. You have done some incredible work and made a contribution to man kind. People have been socially programmed and brainwashed to believe that these Pyramids were build by slave labor, and serve no purpose but a grave stone.

Then, people say that "no instructions were ever found"... How do you know that? Supposedly the Free Masons (top rank) know all the secrets of the Pyramids. You don't think that if some evil person had the manual, they wouldn't share it? People are greedy, especially the Free Masons, which are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of the worshipers of Amen-Ra. Do some research..

Also, what makes you think that people helped build the pyramids at all? All the evidence is pointing against it. You may not know it, but the Sphinx was carved out of stone, not built. They cut blocks out of the relief and then stacked them nearby, in order to clear the area for the Sphinx to be carved.
So how big were these stones that they quarried and stacked? 100 lbs? 200 lbs? 300 lbs?? 1 ton? 2 ton?

Some of the stones were 200+ tons, and they stacked them. Do some research...

Actually, I'll make it easier for you, just watch this lecture (with picture evidence) from Nassim Haramein.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by sotp
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Interesting stuff, but the one problem I have always had with the Giza-Belt correlation is the lack of Orion in the Egyptian hieroglyphs, e.g why are there no images of Pharaohs with the constellation in the background? It's hardly a difficult image to carve is it? I know you say you believe the Great Pyramid and Sphinx pre-date the rest of the Giza formation but if your theory is correct then those who built the rest of the structures to match Orion's belt must have thought it was pretty important! So why did they not leave some correlating imagery on the walls of the tombs etc? I mean, if you're going to go to all that trouble surely you would want to mention it somewhere?

Originally posted by fleabit

Why would anyone go to such obtuse lengths to try and say something? Why not just carve out a stupid tablet out saying "Oh.. you are all screwed in 2012. Just saying."

Yep, what he said!

Why would countries use codes in world war 2 to relay messages; if you were going to send a message to a bird would you write it on a tablet?; As above so Below, and all that!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by sotp

Hello Sotp,

Thank you for your post.

Sotp: Interesting stuff, but the one problem I have always had with the Giza-Belt correlation is the lack of Orion in the Egyptian hieroglyphs, e.g why are there no images of Pharaohs with the constellation in the background? It's hardly a difficult image to carve is it?

SC: As I said in the OP to this thread, it is not my desire or intention to get into yet another Giza-Orion debate. Over the years my research has presented a number of quite staggering concordances between the Gizamids and Orion's Belt asterism. If you look through my ATS Forum you will find all of this.

The Anicent Egyptian Coffin Texts and Pyramid Texts have numerous references to the AE God Sah who was the stellar personification of Osiris (Orion). The Pyramid Texts were first attested from the fifth Dynasty (not long after the Gizamids were built) but many scholars generally accept that much of these ancient religious texts predated the fifth dynasty with some believing they could go as far back as pre-dynastic Egypt. I can cite you scholarly references to support this if you wish - just let me know. In the meantime, here's an AE drawing of Orion's Belt.

Sotp: I know you say you believe the Great Pyramid and Sphinx pre-date the rest of the Giza formation ....

SC: Perhaps only the Sphinx and the Valley Temple predates the other Giza structures. In saying that, however, I do have my concerns regarding the C14 dating of the Giza structures.

Sotp:...but if your theory is correct then those who built the rest of the structures to match Orion's belt must have thought it was pretty important! So why did they not leave some correlating imagery on the walls of the tombs etc? I mean, if you're going to go to all that trouble surely you would want to mention it somewhere?

SC: There exist some ancient scripts that even today we still do not have the first idea on how to interpret. Suppose such a language had been used to write the significant dates (and perhaps some other info) then the important information in this ancient script would have effectively been lost. We have the script but we do not understand the archaic language in which it was written. Even Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian glyphs are still subject to alternative interpretation and we have by no means translated everything the AEs/Sumerians ever wrote. Much of what these civilisations wrote is still a puzzle to us.

The ancient designers of Giza would likely have understood this potential problem in communicating their information over long passages of time i.e. that language changes and may eventually become lost. To ensure their 'message' could traverse time fully intact and remain meaningful to future civilisations the designers would have sought a 'language' that remains the same for all time and to all civilisations - the inviolate language of math and astronomy. This is what they used.

The message of the Gizamids is very simple - watch the stars (i.e. Orion's Belt) and, in particular, when they are close to their 2 culminations.

Scrawling the walls with texts that might not be understood by future civilisations would serve only to distract us from looking at Giza through the lens of math and astronomy. Indeed, the very absence of written texts in fact FORCES us to look at Giza in such ways.

Hope this answers your question.

Best wishes,

Scott Creighton

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

S&F, interesting reading!

Now we just need to dig under the Sphinx paw and see if the chamber below really holds the allegedly hall of records.

I would say that due to the relation between the Sphinx position and the Lehner line it makes it a great place to keep records about prior Earth cycles. Specially due to it's position in relation to all that, it's just like the Sphinx was the guardian of this "calendar" that sits behind it.

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