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The History of the World According to the Ancient Vedic Scriptures

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posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:55 PM
Much of what I am going to post I have posted before as Muaddib.

There are some very ancient cultures that state in their teachings that we are in an eternal voyage. That what we experience as beginning and end, is just one of the cycles in eternity. The hindus are not the only ones who think like this. Buddhism also teaches this, there was no creation, and there will be no total destruction. We just go through different cycles.

The different cycles we go through do have beginnings and ends, some of the younger religions think that there was only one creation of the universe, and that it will be destroyed as their scriptures say. But the oldest of religions do not teach this. Even science tells us that nothing can ever be destroyed or created, things transform from one state of being into another.

Ajata vada or the theory of non-causality. This is an
ancient Hindu doctrine which states that the creation of
the world never happened at all. It is a complete denial
of all causality in the physical world. Sri Ramana
endorsed this view by saying that it is the jnani's (Man
who is Self-realised) experience that nothing ever
comes into existence or ceases to be because the
Self alone exists as the sole unchanging reality. It is a
corollary of this theory that time, space, cause and effect, essential components of all creation theories, exist only in the minds of ajnanis (ignorant) and that the experience of the Self reveals their non-existence.

Muaddib-- I made a mistake in another post, I reached the conclusion that one day of Brahma is around 4,000,000 years and that according to the Vedic scriptures worlds are created in this time, but as i have looked into this deeper, i realize my mistake. One day is actually 4,320,000,000 years and one night (Involution) is 4,320,000,000 as it is stated below. The Vedic scriptures puts Earth in one day of Brahma or 4,320,000,000 years. This is interesting since science tells us that the Earth is a bit over 4 billion years old.

(One kalpa consists of 4,320,000,000 years. Two kalpas make a day and night of Brahma of 8,640,00,000 years.360 such days make one year of Brahma. 100 such years constitute Brahma's lifetime of 311,040, 000,000,000 years.

Whenever the creation of the world is spoken of, what is really meant is the beginning of a cycle. A new cycle begins by the will of Isvara (Saguna Brahman,),
and its character is determined by the accumulated actions of the living beings of the previous cycle.

Excerpts taken from.


"The Suryasiddhanta speaks of the division of time.
According to it :


Kaliyuga consists of

Dvaparayuga "

Tretayuga "

Krtayuga "

Excerpt taken from.


"Thus a Mahayuga consisting of these four yugas comprises 4,320,000 yrs

71 such Mahayugas at the close of 1,728,000 years
make one Manvantara of

14 such Manvantaras constitute one kalpa of

Two Kalpas make a day and night of Brahma of

360 such days make one year of Brahma consisting of

100 such years constitute Brahma's lifetime of

Excerpt taken from.

The following is the home website where the above excerpts were taken from.

The Vedic scriptures state that the creation of the world, or the beginning of a cycle is one day of Brahma or 4,320,000,000 years. This is interesting since science tells us that the Earth is a bit over 4 billion years old.

After one day of Brahma, or Kalpa, then the Earth/world/cycle is destroyed by water and fire. This belief is similar to that of many other ancient cultures, including the Maya.

From the Mahabharata we find this about our past.

"...(it was) a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendor

Evidence is found all over the Earth that humans have advanced in the past in many ways as much as we are now or even more. The level of all the technologies of the past could have been in some way different from what we have now, but ancient scriptures tell us that incredible flying machines were used to wage wars, and atomic weapons and other modern bombs seemed to have been discovered, and used in the past.

All this technology was given to humans by the Gods according to the Vedas.

Is it possible that many of these civilizations have been destroyed in the past by these wars? The evidence seems to point to that. Also nature can play a big role in deleting some of these civilizations that seemed to have existed tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

It is possible that humans have achieved a different form of high civilization in the past and there is proof for this.

There are places all over the world where there are vitrified fortresses which have been proven by the discovery channel could not have been done by regular fire. Even building high pyres, and repeating the process over and over did not give the same results that are seen in the vitrified forts all over the world.

Some people have suggested these vitrified places could have been caused by meteorites, but there are no craters in these sites.

Some civilizations later on seemed to have used "some" of these vitrified places to built fortresses on, thus making a stronger foundation as is found in Scotland and some other places.

But there are many vitrified places where no forts were built on.

In the Saharan desert we find places where the sand has been crystalized and mysterious globules of glass known as "tektites" were made by seemingly blasts of heat. In many of the places where it is found there are no craters as some people believe that these could have been done by meteorite impacts.

One of the strangest mysteries of ancient Egypt is that of the great glass sheets that were only discovered in 1932. In December of that year, Patrick Clayton, a surveyor for the Egyptian Geological Survey, was driving among the dunes of the Great Sand Sea near the Saad Plateau in the virtually uninhabited area just north of the southwestern corner of Egypt, when he heard his tyres crunch on something that wasn't sand. It turned out to be large pieces of marvellously clear, yellow-green glass.

In fact, this wasn't just any ordinary glass, but ultra-pure glass that was an astonishing 98 per cent silica. Clayton wasn't the first person to come across this field of glass, as various 'prehistoric' hunters and nomads had obviously also found the now-famous Libyan Desert Glass (LDG). The glass had been used in the past to make knives and sharp-edged tools as well as other objects. A carved scarab of LDG was even found in Tutankhamen's tomb, indicating that the glass was sometimes used for jewellery.

Excerpt from

We not only find all of this and also higher levels of radiation in these places above normal, but the ancients have texts telling us about these ancient battles.

These vitrified places which in many cases are highly unusually radioactive can be found in parts of india as well as most of the rest of the world.

We have physical evidence and written evidence. Noone can say that the vedic scriptures were changed to illustrate modern technologies because they are "older" than the bible by thousands of years.

It is also amazing to see how in the bible itself when the "Elohim" decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone and Lot's wife seems to have looked back and stayed behind she was turned to a mount of salt. This is exactly what you find when an atomic bomb is used.

Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

Excerpt taken from

The same information can be found on the following website.

India - nuclear weapons of the past?

Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions...He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons. An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata. "The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli.

Excerpt taken from. (scroll down until you find "India- nuclear weapons of the past.)

To be continued

[edit on 16-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:53 PM
Here are some of the stories mentioning these wars on the Mahabharata "the Greatest Epic."

"The chief of the celestials also, seeing Arjuna in anger, sought to fight with him, and hurled his own fierce weapons, covering the wide expanse of the firmament. Then the winds, making a loud roar and agitating all the oceans, brought together masses of clouds in the sky, charged with torrents of rain. Those masses of clouds began to vomit thunder and terrible flashes of lightning charged with the thunderclap. Then Arjuna possessing a knowledge of means, hurled the excellent weapon called Vayavya with proper mantras to dispel those clouds. With that weapon the energy and force of Indra's thunderbolt and of those clouds were destroyed. And the torrents of rain with which those clouds were charged were all dried up, and the lightning that played amongst them was also destroyed. Within a moment the sky was cleared of dust and darkness, and a delicious, cool breeze began to blow and the disc of the sun resumed its normal state."

"Armed with machines vomiting from their throats (mouths?) iron balls and bullets, and catapults for propelling huge stones, and rockets, they approached to strike Krishna and Partha, their energy and strength increased by wrath. But though they rained a perfect shower of weapons, Vibhatsu, addressing them reproachfully, struck off their heads with his own sharp arrows. That slayer of foes, Krishna, also, endued with great energy, made a great slaughter of the Daitya and the Danava with his discus."

"But Arjuna and Krishna, fearless and invincible in battle, beholding Sakra and the other celestials prepared for fight, calmly waited, bows in hands. Skilled in battle, those heroes in wrath assailed the advancing host of celestials with their own thunderlike arrows. The celestials repeatedly routed by Krishna and Arjuna, at last left the field of battle for fear and sought the protection of Indra. The Munis who were witnessing the battle from the skies, beholding the celestials defeated by Madhava and Arjuna, were filled with wonder. Sakra also repeatedly witnessing their prowess in battle, became exceedingly gratified, and once more rushed to the assault."

Excerpted from

Here is another Hindu source where the authors readily admits that the Vedic scriptures speak of ancient nuclear wars. If they accept this in India, then the texts "must" exist that tell us about these ancient battles and the incredible technologies that were used.
Remember that these texts are thousands of years old, is impossible they have been tampered with since Sanskrit is still known to the Hindus.

This is from the Online edition of India's National Newspaper.

here is an excerpt.

Innumerable parapsychological phenomena like this are cited by the authors and Hindu mythology gives them a big hand. The ancient myths speak of flying machines and automatic rifles, don't they? And what is the pestle in the Mausala Parva that destroyed the Vrishni tribe but the ancient brother of Little Boy dropped on Hiroshima and Fat Man dumped on Nagasaki? "... .It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognisable. Their hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. The thunderbolt was reduced to a fine dust.

The mention of the weapon that resembles a Sun, and the side effects that were found on those who survived such blasts and which are mentioned in the Mahabharata are the same symptoms which have been found in survivors of atomic blasts.

"Mahabharata The Great War and World History"

"In the Mahabharata, the war seemed to have affected the whole world. We don't find so many references to such of a huge event in other cultures. Why are there no references to a great world event?"
The destruction caused by the war was not only external. The destruction of the war was also in the minds of the people. After those heavy astras were used, in the minds of the people anything subtle, anything delicate, anything perfectional was completely burnt out. It is just like in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, till today you find the children are disabled. How many years has it been? It was only two primitive bombs. They were so gross and physical, but the radioactivity of that is still being seen today.

Then we can understand, according to the descriptions within the Mahabharata, what was the destruction of the Brahmastras used in the war. What was the Agni-astras they were using? What was the power of the wind in the Vayu-astra? It was not only blowing in Kurukshetra, it was blowing all over the planet. What would have happened to the people�s minds because of the diffusion of all these energies?

Everything became lost. Naturally people would not even be able to think that they were serving, or they had been paying tax to the Aryan kings of such and such countries. The whole thing had no meaning any more.

This is known as the "dark period" after the Mahabharata war. Kathacharit-sagara has stories about this dark time. In the Tamil literature also it discusses this period. There was a dark period in between where no one knew what happened. Only the thieves, either through ship or through land, were ruling the world. In Tamil it is known as "kalapirar kalam" which means the time of the unknown kings, unknown rulers. The Tamil literature gives 3,000 years for it.

Excerpts taken from.

Here is a small compilation of events as they happen according to the Ramayana.

In Aranya-Kanda, Viradha, a giant, attacks Rama and Lakshmana in the Dandaka forest. Rama kills him. Thereafter, they pay a visit to the Rishis Sarabhanga, Sutikshna, and Atri. Anasuya, wife of Atri, gives an inspiring discourse on the duties of a wife to Sita. Then they meet Rishi Agastya. Rama receives celestial weapons from him.

They encounter the giantess Surpanakha in the Panchavati forest. She is disfigured by Lakshmana. Lakshmana cuts her nose and ears. Khara and Trisiras (along with fourteen thousand giants), brothers of Surpanakha, are very much enraged. They fight against Rama. They are slain in the battle.

There are legends of an ancient man-made bridge which linked Sri Lanka and the mainland (India)

In the link below you can find references that a bridge was built accross the ocean between Sri Lanka, and the mainland (India)by the Vanara (monkey-men) army of Rama.

Not too long ago Space satellites captured images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge currently named as Adam's Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.
Links to this story.

Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The recently discovered bridge currently named as Adam’s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.

The bridge’s unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the a primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago and the bridge’s age is also almost equivalent.

Excerpted from.

In Yuddha-Kanda, Nala (one of the monkey-chiefs) builds a bridge across the ocean by the advice of the ocean. The heroes with a large army of monkeys cross the ocean and reach Lanka. Vibhishana (brother of Ravana) joins them and tells them how to destroy Ravana and his army. Kumbhakarna, Indrajit, and Ravana are killed in battle. During the battle, both the parties of Rama and Ravana use Astras or weapons charged with Mantras. Rama sends an Astra on Ravana's' party. All Rakshasas appear as Rama. They kill one another. Ravana discharges on Rama, Nagastra (arrow that becomes serpents full of poison). The arrows have their mouths like serpents and vomit forth fire all around. The Rama discharges Garudastra. The arrows becomes Garudas and cut off the serpent arrows on all sides. Garudas are the enemies of serpents. Rama uses Brahmastra to kill Ravana. Sita is rescued. Sita's honour is tested in the fire. She comes out more glorious and effulgent than ever. Vibhishana is then crowned as king in Lanka. Sri Rama with his party returns to Ayodhya in the flying car called Pushpaka.

Excerpted from.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:41 PM
In the following part Drona's son seems to be pursued, and as he feared he could die decides to release a Brahmastra (A weapon which makes light go in all directions, it was a circle of fire which burnt everything in its path. All the population of three worlds were burnt by two of these weapons. Whoever survived was burnt, full of pus, blood and stench) Arjuna decides to counterattack using the same weapon and the destruction becomes bigger.

According to this text Drona's son was cursed to wander the lands for 3,000 years with his body full of pus, blood, burnt and stench.

Could it mean that those who survived this attack lived like this for 3,000 years? The other survivor, the son of Abhimanyu (the descendants?) were burnt but seemed to survive.

Sauptika Parva

Chapter One

Ashvatthama Destroys the Pandava Army

After some time, when Drona's son saw that his horses were tired, he considered that there was no alternative for protection outside of his using the ultimate weapon, the Brahmastra. Since his life was in danger, he
touched water to sanctity himself and uttered the hymns for throwing the powerful weapon, although he did not know how to withdraw it. He then released the weapon in the direction of Krishna and Arjuna. A glaring effulgent light then spread in all directions threatening the life of all creatures in the universe. It was so fierce that Arjuna knew his life to be in danger. He then prayed to and questioned Lord Sri Krishna, O my Lord Sri Krishna, You are the almighty Personality of Godhead. There is no limit to Your different energies.

Hearing this from the Personality of Godhead, Arjuna touched water for purification, and after circumambulating Lord Sri Krishna, he cast his Brahmastra weapon to counteract the other one. When the rays of the two Brahmastras combined, a great circle of fire, like the disc of the sun, covered all outer space and the whole firmament of planets. All the population of the three worlds was scorched by the combined heat of the weapons. Everyone was reminded of the samvartaka fire which takes place at the time of annihilation.
Thus seeing the disturbance of the general populace and the imminent destruction of the planets, Arjuna at once retracted both Brahmastra weapons, as Lord Sri Krishna desired. Arjuna's eyes were blazing like two red balls of copper. He immediately arrested the son of Kripi and bound him with ropes like an animal.

Now, having lost his jewel, he lost even more of his strength. Lord Krishna then cursed the son of Drona, You have engaged in the sinful act of killing children. For this reason you must bear the fruits of these sins. For
three thousand years you will have to roam the Earth without a companion. You will not even be able to talk to anyone. O wretched person, you will have no place in the midst of men. The stench of pus and blood shall emanate from your body, and dark and dreary forests shall be your abode. You shall wander over the earth covered with different kinds of diseases. The son of Abhimanyu, although burnt by your weapon, shall not die.

Excerpts taken from.


Another source where they have a copy of the Ramayana. In this part there is mention of cities built by the Gods.

The following morning, after crossing the Ganges in a boat provided by the ascetics, Vishvamitra and the princes came to a vast, desolate region. On all sides were huge trees stripped of their foliage. The ground was laid waste and a wind gusted, carrying sand and debris which lashed their faces. The cries of wild animals and vultures resounded there and even the sky above was dark and overcast.

Rama and Lakshmana looked around. What had happened? The land so far had been beautiful and verdant. Rama asked Vishvamitra, "This forest ahead appears inaccessible and foreboding. What is this land inhabited with fierce beasts of prey and presenting such a terrible aspect?"
Smiling even in the face of that fearful scene, Vishvamitra replied, "My dearest Rama, a long time ago this was the site of two prosperous kingdoms built by the gods."

Rama then showed his skill at archery. He released arrows capable of striking an invisible target by seeking out sound. Reciting mantras as he let them go, Rama covered Tataka in a network of arrows. Those arrows reduced the falling stones to powder. They pierced the Rakshasi and she screamed in pain. She quickly came down to earth again. Tataka then assumed a vast form and rushed with the force of a tempest towards the two brothers. Rama decided that she should be killed. He quickly fired an arrow imbued with the energy of a thunderbolt. It hit the Rakshasi full in the chest. Tataka's heart was ripped apart and with a hideous cry she fell down dead.

Having watched Rama slay the demoness, the gods, headed by Indra, assembled in the skies and applauded. Celestial flowers rained down on the two princes. Acknowledging the gods' pleasure, Rama and Lakshmana modestly bowed their heads. The thousand-eyed Indra said to Vishvamitra, "All the gods are gratified with Rama's feat. O holy brahmin, show Rama your affection by giving to him your knowledge of the celestial missiles. A great objective of the gods will soon be accomplished by Rama with the use of these weapons."

Indra was considering Vishnu's desire that Ravana and his Rakshasa hordes be annihilated. As he looked upon the mighty Rama he knew that the time for the destruction of the Rakshasas was imminent.

After Indra had spoken, the gods returned to the heavens and twilight fell. Embracing Rama and Lakshmana, Vishvamitra said, "Let us remain for the night in this forest. Freed from the curse of Tataka, it is now rendered so very peaceful and attractive. In the morning we shall continue on to my hermitage."

The three of them rested for the night, praised by heavenly bards and singers who had assembled in the canopy of the sky.

The next morning Vishvamitra remembered Indra's words. He sat the two princes down and faced them. "Steady your minds, O heroes, for I shall now tell you the knowledge of the gods' mystic weapons, including even those presided over by the invincible Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Equipped with this knowledge you will be able to forcibly bring under your control even the hosts of gods and demons, including the Gandharvas and Nagas, the powerful celestial serpents."

Vishvamitra sat facing the rising sun and, after purifying himself by sipping water and intoning sacred hymns, he began to repeat to Rama a string of mantras capable of invoking the celestial weapons. Calling each weapon by the name of its presiding deity, Vishvamitra delivered to Rama all those divine missiles, thousands in number and difficult for even the gods to remember in their entirety. As they were called they came before Rama in their shining ethereal forms. Some appeared like glowing coal, others were smoky while others were brilliant like the sun or moon. Filled with joy at being called to Rama's service, they stood before him with folded hands and asked for his command.

Rama accepted them with affection and asked them to personally appear within his mind whenever he thought of them. The personified missiles replied, "It shall be as you say." Taking leave of Rama, the weapons circumambulated him with respect and returned to their own heavenly abodes.

After teaching the brothers the full knowledge of firing and recalling the weapons, Vishvamitra finally said, "The instruction is complete. O glorious princes, we should now continue towards our destination."

Excerpted from.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:41 AM
Another important article that I came across, thought I'd post it

Song of Creation

Then there was neither Aught nor Nought, no air nor sky beyond. What covered all? Where rested all? In watery gulf profound? Nor death was then, nor deathlessness, nor change of night and day. That One breathed calmly, self-sustained; nought else beyond it lay. Gloom hid in gloom existed first - one sea, eluding view. That One, a void in chaos wrapt, by inward fervour grew. Within it first arose desire, the primal germ of mind, Which nothing with existence links, as sages searching find. The kindling ray that shot across the dark and drear abyss- Was it beneath? or high aloft? What bard can answer this? There fecundating powers were found, and mighty forces strove- A self-supporting mass beneath, and energy above. Who knows, who ever told, from whence this vast creation rose? No gods had then been born - who then can e'er the truth disclose? Whence sprang this world, and whether framed by hand divine or no- Its lord in heaven alone can tell, if even he can show. -- Anon. (The Rig Veda)

Source -

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
One kalpa consists of 4,320,000,000 years. Two kalpas make a day and night of Brahma of 8,640,00,000 years.360 such days make one year of Brahma. 100 such years constitute Brahma's lifetime of 311,040, 000,000,000 years.

I found this to be an interesting connection.
There are 43,200 seconds in a day and same for night which makes 86,400 seconds per 24 hours.
In a 360 day year there would be 31,104,000 seconds. Move the decimal point and all of these numbers match perfectly.

How can these measurements of time be related in such a manner?

360 day calendars have been found in about every ancient civilization of the same time period. At one time everyone used a calendar of 12 lunar months with 30 days each.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:27 AM
This is the best post I ever read here thank you! The findings at dvarka prove that the story of the end of the Yadu dinasty and the end of of Lord Sri Krsnas city is a true story. There is also Sientific evidence of an asteroid impact in the indian sea at the same time Dvarka sunk AT 4800 BC. You can check this info also by internet forgot that link oops...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:01 AM
Wow, this info is just crazy to think about. To think that civilization has destroyed itself over and over again because of Nuclear weapons makes a lot of sense. No wonder aliens don't want to reveal themselves. The desert glass info was just undeniable.

The excerpts from these ancient texts sounds like modern day tribe civilizations describing advanced civilizations like America or Europe today. It's no different than our military visiting unexplored civilizations and them seeing our technology for the first time.

If you had no idea what these weapons were, you would call them lightning and thunder too. Amazing.

It just goes to show that society today needs to get rid of weapons of mass destruction or we'll be in the same situation and complete the cycle again.

The old saying of "Those who don't know their history are bound to repeat it" is really quite ironic in this case.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Devino
I found this to be an interesting connection.......

How can these measurements of time be related in such a manner?......

360 day calendars have been found in about every ancient civilization of the same time period. At one time everyone used a calendar of 12 lunar months with 30 days each.

Very nice of you to note this similiarity. Makes things interesting to say the least. A matter of perspective or an ammendment of "Meaning", who can say?

You see similiar confusion in "Biblical" discussions when Recreation is being discussed in the Genesis Account. God made things in 7 Days. People tend to consider Days as "We" do now, as being 24 Hours, when infact the Term Day had varied meanings, which included An ERA, or An AGE.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Is it possible that many of these civilizations have been destroyed in the past by these wars? The evidence seems to point to that. Also nature can play a big role in deleting some of these civilizations that seemed to have existed tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

It is possible that humans have achieved a different form of high civilization in the past and there is proof for this.

I think the planet has many references that point to previously "Evolved" abilities we can at this time, still not achieve. The Ancient Cities around the globe, which can not be constructed today in like fashion. Even the Submerged Places that are being located around India in the costal waters seemingly point to a past that makes our advancements seem limited.

But I thought I would like to note, in defence of "Newer Faiths" which you seem to suggest have no references to this time in earth's past, the Bible does speak to this, although not in the specifics the Vedic Accounts express.

Biblically, there was a First Earth Age, that ended in a war that nearly destoryed the Earth, and effected the Planets. This is why the "Genesis Account" uses terms like REPLENISH the Earth. Also, the first earth age and the results that occured, where due to the 'gods' (not exactly what I would call them but....)striving against eachother. There was a war in the heavens between these two sides.

The Vedic accounts you have offered do seem to express a similiar occurance.

As for the topic as a whole, I have enjoyed reviewing it and look forward to seeing where this progresses to.

I do believe, as a Christian, this earth has gone through much more than the Religious Organizations that tend the flock will ever admit or address. Whether this is due to ignorance or with intent, I haven't figured out, but many things are overlooked or ignored due to the premise that being a Christian means nothing else matters. You do not need to understand. Jesus saves!

Well Thank God for that, but the flock needs food. Meat and Potato food. Not pablum.

Unfortuantely, we must look to "Other" Sources to understand what is not disclosed by our own clergy.

Keep up the good work.



posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Shane

Originally posted by Devino
I found this to be an interesting connection.......
How can these measurements of time be related in such a manner?......
360 day calendars have been found in about every ancient civilization of the same time period. At one time everyone used a calendar of 12 lunar months with 30 days each.

... A matter of perspective or an ammendment of "Meaning", who can say?

I think the 360 day calendar was an accurate measurement, a mistake like that would be very difficult to make. But what about the synchronicity in numbers? The same amount of seconds per time as years per age on a larger scale. Is this due to a miscalculation or is there a true scaling synchronization between these time periods? If this is the later then this needs to be understood and the whole pattern revealed. I suppose before I get too exited I should ask about a possible miscalculation, could the decimal point be off and this is actually representing seconds?

many things are overlooked or ignored due to the premise that being a Christian means nothing else matters. You do not need to understand. Jesus saves!

I think I understand your point here, I was raised a Christian and this statement is something that has always bothered me. I have now come to realize that this is against what Jesus was teaching (some call this anti-Christ), Jesus is Understanding and this is the path to God or Truth. I don't mean knowledge but Understanding, knowledge can be false and forgotten (finite) yet Understanding is innate and never wrong (Divine).

I believe that we are the people that lost their memory and fear is limiting the remembering of our past or what many call enlightenment. We are all slowly remembering so these limitations are only temporary at best, the only thing we have to fear is fear.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Devino
I think the 360 day calendar was an accurate measurement,...........could the decimal point be off and this is actually representing seconds?

It was also noted previously, that the 360 Day Calendar, seemed to be utilized in many areas of the globe.

With that noted, I would suggest, at one point of time, which was PRE Vedic, and likely around the time of the Austrailian Aborigines and their understanding of the "Creation" period (14000 Years ago or so), there was one common leadership of many races that all followed what I as a Christian would refer to as GOD, The Father. Some from the Stichen train of thought could refer to GOD as aliens or Visitors from the Stars. Reviewing some of the Vedic messages presented both here, and elsewhere, it seems again, the prespective is entities from the Heavens, which when considered collectively, all represent a similiar event or group of individuals.

Noting this, it is not a diffcult thing to figure that the Races had "Like" expectations and guidelines to work from. (I may not be expressing this correctly, but I trust the premise will come through none the less.)

With this Calendar similiarity I would expect time was expressed in this manner to the "Races" by GOD, Aliens or those from the Heavens, (pick your own discription. It doesn't matter which you opt to choose in this matter.)

As for the Time actually representing Second, instead of years, thiss could be the case. I know I get many strange and funny replies to my belief Humanity did at some point of time (Pre-Deluvian) have an exceedingly long lifespan. Enoch for example was 365 Years old, when he departed and walked with God. (This doesn't mean he died, but just he left his place of habitation). From Adam to Noah, the family had an extreme period of years to live. (Many exceeding 500 Years, but not exceeding 1000)

Even my favourite Epic Tale which tells of Gilgamesh's quest, is rooted in him seeking the knowledge of immortality, from one I assume was deemed to be immortal in Gilgamesh's eyes.

Now I know many in here (ATS) are quick to note that this is wrong, and the reference should indicate Moons, instead of years.

Now, they have a valid arguement and it bears review, until you then realize, some of the same figures had offspring at the age of 6 or 7 years old, (ultilizing the Moon instead of Years)

So one can never truely tell which is which. I know what I believe, in respects to the Lifespan matter, and I know why I believe it. Is anyone willing to stand and state the same in regards to whether the decimal point may have slipped a spot or two, and know why they have that belief?

Too me, from the sideline, common sense would take priority, and the obvious would supercede the astonishing. I would say the figures offered represent seconds. But who am I to decide this for anyone.

I believe that we are the people that lost their memory and fear is limiting the remembering of our past or what many call enlightenment. We are all slowly remembering so these limitations are only temporary at best, the only thing we have to fear is fear.

Well when considering we use some 10% of the grey matter holding the ears apart, it make me wonder what the other 90% has the ability to do. Scriptures speak of "Being Blind" and "Believing a Lie", and even GOD places a slumber on mankind in the end days. Scripture also notes WE (Collectively Speaking) lived in the first earth age, yet due to the events that occured (previously noted breifly and refered to specifically in this Vedic Post), we can not remember this time. This was for our own good.

But I never have thought MAN has gotten any smarter than MAN was, say, some 8000 Years Ago. Hell, the Eygptians learned to preserve one's body for eternity, to have some nut dig the remains up 3000 years later to grind the find up into powder and make a tea or soup from thinking this was somehow beneficial to ones health.
Go figure.

But thanks for the conversation and have a good day/evening.



posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:04 PM
Interesting thread, interesting indeed. I had heard of these stories before on ATS and it's good they are being brought up again.

It's uncanny to think that with our modern knowledge, looking back on these stories gives them more meaning than just as ancient tales. The "bridge" between Sri lanka and India or the sea of glass in the Sahara being two quite interesting pieces of evidence to consider.

It is also interesting that modern science tells us Humans have been around for at least 50,000 years, but only had civilisation in the past 5000 or so? what were we doing the rest of the time?

Who were these "gods"?

It does make you think. Although I do find it difficult to follow some of the stories due to the Indian names given to things!

Incidentally, how did you manage to convince the management to let you back in, EU? I thought "Muaddib" was banned?

[edit on 18/11/09 by stumason]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Shane

What I mean by a 360 day calendar is the measured time for one Earth year and we have gained 5.24219 days since that old calendar. I believe that these scriptures are telling what this cause was and I don't think it was nuclear weapons or alien space craft. I am not suggesting that these weapons or space craft did not exist but rather the cause of these great catastrophes, the change in Earth's rate of rotation and maybe even an increased axial tilt was caused by something much bigger.

There is Unity in myth.
Look at our basic time and coordinate system of measures.
360* in a circle, 60 arc minutes per degree and 60 arc seconds per minute.
60 seconds in a minute, 3600 seconds in a degree and 1,296,000 seconds in a circle.
21,600 minutes in a circle.

Add to this our clock = 12 hours = 360*.
Each hour = 30*.
12 Lunar months in a year, one for each hour on a clock.
30 days per month, one day for each degree.
One day per degree and 360 degrees in a year, this truly does come full circle. For what it's worth I think that the second is an important measurement of time.

This might show a resonance in the scaling of these measurements from seconds to years to millions and then billions of years. The origin of all of the measurements I listed above are unknown, it seems to predate recorded history.

Origianlly posted by Shane
Even my favourite Epic Tale which tells of Gilgamesh's quest, is rooted in him seeking the knowledge of immortality.

I have read some of the epic of Gilgamesh, remember that it was the fruit of the tree of knowledge that equates to death and the fruit of the tree of life that Gilgamesh was seeking.

Scripture also notes WE (Collectively Speaking) lived in the first earth age, yet due to the events that occured (previously noted breifly and refered to specifically in this Vedic Post), we can not remember this time. This was for our own good.

I am interested in the statement, "This was for our own good". Can you elaborate on this or link a source with more info?
I do not buy into the "ignorance is bliss" nonsense, I know that with knowledge and Understanding there is pain but who would ever choose to go back to ignorance?

the Eygptians learned to preserve one's body for eternity, to have some nut dig the remains up 3000 years later to grind the find up into powder and make a tea or soup from thinking this was somehow beneficial to ones health.

So very true, this is funny as long as I don't think about it too much because this actually happened. Some people also believe that we are more advanced because we have roads, freeways, skyscrapers and the electrical grid. I find all of that a little funny as well.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

Interesting information in this thread, however, I'm not so sure about how true that story is.

Where is the actual source of this information coming from?

I linked back to the site provided which has a dead link to the supposed source... I googled ancient nuclear blast in India and most of the usual suspects all have the same cut and copied excerpt that has been provided in this thread with no real source...

This post, from the same site that the above excerpt is taken from, refutes the ancient nuclear claim:

Radiation levels are a function of radioactive half-life and 8000 years is more than enough time for the radiation levels generated by a Hiroshima sized (or much larger) bomb to return to safe levels. The rate of radiation reduction may be approximated by use of the 7:10 rule of thumb: Each 7-fold increase in time after detonation, gives a 10-fold reduction in radiation level. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were repopulated soon after the blasts with very little environmental remediation; both of these cities show little or no sign of their nuclear destruction today (60yrs. ago). I have read many accounts of a Vedic nuclear age bringing and end to the Indus culture but when I research the people quoted in those articles I only find the same material pointing back to itself and its origin in "The World Island Review, January 1992 " To the best of my knowledge this "publication" no longer exists . This Hoax can be undone with the slightest knowledge of the principals of radio isotopic decay (half-life). If you don’t believe me then GOOGLE it for yourself. There are modern sources of radiation in the area they come from the nuclear reactor and RAD waste storage facility established in 1972 along with naturally occurring uranium that is 2.5 billion years old it's description be found in this article: .....

Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, Department of Atomic Energy,
Jaipur - 303 906, *Hyderabad - 500 016
Email: [email protected]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Devino
What I mean by a 360 day calendar is the measured time for one Earth year and we have gained 5.24219 days since that old calendar. I believe that these scriptures are telling what this cause was ...

Good synopsis of the mysteries and the antiquity of the sexagesimal system, and how it pervades not only our system of time measurement, but also geometry.

Earth most certainly revolved around the sun in 360 days a long long while back, before a major catastrophe (catastrophes??) changed the orbital period.

[edit on 19/11/2009 by sentinel2107]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:18 AM
I wonder if the key to how the universe works itself is the cycle we measure as "time" and there are parralel dimensions when we speed time up or slow it down. Sort of like the shutter speed on a camera.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect

Interesting information in this thread, however, I'm not so sure about how true that story is.

Where is the actual source of this information coming from?

At last, a sane post in this thread.

That story supposedly comes from what appears to be a mythical magazine called "The World Island Review."

I've never been able to document that this mag ever even existed.

The story is first reported on the web at, as far as I can tell, anyway.

And, yes (of course,) the entire story is bogus.

It goes as far as to pretend that a Vedic historian has chimed in on the find.

This historian (as stated in the story) is Kisan Mohan Ganguli. If you've been following the other thread on this subject you know he was the translator of the Mahabharata. What you may not know is that he died before Mohenjo-Daro was even discovered.

None of the "archaeologists" mentioned in the story have ever been published in any journal, scientific or otherwise.

The story is completely false.

The only radiation there is from a nearby power plant that uses the water from a river that flows by Mohenjo-Daro in it's cooling towers.

The waste from the reactors in this plant has not been properly controlled. Because of this, some contaminated stuff has found it's way into the water and even into the nearby town of Jhodpur - specifically, contaminated wooden pallets from the plant were used there for firewood and for building shacks for several years.

No wonder the cancer rates were up.

The radioactive skeletons may or may not be true. But radioactivity is not an indicator that an individual died from radiation poisoning or even from a nuclear blast.

The fused pottery is simply not true.

The search feature at this site should turn all this up. I've provided links to all this here somewhere.


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:49 PM
Well a star and a flag for the op....

It is all there Harte...... there is more than enough evidence, except for those who don't want to see. Those people need to have it put right under their noses.

Some of Skyfloating's threads on this information gives us a peek at the past, most people (especially retired professors) would rather keep things the way they are. (pension security I expect)

This is just another opportunity to get a sense of what humans were doing a few thousand years ago. This op information goes hand in hand with what they are digging up in China.

I think the onus is on scientists to prove we are monkeys. Our ancient records seem to point in a direction I would rather walk.

ancients series (india) ats thread

[edit on 19-11-2009 by win 52]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by win 52
Well a star and a flag for the op....

It is all there Harte...... there is more than enough evidence, except for those who don't want to see. Those people need to have it put right under their noses.

ancients series (india) ats thread

[edit on 19-11-2009 by win 52]

That's the thing, there is not enough evidence. The site and supposed 'mysteries' surrounding Mohenjo-Daro can easily be accounted for by the heavily misused power plant nearby, as Harte has already stated. I'm still reading on the subject, but it seems that are many contradictions with translations and that alone throws every translation into suspicion. If you go into that thread, you can see that there is a lot of controversy in regards to accurate and legit translations of certain passages.

The Vedic and Epic Indian scriptures are interesting, but the more one reads of them the more you actually begin to see it as being written in metaphorical purpose. The Bhagavad Gita is a perfect example of this, demonstrating what should comprise of true human virtue.

There are some tales though, that aren't that simple and that's where the fascination lies. The Vimana's are a prime example.

[edit on 19/11/2009 by serbsta]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 11:14 AM

The Vedic and Epic Indian scriptures are interesting, but the more one reads of them the more you actually begin to see it as being written in metaphorical purpose. The Bhagavad Gita is a perfect example of this, demonstrating what should comprise of true human virtue.

I think some of it is almost not possible for us to immagine. That doesn't mean there is no truth in those writings. It just means the stories are unbelievably complex for monkeys. If you see 21st century humans as being the most advanced humans have ever been on this planet, that may be where you are going wrong.

In those days people seemed to live for 1,000 years. Pre flood times stretched back more than 20,000 years, with people living to 1,000 years old. I believe we are possibly getting close to the technology of those times, however we seem to be having a bit of trouble living past 80 years old.

Our bodies are designed to live that long. I will also state that parasites are the main cause of premature aging.

How can we be even half as good, living 60 years with parasite ridden bodies.

Science is showing that we are in decline. We are not improving with time. Now, I don't want to get into a discussion about this, but am merely using this as a point of reference when I read those records. Looking at it from that perspective, it takes away the mystery of those records, allowing one to see them for what they are.

Trying to put today's humans as being at the top, having stood up and walked out of the swamps to present day society, makes those stories seem unbelievable. Wake up... ding...ding...ding... this is our history, like it or not.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by win 52
Well a star and a flag for the op....

It is all there Harte......


All except a single shred of evidence, that is.


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