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Bush was a cheerleader in high school?

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posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:05 AM
It's true, head cheerleader for the football team at Andover high school. I posted this somewhere else, but I didn't want to hijack someone else's thread. Since the liberals control the media, you've probably seen this a million times. This is for all of the people who don't want to discuss issues, but rather would just determine is who the best candidate based on personal attacks. To you I say, "Oh yeah, Bush was a cheerleader!" I wonder if he practices his cheers in the oval office? Vietnam vet or cheerleading vet?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:25 AM
I bet you I'm gonna get hella made fun of for this, but I don't really care.

Who cares if he was a cheerleader? I was a cheerleader in high school (a captain as a matter of fact), and wait, oh my god... I'm a guy! Ridiculous, right? No. Why?

All male cheerleaders are automatically gay? Are automatically not fit to be anything in life? Screw that. I knew a few gay male cheerleaders, but I knew a lot of straight guys who just liked to hang out with girls and do backflips.

I don't understand why people hate male cheerleaders so much. Have you watched any college basketball or football games? Most college teams, and now high school teams, are made up of guys and girls. Some are half and half. The thing is, being a male cheerleader doesn't make anyone "less of a person" or what have you.

Why would you make fun of a guy who gets to hang out with the hottest girls in the school every day, and not make fun of football jocks who go around spanking eachother on the ass every day? Yeah...

Sorry I went off on this rant, but it had to be done. Oh yeah, and I doubt he does cheers in the Oval Office.

Here's a picture for your viewing pleasure...

EDIT: Was the picture.

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by Faisca]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:37 AM
So Bush was a cheerleader ?
So was KayEm, but she's cute. Actually, I think she'd make a better president too

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:40 AM
This just makes me chuckle . GO TEAM DEATH!


posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:25 AM
And he's trying to ban homosexual marriage. :shk:

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Pisky
So Bush was a cheerleader ?
So was KayEm, but she's cute. Actually, I think she'd make a better president too
All of your bias aside, Pisky, from what I've seen typed by your better 100%, she'd have my vote as well!

KayEm for President!

With The Original Cornish Pixie for First Man!!!

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by curme
Since the liberals control the media...

Since the Liberals control the media, huh?

So this is why the overwhelming majority of paid analysts for the major news networks are former military generals and colonels.

And this reflects the fact that General Electric and Westinghouse, two of America's largest and wealthiest defense contractors own NBC and CBS, respectively. Not to mention that The Mouse owns ABC. We all know how liberal The Mouse is.

I'm not even going to get started on Rupert Murdoch...

In 2001, FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting) reported that on ABC, CBS, and NBC, 91% of sources interviewed were white, 85% were male, and where party affiliation was identifiable, 75% were Republican.

Clear Channel Communications, owning 1200 radio stations, 36 television stations, and 776,000 advertising displays in 66 countries, with very close ties to the Bush administration and the FCC (which Michael Powell, the Secretary of State's son heads up), held pro-war rallies, and created a list of songs to be banned for an indefinite amount of time during the war, including: "Bridge Over Troubled Water", "Peace Train", and John Lennon's "Imagine".

The liberals do not control the media, nor do the conservatives, for that matter. The media clearly is becoming State run and subsidized through connections in the businesses that run the media.

Source listed for praise and proliferation: "The Exeption to the Rulers" by Amy and David Goodman

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by DeltaChaos]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:13 AM
I thought bush still was a cheerleader...

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:15 AM
yeh, for team death!

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by AF1
And he's trying to ban homosexual marriage. :shk:

Why can't ignorant people get it through their thick skulls that not every male cheerleader is gay!? Jesus... And you guys talk about being close minded, ignorant, etc. Really makes me mad and gets on my nerves.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:23 AM

Since the Liberals control the media, huh?

I agree DC, I was being sarcastic. My point being, if the libs controled the media, like the neo-cons always say when they see something they don't like, this would be plastered everywhere, instead of those fake pics of Kerry and Fonda.


posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Faisca
Why can't ignorant people get it through their thick skulls that not every male cheerleader is gay!? Jesus... And you guys talk about being close minded, ignorant, etc. Really makes me mad and gets on my nerves.

I guess my sarcasm was a little too thick.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:29 AM
I heard Bush may be a boykisser. I heard Bush might just be on FIRE. I heard Bush might be a NANCYBOY!

Bush prefers Martin spokesman to his own

This is what happened:

Mr. Bush met Mr. Reid earlier this week at the summit in Monterrey, Mexico, just after the President's breakfast with Mr. Martin.

Mr. Reid was not initially in the hotel room where the two leaders and their closest advisers met, but was called in to brief the Prime Minister at the end as the group waited for the media.

Mr. Bush wandered over during Mr. Reid's chat with the Prime Minister. Mr. Reid introduced himself and shook hands with Mr. Bush.

�Well, what do you do for this guy?� the President asked as he pointed to the Prime Minister.

�Well, you know, sir, I can't really say,� Mr. Reid said. �It's not that I don't want to. It's just that, you know, I don't really know from day to day.�

This is true. Mr. Reid handles a number of files and performs a number of different duties, depending on the issue and the day.

The President chuckled. �Well, you got a pretty face,� he told the surprised Mr. Reid. He wasn't done. �You got a pretty face,� he said again. �You're a good-looking guy. Better looking than my Scott anyway.�

This is true. His Scott has a receding hairline and is on the chubby side, while Mr. Martin's Scott has a full head of hair and is quite fit.

For the first time in his life, Mr. Reid had no reply. �I didn't know what to say,� said Mr. Reid, noting later that he wished that Mr. Bush had referred to him as a �rugged-looking young man or something.

Bush's Boyfriend--Victor Ashe


SKOLNICKS: "Some top U.S. military flag officers are aware of the correctness and validity of our exclusive stories of George W. Bush and his male sex-mate since University and Skull & Bones initiation and up to date. These flag officers are gravely concerned with the national security ramifications of this relationship which is not a private and personal matter. The situation has caused the murder of a magazine photo editor [The CIA's National Enquirer in Ft Lauderdale, Florida - the first person killed by anthrax post 9-11-2001, with entire building permanently shut down by FBI] as well as causing George W. Bush to be subject to blackmail and compromise of Bush resulting in his conveyance to sworn enemies of the United States, and giving them aid and comfort, of U.S. financial, industrial, and military secrets." (remainder of news article included below) From: John Lee < [email protected] >

Why was O'Neil sacked?

Failure to successfully investigate the sizeable number of U.S. Secret Service agents who have lately and mysteriously resigned. O'Neill failed to adequately find out and failed to shut them up. Some ex-agents confirm to media sources, in confidence, that they are fed up with the sexual perversions of George W. Bush, including traveling around with his long-time male sex-mate. Bush and this person, mayor of a sizeable city, rendezvous at a certain lounge purportedly owned by a major financier of Os ama bin Laden, demonized by Bush as the cause of most problems of the U.S., despite the fact that the Bush Crime Family has been in business with the bin Laden Family including Osama who they are NOT on the outs with.


White House and network reporters as well as U.S.-based foreign journalists are using national security leaks to pursue proposed stories about George W. Bush's reputed relationship with a male sex-mate since his college days up to now. So contends the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a Justice Department request to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act secret court that met in sound-proof facilities in the Justice Department Building, Washington, D.C.

The Bush reputed male sex-mate details have enabled Red China, perceived by some as a sworn enemy of the U.S., and others reportedly to blackmail or otherwise unlawfully compromise the current occupant and resident of the White House, causing the disclosure of U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets. Various reporters, including those of British Broadcasting Company, BBC, and Canadian Broadcasting Company, CBC, have, on their own, verified and corroborated the exclusive stories by this reporter as to the Bush relationship causing a breach itself by Bush of national security.

Is anyone here surprised????

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by Colonel]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Faisca
Why can't ignorant people get it through their thick skulls that not every male cheerleader is gay!?

I know...wouldn't that be fabulous!

Sorry. I know I post that one WAY too much, but he's such a finger sucker I can't help it.

No, not all male cheerleaders are gay. Happy? And it wouldn't matter to me if Bush came out of the closet...but his constituency would go nuts.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:39 AM
I'm glad if some people understand not all male cheerleaders are gay. It doesn't have any affect on what I think about him or his presidency. Not even sure why its a deal.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:43 AM

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by Colonel]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:45 AM
I think there is something to it when people say the people who protest against gays so much, have a tendency to be gay themselves. It's a self-hatred, being scared type of thing. When Massachusetts had those weddings, Bush reiterated his call to monkey around with the Constitution so it actually denied rights to Americans. What's he so scared of? Did it move once when he was getting a massage?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by curme
I think there is something to it when people say the people who protest against gays so much, have a tendency to be gay themselves. It's a self-hatred, being scared type of thing. When Massachusetts had those weddings, Bush reiterated his call to monkey around with the Constitution so it actually denied rights to Americans. What's he so scared of? Did it move once when he was getting a massage?

Did you not read my post? HE'S GAY! HE'S AS GAY AS THE DAY IS LONG.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:54 AM

Give me a 'C'
Give me a "O'
Give me a,,,oops!
Give me an 'A'....................

frankly, I think he's a closet homosexual. He reminds me of the character in that movie "No Way Out". His massive over compensation & posturing also make me feel he's a catcher by preference, pitcher by necessity.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:55 AM
this whole thread is completely pointless.

curme is trying to insinuate that because good ole "dubya" we a cheerleader and somehow is agaisnt gay marriage that he is in fact gay himself.

this is the worst thread i've seen in the pit in a long time.

being a cheerleader doesnt make a person gay and it has little to do with bush's stance on gay marriage.

curme normally your posts and threads seem pretty level but i think you stooped to a new low here.

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