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The Clone Conspiracy: Royal and Presidential Clones

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posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:40 AM
The 3rd part of the TEL-EVIL-SION series of videos presents highly revealing words from the 8th Tablet of Thoth recently decoded by the British Museum. This is significant because it offers insight into the possession of people by dimensional Alien entities or serpent-like demons as well as into the use by the Possessed Illuminati Bloodlines of satanic Blood Rituals and the current Gulf of Aden PORTAL under defensive observation by the world's Navies.

Part 3 - The Origins of Satanic Ritual

The Emerald Tablets of THOTH

The above video refers to the eight tablet of Thoth, which sounds not as if it dates back some 36,000 years but very much like much of what this thread has been discussing for quite a few pages. This tablet tells us of what we are trying to investigate at this time. We will note how this knowledge has been present on Earth since the beginning of times, but has been carefully hidden from us thanks to great efforts to make information HERMETIC or what in modern times we call Top Secret or Classified.

Above Top Secret should therefore also mean []Behind Hermetic Walls thus prompting our research into what lays behind this information which was kept from our eyes since we were born. Especially important is the reference to the use of SOUND to reveal their presence (identifying those Aliens walking among men) and to the WORD which can remove them from their human shells.

We need to determine what sound technology or Sonar device can be used to determine when an Alien demonic entity is in our presence. Also, we must discover the WORD or type of sound which can CAST them out of a possessed body and back to whence they came.

Most importantly the Tablet states:

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.

This very likely refers to the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden as well as others which may be opening the GATES OF HELL. Time is of the essence.


Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.

Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.

Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.

Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.

Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.
But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.

Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.
Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.

Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men.
Called may they be by the master
who knows the white or the black,
but only the white master may control
and bind them while in the flesh.


Before Atlantis existed, there were people used Black Magic to make a Stargate, bringing entities into our world from the other side, thus they came into our reality.

They had no physical form because they lived on a different plane of existence and were invisible to us. They needed a Blood Ritual (human sacrifice) to form into a being and had to take possession of people in order to live among us in our world.

Back then Masters fought against them and sent them back to Hell. But some hid in places where they couldn't be found, biding their time.

In Atlantis they lurked, remaining invisible, but they could at times be seen. During ritual Blood Sacrifices they possessed people and lived among us.

There they lived with us, looking like men. But they only looked like us but were different, having Reptilian heads when you saw their real appearance. They infiltrated human Leadership taking forms that were not human.

They assassinated our LEADERS and replaced them to rule over us. Only Magic could reveal their identity and only certain sound waves could make their real faces visible.

They came from HELL to destroy humanity and Rule the Earth. Back there were Masters who were powerful magicians that revealed their Reptilian faces and sent them Back to Hell.

The Masters came to us and taught humanity a SECRET WORD that only we can pronounce, the Aliens cannot. From this we were able to identify them and rid our Earth of their presence. But beware, these Aliens still live in a place which occasionally opens up into our planet by a Stargate.

They are among you undetected in most walks of life in nations where Blood Sacrifices have been made. Eventually they take on the appearance of humans when Magic is used to give them human form, only a White Master can control and bind them once they take on human form.

We must take every measure to DETECT AND EJECT these entities from Human Society and prevent them from destroying our Species.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:08 PM
This source makes an interesting statement, even if the account leading to it reads like a Sci-Fi novel:

Neruda Interviews - Interview I

Dr. Neruda: "The ACIO has access to many ancient texts that contain prophecies of the earth. These have been accumulated over the past several hundred years through our network of secret organizations of which we are a part. These ancient texts are not known in academic institutions, the media, or mainstream society; they are quite powerful in their depictions of the twenty-first century. Fifteen was made aware of these texts early on when he became Director of Research for the ACIO, and this knowledge only fueled his desire to develop BST."

Sarah: "What were these prophecies and who made them?"

Dr. Neruda: "The prophecies were made by a variety of people who are, for the most part, unknown or anonymous, so if I told you their names you would have no recognition. You see, time travel can be accomplished by the soul from an observational level -- that is to say, that certain individuals can move in the realm of what we call vertical time and see future events with great clarity, but they are powerless to change them. There are also those individuals who have, in our opinion, come into contact with the WingMakers and are provided messages about the future, which they had recorded in symbol pictures or extinct languages like Sumerian, Mayan, and Chakobsan.

"The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the twenty-first century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android -- in other words, they were synthetics.

"This alien race was prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind's collective intelligence and survival. These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoia."

This happens to coincide with a measure which has surprised many by virtue of its "overkill" regarding generalized use in all of the world's airports. I am referring to the full body scanners which will use numerous optional technologies to verify many parameters about airline travelers.

Rapiscan Secure 1000

We can well imagine that this will be only an intermediary implementation awaiting a more generalized use of such scanners in various locations. We should not forget that the Impulse for the use of these scanners was the Nigerian youth who set himself on fire in an airplane after his Spy father had reported his own son as a Terror Suspect due to supposedly being trained in YEMEN next to the Gulf of Aden.

While we contemplate the incredible International Naval Armada circling the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden, and the impending invasion of its closest neighbor Yemen on the pretext of eliminating imaginary terrorist training camps, we can also consider that it might have something to do with the Stargate.

Here is an interesting thread implying that these Scanners may have something to do with a forthcoming massive Alien Invasion from this Stargate:

Airport Scanners = Alien Detectors

Given the CLONE CONSPIRACY these should be immediately installed in official government offices and all meeting and workplaces of our Political Leaders, Military Brass, Intelligence Agencies, Media Groups, etc.

Now where do we get our own portable versions? Let's all email Rapiscan to see if they've got a prototype they can rush to production - think of how much money they could make? No home should be without one.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Getsmart, some really great information above. I just wanted to add some more about these beings we may be dealing with.

From Project Camelot interview w/ Ricardo Silva:

... RS: So I don’t have to introduce the astral, right? So I’m coming back and... Let’s see. I’m coming like this side, at this angle, into my body, like this over here. And as I’m over here, guess what I cross? A lizard!

And oh my goodness! If you want something to really scare you! I mean, you look one of those things in the eye, it’s enough... I didn’t sleep for about a week!

And I just happened to cross right in front of him. I suppose it was a “him”. And it was about, gosh, six and a half or seven feet tall, probably 250 pounds, more muscles than you can... Like muscle from everywhere. But it’s a lizard!

It’s like when you watch the Star Trek shows and you see one of these lizard creatures. This one didn’t look like anything in Star Trek but it would nonetheless fit that description. And I didn’t even know what to call it. I’m using the word “lizard” now.

And, as I come into my body, I’m looking at it and it is looking at me. And I get inside my body. And I open up my physical eyes, and I stand up in my bed, and it’s here in 3D, in this reality. It’s in front of me in my bedroom, face to face, for about a second.

I swear my heart stopped. Because that thing, just by looking at you, I think it’s like probably enough to kill you, just... the look is so intimidating.

And then it shifted. I suppose it shifted back to the dimension that it was traveling on and it disappeared. I swear, I didn’t sleep for weeks after I saw that...

Especially important is the reference to the use of SOUND to reveal their presence (identifying those Aliens walking among men) and to the WORD which can remove them from their human shells.

Sound & words have frequency. I know we discussed a radionics box previously that might have a particular frequency that would reveal a dark entity. Let me also suggest that high frequency music, such as classical, & high-frequency words, such as "love," may also be a method.

Dr. Emoto from Japan did studies on water molecules exposed to different types of music and words. The molecules would arrange themselves into different structures depending on the type of music or words.

Miraculous Messages from Water

...Well, what people in general don't think about is that music is vibrations. What frequency the music vibrates on is directly determining what emotions and reactions you get from it. Classical music has its own vibration, which often lifts us up spiritually. Rock music has another frequency, hip-hop another and rap music yet another. Do we really think we have a choice as of what to listen to, as a society? Are we really that blind that we think that we, the consumers, are setting the trends? No, my friends, the trends are set by the Illuminati owned music industry, where they know exactly how frequencies work - they have the best scientists working for them, so what can we expect? One day, pop and rock is what they want us to listen to, the next day the trend is punk rock, then rap and then back to rock in an endless stream. Almost within a blink of an eye, the music you listened to yesterday is now not hip anymore and you are not supposed to listen to it, unless you are a nerd or something. They, the Illuminati-owned music companies, are the ones who decide what we want to listen to, and don't get fooled to believe it's anything else than that. The music they produce vibrates on the frequency they want us to vibrate on for the moment to enhance the New World Order Agenda! And that's it. They want to keep us on a certain frequency, where they can control us as a whole...

How Pop & Rock Music is Used to Manipulate Us
Wes Penre, June 13, 2005

I am suggesting that the aliens prefer low-frequency music, such as heavy metal. I believe there has been an attempt to lower the vibration of music over time to "prime the water" for these entities.

How music is used to manipulate people

I think it's possible that the frequency of high-vibrational music may be uncomfortable for these beings, and thus, playing it may be a method to keep them at bay.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:52 PM
I would love some Obama clones! They would make great decoys when I go hunting.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I would love some Obama clones! They would make great decoys when I go hunting.

Hi John Phoenix,

Thanks for joining our thread!

Your comparison of Obama to a decoy is an interesting one. He is thanks to his "stealth" minority appearance able to more effectively further the NWO Agenda while attracting far fewer detractors. So he is acting as a decoy. Also, we can be quite comfortable in stating that he is a CIA Operative as these have become the most customary and frequent Secret Government plants for the acting role of "Acting President" of the United States. His predecessor WAS the CIA obeying daddy and especially Mama Bush. Before that we had CIA Agent Bill the Pied Piper obeying his CIA Handler wife Hillary.

What we aren't being told about Obama is that his history is not at all known. Not only where he was born - - where his pod was housed - - but where he grew up. As usual with clones, they are often raised by their grandparents who are obviously OPERATIVES posing as relatives, or just plain pretending to have raised them although they were hatched full grown. Most of his official biography cannot be confirmed once investigated, with no witnesses from grade school to high school, not to mention his countless address listings and multiple social security numbers. This is evocative of a "planted" identity fabricated for use in fake biographies and also as false leads for investigators.

Obama Investigation

We can therefore, on this basis, assume that President Obama is a clone. I stated earlier why I would prefer to not bring his family into the equation. There are 2 main contenders as the source of his DNA, the one I proposed at the beginning of this thread and the one presented authoritatively by others on the Internet, whose sculptures and figures were the only stylized and unrecognizable statues of Ancient Egypt = who knows what he really looked like. Some still hope he might be a "rebel clone".

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Have you noticed his "wife" on those red cross commercials looks kinda robot-ish like?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Have you noticed his "wife" on those red cross commercials looks kinda robot-ish like?

Have you ever looked into Dr. Peter Beter & what he said about organic robotoids?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:49 AM


This is far more important than what they are doing. What they do is just a strategy or a tactic. Why are they doing it CANNOT BE DISCOVERED unless we know who they are. The IDENTITY of those who Conspire to do something is the best lead to understand why they may be doing what they are now doing, and to predict what else they may do if they change tactics.

I will resume what I know so far:

NOTE: Please remember that this is my best guess after a lot of detective work. Until tangible evidence confirms these statements we are working in an investigative mode. Action or prosecution should be moderated by this fact.

1. There is a connection linking Royal Bloodlines to the Nazi movement to the Occult Hermetic Orders to the Secret Service to the UFO-Alien phenomenon.

2. Royal Bloodlines have been historically possessed and maintain their power over us while being controlled by Alters or Demonic Entities.

3. There is a history in many isolated cultures throughout the world that demons, snake beings or reptilian humanoids are dedicated to mankind's downfall and oppress humanity.

4. Those cultures where such entities were venerated engaged in human sacrifice and black magic, and many such congregations went underground in Secret Societies of which Satanism and Luciferian Freemasonry are among the better known current manifestations.

5. Royal Bloodlines as well as Political, Religious and Cultural Leaders are members of such sects and engage in practices most dare not mention.

6. German and British Aristocrats along with American Illuminati bloodline industrialists labored to bring forth Nazi Germany with its Evil agenda in alignment with a Satanic agenda.

7. Hitler was trained by British Secret Service Operative Aleister Crowley who was at the same time an Alien Contactee under the form of the Devil LAM as well as the world's leading proponent of Satanism. He considered Hitler his Magick Child.

8. The Nazis engaged in vast Esoteric Archeological Expeditions in many parts of the planet, ranging from Tibet, the Andes, the Sahara and Antarctica. Hitler connected Black Magic Occult Powers and his domination of the world.

9. The Nazis had a vast Flying Saucer program presumably from recovered archeological finds providing reverse engineered high technology. These are well documented and were then transferred to the USA in black projects and hidden behind the inflated budget of NASA.

10. The Nazi military counterintelligence agency the Abwehr was transferred at the same time, lock stock and barrel, to the USA and renamed the CIA. Most of the original Nazis remained and Americans joined forces with them to perpetuate their original agenda.

11. The CIA continued with Nazi style world domination assassinations, coups and networks of dictatorships while spying on its own citizens and pursuing many parallel agendas.

12. Hitler believed in a Race of Supermen he had met "Underground". These were the supreme race, not the German people. He wanted to eliminate inferior humans to make way for their domination of Earth. The death camps were just a first stage of that genocidal endeavor.

13. Black Operations "off the record" secret service agencies run underground bases where a Race of Supermen - - also known as Draco Reptilian Warriors - - direct the humans in cloning and other genetic engineering projects.

14. Today's Bloodline and Cloned Leaders are pushing genocidal measures using Chemtrails to weaken the immune systems, tainted vaccines, poisoned agro-industry processed food products, eugenics in health care, etc.

15. Eugenics emerged in the 19th Century United Kingdom and was further put onto practice at the onset of the 20th Century in the USA before being adopted and militantly researched by Nazi Germany using concentration camp prisoners as human guinea pigs. The objective was procreation research, genetic engineering, racial control and the study of twins for cloning purposes.

16. The Cloning Agenda has apparently been fulfilled with this becoming mainstream, if not in admitting all the Clones running the world today, but in promoting genetic engineering applications for a multitude of purposes.

17. Mind control has been used by the ruling Elites for millenia, through propaganda, dogma, religion and rigid social systems. Independence of thought has often encountered rash opposition leading to the discredit of original thinkers and their banishment or death. Culture and Music have also been used to assist engineering thoughts and belief systems.

18. The Tavistock Institute and the CIA Mk-ULTRA mind control programs, among other, extended these age old mass manipulations with custom designed scientifically executed psychological programming using drugs, electroshocks and hypnosis to change personalities and create Alters.

19. The Nazi Elite SS Stormtroopers were initiated in a Death Cult similar to that of a number of very similar Secret Societies such as Skull and Bones or Scroll and Keys. The American College Fraternity and Sorority systems are recruitment facilities for these darker occult satanist cults.

20. Many branches of the USA's intelligence agencies only recruit Freemasons. This is because they are already initiated into occult secrecy but also because they are destined to labor for the same master, Lucifer.

21. The CIA is still today run by ex-president George Herbert Walker Bush, in actuality German born Nazi George Scherff Junior whose father who was Hitler's main US financier was behind the failed Coup d'Etat called the Business Plot against Franklin D. Roosevelt or White House Putch. G.H.W. Bush failed to assassinate Ronald Reagan when he was himself Vice-President.

22. Wife of the unofficial head of the CIA is Barbara Bush who like Adolf Hitler is the Magick Child of Aleister Crowley. Only she isn't only his Magick Child for reasons of occult rebirth: she was conceived during Satanic Ritual Sex Magick and is therefore also Aleister Crowley's biological daughter. She is presumably the current Leader of the Satanist Illuminati Elite.

23. Not surprisingly their son George W. Bush is reported to have been cloned originally as triplets, with other iterations being a possibility. This can be easily assessed by examining his dysfunctions, changes in behavior and physical characteristics such as his ears.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:08 AM

24. The European Union is part of the original Nazi plan to unify the world under Nazi domination in several stages starting with Europe. This plan was drafted in 1942 and was intercepted in 1946 and nicknamed the Madrid Circular. The European Union's founding document, the Maastricht Treaty, is an exact reproduction down to the identical section titles of this Nazi plan.

25. The Nazi plan was not Pro-German as we may be led to believe, and as the German population was led to believe during World War Two. It only used Germany as a springboard for a broader Agenda bent on total control of the Earth and Fascist absolute dictatorship.

26. This plan disguised as the German Thousand Year Reich is today disguised as the New World Order. We have the same protagonists behind the two projects. They have the same aim: Elimination of Individual Freedoms, Fascist Dictatorship, Mind Control, Eugenics, Genocidal Population Control, Enslavement of Humanity to a Super Race.

27. The NWO is today's Ally of the Super Race of non human beings who are behind their Agenda. These beings are either of Extra-terrestrial origin or from the Inner Earth and underground facilities. In either instance they also operate beyond our visible physical dimensions and can possess humans as they have done since ancient times and are doing today in a more massive and scientific mode.

28. The Alien entities have used the complicity of possessed humans in Leadership positions in government or the secret services to design large scale cloning projects who are also mind controlled by these entities. The project of creating a population of cloned human servants and slaves is possibly on its way to replacing the population of free-thinking human beings on Earth.

29. The year 2012 for reasons unknown to us at this time is a target year for stepping up this program of subjecting humanity to its most terrible slavery in the history of time. They are not only Alien, they are viscerally inhuman and anti-human. Considering us an inferior expendable species we are threatened with extinction and must react diligently and intelligently.

30. A resistance to this program is possibly organizing spontaneously from place to place, but there is no known group to join. Underground is the only place to endeavor because they have access to data and communications and use whatever enforcement operatives they like, spinning convenient lies about the identity and actions of their opponents. WWIII is here, and it is a War of the Worlds.

31. The Middle East has been at the Geographic Center of this Agenda. The founding of the NEW JERUSALEM is evocative. The Garden of Eden located near the Golf of Aden, and the most ancient cities cited as founded by Alien visitors by ancient Sumerians are all located in that proximity. The Giza pyramids with an alleged underground city lying beneath in not so far, although barred from exploration by dictatorial Egyptian History Authorities. Underground tunnel networks extending into Gaza and recently bombed by Israeli aviation are also in proximity.

32. There remain in the Middle East numerous archeological remnants of Alien life, either visitors or endogenous, such as those seized during the Iraq invasion as well as those hidden away in secret caches by occult orders who have pillaged museums. These orders also have peppered such museums with their own agents for purposes of seizing such artifacts, doctoring scientific explanations of their origins and use, and generally conditioning mindsets to accept an engineered scientific smokescreen.

33. Current scientists are intensely engaged in genetic research for eugenics purposes, in biological research to create plagues and viruses, in high-technology engineering to herd us and prevent our freedoms, in the technical articulation of obsolete science using approaches which we could dispense with while keeping from us Tesla free energy and electromagnetic anti-gravity.

34. Cloned Leaders are converging towards a single World Regulatory Power on the basis of Eco-Fascist subservience to the Mother Planet, International Control of economic policy and financial operations, a Globalist approach to business through ever larger Mega-Corporations that preach Ethics and CSR value nothing other than money and power.

35. Cloned Celebrities are cornering the market on ideas and aspirations, acting as so many Mind Controlled Models for forthcoming generations. Education is dumbed down or made routinely technical without genuine perception of the reasons or issues at stake. Brainwashing ranges from reverse speech satanic song lyrics to lobotomizing Hollywood garbage.

36. The Internet which acts as a last gasp human quest for freedom of speech is becoming increasingly policed by disinfo agents, debunkers and malicious agency hackers. The Internet 2 will soon be launched so that you can no longer read this thread or access any ideas which aren't pre-processed for your eyes and ears. Total Mental Shut Down is imminent.

The above is only a recent rundown of a number of converging scenarios of recent history. Much has converged for far longer yet, as can be seen in this analysis which dwells on the economic aspects of the Enslavement process but which fails to consider the broader reasons for this - - in my opinion they are not due to weaknesses in human nature, an innate weakness in human nature - - but due to the Serpent better known as the Devil, Reptilian Aliens which our Satanist Leaders venerate and serve.

Economic History of Illluminati Globalism

Our Strange World

It is my considered opinion that it is not HUMANS who own the farm. The system of organized global farming has been going on worldwide for so long and without interruption, using often the same control methods, that it is patently unlikely that chaotic and competitive human beings could have furthered such a project is such varied contexts so methodically and efficiently.

At this time of Global culling of the Herds, we must react as was done in George Orwell's Animal Farm.

Animal Farm by George Orwell

In his novel the farm's livestock rebelled and organized against their inhuman hell-bent farmers. It is high time we do. Get Smart & Wake Up.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Getsmart]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:36 PM

The above is my best guess, but obviously it is just a guess. I beg to stand corrected, further informed or to see revealed a more valid version.

While the above explanation can connect all the dots, it does not paint a pretty picture. Then again, painting by dots never did produce a masterpiece. Are there dots missing? Are there dots which don't belong? Is there actually no real picture to be drawn? Who knows. So for now the rough sketch of Alien controlled cloned satanist leaders herding humans as so many cattle will have to suffice.

It is not to the honor of humanity's higher aspirations, to the credit of our intelligence or ingenuity, nor a testimonial to our ability to learn and effectively control our destiny. But we can take comfort in the odds being stacked against us by the fact that our enemies worked in invisible ways since times immemorial, using para-psychological influences and occult secret societies. They started early in a dominant controlling position, organizing our ignorance, disrupting our quests and expanding our captivity from physical slavery to emotional manipulation and mental subservience.

We should hope that in today's brief and fleeting era of communicational freedom granted by the Internet that we may gain sufficient knowledge and method to support a lasting struggle not to regain our freedom but to establish it for the very first time.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:27 PM
Good job, Getsmart. I have just a couple of comments.

12. Hitler believed in a Race of Supermen he had met "Underground". These were the supreme race, not the German people. He wanted to eliminate inferior humans to make way for their domination of Earth.

Assuming that there was an effort to "eliminate inferior humans," what was it about those people that made them less than desirable? Was it b/c they have abilities to recognize & fight the dark oppressors? Maybe something at a genetic or soul level?

16. The Cloning Agenda has apparently been fulfilled with this becoming mainstream, if not in admitting all the Clones running the world today, but in promoting genetic engineering applications for a multitude of purposes.

Yes, including imposter-replacing people, which I feel is something that not enough people know about.

21. ... G.H.W. Bush failed to assassinate Ronald Reagan when he was himself Vice-President.

Maybe he failed. Maybe he didn't. It's possible Reagan was imposter-replaCIAed.

23. Not surprisingly their son George W. Bush is reported to have been cloned originally as triplets, with other iterations being a possibility. This can be easily assessed by examining his dysfunctions, changes in behavior and physical characteristics such as his ears.

Yes, a number of sources have said GW Bush was replaced with a clone or clones.

27. ... These beings are either of Extra-terrestrial origin or from the Inner Earth and underground facilities. In either instance they also operate beyond our visible physical dimensions ...

I think they are from another dimension, actually...

34. Cloned Leaders are converging towards a single World Regulatory Power on the basis of Eco-Fascist subservience to the Mother Planet...

I have to disagree w/ this. I think these dark entities have been waging war on Earth, the people & the animals. Why would humans destroy their own home? It doesn't make sense. These dark entities have been poisoning, burning, bombing, basically just destroying this lovely planet that gives us food & life. The eco-systems are on the verge of collapse, which means that the Earth is actually in danger of not being able to support life anymore, at least, not the kind we're accustomed to. Maybe the dark ones are trying to make the planet more comfortable for them.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy

12. Hitler believed in a Race of Supermen he had met "Underground". These were the supreme race, not the German people. He wanted to eliminate inferior humans to make way for their domination of Earth.

Assuming that there was an effort to "eliminate inferior humans," what was it about those people that made them less than desirable? Was it b/c they have abilities to recognize & fight the dark oppressors? Maybe something at a genetic or soul level?

The first people eliminated by the Nazis were the mentally ill, who may have had such symptoms because unlike us they had become half lucid? Next he eliminated political dissidents such as communists. Then he eliminated members of tight knit communities which rejected state control of their culture, first Gypsies and then Jews.

Nazis traveled the world with rudimentary facial feature measurement tools and procedures for classifying all human races according to their physical characteristics, adding to these prejudicial connotations pertaining to their emotional development and mental potential. The plan was to purify the human race by permanently eliminating its inferior offshoots and cultivating its preferred variants. Caucasian Aryans were placed at the official top of this hierarchy to justify the gradual upwards purge, but would have probably also befallen extermination once their turn arrived.

Genetically engineered and cloned improved beings were the true improved race sought by the Nazis to replace humans. This stimulated their intense research on twins and procreation technology which continued after they moved to the USA in CIA Black Operations laboratories.

Originally posted by someotherguy

16. The Cloning Agenda has apparently been fulfilled with it becoming mainstream, if not in admitting all the Clones running the world today, but in promoting genetic engineering applications for a multitude of purposes.

Yes, including imposter-replacing people, which I feel is something that not enough people know about.

This is where I think that your analysis that we are confronted with "Walk-ins" shows its strength. There is no reason to use a double to replace someone, unless you can find benefit in replacing them. One such benefit is controlling their words, actions and influence. But another feature we neglect is that by replacing someone, you instantly and automatically obtain the benefits and utilities to which they have access.

We all do this in a virtual sense, when we think back to ancient times and imagine what it would have been like to live back them. Do we imagine we were servants or laborers? No, we imagine ourselves enjoying a loftier perspective on the world and sampling its many advantages which have today vanished. If we imagine the future, do we wonder how things would be like in a factory job three centuries from now, or do we imagine how one could take a luxury rocket and cruise from planet to planet?

All we need to do, to understand a neglected aspect of why people are today replaced, is to realize that those who replace them gain access to all the goods, power and liberties which their identity provides. It would almost be foolish to not take advantage of such a possibility if one had no conscience or reticence before murder and deceit. Such advantages can thus be sourced over time, for both the impostor's benefit as well as for the benefit of the behind the scenes group promoting the ReplaCIAment. From what I have been able to tell thus far, there are principally two forms of the replacement of individuals.

The first is historically by the "possession" of their body and mind by another person, or personality. Whether you choose to call this a demonic event or schizophrenia, the result is the same: somebody else is living their life. This form of replacement has been taking place mostly among individuals whose bloodlines have genetic predispositions to this, reinforced by inbreeding in Royal families and sometimes by Hillbillies who may have descended from the exiled illegitimate offspring of these same bloodlines which in isolation became further inbred.

The second is the substitution of an existing ruler or personality by another passing for the first. This other individual would probably be themselves already demon possessed in the historical sense, and would simply stand in for the kidnapped and/or assassinated leader resisting direct possession. The more sophisticated version of this process is by ReplaCIAment of an person by his own identical Clone inhabited by another entity. The lesson to be learned here is that there are some dimensional entities who act as if they "OWN" us in the sense of possessing our bodies and minds if not our souls. They consider that they OWN OUR LIVES and the more desirable our life, the greater the appeal to own us directly by Possession or ReplaCIAment.

The third method of possession is by way of Clones. By inhabiting Cloned Bodies, these entities facilitate the possession process by entering an empty host, and can take on new lives of their own and through their Possessed Dark Allies in politics, religion, the secret service, show business and freemasonry they are propelled to great heights any chosen field of endeavor. These are presumably the Cloned Leaders, Stars, Celebrities in the twin pair of threads in this Skunk Works section of the Above Top Secret forum.

Originally posted by someotherguy

21. ... G.H.W. Bush failed to assassinate Ronald Reagan when he was himself Vice-President.

Maybe he failed. Maybe he didn't. It's possible Reagan was imposter-replaCIAed.

This is an important observation given that many have found serious changes in behavior and personality in Ronald Regan during his Presidency. Some dared impute these to old age or Parkinson's Disease but it appears that maybe there was another cause.

At approximately the same period in history (shortly before) Soviet Chairman Leonid Brezhnev narrowly escaped a KGB Assassination by a rogue soldier who has since been released after his prison term. Unusually he never looked or acted the same after that event from which he was said to have emerged unscathed. This may point to a pattern of ReplaCIAment and to its corollary process of ReplaKGBment. In the grander scheme these two agencies have the same controllers.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy

23. Not surprisingly their son George W. Bush is reported to have been cloned originally as triplets, with other iterations being a possibility. This can be easily assessed by examining his dysfunctions, changes in behavior and physical characteristics such as his ears.

Yes, a number of sources have said GW Bush was replaced with a clone or clones.

Josef Mengele has been cited as the obstetrician of Barbara Bush who followed her pregnancy, having ensured that she would give birth to three identical twins. Two of these were reportedly scurried off to other locations and raised not knowing the truth or of the existence of the others. Since, and during the Baby Bush Presidency, several other editions were reportedly cloned from the first series but reproducing their defective patterns given the source DNA had been damaged by drugs and mental condition.

Originally posted by someotherguy

27. ... These beings are either of Extra-terrestrial origin or from the Inner Earth and underground facilities. In either instance they also operate beyond our visible physical dimensions ...

I think they are from another dimension, actually...

I also think as you do, only an event which I witnessed over a year ago has me wondering if there isn't more to the story, here in the physical realm. I will post about that later in another thread. However we cannot contest that there is a definite strong and historical presence of dimensional entities taking possession of people on Earth, taking over their will and personality. This is not done by any visible or tangible physical being and these entities can only be referred to as Demons, Aliens or Dimensional Entities. Whether there are actual physical corollaries or related beings in physical form to those assaulting humans in psychic form is yet to be established.

Originally posted by someotherguy

34. Cloned Leaders are converging towards a single World Regulatory Power on the basis of Eco-Fascist subservience to the Mother Planet...

I have to disagree w/ this. I think these dark entities have been waging war on Earth, the people & the animals. Why would humans destroy their own home? It doesn't make sense. These dark entities have been poisoning, burning, bombing, basically just destroying this lovely planet that gives us food & life. The eco-systems are on the verge of collapse, which means that the Earth is actually in danger of not being able to support life anymore, at least, not the kind we're accustomed to. Maybe the dark ones are trying to make the planet more comfortable for them.

You are quite correct that these entities have done much to make life on Earth a living Hell except for the Cloned Leaders and Celebrities who somehow seem to live in wonderful environments with luxurious gardens, magnificent manors and travel on mega-yachts or private jets far away from the madness of public transit. This illusion of paradise on Earth helps attract Dark Allies who then become sucked into becoming in turn themselves possessed. Do they destroy the Earth just to render our continued survival more precarious or to actually lastingly harm the planet remains to be determined.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
The first people eliminated by the Nazis were the mentally ill, who may have had such symptoms because unlike us they had become half lucid?

Interesting. I know someone who has been diagnosed as "schizophrenic." He is completely aware of this battle between the dark & the light that we've been discussing here. It makes me wonder if he is just able to pick up on things that most of us are not.

This is an important observation given that many have found serious changes in behavior and personality in Ronald Regan during his Presidency. Some dared impute these to old age or Parkinson's Disease but it appears that maybe there was another cause.

Yes, well, the bullet was very close to the heart, right? It was kind of a "miracle" that he survived. I'm just suspicious a switch was made...

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy

Originally posted by Getsmart
The first people eliminated by the Nazis were the mentally ill, who may have had such symptoms because unlike us they had become half lucid?

Interesting. I know someone who has been diagnosed as "schizophrenic." He is completely aware of this battle between the dark & the light that we've been discussing here. It makes me wonder if he is just able to pick up on things that most of us are not.

This may be the case. People who are not "in our reality" are not in a total vacuum and retain sensory abilities as well as emotions and thoughts. Those with a neurosis have partially transposed their situational awareness from one set of circumstances to another where it is not considered appropriate. Those with psychosis may have adversely integrated events and experiences which they now provoke themselves in as sort of chain reaction. Those termed schizophrenic may have heightened sensitivity to other influences or a 5th sense which makes them respond to stimuli we do not notice as well as more easily fall prey to psychic attacks and even possession by alters. JMHO.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:08 PM
This is a eloquent example of how they place their Clones into positions of power. They create a mechanism to shoehorn them into place.

This Clone was pulled out of thin air, and plunked down as the President of 500 million people thus deprived of any democratic say over their freedoms or destinies.

Observe the look in his eyes while listening to the truth. Sound the depth of Evil in this humanoid entity and consider for a moment, WHO or WHAT IS HE ? and WHY IS HE PRESIDENT ?

One thing for sure is that he is about as Human as a LIZARD and about as Evil as a DEMON. There was a day when decent folk felt inclined to entreat such demonic creatures to a front row seat in large bonfire. They are pressing their luck and are heading for an resurgence of nostalgia.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Getsmart]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 03:13 AM
Who is "Occupying" these Clone's bodies and minds ?

Where are they from ?

Here is one theory: they are Aliens from Earth

"Scientists are hot on the tail of one of nature's most elusive substances, the mysterious dark matter that is thought to make up the bulk of the universe. Many scientists think dark matter might even be hiding right under our noses here on Earth."

'And dark matter doesn't often interact with most other matter, scientists theorize. One idea is that it flies right through the Earth, your house, and your body without bouncing off atoms."

Elusive Dark Matter May Be Hidden on Earth

This points to the fact that Mainstream science is currently attempting the empirical measurement of the presence of vast quantities of Dark Matter right here on Earth. There is already evidence of its presence awaiting official publication of results. To go beyond this simple observation, let us look further.

"Dark energy is sometimes confused with the similarly mysterious dark matter, though the two are separate entities."

"Dark matter is a hypothesized form of matter that doesn't interact with light, so it is invisible. Astronomers deduced its presence by noting its gravitational pull on stars in galaxies."

"Taken together, dark matter and dark energy seem to make up most of the mass of the universe (matter and energy are considered to be two forms of the same thing, thanks to Einstein's famous equation E=Mc^2). Dark energy is thought to account for 74 percent of the universe, while dark matter adds about 22 percent, and normal, visible matter contributes a puny 4 percent."

"As if the discovery of dark energy weren't bizarre enough, it has stirred up a whole host other issues. For example, dark energy adds fuel to the fire of believers in multiple universes, or the idea that our own existence is just one of countless worlds in which the constants and conditions are different. There might be other universes in which dark energy doesn't exist, and the universe does slow in its expansion, cosmologists say. Maybe that's why our universe is so peculiar."

What Is Dark Energy ?

The theory of Contiguous and even Intersecting dimensions wihin which different entities would co-exist seems increasingly likely. The location of such dimensions near or on Earth make the possibility that the Alien Demonic entities which have apparently taken possession of our political leaders and Cloned leaders one of the more plausible interpretations.

Most people notice that there is something radically inhuman about their leaders - - they usually attribute this to the effect of political or financial corruption on otherwise normal humans. The reality may be far different.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by Getsmart]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

The theory of Contiguous and even Intersecting dimensions wihin which different entities would co-exist seems increasingly likely. The location of such dimensions near or on Earth make the possibility that the Alien Demonic entities which have apparently taken possession of our political leaders and Cloned leaders one of the more plausible interpretations.

The Illuminati
Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer
Part 9 - Ritual Sacrifices - Demons- Shape Shifting

Q: Svali, earlier on you talked about sacrifices. You are talking about animal sacrifices, right? Give me a bit more details about that, please.

A: ...

2. Opening portals and dimensions: I know, this sounds like stuff from a sci-fi film, but these people really believe that there are other spiritual dimensions, and that to pass into them, first a major sacrifice is done to "open a portal", usually several animals. I have also seen animal sacrifices done to protect from the demonic, or blood used to "close a circle" so the demonic cannot penetrate it.

The Illuminists very much believe in the spiritual realm, and have codified practiced over hundreds of years from ancient occultic rituals. They believe they can control these powers (I believe they are deluded)...

Q: Svali, I have to ask you this: There are stories floating around on the internet about the Illuminati (and other agencies) being run by extra-terrestrials, ET's, in particular a reptilian race, operating from a higher dimension. Any thoughts on that?

A: ... I personally believe that the reptilian stuff is actually the demonic at work. I have seen shape-shifting and other stuff because of demonic influence (okay, so here some will say, gee, she believes in demons, that's as far out as aliens).

Well, this is what the Illuminati certainly believe in. They KNOW there are spiritual realities, and think they can control them...

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Hi Someotherguy,

Your linking to an Illuminati participation in this Alien Invasion is to the point !

Here is what another scientist says about what we are concered with:

The intriguing remark was made by Lord Martin Rees, a leading cosmologist and astrophysicist who is the president of Britain’s Royal Society and astronomer to the Queen of England. Rees, who last month hosted the National Science Academy’s first conference on the possibility of alien life, said he believes the existence of extra terrestrial life may be beyond human understanding.

“They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognize them."

Invisible Extraterrestrials? World-Leading Physicist Says "They Could Exist in Forms We Can't Conceive"

There may be some further forms of disclosure forthcoming, at least about the idendity of this Alien presence among us, if not directly pertaining to Cloned leaders.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:12 PM
Messages from Matthew
June 24, 2009

... 12. There is the misconception that all Illuminati are reptilians, and that is not so. Just as humans can be “good” or “bad,” most simply speaking, so can reptilians, and within the Illuminati are “bad” of both species. Also, just as there are many different human civilizations in the universe, there are many different reptilian civilizations, and those in one world don’t necessarily know about by their counterparts in other worlds. The primary difference between the human and reptilian species is DNA-related—speaking only generally, reptilians’ intelligence and physical strength are superior to most humans and their emotional spectrum and spiritual clarity are less developed.

13. Mother, please copy Horiss’ conversation with you that is in one of the books. I believe readers will enjoy learning about one of the civilizations that has been assisting Earth directly from one of its representatives.

14. (“A Reptilian Commander Speaks: Horiss” in Voices of the Universe)

October 19, 2003


HORISS: ... It is known by some of your people that certain of my civilization are fearsome creatures that have been causing all manner of evil upon your world for endless time. We are not proud of that truth, and I have been requested to speak on behalf of our greater numbers who equally oppose the influence of those dark members. We, too, think of them as dark because of their actions, and we are in combat with them to rid their influence on your planet and all the rest of this part of the universe...

Read more at link

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