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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Starred and Flagged! Thank you, LeoVirgo, I have been attempting to explain these things to humanity for many years now, but never have I read it so eloquently written. Religius people, pay attention here, you could learn something.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Starred and Flagged! Thank you, LeoVirgo, I have been attempting to explain these things to humanity for many years now, but never have I read it so eloquently written. Religius people, pay attention here, you could learn something.

Theres a difference between religious and spiritual people.

Im a spiritualist not an religious. I follow no god as I like to be free and do what ever practice I like.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

There is permanent and impermanent. Evil is a term to describe the malformations of temporal manifestations of things that are by nature temporal only. Good is a term to describe the good formations of temporal manifestations of things that are by nature temporal and eternal or simply eternal.

This world is not eternal. However, it is connected to things that are from the foundation in part and through good judges in part. Some things and people are connected more than others, however, all things in this realm are equally created and therefore equally recipients. Different gifts result in different outcomes, however, this is not a credit to the individual's achievements, even though they receive the benefit of said "riches."

All things come from God, all things reflect God in some way. Not all things are promised to be reconciled. Again, evil is just a way that primitive or immature humanity understands the many different things which are justly "passing away."

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I am not an "organized religion" person (more spiritual/agnostic) and what I believe is that there are people capable of inhumanity as opposed to the good versus evil equation.

You hear about children performing inhumane acts, such as abuse or torture of other children and small animals. I believe that may be linked to lack of attention and love from birth, or child abuse (whether it be physical or mental or both). It has to start somewhere. But what if it's some sort of anger carried forward from a previous life? I haven't done much research into reincarnation but my instinct tells me I have been here before. If this is true, is the slate wiped clean when you are born in your new incarnation or not?

Either way, I have read Benedict's article before and it is a fascinating read. Humans all have the potential to be so much more and it's unfortunate that fear, anger and ignorance generally tend to get in the way. The key word being fear, which leads to a lot of other negative emotions and mindsets.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:23 PM
I think evil come from compromise. Once you compromise one thing, it gets easier and easier to compromise more until you are no longer the epitome
of what you considered your core beliefs.

When we are born I think we are a blank state. Every ones brain pathways develop different, based on experience. A baby that is beaten when it cries learns not to cry. That experience goes through a lot of process in the body as neural pathways are born and routing. Emotions are tied with physical things.

Hard to explain this. When you are real hungry, and imagine yourself eating a pizza, can you sometimes just imagine the taste even though it is just a thought.

You can also imagine pain. Wrong messages get routed with the brain with certain experiences. This will determine ones reaction or lack of reaction to certain things.

They are finding new ways of teaching kids that have autism by teaching a way the reroutes these pathways. I think this is what is also needed when you see a young child that is torturing and animal with no remorse. The child needs teaching in the same way the autistic to reroute these pathways.

This is just a theory of mine.

Also wanted to edit and add, that compromise can be small, or maybe in extreme cases. I watched the movie "blind"today, that shows what humans can be capable of in a survival situation. People that normally are fine, will do inhumane things to survive. Some will , some will not. Again, it depends on how well seated your beliefs really are in these pathways.


[edit on 20-10-2009 by amatrine]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Are we born with evil? I believe we were created with both good and evil as a balance. When we are born into a life time, we are given the free will to use either or both during that life. We are here to learn from both as it will help in our spiritual growth. Yes, we can look around us this very day and see much more evil then ever before. If the evil does affect our life in any way shape or form, it is how we handle that evil, and how we let it affect our life is the true lesson that is being offered to us. Do we let it run our life? Do we let it change the real you ? In other words, do let it tip the balance that is within us from maybe being more good to more evil ?

It is left in our own hands as to how much we want it to influence us as a spiritual being. Are we going to be punished for this if we let it tip the balance ? That also is in our own hands. we can either punish ourselves or not. It can be something we can pay back in another lifetime. Thus, the power of free will.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by FiatLux]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 07:23 AM
Just want to thank all who have added here!

I was thinking about this topic last night and couldnt help but to recall a theory I studied in class....'Nature vrs Nurture'.

This theory suggests that we are all born with a blank slate and the Nature and Nurture that we receive/inherit in our lives shapes us to who and what we are.

There are some things to add to that thought. We are born with different levels of hormones and different (although small) workings of our brains to process information from the environment. Still, these differences in hormones and the working of our brain (our personal processing center) would fit into 'Nature'......for that is a part of the blueprint that 'nature' gives to us individually.

I think that animal behaviors in us still exists, this is why we see behaviors be experienced by children as well as adults acting in behaviors when placed in a stressful situation. We all still experiment in ways that allow us to know our limits if we ever need to switch over to 'survival mode'.

Even when looking at reincarnation....the soul may come into a body with karma, but this does not make the soul evil in any way. The soul is only reacting to its placement and what it knows so far while in the flesh...but while not in the flesh, the soul would look at all of the paths and totally understand the purpose for going back to reap what was sown.

I used to have major issues with the spiritual law of reaping what you sow....but over the past year it has come to make perfect sense to me. This teaches us that truly we keep learning....our learning process never just stops. Who is to say that these souls coming into a life that the nurture and nature is already tainted that will surely lead the person to a darker life is not coming as a catalyst to someone, another part of their soul group that outside of flesh is dear to them. I think its possible that souls may offer the life of flesh as a lesson to the world on what 'NOT' to be.....providing the stage for an empathetic lesson of what lacking of love is and feels like....pushing the others around them to hold the love and goodness as more precious then before.

Really, how can we as a world understand the reasons to not hold pride in race or nations or a one people without some of the past incarnations that have shown us what we dont want to be? Some of the negative beings that the majority would agree were negative have offered the largest catalysts for growth to the human species as a whole. Reminding us, what we need to strive to be....leading one day to the idea that we must unite and become a species of ONE, in love, for All.


posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:36 PM
There is no such thing as good and evil. NO SUCH THING.

The world isn't black and white. A good deed for one person is an evil deed to another.

Say you pass a homeless man begging for change.

What is the right thing to do?

1. Do you give the starving man money?

2. Or do you not give him money so we won't buy his drug that keeps him on the street?

Which is the good deed and which is the bad deed? Which will give you good karma and which will give you bad karma? Everybody would have their own opinion.

Say somebody killed your family. Would you kill them? Would that be good karma or bad karma? You avenge your family or let their killer run free? Again, another example, there are endless amount of examples.

Meaning good and evil is 100% subjective, not objective.

The world is gray not black and white.

We can't talk of good and evil in a objective way you are, as everybody has their own idea of what is good and what is evil.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by FouL-LiveR
There is no such thing as good and evil. NO SUCH THING.

The world isn't black and white. A good deed for one person is an evil deed to another.

Say you pass a homeless man begging for change.

What is the right thing to do?

1. Do you give the starving man money?

2. Or do you not give him money so we won't buy his drug that keeps him on the street?

Which is the good deed and which is the bad deed? Which will give you good karma and which will give you bad karma? Everybody would have their own opinion.

Say somebody killed your family. Would you kill them? Would that be good karma or bad karma? You avenge your family or let their killer run free? Again, another example, there are endless amount of examples.

Meaning good and evil is 100% subjective, not objective.

The world is gray not black and white.

We can't talk of good and evil in a objective way you are, as everybody has their own idea of what is good and what is evil.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

Hello! Great points!

I can agree with everyone having their own idea of what good and evil would be, therefor there is no concrete answer to what the two opposites would really consist of. But to say there is no difference in doing what is good or what is bad is a tricky line.

In the bigger picture, all things are opportunities to learn from. Both ends of the spectrum (if you will) give events and behaviors for a person to learn.

But to assume giving a homeless person money is too general. There are true homeles people that need help and its not to support their drug habit. I have had hard times before and have received help for things my family needed. In return, I have helped people get food and pay bills.

Do I give my money directly to a person? I try to pay what is needed directly, like taking them to the store to get the food....or taking them directly to the utility company to pay the bill.

Is helping someone get food a bad thing? Is helping someone stay warm a bad thing? When you are the person in need of it, yes, I think its safe to say you are doing a good thing. Even if the person is a lazy person that just isnt willing to word hard....I am still showing that person someone does care. What are we forming as a species by allowing many people to think someone doesnt care while we live in the high life of luxory?

To say pride is = to selflessness....I cant agree to that.
To say greed is = to sharing...I cant agree to that.
To say taking a life is = to giving a life...I cant agree to that.
To say that stealing =giving...I cant agree to that.

As a species, as a whole, I think there are general guidelines that the majority should set. We are rough around the edges to say the least.

Imagine a world that works together to make sure all general needs are met for all people and by that being the goal, all people must do an equal part.

Imagine a different world that only one nation gets to enjoy extra things in life while the rest of the world sits with dirty water and hardly no food.

Surely there is a difference of a 'better' way in the last two scenarios. Surely the first would be considered a better way.

Now with saying that, I obviously think there is a difference in 'good' and 'bad'. But I still dont think souls are inherently evil in any way. I dont think someone is born to be a murderer and I dont think someone is born to be a giver. I think life forms us, the environment forms us.

To think that a suicide bomber would of never thought about ever taking his own life or anyone else's life if he would have been born into a different environment....that is an eye opener to how our environments must change.

Just because someone is desensitized to empathy, guilt, regrets doesnt make 'good' and 'bad' the same thing.

Sure there are things that are good for another but bad for someone else. But to say love is the same as hate....just makes no sense.

Some find it harder to love then to hate....does that mean the easy choice is the right one?

There is defiantly issues in forming such a spectrum, but I believe that there are guidelines nature gives us to follow, if we look.

If we have no guidelines at all....then heck, we are doing great blurring the two opposites, and we dont need to work on anything at all. For now, Ill hold hope that we do need to work on things, to better this world (our home) and better our species as a whole unit.

Even though the end result uses both ends of the spectrum for us to learn....surely there is an ultimate way things can be done and should be done, while here in the flesh, in a material world.

Would love some feedback....


posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM
So is driving people insane and making them fail in life, so they end up in streets is not an evil act. This goes on today in uk and usa, if you upset the wrong person.

So what are the good points in that, nothing but pure evil. Evil exists, just your rationalizing it to fit your morale standards.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 01:46 PM
From our point of view, yes, I can understand why people believe that there is evil in this world, because that's what people have been told to believe for quite some time. And since people like being told what to believe instead of thinking for themselves (christians for example), they will always fall for lies and deception. This is not an opinion, rather an observation.
Thankfully this will not always be so. The religious hoaxers and bigots are well on their way out as more and more souls are awakening to their true nature.
It was a long ride, but all bad things must come to an end sooner or later!

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 02:07 PM
I've thought about this concept a lot because I've always found it hard to look at a newborn baby or a small child and see or sense any kind of evil in them even though we are led to believe that we are all born with original sin. I've often wondered what the world would be like if the concept of original sin were never introduced. Would people love themselves more? Would there be less violence and crime if people didn't have the idea of being born flawed as a conscious or unconscious excuse for their actions?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 02:15 PM
I have attempted a post on this thread 3 times now and have erased each one !

Evil for me is a necessary illusion sometimes shared by millions ! Breaking down our "dualism" and false self ideals we can dig down to our core where "good" and "evil" are just signposts directing towards energy clusters. If we need to work things out here at this level we do. Here in this present time we are ! Identification with self through religious misconceptions of sin and such keeps this churning up in motion.

I'm trying to share some of what I'm bringing back from my 2 ndes. The truth is clear in knowing but is hard to communicate here. Knowing that the evil in men is more like a toxic reaction then a separate power is hard to get across.

I'm not trying to belittle those of you who "love" your evil. If you need it you need it ! However your higher self seeks unification and this is accomplished through love. And Love transcends all evil and even all ideas of good .

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