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The American Dream has Become...

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posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:15 AM
...The American Nightmare

In 1989 my feet touched the tarmac in Miami. I was coming from Costa Rica, my parents, a ten year long journey from Cuba to America that took them through Costa Rica, where my brother and I were born. We are political refugees.

I'm 25 now, I remember the first time I saw a television, the first time I saw a flushing toilet, the first time I saw a modern car, my first day in an American school....No uniforms... I always wondered about that.

But that's what it's all about right? That's what I thought. For many, many years. Until 9/11. I stood aside and watched. Trying to figure out my place in America, who was, and still is, very scared of foreigners...(Not without good reason mind you.). So like many I was quiet. I would occasionally say things like, "we did this to ourselves", or "Has anybody stopped to think about why they actually hate us?", but that made no waves, and I wasn't seeking to make any.

Flash to the Iraq War... "They will greet us as Liberators, not Invaders". "Iraq has massive stockpiles of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and is poised to use them.", "I think Iraq and Al-Qaida are indistinguishable.", "We will build schools, we will rebuild their energy infrastructure, and re-organize their military forces." ..."Mission Accomplished", "Insurgency beginning to create a real problem.", "Iraq is in the midst of Civil War."

At this point my brother had already joined the Army. And by this time, a growing number of people were waking up to the reality that Bush is, in fact, lying. And that this war is nothing more or less than that. A lie.

Turns out my brother was now fighting for corporate interests, fighting to preserve the the ability of individuals and corporations both real and fake to rob the Iraqi piggy bank blind. And do the same with no-bid contracts...Billions of American Tax dollars that are now gone. Add to that bailouts, and massive government enabled fraud and all he fought for was to help the elite rob two nations, when he thought he was there to help.

At this point I didn't know what to think...The propaganda had actually gotten to me in a small, but rather profound way. It had put the suggestion in my mind that my brother was now part of this war, and I should support my brother, but what about this war? Does that mean I have to shut up about the war to support my brother?
In many circles it meant just that. Especially in the news media. What I have witnessed in the 20 years I have been here is a severe and forceful push toward what resembles fascism. While they attack our right to bear arms, they grant corporations the right to use deadly force on the streets. They hijack our congress, and pollute our process for a dollar amount. And America falls asleep, seemingly immune to the poison that slowly corrodes the fabric of what made this country free...Sometime ago.

I could make the choice to either abandon support for my brother and therefore America, or Abandon the very thing that makes me, me. I chose to abandon neither. I talked to my brother and I asked him what was up. What it is really all about. And what he thought of my feeling toward it. And he said, "While I fight, I need someone in my corner. Do what you gotta do, I gotta do what I gotta do. Even if I don't agree with it." And I did, and am doing what I have to do.

I'm sure some would say "But it's his responsibility to say no!" The problem is, he has two little girls. And the only way he can assure they reach their potential is to do what he's told. He loves this country. But this Government is using him. And he knows it, but unlike us, he's absorbed into a system that has full control of how his life turns out, and his life is directly tied to my two little nieces. And I can't begrudge him this.

Moral of the story? Freedom in this country is a false sense of security. We must fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, we must be their voices when they cannot speak. We must preserve with everything that makes us who we are, the very things that makes this country free. The Constitution of the United States of America.

In this document lies the very tools needed to exact justice on those who are guilty of manifesting injury on the American people, and on the World as a whole. In this document lies the tools we need to continue to forge a truly free society, free from indefinite imprisonment, free from fighting for the profit of a few. In this document lies the tools we need to achieve every goal we must achieve to stay the greatest, and freest nation in the world. In this document is also written that the true will of the United States, is for the people, by the people. And that these documents are unique in that they are built for constant revolution.

The revolution will come. The first thing we must do is Read the Constitution. Then we must remove the money and faith based groups from the system as it is these two things that politicians like to use against us the most. They divide us with our faith, they conquer us with corporate fascist entities, and use propaganda to ensure we swallow every last drop of their intoxicating, yet enslaving tonic. Tyranny.

We came to this country because a beacon really does shine. Despite what people on this site might think about America, and Americans. There is a light that brings people like my parents and I to this country. There is a beacon of light that guides people to love this country, and fight for this country, and preserve the values this country was founded upon...Maybe more so for people such as myself, who up until entering the US, had no idea we actually had the right to be treated like human beings. This is the only nation I have ever lived in that actually gives a damn about others and isn't entirely consumed by racism(despite what we have recently been lead to believe), or xenophobia or both. And that has to count for something.

There are however a few...A very clever and shrewd few, who have managed to gain the control of every system, and resource we hold dear. And squander it for the sake of making their pockets that much heavier.

The revolution starts, however, when people realize that an American Revolution, has nothing to do with GM commercials, money, and pretty things, and everything to do with life and death, law and order, and the checks and balances that maintains the flow of what has come to be known by the world as the American Dream.

In the last 8 years specifically, that dream has become a nightmare for me. November of 2008 Americans, myself included, ate Hope for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and for the first time in the 21 years I've been in the US I watched Americans really care about their future, and the future of the nation. Obama was charged as the caretaker of that future by many who laid their hopes of a more peaceful and prosperous nation at his feet. He firmly stepped on that hope, and people don't seem to understand that a lot gets done in a short amount of time in Washington. The idea that he hasn't been there long enough to have had any effect is absurd. How many of you know why Obama had Michigan v. Jackson overturned by the Supreme Court? I'll leave that to the reader to search for the answers. This isn't about party affiliation to me, this is about those who love and want to serve America, and those who wish to reap the benefits off the blood, sweat, and tears of Americans. Corruption knows no party line, and no smile can be big enough, and no promise can be sweet enough to dull the pain I feel for the US today as a result of what I have witnessed happening to my beloved nation over the 2 decades I have been here.

It is my hope that in two more decades I will look back on this post and reflect on these feelings and laugh at my own absurdity. But my heart and mind knows reality lies elsewhere. And the vision for America that I see is one where freedom is a thing of the past and our collective hard work is squandered to line the pockets of those who would see us dead if it would make them another dollar.

I beg my fellow Americans, do not let this happen. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE ON EARTH like this. If the American Experiment fails, that's it. There is no where else to go.

Stand and fight!

[edit on 18-10-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:57 AM
SWEET JESUS! If that doesn't get people fired up? I do not know what will.


As for the literal style, I would say a little Jefferson, Kennedy and King Jr. all rolled in one. Beautiful.

+11 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

I just want Americans to quit fighting each other and realize that we are being duped. People who support these politicians and these policies based on pretty words and sound bytes are helping to hurt their own nation through ignorance. I was an ardent Obama supporter, and on 9/11, despite my misgivings about the 2000 election I was a Bush supporter. I wanted to stand up for my nation, and at the time that meant standing with my president. I was lied to, and to add insult to injury I was wooed by a smooth talking, young man from Chicago who used my feelings and my sense of right and wrong to take power and turn my hope into another 4 years of despair watching my beloved USA turned into a fascist police state where cops and criminals are indistinguishable. And I am disgusted, ashamed, and damned angry.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:32 AM
and so should the rest of you yanks feel as he does ..

your administrations are murdering thieving scum. .. despised the world over.

how could anyone despise this lad here tho .. maybe there is hope for your country afterall .. but it will have to be bullets not the ballot box.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by manxman2]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by manxman2

Are you from across the pond? If so I feel for you as well. Watching the UK so quickly become such a restrictive police state over the last 10 years has been disheartening as well. The World over we're seeing the tenets of freedom being kicked out the door in favor of centralized power. And it scares me to death.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:02 AM
ive watched britian with dismay aswell.

im manx not british .. when you google it dont make the mistake that many other yanks do from reading the wiki page.

the only people who think us manx are british or are governed by britain are non manxies.

no a manxman is a manxman and when and if the brits come a knockin we will burn them out again just like we did in the 70s and 80s you wont see that on wiki.

but like everything else these days if you lie long and often it becomes reality to those who dont know different.

all governments greatest allie is time .. time for people to forget.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by manxman2]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:39 AM
Very poignantly written prose, my friend. I echo your sentiments entirely! However, if you mention revolution and maybe that is in our future or maybe not? What I hope people gather from individuals like your self and others, is the gall and audacity to question authority and the elites who have sucked the very life and hope of this great nation for their own financial gain and security. I thought we were all on the same team as citizens?

They must demand redress and an end to the corruption, deceit, waste, secrecy, unjust partisanship, fraud, unjust taxation, and all the nefarious activities we have been made to succumb to for many years now. This type of behavior is unacceptable in any country! Many people have to start raising a stink about the heist of our values, traditions, and legal safeguards. That is what I would like to see, but through peaceful and intellectual conduct. A knee-jerk reaction is what they are expecting and that can't happen! Then we risk losing everything in the end. Who knows what monster will emerge out of the ashes?

If you ask me, the political establishment is full of bloated parasites who will continuing sucking the very life blood of the United States and that is freedom, and it is protected by the Constitution, a legally binding document codified during that hot balmy summer of 1789 in Philadelphia. At present, our government is walking the line of breaching that contract with their skul duggery. As you said, the tools are there, to bring to justice the criminals, fraudsters, corrupt, usurpers, and the treasonous.

Like your brother, I made an oath to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. By all accounts, your brother is doing his job, and what he has been involved in is legal to a certain extent, since he was ordered to Iraq by Constitutionally appointed politicians. Your brother is caught up in the murky world we know as the gray area. However, it is the politicians to blame for these recent conflicts and others of the past, and not your brother or other service members. He is, but, a spoke on the wheel, like I was.

Our elected leaders bypass the safeguards found in Constitution for their own whims, instead of the whims of the country as a whole, as quote states: "A Country by the people, for the people." We the people are tasked with defining our destiny. However, there are the few with the money and power who are slowly taking that role out of hands of the people, through legislation, judicial decrees, and other political instruments. Call it "death of a thousands cuts," as the Mujihadeen referred to their battle with the Soviets. Before long, the host(the American People) bleeds out and the United States will cease to exist as we know it. All we can hope for is that the American people awaken from their slumber before it is to late.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:48 AM
American comedian George Carlin joked that "it's called the American Dream 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it."

In the book Watchmen, the American Dream is referenced to when the Comedian and Nite Owl are clearing the streets of protestors against the Cold War. After the chaos and an argument with the Comedian, a somewhat depressed Nite Owl asks, "But this country's disintregrating. What happened to America? What happened to the American dream?" The Comedian, standing among the ruins of the riots while brandishing his shotgun, says, "It came true. You're looking at it."

What Happened To The American Dream?


posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Jakes51

I never blamed my brother...It was just difficult for me to reconcile a war based on deceit and how I felt about that with the fact that I have a brother fighting it. I too will soon take my Oath..And God Damn it I intend to keep it.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Yeah, I hear you, and it is difficult to reconcile the fact that both conflicts appear to be baseless in the greater scheme of things. It makes things even more difficult when we have loved ones who are involved in it. All we can do, is offer them our support as much as we can, regardless of the politics attached to it.

I am glad that I chose to take the big leap when I did, and hang up my sabers when I did. I did my bid at the onset of our current conflict abroad. My ship pummeled the Taliban in months proceeding 9-11. My enlistment ended before the foray into Iraq.

I have a brother who went to Iraq for two tours, during the invasion and the occupation as a Corpsman, and he is still dealing with the demons from that endeavor. He doesn't like to talk about it very much. Then I have a brother who was in that general area in 07 doing searches on naval vessels in and around the Persian Gulf. Then, I have two sisters who are in the service as well. So, the toil you deal with, is some I have dealt with, myself from time to time. Regardless of the politics, your brother is a hero and is doing what he must to care for his family.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn

I'm sure some would say "But it's his responsibility to say no!" The problem is, he has two little girls. And the only way he can assure they reach their potential is to do what he's told. He loves this country. But this Government is using him. And he knows it, but unlike us, he's absorbed into a system that has full control of how his life turns out, and his life is directly tied to my two little nieces. And I can't begrudge him this.

First off...very well written...S&F

But if your brother knows that he is fighting for the corporate elite and NOT for the freedom of this country, he is just as guilty as the sick masterminds that planned this bloodbath...

And as for his two little girls....all I can say is 'KARMA'.......
(the sins of the father are visited upon the sons & daughters)

Hope things work out for him.


posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:28 AM
Most of this can be solved by single term limits. Throw them out. Never let leading our Nation become a tool of the rich and powerful again.

There are no good and honorable human beings...not even myself. We cannot control our impulses toward more power and wealth once exposed.

Single term limits would not completely eliminate their control but would sufficiently jolt the system to get some good people in their before corrupted.

The Americans who wrote the Constitution knew this, but did not foresee modern communications and how much more powerful, the corrupt wealthy powers could micro manage us and how quickly and easily they would be able to control our thoughts with lies and Guided News.

How can we get control of term limits...that is the question. We the People have no voice anymore. It is drowned out my misrepresentation, lies and mass media.

I believe a few will have have to find a way to force a change. Not sure through what means they could use but its not going to be "we the sheeple". We are to lost to ever come together and force term limits with our votes.

We need a Lord Vadar to come to his senses and throw them over.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:29 AM
The asleep are so soundly asleep, lulled by the drug of prosperity, that only a very loud noise will awaken them. Unfortunately a noise that loud will bring devastation for a while, hopefully only a short while. But, the American people are resilient and will not only survive it, but again prosper only to be lulled to sleep once more.

This cycle was foreseen by our founding fathers and is the reason why we were given protection for it in the Constitution. The noise is growing louder each day and it's getting more and more difficult for TPTB to keep it quiet.

[edit on 18/10/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by rainfall

You will keep my nieces out of this conversation Period.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Certainly enjoyed what you said and how it exposed the truth in your life. You truly care about what the "American dream" was initially based upon even though knowing that nothing in this life is absolute. It is what remains in our hearts once we become aware of of a greater truth. One that cares, one that offers help and expects nothing in return, one that believes in doing what is right at all cost, honesty, compassion, one who loves his neighbor irregardless of color or culture. What a world we now live in with so many lies and deceptions, so much evil spoken from the mouths that claim "we can do it".

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by rainfall

You will keep my nieces out of this conversation Period.

I'm sorry, but aren't you the one who brought them into the conversation??

What a SICK excuse your brother is using to justify the slaughtering of innocent Iraqis, so his kids can "reach their potential!"

How many innocent little Iraqi girls did he kill so far???

I'll say it again.....KARMA!

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by Jakes51

I never blamed my brother...It was just difficult for me to reconcile a war based on deceit and how I felt about that with the fact that I have a brother fighting it. I too will soon take my Oath..And God Damn it I intend to keep it.

so your enlisting aswell .. why didnt you put that in the OP as it would of given a different complextion to your post..??

ffs you know and understand your countries colonialism and corruption yet you still want to join the b@st@rds.

wish i could take my star back now.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by manxman2]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by rainfall

My brother has not killed any kids. You are making assumptions about people you do not know. If you wanna attack someone who is comitting crimes look at the mercenary orgs operating in Iraq. You people have a skewed view of who the US military really is. My brother joined before he knew what was up, as far as he was concerned he was serving his country. I'm a constitutionalist and part of being that is serving in the armed forces. You guys want to be mad at the military but the real anger should be directed at those who make these policies. You act as if America is the only nation in the world that commits crimes.

Either way, that is enough of you trash talking my family. They are not the subject of this thread and I do not appreciate these baseless accusations of people you don't know. LEAVE MY FAMILY OUT OF THIS.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by manxman2
so your enlisting aswell .. why didnt you put that in the OP as it would of given a different complextion to your post..??

ffs you know and understand your countries colonialism and corruption yet you still want to join the b@st@rds.

wish i could take my star back now.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by manxman2]

bill hicks has an excellent piece on joining the military with the awareness that you will be used merely for corruption, corporate gain, and murder... wish I had a link for it

also op, you start with thread with somewhat of a display of intelligence, yet all your following posts show so much ignorance.

You unfortunately are going from solution garnering to being part of the problem. When you are ordered to blow away American civilians on American soil how many will you kill?

You won't shoot? I'm sure they said that before the kent state massacre, and other events where the military is called out to massacre citizens.

You won't shoot? A couple of years at leavenworth looming over your head and you'll spill blood without a second thought.

You won't shoot? C'mon..they made it so easy. All you have to do is squeeze this trigger and all the problems will just bleed away into nothing.

sigh...what little feeling I had from your op was dashed...oh well, there is always the next epoch

[edit on 18-10-2009 by injunfeller]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 11:16 AM
It's like George Carlin said...

"They call it the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."


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