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Democrats call for use of emergency oil

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posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:21 PM
No, no, no, no , and did I say no!!!

We have good oil prices in the US, big deal if gas is over $2 a gallon, Europe I believe pays around $4 a gallon. Our gas prices are fair. Emergency oil is for EMERGENCIES, increasing gas prices are not that. If you cannot afford gas then you shouldnt be driving a gas guzzling vehicle, cut down on your traveling, and car pool. Those are luxuries for not rights.

Even if the oil supply is running low, which I doubt, raising prices will cut the demand which of course will lead to less being consumed. I am not at all worried and wont be unless the prices top $3 a gallon in the near future.

You would think the envirmentalist democrats would be happy to see oil prices up and consumption down, but instead they try to use this as a cheap shot at the Republican administration.

If beer was $2 a gallon we'd all have no complaints.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:32 PM
May be now we will be driving smaller more eficient cars, In our household we have 3 cars all of them are small sedans and the gas prices have not been a problem yet. I see not reazon for emergency oil to be used because it is not that we dont have oil it is just that is expesive this is not an emergency, using our reserves is not going to change the fact that oil prices are just going to stay high. So just trade your expensives big gas cows and start driving small cars.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:33 PM
I agree. I don't think we should use emergency oil in situations that aren't emergencies. It's that simple.

I think the higher gas price is simply the market working, nothing more, nothing less. World demand is up, refining capacity is down, etc. etc. yeah, the market is working. We tap the reserves now and we'll just lower the prices in the short term, put ourselves at risk, and leave ourselves open to OPEC exhortation in the future. Just watch how high they'd be then!

Why not just lower taxes on gas?

this is just the democrats playing politics, election season and all.

Though, I'd surely like to see them lower, for now I'm driving my wife's Saturn to and from work (don't tell any of my buddies, ok?? lol )

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by Bob88]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:38 PM

If beer was $2 a gallon we'd all have no complaints.

And beer costs ALOT less than gas to produce, and pollutes very little, except in public

But if the gas taxes are removed, gas would be real cheap again, and state and federal taxes would go up immediatly to pay for roads, road maintenance, bridges, and any other spending opportunities required.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:45 PM
More oil won't do any good if the refineries can't handle it.

Believe it or not some people actualy use pick-up trucks for work, not everyone can carpool.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Well im not too worried about gas prices. I think they will peak at around 2.10 and then go down near the election time. I dont care if its a publicity stunt by bush to lower the price of gas b4 the election.

And yes their are many alternatives to drving back and forth from work and other places everyday. Carpool, find route with less traffic, change how u drive (cough cough alien) or if its really bad trade in and get a hybrid car. Most hybrids cars now are in the grasp of everyoen because the older ones have dropped dramatically.

I pity those who have to drive trucks and stuff to work hope you are gettin paid well.

I would be really worried if we started rationing our emergency oil. That would piss me off soo bad because who knows what will happen tomarrow or the next day. The emergency oils only needs to be used if saudi breaks ties with us or we cant get oil. And even if we cant get oil that emergency oil doesnt need to be for our cars!!!

The worst thing bout all of this is the dems look good withthis plan because the general sheepish public will go along with them.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:01 PM
I realize this.

Diesel cost less to refine than gasoline and their are many options for bio-diesel and mixtures of bio and petro, yet often as much or more than regular unleaded, go figure.

Diesel for farming gets a tax break, maybe if they continue to climb truckers might get something similar, I think they should.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:03 PM

Believe it or not some people actualy use pick-up trucks for work, not everyone can carpool.

I don't believe it. Well, maybe a few, but I'm sure they are in the minority. The smaller the penis, the bigger the SUV, truck, car engine, whatever. People feel insecure in their lives, so it gives them a sense of power to control the gas guzzzlers. It's a sad cultural thing.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:07 PM
true, duke. And, think about landscapers, and construction equipment that uses gas, especially with summer coming up. All those services will go up in price too.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by curme

Believe it or not some people actualy use pick-up trucks for work, not everyone can carpool.

I don't believe it. Well, maybe a few, but I'm sure they are in the minority.

The key word used was people that WORK for a living, people like self employed contractors, landscapers, plumbers, AC techs and so on. But you are right that most office workers don't need em.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:11 PM
This is not an emergency! To use emergency reserves now is absolutley foolish which means the motivation must be completely political. The fact is, rising gas prices are caused by a weak dollar and increasing world demand. The weak dollar may increase gas prices to a small degree, but the major impact is the continued movement of American jobs to India and China - NOT GOOD!!!

The real problem with rising gas prices is increased world demand. Most of this increase is coming out of China which is developing rapidly and taking more and more of the world's oil supply. Any Democrat that thinks we can solve the gas price supply problem by dipping into our reserves is 1) An idiot, 2) Very foolish, 3) One who shouldn't have been elected in the first place and/or 4) Someone who really doesn't have a clue and perhaps found their highest and best use as a greeter at WalMart!

Lord, Help Us!

[Edited on 5/17/2004 by CommonSense]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
This is not an emergency! To use emergency reserves now is absolutley foolish which means the motivation must be completely political.

I agree completely, although US consumers are complaining of the price, probubly allowing for any political motivations, but is more likely the cause of China, THE OIL COMPANIES, and currency exchange rates.

Oil companies for all of their existance, relied heavily on debt to capitalize their operations.

Funny thing happened a couple of years ago during the first spike of prices.

Oil companies started paying off their debts in month's, not the projected decades under the old business plans.

Some of the companies actually removed debt from their books, completely !

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by smirkley]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by curme

I don't believe it. Well, maybe a few, but I'm sure they are in the minority. The smaller the penis, the bigger the SUV, truck, car engine, whatever. People feel insecure in their lives, so it gives them a sense of power to control the gas guzzzlers. It's a sad cultural thing.

You ever look at a construction site, landscapers, service people. Just because you feel superior looking down your nose at someone, because of some preconceived, biased notion, of what you deem to be just and proper does not make it so. You must have blinders on so that you can not see anyone who does not fit into your narrow minded view of what you think is right.

Most people do not pay any attention to service people execpt to complain. I was one of the people that would come into your office and fix your copiers, printers, fax machines. Would you wait the 2 or 3 days for me to get there on a bus, or I'm sure I can walk out on the street and find somebody that is going right to your office. The only reason you don't see anyone is your to blind to see.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:30 PM
Since this this a conspiracy website, some argue that the price of gas will go down closer to the election. CNN

EDIT: Duke_Nukem I was being sarcastic. I agree that some people need them for work. I was trying to make the people who use them just because 'it's cool' look foolish.

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by curme]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:36 PM
What if there are no more reserves because they have been using them in the chemtrail mixture?

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:38 PM
Ohhhh Boooyyyyy, Duke!
My brother-in-law is an operating engineer. I never liked union people until - Bob!!! When construction goes down - the economy tanks. Then we're all screwed!!!! Yup, he's union!! I have a Masters in Economics and an MBA. Right now, I think Bush is FOS!!! BTW, I've never voted Democratic in my life - that's 8 presidential elections - guess WHAT???

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by curme

EDIT: Duke_Nukem I was being sarcastic. I agree that some people need them for work. I was trying to make the people who use them just because 'it's cool' look foolish.

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by curme]

Sorry..(breath)....(breath)... It's just I can not tell you how many times I have gotten that while I'm filling my truck up for the second time in a week to make sure I get to my next call so that I make my 4hr responce time.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by jrod
No, no, no, no , and did I say no!!!

Yes! Tap The Reserve you will find that it was stolden by marvin davis of davis oil company over 20 years ago. Hint Hint Marvin Davis is now a C.E.O. at United Airlines also just happened to have ties to insider trading on united 2 days before 9-11.

Go! Go! Go! tap it all of the oil in the reserve is not refineable.

Looks like the G.A.O. got the message thanks boys at the G.A.O.


To The General Accounting Office as soon as you tap the reserve and find out its junk oil. Falcon will glady show you the evidence that there is no useable oil there.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:01 PM
I think that one belongs in the mud pit. You're really not aware of what the reserve is or how it's managed.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:46 PM
If America could build more refineries, the price of gas would go down. But, NO..The Enviroweenies are worried this will effect some FREAKING BUG!!!!! The reason gas prices are going up is because we can't build new refineries...every part of the country needs a special blend of gasoline...AND BECAUSE WE DEPEND WAY TOO MUCH ON FORIEGN ENERGY IMPORTS!!!!!!

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