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Judgment Day: Birther Taitz Fined $20,000 For Misconduct

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posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:43 AM

Well, if legality and some sense of dignity is the issue here, then Land’s order stating that Orly is ‘A national leader in the so called ‘birther movement” is entirely inaccurate, frivolous and without the bounds of legal and dignified comment, apart from being faintly ridiculous, juvenile and inaccurate. He sounds like one of the Obama supporters in here who come back with accusations of ‘birther’ and ‘following Orly’ as the only argument they can muster, when nothing could be further from the truth. I suggest that Land should be sanctioned severely for expressing his personal viewpoint as a legal representation, when it is purely a subjective and inaccurate betrayal of law and his office, and an obvious display of personal bias.

The point is not that Obama be required to produce a birth certificate to satisfy Orly or her ‘followers’, but that the laws are upheld by ensuring that the Commander in Chief is actually legally eligible to hold such office. That would require that he unseal all records and show his long form birth certificate for starters. His college records may be even more dynamite.
This is especially important when he had a self confessed coc aine habit which would render him totally ineligible, ever, for any post concerning nuclear weapons. But here we have a man with an extremely questionable if not illegal past, whose brain may have been fried from drug use, who appears to have a severe psychological problem of malignant narcissism, with his damn finger on a nuclear trigger.

By mere dint of the existing evidence he has no right to office; as his father is Kenyan, was never a citizen, and his mother was too young to confer natural born citizenship on him…that’s if he was even born in Hawaii, when he was born, and if it even was to this particular mother or father in the first place. Hawaii are fast back peddling after their ‘natural born’ blurtings, which they have lived to regret. Work is still going on to get to the bottom of all that.

There are so many SS numbers floating around for him, plus his ‘mother’s’ SS is still active. Plus a company was apparently started with one of her numerous aliases after she ‘died’. There is total mystery and some seeming lifelong criminal behaviour with members of his closest ‘family.’ I think the truth, if it does ever get out, is huge.

In Land’s previous ruling in this case, he again acted like a juvenile, with no regard to the law, by citing the Factcheck issue of a computer generated (fake) certificate shown on an Internet site as ‘EVIDENCE’??? of Obama’s birth. Obviously law in the States is an absolute joke with subjective rulings based on media disinfo and under the control of the government wish. A disgrace.

Orly is wrong in that she should not be showing her hand either in the media or on her site. She should seek the counsel of those far more experienced in law than she is, and she should show more restraint and common sense. But this judge is like a comic book judge. And he is just about useless and should be retired for bringing his personal gripes and misconceptions into this at all, ever.

By the way her ‘donate’ button is not ‘front and centre’, but top and left. Many do donate to her, as they are the true patriots who rather than sitting moaning about the destruction of a country from within, actually want questions asked and eligibility proved. Here is an interesting article;

Ergo, the logical conclusion must then be that behind Obama there exists a group or organization so powerful and so sinister that they are able not just to influence global policy, but to control it. I repeat for the record, Obama in and of himself cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, singularly demand that every major media outlet ignore investigating that which could potentially make Woodward and Bernstein's investigation into President Nixon pale in comparison.

Global domination is obviously their goal, but what in Obama's background threatens to derail them if it were exposed? Rumors and suspicions abound pursuant to his citizenship, but if someone has enough power to silence a worldwide press and media, they would certainly have the ability to forge or recreate birth documents.

And here is another very interesting theory that Hawaii may have had an industry going in producing false colb’s, that Obama was indeed illegal, which would explain his purpose in making illegal’s legitimate, now wouldn’t it?

What requires explanation in this is a generation of crime in supplanting the United States for money. It is as simple as that in local government policy being fed huge sums of money at the behest of Ford Foundation incorporating globalist policy into American culture.

Barack Obama is simply the tip of this iceberg which he desperately must conceal, along with all these other benefactors or beyond embarrassment, people will go to prison.

The first task in need of explanation is why would Hawaii aid a known illegal of British birth in illegally obtaining a fake birth certificate?

It is just stunning that such blindness and a wish not to know who, arguably, the most powerful man in the world actually is. Everyone ignored his self admitted British citizenry, everyone ignored his low and somewhat sullied, if not criminal. past and achievements. Everyone ignored the ACORN vote rigging in his election and the corruption of that group. Everyone ignored his criminal and terrorist friends and did not even wonder what his agenda was therefore, even ignoring Ayers recent declaration that he wrote Obama’s book in totality. Everyone ignored his drugs problem… ‘Aww, but he has a nice smile, what does it matter.’ Well, if you can’t work that out then I pity you all. If you cannot see the extreme danger that his being in power has created, then you need to wake up.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:44 AM

By Birther laws of evidence I guess I am not a citizen.

No offense, but who cares if you personally are a citizen or not. You aren't the President of the USA. I need to ensure that the leader I and my fellow Americans have chosen truly has our best interest at heart.

A friend of mine just got a $25K/yr job and on the first day had to bring their driver's license, Social security card, certified birth certificate, passport, license to carry firearms, college transcripts and about 3 other things. That plus they had a physical done and took a drug test. Oh yes, and they had to sign a paper to permit a credit history report done on them.

I would think a simple request like a real birth certificate isn't too much to ask for the supreme leader of 300 million people. How about Obama's college transcripts? Did he even take a drug test? To get just a measly job these days require far more info on someone. Why is he road-blocking attempts to find out about his past?

If I was President, I would let anyone see or know anything they wanted to about me. I would publish my college transcripts, let my relatives tell you all the stories about me, and post all my medical records. I'd make copies of my birth certificate, as well as religious items like baptism and confirmation stuff for every American who asks for it. You can even have my credit card statements. And yes I would even show you my gawd-awful geeky 7th grade class photo. Why? Because I have nothing to hide.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Please please please tell me what has been proven?

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by piddles
Because he doesn't have to show you. Just because he's President of the United States doesn't mean he's not also a private citizen. No one has to show you their long-form birth certificate if you ask for it.

show me your long form birth certificate. oh? you don't want to?

even if you did, I would call it fake because I can and because I don't like you.

sound familiar?

[edit on 14-10-2009 by piddles]

Hmmm, seems to me you had better notify the DMV, The SS Administration when attempting to recieve replacement cards, the County Recorder's Office when you go for a Marriage License, My employer when I complete my I-9 form, the folks at the passport office etc... Every single one of those entities demanded my Birth Certificate as a form of ID - and I'm not even president. I'm not looking for the authority to make, pass or veto laws, command the worlds most powerful army, command the worlds largest budget, command the worlds largest economy, dictate foreign policy etc... I was just trying to function as a simple, law-abiding American. Seems to me that PROOF that one is eligible under The Constitution to hold the office of POTUS should be mandatory! I had to prove myself for much lesser "priveledges!"

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

the 1.4 mill was donated to charity, but if you had spent 30 seconds on research, you would have already discovered that.

And if you had spent even ten seconds reading your own link, you would see it says 'will' donate....not 'has donated.'

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:54 AM
I would think a leader who is systematically destroying the American way of life and apologizing for how we have lived for 200+ years,should have his motives,history and intentions questioned.Here is a question for the obama disciples,are you also ashamed of your country?Do you also feel we owe the world an apology?

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by titorite
I don't get it. As a lawyer she is an officer of the court.

She has a doubt about the legitimacy of the presidents birth certificate.

Long form.

She admitted on the cobert report it was simply a political stance she was taking and will do whatever she can to siderail the presidency because she doesnt agree with the democratic philosophys overall...not that she actually is convinced he is a foreigner...its a sideshow.

If he produced what she requests (and he doesnt have to considering all aspects have been satisfied by the election commission), she will then insist on a DNA sample, sperm sample, etc etc etc. Simple fact is, he doesnt have to, and she will never be happy (nor any other birther)...its just a sideshow that has nothing to do with his nation of origin (the whole movement that is).

bah, silliness...and I do hope she does stick to her guns about not paying the court...nothing like time in a blue state suit that will make her reconsider her direction in life.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
I would think a leader who is systematically destroying the American way of life and apologizing for how we have lived for 200+ years,should have his motives,history and intentions questioned.Here is a question for the obama disciples,are you also ashamed of your country?Do you also feel we owe the world an apology?

1) bush is out of office...the systematic destruction of America has for the most part been over.

2) the way we lived for 200 years? ya...because nothing has changed since 1809

3) Ashamed of your country? black or white, huh? Well then yes...if it has to be one or the other, then yes...a country that was a slaveholding nation, a country founded on the destruction of the native people and theft of their land, a country that ignores rights of women, anything besides whites, etc...(you gave a 200 year timeline here, and ya, this has been the way of life for 200 years)

The funny thing, even hardcore republicans (in the spotlight anyhow) look back at the things in disgust and are ashamed that it is part of our history, but hey...there it is.

You want to look at black or white and generalize? then yes, who wouldnt be ashamed of your country...with shame comes a desire to improve..shame is a critical community aspect. if we thought everything was perfect and dandy since day 1, we would still have slaves, women would be without rights, etc etc...

get a grip and think.

now, since I see in shades of gray, I see the american landscape as constantly changing, with both good and bad intentions motivating things. I am encouraged now that America is growing up...of course there are issues dealing with corporations owning America and our fate tied completely up with corporate profit margins..but hopefully we will find a middleground in this area.

-Proud to be an American, but not proud of everything America does.-

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by themamayada
Has anyone stepped forward?

I have not heard of anyone with a first hand account.

I am right around Obama's age and I don't know of any newborn pictures of me. Also, I lived in the same town where I was born for many years, and aside from relatives and the doctor who birthed me, I never heard anyone mention that they remember me as a baby.

Originally posted by genius/idoit
Whatever you obama lovers believe these are the facts that can be proven;

To assume that people who aren't birthers must naturally be "Obama lovers" is a blatant display of ignorance. Speaking for myself, the reasons I think he is eligible to be president is that I have NO reason to believe otherwise, I have seen his CoLB and further, I respect the man's privacy.

he has done everything in his power to not let truth come to light

This is speculation and assumption. It assumes that you don't already have the truth. That's the problem. People assume that there's something more. There may be more. But whatever it is, Orly has no right to it at this time. Neither do we.

and she has every right to question his eligibility.

She does have every right to question his eligibility, but she doesn't have ANY right to the answer.

reply to post by j2000

Your first two links don't work. And if there were lawsuits that made Bush and Kerry cough up documents, then there was likely better evidence than Orly has brought. And let me be clear, Orly has every right to question and bring these cases. I'm not arguing that. But if the evidence she has is meaningless, which I believe it is, she's not going to be successful.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
I would think a leader who is systematically destroying the American way of life and apologizing for how we have lived for 200+ years,should have his motives,history and intentions questioned.Here is a question for the obama disciples,are you also ashamed of your country?Do you also feel we owe the world an apology?

destroying the american way of life??? that type of rhetoric makes the rest of what you say inconsequential, and is simply political baiting.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by jimmyx

the 1.4 mill was donated to charity, but if you had spent 30 seconds on research, you would have already discovered that.

And if you had spent even ten seconds reading your own link, you would see it says 'will' donate....not 'has donated.'

yeah...because the POTUS is really lying and nobody will check on that...right...sure.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by themamayada
Here's what I still don't get. I'm 35 years old and every couple of years we run into the people that had a child at the same hospital, same day as when I was born. When I go back to my old church, there are a bunch of 80-90 yr old women who love to tell me stories of when I was a baby. Even the doctor constantly reminded me through the years of my larger birth size (almost 11 lbs).

So... does anybody anywhere in the USA remember Obama's mom in the hospital? Surely someone else had a baby at the same time, right? Does anybody in Hawaii remember Obama as a newborn?

I do not mean any negativity by this statement, but I would think a caucasian woman giving birth to an african-american baby would have gained a little notice at an American hospital back in the 1960s.

Has anyone stepped forward?

This has been addressed several times, but oddly enough it seems to go unnoticed. Here is an article on snopes that contains an interview with someone who remembers Obama's birth.

Snopes article

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by themamayada
So... does anybody anywhere in the USA remember Obama's mom in the hospital? Surely someone else had a baby at the same time, right? Does anybody in Hawaii remember Obama as a newborn?

Short answer ...YES. The hospital, the OBGYN that delivered him, friends etc. etc..

I refuse to post links and evidence for the trillionth time for posters who often frankly don't actually care about answers to their questions.

If you are unable to answer your own question through your own research then U2 me and I will send you links etc.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by themamayada

My apologies, I missed the part where the President of the United States has to give up the protections and priviledges that everyone else in his country enjoys.

My bad.

Carry on.

[edit on 14-10-2009 by Helmkat]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Avenginggecko

Originally posted by themamayada
Here's what I still don't get. I'm 35 years old and every couple of years we run into the people that had a child at the same hospital, same day as when I was born. When I go back to my old church, there are a bunch of 80-90 yr old women who love to tell me stories of when I was a baby. Even the doctor constantly reminded me through the years of my larger birth size (almost 11 lbs).

So... does anybody anywhere in the USA remember Obama's mom in the hospital? Surely someone else had a baby at the same time, right? Does anybody in Hawaii remember Obama as a newborn?

I do not mean any negativity by this statement, but I would think a caucasian woman giving birth to an african-american baby would have gained a little notice at an American hospital back in the 1960s.

Has anyone stepped forward?

This has been addressed several times, but oddly enough it seems to go unnoticed. Here is an article on snopes that contains an interview with someone who remembers Obama's birth.

Snopes article

they are not concerned with hearing the truth...they just want to bring this up over, and over, and over again. this is why their own party ignores them.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

How would you describe what his agenda is?He has unconstitutionally had the government take over the auto industry,the banks AIG and now he wants gov. healthcare .

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Your first two links don't work. And if there were lawsuits that made Bush and Kerry cough up documents, then there was likely better evidence than Orly has brought. And let me be clear, Orly has every right to question and bring these cases. I'm not arguing that. But if the evidence she has is meaningless, which I believe it is, she's not going to be successful.

Your argument does not fly and is not consistant. The links are fixed. You know full well that they sued for less and provided nothing. Just for the right to know. These are cases that only had to do with a smear campain, nothing to do with legally being POTUS by the Constitution.
These cases proceeded just on the basis that they wanted to know.

You wanted links, I gave you links.
You say they had more proof, they had non.
Whats next? Why don't you just admit that this is hypocritical of the system and the PTB, NWO, or whatever are blocking all attempts to know whom is our President.

I can't believe the American people are so stupid to put someone in office with his credentials, or lack of them.

I will show you nothing as far as records go.
I will admit that I was a drug user and I really like cocain.
I will take anyone from my past that has a radical adgenda and throw them under the bus when questioned.


posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Maybe your really into the "Party thing", but I have none.

I was a registered Dem. back in the day. I used to stick up for Clinton because times were good. Hated Bush, but Gore would have been worse, and I think that has proven true now. Kerry was an idiot, but might have done less damage when under pressure last year with TARP.

The Democrat party is the only one that has grown. This last year, Independants are taking the rule. The Rep are clueless and don't know what to do.

You can have your Party. Maybe Obama will join in on your fun since he like to party so much in the past.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

This has been addressed several times, but oddly enough it seems to go unnoticed. Here is an article on snopes that contains an interview with someone who remembers Obama's birth.

Snopes article

Maybe that is because these assertions by Barbara Hudson are simply laughable. Yes so a doctor friend of her friend had dinner with her and completely ignoring patient doctor confidentiality sees fit to talk about someone Barbara does not even know. Stating that the father is the first black person at the Uni....stating that even though the birth happened just that day, that the baby had already been named and that the name of Barack Hussein Obama had seared itself on his memory (funny how he is then legally called Barry for a long time, eh?).
And then Barbara sees fit to write to her father about it because in her terminally bored life she sees a stunning link between her father being called Stanley and Obama's alleged mother being called Stanley. Believe all that and you will believe such nonsense as that Obama is a natural born citizen...oh, wait....

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 10:54 AM
And this thread goes the way of all the other birther discussions.

First they claim that it is not political or personal, just an honest inquiry into the legitimacy of the POTUSs natural born status...

and then they start to rail on about unrelated things..

I don't like him or his politics therefore he was born in Kenya.

I can't provide any evidence to demonstrate he was born anywhere besides where his authenticated BC says he was, because I have none....therefore I will insult and bait you.

Here...some excerpts from just the first few pages....

Baiting and complaints about stuff like "taking over the auto industry" as if that is supportive evidence that President Obama is not a natural born always goes this way on these threads

Originally posted by genius/idoit
He has unconstitutionally had the government take over the auto industry,the banks AIG and now he wants gov. healthcare .

Originally posted by genius/idoit
a leader who is systematically destroying the American way of life and apologizing for how we have lived for 200+ years

Originally posted by gaslaugh123
liar and Commander and Thief

Originally posted by kozmo
Usurper In Chief who hasn't produced ANY documents and has suppressed records of his ENTIRE life and placed them under lock and key.

And the old "he must be a paid "plant" !!! everytime someone disproves your BS.

Originally posted by genius/idoit
Whatever you obama lovers believe

if you read southern guardians posts he/she is obviously intelligent and well spoken and I find it hard to believe that anyone of any intelligence can come to the conclusions he/she espouses.My conclusion, let the courts decide and stop arguing with someone who is quite probably on the payroll of the obama administration.

Originally posted by Spectre0o0
that doesn't count when the messiah does it.

Baiting, baiting, Obama is hitler, yada, yada, that person with alll those facts and links and stuff must be an Obama "plant" ...real ATSers don't actually research and stuff!! Bait, Bait, insult. Repeat stuff you know to be untrue in hopes of frustrating those that care too much about the truth.

Yada Yada...who cares any more about posters that behave like this?

[edit on 14-10-2009 by maybereal11]

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