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posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 04:15 PM
"Amount Republicans spent investigating Clinton: $70 million.

Amount Republicans earmarked for the Sept. 11 investigation: $3 million.

Pointing out the Republican hypocrisy: Priceless."

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 04:46 PM
than finding those responsible for the lives of 3,000 people!Yup,the GOP is in charge.They have total control.But rather than holding Bush responsible for ANYTHING,it will still be Clinton's fault from now til the end of time.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 04:57 PM
I see you have a soul-mate B-T. Both you guys think it's all about Monicka, and neither probably see the treason or the lies under oath to be a big thing. Both of you probably think Nixon should have been shot while Clinton should have been allowed to run for another term even though Nixon's foul was nothing compared to Clinton's.

Centrist my rear.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Centrist my rear.

You missed my post in the "who for president" thread. Here you go:

The camel's back gave out last week with seeing a couple of the GOP'ers I respect most, regardless of party, sell out completely....and I know one of them. So, from here on in, don't worry about calling me on my Centrists views, because while I can't blindly endorse Democrats on everything, I can be anti-Republican on most things.
I can not stomach grown men with no balls or some sense of righteous action.

And I'm on record as saying Bill F'd up with Monica, and that Reagan & Bush Sr. should have been shot for treason.
But come on, $70M & 100's of FBI agents taken away from searching out terrorists, and all they got was that he lied about sex......and you KNOW THEY LOOKED AT EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO PIN HIM WITH!!!

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 06:58 PM
LOL! All you see that Clinton did wrong is have Monica in the Oval office. Amazing. I can see why you think Ronny and George ought to be shot for treason if you think that all Bill did wrong is have Monica. I shudder to think what you think constitutes treason. Ronny beat Soviet Communism, ran it straight into the ground. While the spineless Democrats were saying it couldn't be done, that we should learn to like them and be more like them, while others would have worried about polls (ahem, like Clinton), Ronny stayed the course and won. And George, well...well...did I mention Ronny stomped the dog snot out of Soviet Communism?

You sure love to stick you head in the sand when it comes to Clinton, I gotta tell you. And the thing that makes that glaringly obvious is that you nitnoid Shrub to death over possibilities and assumptions, accuse the greatest president of the 20th century (Reagan, not Bush) of treason, and think all Bill did wrong was have Monica in the Ovary Office.

One of the best things Shrub did was he brought dignity back to the White House. No matter what else works or fails during his administration, at least that much was accomplished.

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
LOL! All you see that Clinton did wrong is have Monica in the Oval office. Amazing. I can see why you think Ronny and George ought to be shot for treason if you think that all Bill did wrong is have Monica. I shudder to think what you think constitutes treason. Ronny beat Soviet Communism, ran it straight into the ground. While the spineless Democrats were saying it couldn't be done, that we should learn to like them and be more like them, while others would have worried about polls (ahem, like Clinton), Ronny stayed the course and won. And George, well...well...did I mention Ronny stomped the dog snot out of Soviet Communism?

Yeah but at the same time Ronny dear was stomping communism he was helping create gigantic deficits, no? That I am still paying for now, no? And we no longer have the ONE enemy of "evil communists" lurking in the corners, no.. now we have a gazillion tiny little terrorist groups who want to blow us to smithereens and a weak Russian government who cannot account for all of their nukes. Now call me crazy but I think we were better off with the Commies in charge.. at least we KNEW who are enemies were and did not have to become paranoids thinking EVERYONE was out to get us. Also, I think that the Iran Contra affair was illegal, so please don't sit on your soapbox and say he was a minor god.
Then we have Nixon who lied to everyone and I mean everyone, his own administration other than Kissinger, the military, the state department, the congress, etc. etc. He was so paraniod he did not even trust himself. And he only "opened" China because 20th century Republican history points towards their penchant as being "Asia Firsters" becasue they believed it to be a) the key to stopping Soviet communism, b) protestant racists who held onto the old John Winthrope ideal of the City on the Hill, that we (meaning WASP's were the epitome of civilization and everyone else should change to suit our needs or die) and c) it was a wonderful commmercial opprotunity to open China... think Coca-Cola, think Ford, think General Electric.

Clinton was a louse, a punk and brilliant politician but he was a good president.
I still hold onto the idea that the Republicans investigated Clinton's sexual exploits for one reason only... they wanted to see what sex was.. that it was not only for Saturday night after your wife had 6 martini's at the country club.

I have realized after much pondering and studying that a 2 party system sucks. But if I am stuck in one I will go with thte one that at least slightly resembles my ideological views.

BTW: with all the Bush "Tax cuts" why did I just get done with my taxes and have to pay MORE than I did last year... I mean heck.. my wife and I make less than $70K a year combined.
mumble to himself... "tax cyts my butt.. maybe for the Enron execs"

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 07:49 PM
From now on, when trying to call certain acts as Treason, take a look at the definition that the Constitution used...It's listed in Section 3 under the Powers of the Judicial Branch:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

...I don't see where getting a blowjob falls within that definition...

However, at least 99% of the government structure these days seems to enjoy granting themselves powers that *would* fall within that definition...

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 08:49 PM
Nobody thinks getting a blowjob is treason

posted on Feb, 18 2003 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by observer
Now call me crazy but I think we were better off with the Commies in charge..

Ok, you're crazy.

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

So, like Clinton was in North-Vietnam, during the Vietnam war,he can be charged of treason. Am I right or not ?


posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 09:31 AM
Wouldn't the money that was spent investigating 9-11 be in the budgets of the FBI, CIA etc. I can be completely wrong, but just a thought. Why would they have to spend money on investigating it if these agency's were already doing it? Those agency's report to Congress on what they find. I guess they would have to spend a lot more of their money to investigate Clinton because those agency's shouldn't have to look into it.

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
So, like Clinton was in North-Vietnam, during the Vietnam war,he can be charged of treason. Am I right or not ?

If he was supporting those who've attacked the US, yes...However, I haven't heard of any link between Viet Nam terroists hitting the US. There may *be* some link, but I haven't heard of it.

However, what of the reports that the Bush administration knowing *in advance* about the 911 attacks & doing *nothing* to stop it?...Even some reports that indicate that those attacks were "helped along" in order for Bush's Bully Boys to push the Homeland Security Act & other such draconian measures along? Not to mention how Bush incites the People's emotions to react to the 911 attacks when cooler heads were trying to find the truth of those events (Including the fact that the CIA & the families of Bush & bin Laden actually had ties with each other; Wasn't bin Laden having surgery in an *American hospital*, talking with CIA agents shortly before those 911 attacks? Didn't the Bush Administration actively *block* CIA investigations into the bin Laden family?)...Sounds like Bush has been "inciting a riot" on a *very large* scale.

To me, all of this (and more) sounds like "giving aid & comfort" to the attackers of the US...

[Edited on 19-2-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 10:04 AM
Round & Round: Thomas, if you have ANYTHING on Clinton, bring it forward, tell me what the Starr investigation missed. Just make sure it's documented, just make sure that you have proof beyond what Starr with 100's of lawyers ( Ann Coulter & Miguel Estrada, two of your favorites) and 100's of FBI agents...proof that Starr wasn't able to apply. Lord knows he had people committ perjury and blackmailed & destroyed innocent folks in his witchhunt on a sitting president.
Reagan was an utter failure, had nothing to do with the Soviet collapse besides being in office at the time AND sinking our economy in a deep black hole by spending billions on unneeded & non working military pipe dreams in order to make defense contracting SOOOO lucrative, that nearly every fortune 100 company added on a defense division.
But, I guess you believe Ronnie when he said he didn't remember being in meetings or didn'y know what was happening during Columbia or Iran Contra. I know you're at least up to speed on Bush Sr.

"One of the best things Shrub did was he brought dignity back to the White House. No matter what else works or fails during his administration, at least that much was accomplished."

Thanks, best belly laugh of the day so far!!!

Dignity, as defined by:
1) going AWOL during war time
2) Lying to the American people in every speech delivered so far, quoting false data
3) Being appointed, not elected
4) Selling America out, creating an oligarchy and a caste system
5) Being a drunkard and habitual DUI arrestee
6) Being a corporate criminal and beholding to corporate interests so much, he loaded his administration with them

Yeah, dignity in spades.

posted on Mar, 7 2003 @ 06:35 AM
Hey they are all corrupt and want you to be divided over them, so they can unite against you. You See?

posted on Mar, 7 2003 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
Hey they are all corrupt and want you to be divided over them, so they can unite against you. You See?

Very astute observation Abe. I concur. Although I did get involved in this one.

posted on Mar, 7 2003 @ 01:08 PM
I've said it before in these forums & I'll probably wind up saying it several times more...Just to keep reminding people:

The entire purpose of the current bi-partisan system is a *tool* for politicians to keep The People bickering amongst themselves while they seize more power for themselves...No matter *which* party wins the elections, The People still lose. Divide & Conquer!

The government is too big for its own britches...It needs some *serious* downsizing & to return most of the power that its grabbed back to the States, where the Constitution originally delagated it. The power to make this happen is in the hands of The People...Yet the constant bi-partisan bickering is the main cause of disunity to make it happen. Also included are Affirmative Action laws to keep the different races of people bickering about what's "fair or unfair" to each other. Another reason is the "have's & have-not's" keep bickering over the money they earn & the percentage that they're allowed to keep after the government takes some of it away. The list goes on & on...The bickering *must* stop before The People can take their government back away from the *organized crime families* that grab everything they can.

If it's true that a "demon's grasp must always exceed his reach" in order to be the weaker between good & evil, I'd have to say that the current government system is the demon who constantly succeeds in extending his reach...And continues to grasp more as his reach extends. This means that the "demon" is *winning* the war between good & evil, people!

Some months ago, I think someone (I forgot who) attempted to describe this forum-topic had hit the nail on the thumb: We should've just named this topic "Political" because the "Scandalism" part can be naturally presumbed as part of politics in general...

[Edited on 7-3-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Mar, 8 2003 @ 06:19 AM

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 07:22 PM
well over 70 billion has been allocated for this war, yet our states have to let convicted prisoners go early to "sav " money?!?! Does anyone see something wrong with this picture?

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Centrist my rear.

You missed my post in the "who for president" thread. Here you go:

The camel's back gave out last week with seeing a couple of the GOP'ers I respect most, regardless of party, sell out completely....and I know one of them. So, from here on in, don't worry about calling me on my Centrists views, because while I can't blindly endorse Democrats on everything, I can be anti-Republican on most things.
I can not stomach grown men with no balls or some sense of righteous action.

And I'm on record as saying Bill F'd up with Monica, and that Reagan & Bush Sr. should have been shot for treason.
But come on, $70M & 100's of FBI agents taken away from searching out terrorists, and all they got was that he lied about sex......and you KNOW THEY LOOKED AT EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO PIN HIM WITH!!!

The problem is that the only thing you see wrong with Clinton is his discovered affair with Monica. You seemingly ignore everything else Clinton did that is clearly much more treasonous than most anything Bush '41 did. As far as Reagan is concerned, mister, you'd better have your hat off and your hand over your heart when you mention his name.

And don't give me that crap that they looked at every possible thing with which to pin on Clinton. The contemplated usage of the IRS as an instrument of retaliation was instrumental in removing Nixon, the actual usage of it more than once by Clinton didn't even get him out of there. The fact that you fail to see how filthy your hero is is what I find most disturbing. Understand what I am saying, what you do not see is more disturbing than what you do see. And the fact that it is very much politically biased makes you an unreliable source in my little conspiratorial mind. While I have enough objectivity to realize I am biased to an extent, you are further off the left end of the scale than I am the right, and you aren't even cognizant of that fact. Wake Up!! The barbarians aren't at the gate, they're doing backflips off your coffee table!!!

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 02:44 AM
Great response there TC, sadly the leftists will never understand, they serve the darkside through ignorance.

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