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What is going on with me

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Doc Tesla
reply to post by serenesupreme

yes everyone is unique...just like everyone else.

Threads like this just confuse and infuriate me. the reason i stay away from facebook and myspace is because there are always people there acting out. posting stupid attention seeking pictures, comments and what not.

i would really hate ATS to turn into that because some people wont tell others the truth.

This kid has nothing wrong with him yet the people in the previous post are all acting as though he has a problem that only their advice can solve.

hes a teenager. he will get over it.

Some kids get over it by putting a bullet between their eyes.

Like everything in the world, too much truth is bad. You don't tell your boss that his breathe smells like fermented garbage or tell your mother that she's being a burden to you and you wish she would just keel over you?

I hardly think he is attention seeking or he would have probably stayed at myspace and facebook where the attention whores and people who will cater to their egos are in no short supply.

Emotional support goes a long way, and I wouldn't say lie to a person per se, but don't kick them while they are down.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by serenesupreme

too much of the truth is never a bad thing. i don't kick people when they are down. i just tell them the truth as i see it whether they like it or not. i would rather tell my boss to brush his teeth and get fired then sit their quietly inhaling his last 50 meals.

sometimes a nice kick to the ass is exactly what people need to remind them that they aren't special and need to learn to play the game we call life and stop complaining.

Emotional support is bull #. if you cant handle alone then your doing it wrong

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Doc Tesla
reply to post by serenesupreme

too much of the truth is never a bad thing. i don't kick people when they are down. i just tell them the truth as i see it whether they like it or not. i would rather tell my boss to brush his teeth and get fired then sit their quietly inhaling his last 50 meals.

I'd have to call b.s. about the boss portion mainly because I could imagine how hard it could be to get a job during these hard times and the inhalation of foul breath is a small price to pay for financial security.

Maybe you're right and too much truth isn't bad...but that's situational of course. Take the latter example I gave regarding too much truth about the burdensome mother. I realize that no one wants to have to yield to someone's views but I think we can safely say that you would never tell your mother something like that because it would be too much truth.

sometimes a nice kick to the ass is exactly what people need to remind them that they aren't special and need to learn to play the game we call life and stop complaining.

Emotional support is bull #. if you cant handle alone then your doing it wrong

The Game called life was rigged in the beginning.

Some people don't have the endurance or the outlook on life that you have and when the odds stack against them, they fold.

Emotional support is bull#? I imagine you've been nominated for best parent award with a philosophy like that... If your 5 year old daughter trips and falls, scraping her knee in the process, and begins crying do you A) console her or B) tell her to stop acting like a whiny b*tch and suck it up.

It's often harder to choose your position when theoreticals such as that are lain out like that.

I'll say it once again that he isn't special, but he is different. And different problems call for different medicines.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

Hi Dude,

First of all, you are an empath and that is difficult because you take the pain of the world upon your shoulders. I am in the same boat and I have been through a lot of suffering because of it, as well.

My advice to you is to find something you are really interested in and pursue it. It may be a career path, it may be nature, it may be anything.
It may be helping people, it may be helping animals, it may be helping the environment etc etc etc.

I hope you find your true path.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by serenesupreme

its very easy for me to choose my position.

i would instantly tell her to man up and stop whining. # happens. brush it off and keep moving.

as for the boss part, trust me i've said worse things to bigger people and im still alive and employed.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:38 AM

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:38 AM
Hey there, Eddy.

Honestly, you remind me a lot of myself at 16. I felt much the same as you. Dislocated, confused, different from my peers.

I, too, qualified for the more advanced classes, but I found myself bored by them. By my senior year I was purposefully selecting the lowest classes I could, just so I could graduate. the only classes I really strived to excell in were my English and creative writing courses. Only because they actually interested me. I didn't get along with 90% or more of my classmates, and always seemed to get along better with adults.

I used to try and "save" people who were emotionally distressed or depressed by things happening in their lives. Even at great sacrifice to myself. So, I understand your capacity for empathy as well.

So, with that, I hear you all too well.

My advice is as follows:

Remember that people fear what is different, or what they do not understand. If people treat you with disdain, because you are different from them and their kind, be proud of it. It means that you have given yourself the freedom to be an individual. That you haven't followed the masses. You like what you like. You do what you like. While they're all following the latest trends and trying to keep up, you will be walking your own path.

High school is not the "greatest times of our youth" for everyone. More often than not, high school is a turbulent, awkward and demeaning experience. In my exprerience, the only ones that appear truly cruise through it are the athletically gifted and genetically "acceptable" folks. In other words, the good-looking kids. If this is not you, then don't worry. It only means that you will develop a personality, while they will cruise through life on a pretty smile until their looks fail them in old age. At that point in time, they will be forced to rely on the withered, atrophied remenants of their neglected personality. Just watch Paris Hilton in 15 years. It'll be a hoot.

Anyways, what I'm saying is (not to knock everyone who throws out the "it's teen angst and it's normal"), high school can leave scars for some. It is NOT an innocent time in one's youth, for everyone. If it were, we wouldn't have events like Columbine. But the best thing I can recommend is that you hold on tight, try to develop a hard skin, and wait out the next 2 years. Once you're out, things tend to get a lot better. People stop worrying so much about trying to impress their peers. If you go to college, a small amount of the high school mentallity will trickle through, but most people in college are their because they WANT to be, and are more focussed on doing their best and succeeding. The others are pumping gas.

So, be different. Let them condemn you for it. In the end they'll wish they'd let themselves be as free an individual as you. You'll make it through, and you'll be a better person for it.

As far as classes go. If you attend college after high school, you'll be able to choose your focus, and the other classes will become more like the liver you have to eat before you get the ice cream. They won't bother you as much and they'll feel less pointless as prerequisites to the things you wantto do.

Hang in there, my friend. Only 2 more years to go. People are animals, but don't let them stop you from being who you are and don't ever think less of yourself.


posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Doc Tesla
reply to post by serenesupreme

its very easy for me to choose my position.

i would instantly tell her to man up and stop whining. # happens. brush it off and keep moving.

as for the boss part, trust me i've said worse things to bigger people and im still alive and employed.

You make me smile
. I have no way of confirming if anything you say is true so I guess I'll have to take your word for it which is's much more easy to believe the worst in people if they confirm it for you.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by serenesupreme]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by dudeitseddy
I reply to Alethea I am taking advanced courses. AP and College Dual Enrollment. Problem is any idiot that studies can get into Harvard nowadays. It's about how much crap you can memorize. These "gifted and advanced" kids are a bunch of idiots who just happen to be good in school. They are in NO WAY intellectuals.

I couldn't agree more. Some of the most inept and moronic people I know were straight A students in high school or hold some sort of degree. Funny how a piece of paper seems to be worth more to employers than simple common sense these days.


posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Gaudeamus

straight A students were the moronic ones? lol really...

must hate bad graded people that get in the way then?

but seriously, stupid people (with failing grades) are worser.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:49 AM
Hey thar!

I understand the stress your going through at such a young age my friend.
Being young and more mentally mature then your friends and peers is a hard thing to deal with.
Also with your age comes the instability of the chemicals and hormones being introduced to your body. This in itself is hard enough to cope with and understand your not alone.
I'm sure I can say that most, if not all the members on this board have all gone through tough times at young ages.
As for all the feelings of hate, depression and confusion your going through, have faith there is a light at the end of this tunnel.
Just give it time and be aware that this is temporary.
So in my honest opinion, you should go out and make many friends and try to live your life to the fullest because later on you will base alot of your life on your experiences at your age.
Go out there and explore your world, try not to take it too serious and most of all have fun!

Edit: Grammer!

[edit on 5-10-2009 by Tail-Eater]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Gaudeamus

couldnt agree more. when i dropped out and before i got my GED, it was hell to find work. its amazing how 1 piece of paper changes everything.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by serenesupreme

im not asking you to believe me. i just have no reason to lie to you.

life is not all that hard. i learned early on to speak my mind and for better or worse it made me the person i am today.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:48 AM
When you dig for truth at this age (16) it is really confusing, I changed a lot because of it which has led me to distance myself from my friends. I'm not sure about those behavioral problems you had but don't let yourself fall into a depression. That is when you can harm yourself badly. Otherwise, just keep on 'truckin. You'll figure it out eventually (I finally did).

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by platipus
reply to post by Gaudeamus

straight A students were the moronic ones? lol really...

must hate bad graded people that get in the way then?

but seriously, stupid people (with failing grades) are worser.

Not trying to be an ass, but I didn't say that straight A students are moronic. I said that some of the dumbest people I know were straight A students or had some kind of degree. There's a big difference. I never stated that applied to everyone who had straight A's or a degree; just some of the people I have known.

And believe me...there are plenty of people that are dumb all around. failing grades, no ambition, etc. And they deffinitely are...uh..."worser", as you put it. I agree.

Just read my post again, and I think you'll see you may have misunderstood the point I was trying to make. Sorry if I offended you in any way. It was not my intention to offend. Just making the point that straight A's and/or a degree are not always a full measurement of one's true intelligence. I mean, Einstein did fail math.


posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Doc Tesla
reply to post by Gaudeamus

couldnt agree more. when i dropped out and before i got my GED, it was hell to find work. its amazing how 1 piece of paper changes everything.

Oh yeah, it's a quite a powerfull little piece of paper, strangely enough. Good to hear you jumped on that GED though, Doc, and glad it's been helping.


[edit on 5-10-2009 by Gaudeamus]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 05:15 AM
This is intresting. Someone else who's in the Teenage years(I'm 14, no joke) that 'literally' going through the same phase as I was a Year ago. If you research some spiritual stuff, it might help you ^_^. (Sure did for me.)

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

MAN! I am 45 years and i live almost exactly like you. Not quite so much money i guess abd i have my own children(they are for me what your parents are for you)..otherwise it is exactly the same...

So maybe we ARE "normal"?

Reqards from Sweden.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:06 AM

My daughter, who is 18 now, has had almost these same type problems for years, so I asked her what would be good to say to you. She said a lot of things, but I'll try and condense it.

Firstly, she said that what has helped her a lot is to consciously realize how lucky she is as often as possible. In other words, she is grateful for what she does have, be it good parents so at least she has a safe haven to come home to when the world beats her up, or being grateful for her friends on the internet who support her wholeheartedly, while others berate her or ridicule her. Being grateful and thankful for her blessings helps her stay sane.

Secondly, she said to tell you that "things change...the world changes". While the world is in a mess now, there have been times in the past where there was mostly peace, and it can happen again. Your life can be in turmoil now, but, just give it time, and there will be a change.

And lastly, she said that she hoped that someone as smart as you, who cared so much about the world, would take all this pain and turn it into something positive. Something positive for the world, such as becoming an environmentalist, or going into politics to straighten D.C. out, or becoming a research doctor or researching to help us figure out how to easily feed the whole world.

We both wish you the best. We are sorry for your pain, but look at it this way: The world needs sensitive souls. They become artists, healers, mothers, fathers, good friends and many, many other things. Peace.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by dudeitseddy

I used to have the some of the same problems you have. Then I found Eckhart Tolle. I read his book The Power of Now and it changed my life.

You have to learn how to turn off the voice in your head. And you have to learn to live in the present moment.

I have more peace in my life now. Life is much better for me now.

I would suggest getting Tolle's books on tape. Listen to them over and over.

Good luck.

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