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Aliens will "comeback" in a official way this year!

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posted on May, 18 2004 @ 07:48 AM
Wow kangaxx,

This is very very interesting.. I just saw the link to this thread and have been reading for the last hour. I have not heard anything like this in the past, but I rings with a sense of truth. I have a few questions if you could be kind enough to help with.

1. You said about the requirements for the right vibrations. If this happens, I am wondering what will to the young ones in the family. Are young kids able to give out the correct vibrations?

2. There are alot of times that I feel love. Well, at least it feels like a deep feeling of caring and compassion for many things. Not just people. But, listening to you and some others, I have not ever had a cotnact with anything unexplained. Although, I would love for it to happen and have even tried meditation and many things for many years now. I feel very relaxed after, but, no raising of conscience or anything like that. I have had many vivid dreams, but that is the extent. Would you think that even without having the advanced meditation one could pass?

3. When will they start to move people etc? Will they wait around 2012 or will this all start to happen in the next few years?

Sorry for so many questions.. I am very intrigued by what you are writing. Thanks for sharing your experiences..

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 08:15 AM
JC minJapan:

hi mate,i salut you too mate.

i will try to explain that good questions mate.

1-the "chosen test" it's just in its first step, this is the first major one and have a specific "range" to "catch" people. many other will occur diferent from this one, and i dont know how (yet), but they will do the correct test for childrens too.altho many many babys/childrens will pass in this first test, because childrens are much more "near" the correct "love" vibration then adults! and for many of them , just maybe playing with a toy or a butterfly,or just seeing a simple image, they will reach that vibration in a easy way.

2- yes" , meditation it's just one of the many possible process that we (adults) have in order that we can be helped to reach that vibration.many many others, and more simple, can be used. it's our duty here to find/seek the one that can fit in our specific character/ vibration. for example...i used to reac it in meditation process,,,but i have reach it too when i was in the movie theatre seeing ( the passion of Christ) as you see some other ways can be so simple as ...seeing a movie!

3- they will just move the majority of human kind (passed in the tests) like 1-2 mounths before the "D" day(in 2017)! althou several other "human" groups will me moved much sooner then that, because they are not humans at all...! many "humans" here are "transmigrated alien souls", that work here for centurys, from the "good" faction, and they will need to go again to they'r original bodies. but this is another huge and great subject to explain here now.
i will try to post here a "better" especific date soon.
you are always welcome to ask me good questions like this ones my good friend

u hope i have unswered well this 3 ones.


[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Thank you for sharing your experiences/visions/stories with us. This to me is truelly amazing. My question is in referenece to the Transmigrated Alien Souls. If this is true, and I don't doubt that it, Then you must have some advance knowledge of some of these "beings". Or at the very least the ability to "suspect" someone of being such a person. Without giving "fuel" to those who are working against the "loved ones", have you found that these Transmigrated Alien Souls, hold positions of power. AS in Governmental, Financial, Scientific persons?

I read a story on ATS once about a leader of a nation "BUSH" who has/had the ability to change form and so on. I know sounds far fetched, but if anyone has the "insight" , it's yours that I would value concerning this.

Edited for Typo's

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Freeworld_Esq.]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 08:47 AM
hi free world
good nick name you have
i wish that too!

i salut you as a human brother too mate.

to unswer your aparently simple question i will need to explain much more about it.

when i am abducted the first time, when , "came back" again i notice some alterations on me, especifcly the first thing they have done to me was something related to my "6th vison", i have becamed a kind of "clairvoyancer"! but the biggest alterations on me was made in the 2nd time. as far as i know they have rise my QI(inteligence factor) a lot, and they have "unlock" my natural telepatic factors on my brain, and unlock too something related to "the vibrational range" my eyes can detect things. althou i dont see in that "special way" all the time, they have teach me how to use it, and my studies in the Bhuddist arts have helped me a lot in mastery that habilities.
the major alteration was a kind of "upload" of information to my brain.
i can detect the "transmigrated" ones.and i canot see, but i can "sence" the good reptilians too that walk amoung us, that reptilians do not have a human form but they use mental and artificial devices that "lauch" a permanent wave signal to human brains in order we can see them as humans.they use the same device systems in order they can fly in the sky with they'r ships, completly invisible from our eyes.
i receve times to times telepatic messages, due to the alterations they have made on me for the second time.
yes the good ones are walking here, but they do not have at all powerfull human positions, because they dont wnat it, it exist a good explanation for that but i will not say it.
the oposite for instance its true too...unhapply the evil ones have a lot of "members" in powerfull human positions,they range from simple alien clones(looking humans) to true aliens using some type of "cloacking mind device"
as i can sayed before, i know that they will officialy(the good ones) show up, but the all process is in his first steps this year. the Avatar of this age will walk earth again in public, in 2005, ane he will try to "lure" the biggest nymber of human "folowers" saving them from the nasty influence of "false governements,fasle religions, and bad reptilian influence. he can be "vewed" by a "reeforcemnet tool" for all the big tests taken in place that time.

about Bush,,,i realy will not say nothing...sorry but i can't!

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:01 AM
Hi there Kangaxx

Great thread to read and great that so many people have responded in such a way.
Goes to show how many people really live to attain a higher vibrational state of conscienceness.

I too have had some past experiences (when I was much younger) being taken (not against my will tho - I chose to go with them as they asked me if I wanted to go with them)

What I have recently found are some readings that really got me interested in what was being said and I wondered if you had read these papers.


Would like your input if you have read them

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:07 AM
Don't want to hog your time, I am sure your busy. Regarding BUSH, silence is golden in this case I am sure. One question I forgot to mention earlier. You say it's true that we have an implanted "device" used to possibly control us. A reptilian brain aka the Cerebellum. How would that effect us, even if we have the correct vibrations. Wouldn't it be necessary to have that part altered or removed altogether, to avoid having "fear" implanted in us.

If this is silly, then please disregard. I am not trying to be funny. I am just curious.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:21 AM
read better what i have writed friend. it was unswered already.
the cerebellum is not a "device"(but maybe you are right because i messed up with multiple meanings for english words
!, its just a organic implant puted on us on the 6th human generation some million years ago.

if you see better several "tips" i give to reach the proper vibration,,,you will notice easly that you can reach it with out need any organic alteration on you!
the cerebellu its just a "blocker" and it does not let us naturaly "envolve" as humans to higher personal and permanent vibrations. but that does not mean that you can't reach it if you try /force it!

note that the cerebellum have other ficntions,,,it not serve only to block a natural high vibration!he blocks other things too...

in the "next" new world, we willreceve a genetic tratement in order our childrens can born with out it.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:44 AM

hi mate, i have read the link you hae posted , other people have already send me that link,,,so i think i can say something about it,,,not too much,,,but something.

that kind of information, is always very usefull for all the people that dont belive in nothing(and became a beliver), and for all the other ones that want to belive/or belive already, but they do not have a good amount of knoledge. in this case links like that ones can be extremly the other hand:

for all the others that are belivers aready, and have a good amount of knoledge, "some" sites", as other kind of information, can be "harmfull"..why this?...i will try to explain:

the biggest sectors of the "secret governemt/aliens agencys are exatly the "desinformation" ones. i do not know now,,,but for example,,,in 1978, 63% of the ressorces and human services in the CIA, was just for "desinformation" proposes!
why it is so important...simple:
each time something about the "big truth" cames public, they launch a bigger new to "atract" peoples atencion,,in order that they can "hide/kill/destroy the original "big" new! this is just a example.
another example is...if too much "true" sites/books/movies/etc came out they will launch new Sites/books/movies/etc...aparently talking about the "truth",,,but in a "twisted" way. just using that techniques they have been able to "control" us, and avoided that the majoroty of us can acess it.

althou i am not autorized to say if this link its misifnormation or not...(yet), but just folow what i have writed in the start of this unswer...
...misinformation or not...the link is very usefull the present time!

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Ok...thanks for the reply!

A second thought is that u are a Buddhist, have u ever had an introduction into Sant Mat?

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:18 AM

This is also my very first time using this site. I have a few questions for you. I can't honestly say that I am a believer in alien life forms (but I can't wait till I get proven wrong!!!) It's just that I have not yet had an experience personally that would change the way I have been brought up (brainwashed if you will) So, please don't take my questioning as an insult, just consider it my own search for the truth from someone who obviously has a wealth of knowledge in something that I do not.

First, like I said before, you have an enormous amount if info on this subject. You said that you were adbducted twice. During those 2 times, was that when you learned of all this? Did they give you a source to obtain this info or did they just relay it to you verbally, or more likely download it to your own brain?

Second, do you still have contact with your abductors. Have you formed any type of bonds along the lines of friendship?

Third, you say they are walking among us under a cloaked form that allows us to see them as humans and that you can see thru that. Are you able to approach them and communicate with them?

Fourth and final, you say that there is a huge part of your story that you haven't or can't relay to us due to the severity of the info. I really think it would be beneficial to those of us who are open minded to know what you know, even if we won't be able to comprehend it. When things start to happen we can use that info to go back to for answers.

Thanks for your time and sharing of your information!!!

Let me put my fingers in the holes of your hands.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:33 AM
hi Peake:~

i will try too unswer what i can.

1- (i advice you to read all i have posted ,,,several unswers to your questions are here already)- i have been "uploaded" with all the "earth/alien" history sinze the terraformation of the planet.other information was transmited in a normal dialogue, and other in a telepatic dialogue by my 2nd abduction,other information was treansmited times to times by telepatic waves to me and to many others in the same "status" as i. other kind of information i have get it in "astral trips" going to the "akasha " plane. if you folow lamaistic tibetan bhuddism rules and practices that will be easy for you.

2- yes, they have "linked" me as they do to all the other humans in that status too. at the present day we work moustly like "recevers" and "living librarys"/ data banks, and that as many future aplications, to be used in a very very near future.

3- hard one to be unswered because it "touches" several information that must be "hidde" for now. but i will unswer the basic--- yes i can "see" them,and i can aproach them, but i never do that !,due to security reasons for me and them, i just ignore that. althou i must "activate" the special "vew tehcnique", i cant walk all the time with it activated. so...i know a lot,,,and this subject its not new for me, and after the "transformation " i realy dont have the wish to do that, i know the truth , and i know the danger that truth can "bring", i know very well the security rules,,and i dont even think to break them!

4- ok...just think in this for a moment:

do you bother at all to aproach a cow or a bird trying to explaining them the laws of phisics!?! i think not...why then you think that they will bother to aproach normal humans to explain things that they have sure you cant understend?!?
i think it's time to some people try to understend something hARD to accept:

we .humans are NOTHING, we dont have any right to aproach them and start to make our "pertinent" little questions!. they look for us( and we are like that) like ANTS! we never have controled nothing here, we dont control nothing here, and we will never control nothing here, just get used to that in the same way the birds in our home inside the cages must get used too!
what you think we are mates? we are just little animals here like all the other animals,,and so far the only thing that we have proofed to them its we still continue to not be able to go on with our lifes by ourselfs...all we do here for centurys is KILL,KILL and more KILL, we even start to destroy and afecct the planet . so what rights you can think we have its insane.
for all the ones that think. "we have the right to know,," i assure you...the only thing that we have the right is to be "smashed" by a huge shoe like a coaqueroach!
chieldrn are dieing all over the place, lilions of people are suffering all the place,,,and "we" stay in our sweet big houses , and big citys just doing nothing!!!! we give the power to people that the only thing we know from them is...what they tell in the political campaign. do ever anibody have made "mental" tests to president candidates�??? NO, but they have the power to lauch atomic bombs and start new wars!! have you any time stoped to think in this?do you realy know who you have in the "power"??...i think not,,,and sadly many of the humans will never know that.
another oppurtunity was given to us, and for the 6th time we just messed up! we atc like a "virus" in this planet. the only thing we know , and we do is "destroy" to our "confort"!
do you want some numbers?!,,i give you some number:
im not sure but i think we are near the 6 billions at the moment. do you know how many people was not "fully" controled by "evil"!?! i tell you: just around 1.3 billions!
for all the others, they are doomed...they never will can reach the correct vibration. all this work is a hard, and final try to save the maximun number of people in that 1.3 billions!!! since the first test beggins just around 570.000 humans have reach that vibration.!.
ufff...i will stop.i think i have "passed" a little the red line, but its not your fault at all mate. its time to wake have a lot of time yet...not too much...but more then sufficient to make real something for you, for us, and for our race!

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:47 AM
More on the Cerebellum (Reptilian Brain)....

2 great sites.

More on the reptilian brain:

Oazaki has stated that soon we will see the sun's "Dark Twin" in our skies, and with that comes alot of "energy" that will go into the chakra called the Erectheus chakra located on our chins. This chakra is a sort of "fighting" chakra, but more so "fighting for righteousness". But its fighting on a different level. Most, if not ALL of the fighting going on right now is not at this level, it is pure egoic fighting. This "fighting for righteousness" type of fighting is more of the spiritual fighting for "what is right" because it is part of the "divine plan" which may not even be known at the time, but is known on a deeper level of your being.

He said that soon we will see this dark twin and soon we will have pulsing chins.

Also with this, the energy coming in that will be pulsing our chins will overpower the reptilian brain, and people will act, out of righteousness without inhibiting factors such as fear and doubt. Meaning, that people will fight for their freedom and towards our governments and world leaders, and "fight for what is right" without any fear, not so much as that they just overpower their fear, its more like there IS no fear, because the reptilian brain will be over powered.

He says this will happen very soon, and I beleive it will start the war between the good factions and the bad factions. For more info:

If I have gone off topic please forgive me, but this post has covered the topic of the reptilian brain which have been implanted into us by the "bad faction" of the aliens.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:50 AM
good "cerebellum" links mate
but the cerebellum it's not that!
that is very important too..but its a diferent "thing"...

thx for the links.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:53 AM
I appreciate your response, although I feel like I hit a sensitive subject with you due to your emotional response. Obviously the human race has done and will do horrible things. But to say that we have no rights as human beings to question our existence is unfair. Of course we have the right! Perhaps the events and experiences you went thru make you feel you are on a different or higher level of life, but you are still a part of the human race and yet you have a knowledge that we don't. So what makes you any more deserving of this knowledge. Where you ever given a reason for being chosen to have this knowledge imparted to, or were you just picked randomly? I am in no way upset at your reply to me becuase, like I said I am in pursuit of truth myself and you are helping me with that in your own way. But please understand that for those of us who haven't had your lifechanging experience, we will question those that have. That is a part of human nature as well. As far as whether or not I have still have time to be chosen in this alien selection process, if all you need to do is feel true love, then I feel that every moring when I kiss my 5 month old son goodbye when I go to work. It's obviously not a feeling you can put into words and unless you have a child of your own, that love can't be known. Perhaps this is the way you feel about the knowledge you are withholding. Since I haven't experienced your life and the impartation of the gift you have been giving you must feel I will never "get it". Who knows? All I know is that until I have been given the golden ticket that you have been given I will keep searching for it and if that means thinking I have a right to know everything you know, count me in with the rest of the cattle.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by kangaxx
i think it's time to some people try to understend something hARD to accept:

we .humans are NOTHING, we dont have any right to aproach them and start to make our "pertinent" little questions!. they look for us( and we are like that) like ANTS! we never have controled nothing here, we dont control nothing here, and we will never control nothing here, just get used to that in the same way the birds in our home inside the cages must get used too!
what you think we are mates? we are just little animals here like all the other animals,,and so far the only thing that we have proofed to them its we still continue to not be able to go on with our lifes by ourselfs...all we do here for centurys is KILL,KILL and more KILL, we even start to destroy and afecct the planet . so what rights you can think we have its insane.
for all the ones that think. "we have the right to know,," i assure you...the only thing that we have the right is to be "smashed" by a huge shoe like a coaqueroach!
chieldrn are dieing all over the place, lilions of people are suffering all the place,,,and "we" stay in our sweet big houses , and big citys just doing nothing!!!! we give the power to people that the only thing we know from them is...what they tell in the political campaign. do ever anibody have made "mental" tests to president candidates�??? NO, but they have the power to lauch atomic bombs and start new wars!! have you any time stoped to think in this?do you realy know who you have in the "power"??...i think not,,,and sadly many of the humans will never know that.
another oppurtunity was given to us, and for the 6th time we just messed up! we atc like a "virus" in this planet. the only thing we know , and we do is "destroy" to our "confort"!
do you want some numbers?!,,i give you some number:
im not sure but i think we are near the 6 billions at the moment. do you know how many people was not "fully" controled by "evil"!?! i tell you: just around 1.3 billions!
for all the others, they are doomed...they never will can reach the correct vibration. all this work is a hard, and final try to save the maximun number of people in that 1.3 billions!!! since the first test beggins just around 570.000 humans have reach that vibration.!.
ufff...i will stop.i think i have "passed" a little the red line, but its not your fault at all mate. its time to wake have a lot of time yet...not too much...but more then sufficient to make real something for you, for us, and for our race!

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

Actually, we are nothing to "the powers the be" that are in a large part controlling our lives, and manipulating us. Is it our fault that we have a reptilian brain implanted into us that is not letting us experience higher vibrations of love?

Please, before you speak for ALL humans realize that there ARE people on this earth who have given up material desires and lower vibrational energies so that they may find oneness with God and experience the infinite love from which everything came from. Myself being one of them, and perhaps you also, but that doesn't mean you can call us a "virus". Because, there are factors which have caused us to become something which is LIKE a virus.

Just calling us "nothing" and a "virus" can be mistaken for you trying to steal "fear" energies from us in a vampiric way, and YOU can be viewed in a different light now that you have said all the above....

But if you are just angry, then it is understandable, but it's easy to blame "all of humankind" than just select certain "ignorant" or "misguided" ones.

Thanks for your info though I have learned alot from it and wish to hear more from you.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:00 PM
The information you provided is along the lines of what I was thinking. To me it seem logical that there would be a way for us to fight off the effects of the reptilian brain.

I understand (I think) about reaching the correct vibration, but to me (until I read your post) it seems futile if they still have a means of implanting ideas or emotion into us.

Kangaxx- I think I misled you by using the term "device". I din't mean as an implan, like a microchip or something like that. I meant as a tool to do work. The reptilian brain would be a tool for the Reptilians to do their work (on us), much like a carpenter uses a hammer to do his/her work. I've read all your post, and I am understanding. I just think the language I used was incorrect.

Keep it coming. I enjoy all that you are doing right now.

Oh and thanks for the compliment on my screen name. Your Avatar is interesting!

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:05 PM
If these aliens think we are nothing more than ants, they have just lost another ant. Granted we humans as a whole are a violent bunch, but are very capible of love and understanding.

Many of us try to help our fellow human beings, and in turn create a better world around us. This seems rather arrogent of a race to say we are nothing. I for one, know this isnt true. We are very capible beings, and apparently, if you listen to many abductees stories, most alien races are not able to feel love and compassion.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. I know this much and live it everyday.

Your story is interesting still, so I will follow along....being a mindless ant.....

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by kangaxx
good "cerebellum" links mate
but the cerebellum it's not that!
that is very important too..but its a diferent "thing"...

thx for the links.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

Please do tell us more about the cerebellum.

I have heard of a "grid" being placed on humans and also a "net" system which prevents us MORE from being free thinkers and keep us in our patterns of fear and anxiety and destructive patterns of thinking.

It's more like a vibrational prison.

Now if that is all true, then why are you still blaming HUMANS? I have read before that humans used to be heavenly beings with creation abilities, or at least the humans which DONT inhabit the earth, but now they are beng plagued by the "bad faction" of aliens.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm

Originally posted by kangaxx
i think it's time to some people try to understend something hARD to accept:

we .humans are NOTHING, we dont have any right to aproach them and start to make our "pertinent" little questions!. they look for us( and we are like that) like ANTS! we never have controled nothing here, we dont control nothing here, and we will never control nothing here, just get used to that in the same way the birds in our home inside the cages must get used too!
what you think we are mates? we are just little animals here like all the other animals,,and so far the only thing that we have proofed to them its we still continue to not be able to go on with our lifes by ourselfs...all we do here for centurys is KILL,KILL and more KILL, we even start to destroy and afecct the planet . so what rights you can think we have its insane.
for all the ones that think. "we have the right to know,," i assure you...the only thing that we have the right is to be "smashed" by a huge shoe like a coaqueroach!
chieldrn are dieing all over the place, lilions of people are suffering all the place,,,and "we" stay in our sweet big houses , and big citys just doing nothing!!!! we give the power to people that the only thing we know from them is...what they tell in the political campaign. do ever anibody have made "mental" tests to president candidates�??? NO, but they have the power to lauch atomic bombs and start new wars!! have you any time stoped to think in this?do you realy know who you have in the "power"??...i think not,,,and sadly many of the humans will never know that.
another oppurtunity was given to us, and for the 6th time we just messed up! we atc like a "virus" in this planet. the only thing we know , and we do is "destroy" to our "confort"!
do you want some numbers?!,,i give you some number:
im not sure but i think we are near the 6 billions at the moment. do you know how many people was not "fully" controled by "evil"!?! i tell you: just around 1.3 billions!
for all the others, they are doomed...they never will can reach the correct vibration. all this work is a hard, and final try to save the maximun number of people in that 1.3 billions!!! since the first test beggins just around 570.000 humans have reach that vibration.!.
ufff...i will stop.i think i have "passed" a little the red line, but its not your fault at all mate. its time to wake have a lot of time yet...not too much...but more then sufficient to make real something for you, for us, and for our race!

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kangaxx]

Actually, we are nothing to "the powers the be" that are in a large part controlling our lives, and manipulating us. Is it our fault that we have a reptilian brain implanted into us that is not letting us experience higher vibrations of love?

Please, before you speak for ALL humans realize that there ARE people on this earth who have given up material desires and lower vibrational energies so that they may find oneness with God and experience the infinite love from which everything came from. Myself being one of them, and perhaps you also, but that doesn't mean you can call us a "virus". Because, there are factors which have caused us to become something which is LIKE a virus.

Just calling us "nothing" and a "virus" can be mistaken for you trying to steal "fear" energies from us in a vampiric way, and YOU can be viewed in a different light now that you have said all the above....

But if you are just angry, then it is understandable, but it's easy to blame "all of humankind" than just select certain "ignorant" or "misguided" ones.

Thanks for your info though I have learned alot from it and wish to hear more from you.

Good reading from you The Quiet Storm

Loooook Closely in your thoughts there is not such thing as evil, evil doesn�t exist its only a �Bug� we must fix and its really easy to fix if the ones that can do something do it I joust say try to do your best for everyone and your self and try to /do/ learn other people your fine knowledge if you do that You Actually starting to fix the �Bug�, you are one of them that�s trying to do something and that�s Weary Important To ALL of us. BE one of Them Spread The �Fix�
your brain know it. Good luck my friend.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Cardu]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Thank you for that valid point Storm! I hope that Kangaxx won't take these responses the wrong way much as we feel that humans are not just mere ants, I still want to hear much more from him. I am so intrigued by this whole conversation. I must admit, I am such a novice to this type of discussion but very much want to devote much more time to the exploration of this particular topic.

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