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Time for a Schizophrenic thread. Who believes they are partially psychic and it relates to their s

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posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by FouL-LiveR

What I did though, was test out my theory, and found out it was nothing but the mental illness, and that everything I thought I could do, was nothing but being mentally ill. I take a lot of medication now, and I can see what was really happening. I didn't really have magic powers. If you think you do, please get yourself checked out.

So you have to numb your brain down to a fully influenced/controlled state of intoxication from a pharmaceutical produced non natural substance to be able to be labeled "Normal" ? Interesting... Maybe it just makes all those rapid thoughts that you couldnt control phase out.

The only way to cure a thought disorder truly is internally, with no medications (a doctor told me this and its true.. you have to combat whats going on in your head face on, or you can just delay it with pills). Unless you call making your body dependant upon medications to numb you out to a "normal" state a cure... To me it just sounds like more of an addiction, and something to throw your money at.

Upon further reflection... Maybe the people that arent able to cope wit h it need to be doused with pills, because they arent internally strong enough to deal with it on an interpersonal level.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:24 PM
From what I have seen (and for what it's worth, I studied psychology for 2 semesters before changing majors...) "schizophrenia" is a very generic disorder that you can be diagnosed with for exhibiting a very large range of behaviors, some harmless and some not, but mostly not well understood at all.

The same can be said of cancer: there are many, many different forms, but any disease in which the cells of your body stop functioning along with your body (love) and start self-serving (fear), you are said to have cancer, though the causes are at least as numerous as the kinds of cancer themselves.

Are gifted people lumped in with schizos simply because they aren't well-understood? I would say yes.

A pity for those who actually have debilitating issues, but also a pity for all of those mis-diagnosed. It was only about a hundred years ago, they would simply cut parts of your brain completely out and make you a vegetable for simple things or even things that aren't even considered diseases anymore.

Psychology is still a baby science.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Frankly, I've never met anyone who didn't have a mental disorder of some sort, particularly those who crow about "being normal"... Normality is subjective. You may have your own set of criteria for normality or sanity, but what that usually means is that you come from an environment that reinforces certain patterns of behavior over other patterns of behavior.

That is to say, your society programs your normality, which may be drastically different or even diametrically opposed to the programming of other societies.

For example, a lot of people in the West have this distorted and erroneous view of sexual maturity. We're conditioned by our society to think and believe that "normal" human beings aren't sexually mature until the late teens or early twenties.

However, this view is entirely new in the history of humankind — for thousands of years prior to the 20th Century, "normal" human beings were considered sexually mature at puberty, when their reproductive systems became fully functional. Kings, queens, emperors, saints and savages alike were usually married and producing offspring by their early teens, and this was perfectly "normal" for thousands of generations.

What happened in the 20th Century, you might wonder?

Massive industrialization is what happened. The need to indoctrinate people to a day-in-day-out, by-the-clock work environment is what happened. The government school system is what happened.

This insidious "educational" institution was designed not to groom highly intelligent and knowledgeable individuals, but to train them to obey a workplace schedule, to perform menial and boring tasks repeatedly, and to aspire to assimilation into the system.

I mean, how is it possible that 20th Century humans could attend government schools for 12 long years out of their young lives and yet remain unqualified to flip a hamburger by the time they graduated highschool? How is that possible?

It's possible because the primary intent is not to "educate" them, it is to pacify and indoctrinate them, to make them obedient automatons.

Most importantly, it was essential to the success of this indoctrination that the students not succumb to their normal human behavior at sexual maturity (i.e. at puberty). Hence the utterly grueling behavior modification exacted upon them during the years of their most volatile hormonal changes.

They were taught that they weren't "mature" until they became useful to The System, sometime in their late teens and early 20s. This became The Law.

The normal human reproductive cycle was thus made illegal in the West. It is postponed by at least 6 years, driving most young adults under the system crazy with confusion and resentment, which predictably turns into rebellion.

You know, before the 20th Century, a woman of 18-years-old who wasn't married was considered an "old maid" — which means a woman who will never be married or bear children. Back then, a woman who waited so late in life to become a mother was considered abnormal.

Today, women are taught that 18 is too young to start a family. They're taught that they must first contribute to and succeed within The System before they may obey their reproductive cycles.

My point is that the modern Western view of what is "normal" is truly bizarre, unnatural, and driven by pure greed. Is the modern Western view of sexual maturity somehow better than that of all previous human history?

I think not. I think the government-mandated brainwashing and indoctrination and muzzling of normal human sexuality has screwed up human civilization so badly in the last century that it will require centuries more to untangle the mess.

So... Who is to say that schizophrenia is not a normal human condition, as well? Perhaps schizophrenia doesn't sufficiently contribute to The System, and that's why it's considered "abnormal," even though I'd wager that every person reading this thread is schizophrenic on some level.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:19 PM
I was told recently that some schizophrenia has been traced to a parasite carried by cats and that people who have had long term exposure to cats account for a high percent of the people with this issue. The parasite apparently travels to the brain. Don't have any more details than that. It you feel you have those symptoms you might try MMS. It would likely eradicate the parasite in days.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:30 AM
Having been diagnosed as schizoaffective and DID I have also had missing time events now supposedly recalled, that seemed much more lucid and involved than I myself am normally capable of.

Sadly, there also appears to be some military involvement in my life. I recall training or trial sessions with known remote viewers such as Russell Targ back in the early 70's before it was ' supposedly 'an actual military program.

I've mentioned quite a few stories in posts that were apparently ignored as crazy or delusional. Stating a diagnosis here didn't help much, but many here diagnose us anyway.

I think many of us are disfunctional workers in a disfuntional system.

Most appear to be in denial of that.

One medication called seroquel actually triggered halucinations. Apparently, partly or mostly due to an adverse side effect, such as carb and food cravings. I gained several pounds and was borderline diabetic.

I think I've also been exposed to toxic molds, which may have gone undiagnosed.

Medications are not the answer for us as much as they are an answer to others in dealing with us.

Imagine being diagnosed as schizophrenic and suicidal and yet given a medication that could likely kill you? Ironic.

All society and the system seems to be concerned with is how we are a threat to them.

My view on people like Tesla is that he was insane. A crazy genious and definately a threat in his own way. I think maybe he was psychic. But even my own paranoia keeps me away from manic people. But I do understand them better now. DID kept that information away from me for a great part of my life. 9/11/01 was my awakening and sadly one of my early and alleged psychic delusions.

I've always been a dreamer and a daydreamer. Especially when I was working mundane boring repititious jobs. I've also done this while reading too often and find it hard to focus on long boring stories or involved subjects.

Always hated math and cards......especially flash cards. My dad used to hit me on the top of my head for wrong answers. That was after I started hitting myself on the head telling the voice to get out of my head.

" Get out of my head!!" It was more like demonic possession. Not so funny when you've gone through it yourself. I think I was about 5 years old.

I'd always basically hated school and homework and stared longfully out the windows while in school. Basically everything I learned was before high school. I dropped out my senior year with 7 credits......which included gym class. In many ways, we're all losers in this current system. Many don't yet realize that.

I had imagined a different kind of teaching system when I was in high school. Especially when they wouldn't let me into a mechanics course in school because of my grades and prerequisites.

I'm sure my IQ is probably low, but for some reason I was also told in some way I was an idiot savant if not a psychic medium. I was also compared to John Nash, but didn't see any connection. That was as if one of my alters......or contacts.

I really don't know for sure when I had first gone schizo. But I do know I had seen some really bizarre things related to the paranormal around the age of 3.

It does seem to have been many head games at my expense.

If you read the threads and links on mind control programs and psychic connections, it does make some us anyway.

Hypothetical scenarios mixed with emotions and low self esteem that turns into mad jealously is very much like schizophrenia or is that now just a psychosis? whatever.

Cryptic thinking that songs, movies and all kinds of media are secret messages for us like the Truman Show........syndrome.

Once you've experienced much of all of this and become stable it makes sense it's insane. But when we're manic, it's hard for others to convince us otherwise.

I still believe there's those who've been playing an elaborate head game with me. I've had evidence but it's always lost, hidden or not accessible to me now. Private property laws and tresspassing. I'd hate to be digging up something that shouldn't be there. That would be hard to explain away.

Although, I have recalled what was supposedly where Blackbeards treasure is in South Carolina. Sadly, that's also private property.

No, going to someones house and asking them about digging for buried treasure or alien artifacts and finding a dead dog instead would be discouraging and embarrassing. Would you want to be right or wrong? would you still think someone is playing games? I definately would.

I do realize that some people should not have children. Many would agree while others would take offense. There's no harm in trying in some respects.

Our society doesn't think two people with down syndrome should have children. That may obvious to many, but most likely, not them? idk

sorry for rambling. It's what we do.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by TheFaiThfulSkepTic

I have a strong hold on my mind, I am not easily manipulated, and I still can create wonderful art. Mental disease was created, and its only purpose is for you to loose your power! Compartmentalization is a coping tool!

Exerp from-the secret covenant exposed

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.
We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.
We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.
When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.
We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese,and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

Wake UP!!!

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by HulaAnglers

If these points were factual, the earth would be depopulated by now, and we would scarcely have reasoning enough to comprehend the points you are making.

Clearly this has not/is not happening.

The proof is in the pudding.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by TheFaiThfulSkepTic
Atleast i dont believe the movie aliens is a valid avatar to have on a truth thinking conspirators forum.

Go lock yourself up in your room and watch some sci fi videos you turd.

Seriously there is always one nerdy ats troll that tries to control threads that they dont belong in, just for the sake of Trolldome (the act of being a useless human being that hates their own life, and feels the need to troll about their negativity to try to make themselves feel better about their lack of self importance in their own lives).
Upon further research of the NON CONTRIBUTING TROLL:

Who would of known that my predictions were true. Doing a search of this guys threads he has made, he has made a total of 3 people think and ponder what he is actually posting about. Properly identifying this individual with the self inflicted disease of Trolldom.

I also found a very scary production of what he calls music. Sometimes advanced hermatism does this to people.. You know, not having a sense for good ideas and bad ideas from lack of exposure to sunlight?


Talk about a total waste of time. Hopefully ur parents enjoyed listening to you remix it in your room for the past 3 weeks to get it to your intense hermit self standards

LOL! Geez.. I was only agreeing with everything you claimed in your OP!

For a gifted psychic person, it was a bit of a lame attempt at character assassination. You could have at least gotten one thing correct... But I do give you 10/10 for ATS T&C violation.

Well done! That's quite a story you created there. I've made a copy for myself so that I may read it again if I need a chuckle.


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Clearly you are unaware of mercury, fluoride, lead, barium, arsenic, and all the dangerous chemicals that cause deseases, and nutricided foods and sugars and the impact they have on depression and your state of mind. Too bad!

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by ReelView
I was told recently that some schizophrenia has been traced to a parasite carried by cats and that people who have had long term exposure to cats account for a high percent of the people with this issue. The parasite apparently travels to the brain. Don't have any more details than that. It you feel you have those symptoms you might try MMS. It would likely eradicate the parasite in days.

That parasite only affects newborns. As a *hopefully* soon to be father I was doing research and learned that newborns aren't to be around cats until they reach a certain age. Of course my memory is shot so I can't recall the exact age though

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by TheFaiThfulSkepTic

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by TheFaiThfulSkepTic
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Dont agree with you , sorry.

Of course you don't!

OK... I give in. You're special, you're an angel and you have super powers!

Happy? Validated?


Atleast i dont believe the movie aliens is a valid avatar to have on a truth thinking conspirators forum.

Go lock yourself up in your room and watch some sci fi videos you turd.

Seriously there is always one nerdy ats troll that tries to control threads that they dont belong in, just for the sake of Trolldome (the act of being a useless human being that hates their own life, and feels the need to troll about their negativity to try to make themselves feel better about their lack of self importance in their own lives).
Upon further research of the NON CONTRIBUTING TROLL:

Who would of known that my predictions were true. Doing a search of this guys threads he has made, he has made a total of 3 people think and ponder what he is actually posting about. Properly identifying this individual with the self inflicted disease of Trolldom.

I also found a very scary production of what he calls music. Sometimes advanced hermatism does this to people.. You know, not having a sense for good ideas and bad ideas from lack of exposure to sunlight?


Talk about a total waste of time. Hopefully ur parents enjoyed listening to you remix it in your room for the past 3 weeks to get it to your intense hermit self standards

OMG ..that was funny...I got a good chuckle from your response Skeptic..

BTW ..I am bipolar and my mother is schizo. Is that why I am drawn to ATS

[edit on 19-9-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

[edit on 20-9-2009 by skindoc]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:01 PM
I use to think what you thought, that the medications aren't natural or needed and that I'm destroying some kind of "gift".

But hearing voices and trying to live a normal life are in fact impossible.

I can tell, you've never had the disease.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
reply to post by HulaAnglers

If these points were factual, the earth would be depopulated by now, and we would scarcely have reasoning enough to comprehend the points you are making.
Clearly this has not/is not happening.
The proof is in the pudding.

Maybe cancer is the affect she is referring to... 1 in 4 males are predicted to get some form of cancer through their lifetime, and 1 in 5 females are predicted to get cancer in theirs... And all these tests show that many many different things cause cancer. Its plausible... but im not sure if its possible. Then again, im not sure about many things.

Star to HulaAnglers for posting this view. to reflect on

Originally posted by skindoc

OMG ..that was funny...I got a good chuckle from your response Skeptic..

BTW ..I am bipolar and my mother is schizo. Is that why I am drawn to ATS

[edit on 20-9-2009 by skindoc]

Funny... i was drawn to ats originally by following these blind signs and weird notions that in an indirect way led me to questioning what i deem as reality.

I Honestly believe that without my personality disorders, i would not of found this site. So in a way, i am happy for them. This site has really cleared up so many foggy issues that i have pondered.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by FouL-LiveR
I use to think what you thought, that the medications aren't natural or needed and that I'm destroying some kind of "gift".

But hearing voices and trying to live a normal life are in fact impossible.

I can tell, you've never had the disease.

I dont know who you are talking to... but i dont believe you are able to diagnose someone from what they have told other people on a forum, especially since you havent heard what they arent telling you.

Everyones disease affects them differently. I hear inner voices, but i have a strong mental willpower to survive and i dont lay down with the disease and let it overwhelm my being as an individual, engulfing my state of consciousness.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TheFaiThfulSkepTic

I am just trying to liberate you from precepts, if you are strong willed, you should question this disease they have appointed you to and -chelate

I remember at the age of 31 I realized my mind was insistently chattering away, I worked very hard at meditation amongst other things and eventually became the watcher of my thoughts...

I hope you will be inspired to research this a little further


[edit on 20-9-2009 by HulaAnglers]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:34 PM
The voices are not inner voices, they are outer voices, they are as real as you and me, so are the hallucinations, so are the magic powers.

If I want to hold down a job and have a family some day, I'd need to take the medication. That's what I mean by normal.

Otherwise I'd be out on the street right now screaming at invisible people. Come on. There is a definition for normal and it sure ain't that.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by HulaAnglers
reply to post by TheFaiThfulSkepTic

I am just trying to liberate you from precepts, if you are strong willed, you should question this disease they have appointed you to and -chelate

I remember at the age of 31 I realized my mind was insistently chattering away, I worked very hard at meditation amongst other things and eventually became the watcher of my thoughts...

I hope you will be inspired to research this a little further


Wow thanks for that information... your first link your provided gave this insight... heres a star!

Hearing Voices: Schizophrenia or Artificial Telepathy? Thought reading at a distance, by a machine? Voices being beamed into the head by satellite? Innocent victims enduring ritual abuse by thugs working for the military, the NSA, or the CIA? It all sounds too crazy and sick to be true. It's far easier to believe that people who hear voices are exactly what they seem to be: wackos. In fact, hearing voices remains a classic symptom of schizophrenia, as defined by most textbooks. Yet a growing body of literature, written by reputable journalists and scientists, gives clear evidence that such technology does exist. See, for example, the books on mind control technology at this excellent website:

[edit on 20-9-2009 by TheFaiThfulSkepTic]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by FouL-LiveR

My heart goes out to you, no one deserves this! and no its not normal - but more and more you have periods of lucidity without the drugs? what are the you have metal fillings in your mouth...have you been severely abused or neglected...what is your diet much to take in consideration, and the waves - TV or computer overload?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:59 PM
For all those faithful schizophrenic skeptics out there....

If you are ever on some "special" mushrooms, see how your reality world shrinks down/implodes on itself/and becomes something completely different than what you are used to.

I honestly believe that one night i was on these trips, and everything was lining up for me, and i felt like i could accomplish anything... And i had the Lords good words on my tongue (the ultimate faith you can acquire, realizing your true creator) and i was teaching people at a party right from wrong.... I welcomed a man that was coming up from behind the building before he ever entered the backdoor... I was also communicating and trying to manipulate a small dog that the people holding the party had... The dog was wimpering profusely when i was making my hand motions from far away... and i felt an invisible field of brainwaves per say surrounding me.

Then later on in the party me and 6 others were out on the doorsteps (they thought i was a prophet or something from god i believe... and they were all surrounding me) and i was able to control these brain waves and sent it to all of them (they werent on any drugs, nor were they even drinking.. it was like they were waiting for me), and my waves i was sending surrounded the people on the porch arround me, and they induced an immediate high and were taken aback for a few seconds. It was as if i was able to share my emotions and high with them telepathically. I dont know if this had to do with their faith in me being a prophet or an angel or whatever they believed i was... Maybe them having faith in me has something to do with letting their guard down for me to be able to manipulate them telepathically with my brain waves.

To be honest.... i have been recombing this idea ever since it happened 2 and a half months ago and it is showing nothing but truth and there were no other explanations for what happened that night.... I also followed a sense of direction that was unknown and i knocked on 2 random doors and both of them were past childhoood friends of mine.. that i havent seen in ages.

Tell me your thoughts please, or maybe ill make another thread because this is... really something else... Havent shared it with anyone.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:13 PM
I've been schizoaffective for the past 15 years.

The first five years or so, everything was wonderful - the voices were kind and helpful, complimentary and educational.

About ten years ago, once I had been fully indoctrinated into a magical thought process, they became rude, insistant, demanding and downright harassing.

The past eight years have been the worst - trying to fight off the delusional behaviour that (at the time) gives a sense of uniqueness and specialness - only to realize I'm being used like a pawn in a horribly unfunny game.

I've been in more "treatment" facilities I can count, and each time I come out of "treatment" feeling more depressed, disconnected and truely "disabled".

Those first five years were fun though - but schizophrenia remains a degenerative disease - over the years, the novelty wears off and some people find themselves completely isolated from normal, everyday experiences.

I wish you better luck than I had, and hope you don't blindly follow the voices down the rabbit hole too deeply....there are things down there than no one should ever have to experience.

Best wishes,


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