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Rush: 'We Need Segregated Buses'

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 07:45 AM
can somebody give this "pill popper" his last fix ASAP lol @ anybody following or even listening to this COLD BLOODED DRUG FIEND so thats whats good now listen to who ever rebels against the current ADMINISTRATION SMMFH SUPER LAME. But I figa anyone who follows this type of individual deserves for him to leed them right off a big ars cliff. I am sure noone will miss you. In fact he may be doing some of us a BIG FAVOR. GO RUSH LMAO @ RUSH FOLLOWERZ

[edit on 9/17/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:00 AM
Why is it ok for a mob of black kids to attack a white kid? How is this not racially motivated? If this had been the other way around, my gosh, there would be the biggest outcry this country has ever seen. One race attacked another, it is irrelevant what the races were. I'm having a hard time figuring out how Rush is the bad guy here? The bad guys are the ones that want to feed this and create a race war. I think those that are making EVERYTHING about race want us divided and are anarchists.
No matter how the racist's on the left want to spin this, he was not speaking literally. This is the problem with most today, they focus on the wrong part of the story, which is A CHILD WAS ATTACKED BY A MOB. This is a prime example of the fringe media and the racist left feeding the hate. If they keep us divided, we are easier to control. This racist crap is just a distraction so they can take over while we fight amongst ourselves.Why can't you people see this?


posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Wow this thread had more predictable "Rush is a druggie racist" posts than even I expected. Of course no one is asking the question or debating the topic of how a mob of black kids beating up a white kid isn't a racial crime. Maybe the white kid should say he is homosexual, then perhaps it would have been labeled a hate crime. But beating up a white kid is pretty much acceptable no matter who you are.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Wow this thread had more predictable "Rush is a druggie racist" posts than even I expected.

This reminds of an old saying: "When you have to revert to name calling it just means that you have nothing else to contribute to the argument"

After reading all of these posts it saddens me how many people here hop on the rage wagon without looking into the context in which it was said in the first place.

A few people got it right: Rush was being sarcastically absurd on purpose in order to prove a point.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:29 AM
Children have been fighting on busses in school for a long time so for a LAME DUCK LIKE RUSH TO MAKE A STUPID STATMENT like we need segragated buses and people on here actually defend him SMMFH @ THE ill minds he is a racist as we all know.Again let him leed the way to the gates of hell I no care for SUBHUMANS WHO THINK SUPERIOR and not ACKNOWLEDG THE fact that racisim in the heavens is a deadly situation and what would racist people do if they ENCOUNTERED ANOTHER MORE INTELLIGENT POWERFUL SPECIES. Answer is you would all magically unite for WHAT YOU FEEL IS your EARTH EVEN IF YOU ARE WAY WRONG and fight together SMH RUSH IS DRAGON FEED LOL.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:47 AM
I'm reading a book SweetJesusIHateBillO'Reilly that is brilliant.

They also wrote this: Sweet Jesus, I Hate Rush Limbaugh.

It's next on my list......

[edit on 17 September 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Do you know where I could get a book titled SweetjesusIhate liberals who are supposed to be about peace and love but read books talking about hating others?

I just finished the new Dan Brown book (pretty good) and need a new read.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by jd140

Do you know where I could get a book titled SweetjesusIhate liberals...

Anything by that whackjob Ann Coulter (geist). Or, Michael Savage.

But, you may already know of them.....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

ha ha ha ha

Now I remember why I had you on the ignore list.

Keep up with the hate buddy. I won't have to worry about seeing your trash any longer.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by thing fish

These kinds of issues are manufactured to distract people while the thieves, murderers and Robber Barron's do their stuff.

Ignore this kind crap and it withers and dies from lack of attention.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:41 AM
My question is...a kid got beat up on a bus.

An issue for the parents, the school...maybe...maybe local news.

Why is rush, Fox News, CNN etc blabbering about it?

And unless I missed the part of Obama's acceptance speech where he instructed every child of color to beat up white people...why is rush blathering on about "Obama's America" in this context?...

Really, I think the sane nations of the world have to be looking at us lately with serious trepidation...from our media to our politicians...

It's not just that we are screaming at eachother, but it is that what we are screaming doesn't make any sense...To the rest of the world we must look like a once trusted and loved hunting dog that has gone rabid...glassy eyed and foaming at the mouth.

I have become convinced that it is not healthcare reform or a "socialist" agenda or even the "right-wing" agenda that will lead to the downfall of America, but rather the unashamedly hateful and stupid manner in which we are treating eachother....THAT is our destruction on the horizon. United we stand...divided we...

Rush and the rest should just shut their pie-hole for a little while rather than looking for a payday at every opportunity to hammer the wedge deeper.

Thats the irony...those that loudly claim to love this country the most are the ones that are inflicting the greatest damage.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by maybereal11]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by maybereal11

My question is...a kid got beat up on a bus.

An issue for the parents, the school...maybe...maybe local news.

Why is rush, Fox News, CNN etc blabbering about it?

He was simply using it to make a point. A point that has apparently sailed over the heads of many. Its been explained quite a few times in the thread that he was making a statement about all the racism accusations going around and NewsWeek's article that claims white babies are born racist.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Rush Limbaugh was an illegal prescription drug user, admitted he had a problem and got help.

Mr. Obama was an illegal drug user, never admitted it was a problem, and never admitted to stopping the illegal drug use. Based on his recent actions as President he could still be using. Do Presidents or politicians have to be drug tested? The answer is no.

Rush is at his best when he illustrates absurdity by being absurd. People with low levels of intelligence can easily be offended, so you have to listen to him at your own risk.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
My question is...a kid got beat up on a bus.

An issue for the parents, the school...maybe...maybe local news.

Why is rush, Fox News, CNN etc blabbering about it?

in the propaganda war
Rule #1 : keep people distracted
Rule #2 : keep people divided
Rule #3 : rinse and repeat

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:36 PM
Just an anecdote but I went to school with what must have been some of the most racist black kids on the planet. My bus had the fortunate privilege of stopping at the two 'projects' in town.

The kids, 6th-8th grade were violent and overtly racist. The minute those bus doors opened up it was cracker this and cracker that and honky slappin' and grabbing at girls with exclamations of that "cotton white ass".

The white kids were assaulted routinely. Their belongings stolen. Sometimes just tossed out the window onto the street.

A few complaints were made but the reaction by the administration was always for more "tolerance" on the part of the white kids. This was the early 90's.

This from a town with 77% white and 11% black and a 30% rate of 4 year degrees.

I left that town to attend college in a city. Same story here from friends I had that were teachers and from the perspective of the bystander on the street. These little kids in grade school were horrible, violent racists. Every day some kid was being jumped and assaulted, mugged, raped because of skin color. The schools, police and city administration just ignored it and wrote it off as a generic assault. This was just within the past 3 or 4 years.

There is a massive problem. Not just with overtly violent and racist attitudes but with TPTB not recognizing the problem for what it is. As long as it's ignored it will just grow and grow.''

It's sort of funny we have several generations of white people in positions of authority so afraid to be called racist they are willing to permit several generations of wholly racist children rise up under the impotence created by political correctness.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:40 PM
ATS used to be a cool place, but now is infested with white nazi kids...
It's pitty this degradation. Believe me, you guys are in the wrong forum.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:40 PM
How about this... Have rules for riding on the bus and if you violate them, you can't ride on the bus.... Period.

School bus drivers could report unruly students on a daily basis. If they can't stay in their seats, talk quietly and not hit other students, then guess what, they can't ride the bus.

Let's get back to common sense about things like this.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Rush Limbaugh was an illegal prescription drug user, admitted he had a problem and got help.

Mr. Obama was an illegal drug user, never admitted it was a problem, and never admitted to stopping the illegal drug use.

The only thing true in this statement is that the President admitted his past drug use. Was open and honest about his past.

As opposed to being arrested at an airport....

Which of the two scenarios speaks of honesty?

People with low levels of intelligence can easily be offended, so you have to listen to him at your own risk.

Perhaps you meant to say people with low levels of intelligence are easily amused ?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

This is the type of bi-opoly thinking that has run this country into the ground. Your Republican/conservative view is one part of a two part political scheme designed to enslave a country of people into submission of independant thinking and freedom. Republicans and Democrats are the problem. If you vote these party lines you are the problem.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Not a fan of history, sociology, or causality?

Obviously you are not a fan any of these. If you were you, you would know that Whites, Arabs AND Blacks were ALL complicit in the most recent slave trade. It wasn't white guys going into the bush to round up the "slaves" it was black tribes rounding up other black tribes to march them off to the slave ports. EVERY SINGLE RACE THAT HAS EVER EXISTED has been or had slaves, the africans were just the most recent to be the victims. Not saying it was right but every human race is guilty. what matters is it has for the most part been stopped (physical slavery anyways)

But those who aren't getting what Rush really meant and turning him into the rascist to deflect the fact that the kids on the bus were being racist, don't want to hear such things. And no I am not a dittohead.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

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