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Washington Post: Black only event calls protesters racist

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:02 PM
We need a all White TV channel and a all White news , Thats the deal people , The time has come to even the playing field , Grass roots 9-12 has turned America into America again join up now , YOU LIE OBOMA

[edit on 013030p://pmvpm by yenko13]

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:03 PM

After going to the site above which is the writer of the washington post story I can see some kind of racists connection but I still don't see it coming from the government just a writer.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:03 PM
For years MSM has demonized people of color, and how many of you said anything about it? On one hand you say the black familiy structure is broken, yet when blacks have a "black FAMILY reunion" you cry and scream about reverse-racism (whatever the hell that means.)

Get over it people.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by yenko13

We need a all White TV channel and a all White news

You do its called the WB and CBS.

The time has come to even the playing field

What? Pick up a history book, the playing field has NEVER been leveled. And now it's slowly coming into alignment we got culture clashes.

Go get'em EMPIRE!

[edit on 14-9-2009 by cenpuppie]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by Shadowflux

I would have liked to think that we're passed this whole race issue but the people who "fight racism" would be out of a job and it's in their best interests to keep the hate going.

your right...the middle east has been doing this type of ethnic race-baiting for hundreds of years and it is still going strong. where is the next ghandhi going to show up?

Well, Muslims do this, not the whole Middle-East. What about the Christian churches bombed on a regular basis in Iraq & Egypt? No one calls it prejudice? No one notices, as in, the media ignores anything that might "demonize" Blacks or Islam.

But anyone who is not Black or Muslim is racist. (including Gandhi if he were alive still)

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by bettermakings

Oh bull plop! What about the media rage created by Rev. Wright. Just about everyone was calling him a black supremacist and outright racist. And those people have no idea of what he was doing, just watching a youtube clip.

Not to mention when that professor from the wonder years called Obama racist as well.

Get your facts straight.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by loam

I've pretty well noticed this as well.

Segregation much? Thanks for keeping it going News Media, Obama-trons, and biased study groups!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:19 PM
Can't we all just get along?

This might be slightly shy of the actual topic - but if it's a tangent, I don't believe it to be at a very hard angle.

I'm white. Pasty, Irish white (and I have no political party - if you want to group me - group me with the humans). I grew up in a place where there were not very many African Americans - not that it would have mattered if there were because we were all kids and we grew up together and our skin tone did not affect in any way what-so-ever who got to be the Indian and who got to be the cowboy or who got to be the cop and who got to be the robber. Somewhere around the end of high school, I actually started paying attention to the media and what was going on in the world around me; I took note of topics of racism but thought it such a preposterous notion because to judge somebody else strictly by the color of their skin seemed as ludicrous as judging a book by the color of it's cover.

That was a while ago now, and while I don't consider myself a 'racist' person, race has certainly become much more prominent in my mind than it used to be. In fact, now I am so scared of seeming or being racist that I think that fear in itself has, in a way, made me a racist person. To demonstrate the level of anxiety I have over it, I'll hesitate and choose my words wisely when talking about cars with big rims, or the eight ball in a game of pool with a black person because what if I accidentally say something derogatory that I didn't even realize was inappropriate? God, I'm even scared people reading this post are going to think I'm racist. Am I crazy?

[Working my way back to the topic]
It's completely ridiculous. Where did this anxiety come from? It didn't used to matter at all. The only thing I can think of is the media. The media has created and continues to support a divide where no divide actually exists. That divide is profitable! It sells - and we watch it everyday on the TV, we read about it in every newspaper - it glares at us from every advertisement. This is just another example - perpetuating the divide to keep the profit margins high.

Race exists, we are all races... the only divides are the ones we create. I don't even know what to think anymore.

As a side of a side note, with my good friends of color (all colors) - racial jokes and burns are some of the funniest we throw around. I think the reason they're the funniest is because they're all just stereotypes that societies have created and we realize that they completely do not apply to us in any way whatsoever -- although when they do, it's even funnier.

I love Guinness and potatoes. It's true.

(edit for grammar)

[edit on 14-9-2009 by memoir]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Wimbly

What is it with black people? They can be racist but white people can't? I just wish everybodys skin was the same color.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:29 PM
Throwing the race card has become so common,that it has lost it's impact.
Just like resorting to cursing in a heated argument,the battle is truly lost when the racism card is played.
You know you are confronted with a weaker stand on issues,when they resort to calling you a racist.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:32 PM
White people hate Obama so much that 60% of them voted for him.

The things people will do to try and hide their racism


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:32 PM
I'm subscribe to the belief that supporting a President because of his skin color is just as ignorant as not supporting him for the same reason. Whatever happened to judging a man "not by the color of his sking but by the content of his character'" ?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

For years MSM has demonized people of color, and how many of you said anything about it? On one hand you say the black familiy structure is broken, yet when blacks have a "black FAMILY reunion" you cry and scream about reverse-racism (whatever the hell that means.)

Get over it people.

First of all, I used the term sarcastically. There is obviously no such thing as reverse racism.

As far as the Family Reunion goes, How many whites, Asians or Mexicans are invited to BLACK family reunion? What a nice name for a racially specific event huh? Family Reunion. So nice!

Why are you trying to justify a new emerging era of racism, because some people in the past were also once racist? All human beings have the capacity for so called "racism". I didn't say anything about it then, because I was born in 1979. Stop trying to get pay back on me, for wrong of the past.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

The Confederate Flag has a bad reputation. It, in itself, does not denote racism. Someone who flies the Confederate Flag might indeed be racist but the flag is no guarantee.

The Confederate Flag also denotes a mistrust and dislike of overarching, over-reaching, federal power.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Chovy

I just wish everybodys skin was the same color.

It wouldn't matter though. People would just separate themselves by air or eye color. Its simply part of our nature as human animals to be skeptical of those who aren't like us. Most of us easily get past it and learn to judge people on substantive characteristics.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by OpusMarkII
is it me or are whites being prodded and goated into hate?

look...there are millions of people that simply hate having a black president. and if you don't know this, you need to start doing some road trips. being a white male, and having traveled through the south, i have seen and heard this personally. christ, if you go up into the foothills of california which i had to do for my career before i retired, you see confederate flags in quite a few of the small towns, and they are quite open to explaining that the moved up in the hills to get away from the n*gg*rs that live in the big cities along the coast.

Ya, I think that's b.s. I think people move away because of the crime. I think people can live just fine with any culture. It's when you start shooting our children at random that we decide to leave and let the knuckle draggers have at it among their own...

People just don't move away in mass unless there is a good reason and crime along the lines of rape, murder and robery are very good reasons.

That is why you see people so pissed. It's because when they call it like they see it they are called a racist and you are a prime example of that and white guilt. I don't blame people moving away from those animals that have taken over the big cities.

If that makes me a racist I am proud to be one... The truth hurts only those that are unwilling to be honest...

[edit on 14-9-2009 by northof8]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
reply to post by EMPIRE

First of all, I used the term sarcastically. There is obviously no such thing as reverse racism.

If you used it sarcastically you should brush up on your sarcasm. If it is obvious that there is no such thing as “reverse racism” why is it often thrown around on this board? Moreover, why is it often regurgitated offline?

As far as the Family Reunion goes, How many whites, Asians or Mexicans are invited to BLACK family reunion?

In my area they have “Junetenth” and “Black Family Day”. Everyone is invited, and all types of people show up. However, the key emphasis is the word family. On the flipside, how many blacks are invited to bar/bat mitzvahs? How many are invited to Cinco De Mayo or quinceaneras? How many are invited to Chinese New Year celebrations?

What a nice name for a racially specific event huh? Family Reunion. So nice!

Yes, it is nice, and very appropriate.

Why are you trying to justify a new emerging era of racism, because some people in the past were also once racist?

Friend, before you make false accusations and form assessments based on whatever preconceived guilt you may have, you should understand the terms discrimination, bias and prejudice. I say this because you, like many on this board, throw the words racist/racism around without even knowing when it’s applicable.

I am not trying to justify a new emerging era of racism (whatever the hell that means), I’m simply justifying what so many have willfully neglected.

All human beings have the capacity for so called "racism".

But not all human beings experience the positive effects of WHITE PRIVELEGE.

I didn't say anything about it then, because I was born in 1979.

So being born in 1979 excludes you from speaking out now?

Stop trying to get pay back on me, for wrong of the past.

Friend, I don’t even KNOW you. What have I said that would lead you to believe I’m trying to “get pay back” from you?

And from another post of yours,

The fact is white people don't have some special tendency for racism. Its a flaw is some human beings. The sooner people realize that, the better off we'll all be.

The fact is, white people have WHITE PRIVELEGE, and denying this or remaining oblivious to this is part of the problem and contributes to what is known as “blind racism.” The sooner people realize that, the better off we’ll all be.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Wimbly
Oh, the irony. Another teachable example of so called "reverse racism" that has become to popular in modern society. The Washington post jumping on the anti-white bandwagon and demonizing tea party protesters as racists. How fitting that the people they interview come from a black only event called "Black Family Reunion".

On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters thronged to the U.S. Capitol to angrily accuse President Obama of taking the country in the wrong direction.

A day later, in the shadow of the Washington Monument, many participants at a much smaller gathering -- the 24th annual Black Family Reunion -- said the level of hostility toward the nation's first African American president had little to do with policy differences over health care or taxes and everything to do with race

Besides the blatant hypocrisy, notice how the article claims the all black event is "seeking healing". Its a view in to the mind of a liberal who believes racism against whites, is in fact progress.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Wimbly]
from a South African to an American i'd say...welcome to my world!
you complain about bacause of a news article that states that it is indeed possible, well....ive said it before on ATS, and i'll say it again...people have this misconception about "democracy" in South Africa, and now america(according to this article) is starting to experience what we "european" white south africans are starting to experience. I feel for ya guys on this subject....its not nice

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE

Originally posted by Wimbly
reply to post by EMPIRE

The fact is, white people have WHITE PRIVELEGE, and denying this or remaining oblivious to this is part of the problem and contributes to what is known as “blind racism.” The sooner people realize that, the better off we’ll all be.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by EMPIRE]

Give me a break. How long are we going to hear this? What about BLACK PRIVELEGE? Common Blacks have way more access to tax dollars than Common whites do.

The common white folk are just as bad off as the common black folk in this country. The difference is we are not out shooting each other in mass. Black folks only need to hold out their hand and it is given to them. Whites jump through all kinds of hoops to get any kind of assistance.

That is the difference. We are embarrassed to ask for help. Blacks expect it as a birth right. We have entire inner cities full of these types of people to prove it. I live near Detroit and this city is a cesspool full of welfare families that go back generations.

These people that live here have no ambition to do anything for themselves or their communities and the people running these inner cities are the same way. 7 out of 10 murders go unsolved in Detroit and the blacks are running every level of city government here.

The facts always seem to get in the way of the "you’re a racist" argument from the left. Blacks are the biggest perpetrators of racism and violent crime in this country and the facts back that up.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:28 PM
It's funny because most individuals who protest Obama are actually indeed racist. Not sure why most try to deny that little fact....

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