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Karzai says United States wants to manipulate him

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 07:14 PM
People from around the world who come to the US go there because they believe the American propaganda about how they live perfect lives. These immigrants leave some of the most tyrannical and horrible conditions to come to the US just to find out that the only way to succeed in the US is to have money. Most of these people can't even afford the trip over, ever here of a thing called human smuggling? Just because it isn't on your fearmongering CNN doesn't mean it isn't big business, and it happens all over North America. The "American Dream" usually ends up as extortion for most poor immigrants.

"It's almost as if you're not even from Canada"? WTF is that supposed to mean? I spent my whole life growing up in BC and Alberta, probably as Canadian as it gets so don't tell me about my nationality. And your hypothetical situation of a bomb going off in Mexico makes no sense. For one, that would be Mexico's business before either Canada and the US. Secondly while the US would be too busy fighting itself whether to help the Mexico government, Canadian DART teams would probably be already on the scene.

You're description of Canada makes you look like really ignorant, but I'm sure you know that, right? We have our own identity, our own autonomy. As much as you like to have wet dreams of Canada being the 51st American state the truth is that the only thing we have in common is a border. And just for your information, the Canadian government is probably the most stable caring government in the world. It combines socialism with capitalism into an effective federal control. Our government is designed to constantly be at eachother's throats (even with official shadow governments), so I guess that would look odd to an ignorant American like yourself

I am at the basis of world information? Right... I am very open to the world and if my training goes right, I will be a pinnacle of world information. Where do you get your information, TV?

Dude, I think that you think America is more of what you want it to be than what it is. I don't give a crap if you don't like me replying to your posts, I'll keep doing it just as I expect you to reply to my posts. You seem to have a real problem with anything non-American. Are you afraid of the world or something?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Do not even go there. Music is the greatest achievement of man and is totally universal, real music has little to do with the country it's made in. You think Hendrix played a wicked guitar because he was American? He would laugh in your face because he knows what it is.

I was responding to the statement that nothing good comes from America. Nothing. Remember? I was hardly stating that what good that came from America was good because it came from America. Duh. But Hendrix did come from America, right? I could argue that our culture (including a counter-culture that wouldn't exist without the larger culture you so despise) seems to be a unique petri dish that promotes and inspires both technological innovation, and artistic brilliance. I could very well argue that and you'd be hard pressed to deny it. But the fact is, I wasn't saying that at all. Peace.

(Apologies to IDK88 for hijacking your thread with this stupid argument. Chafed my craw, but that's no excuse--I'll desist at this point--haters will be haters.)

edit to apologize to OP

[edit on 8-9-2009 by joechip]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:25 AM
They've been smearing Karzai on the BBC for the last month or so. I'm surprised it took him so long to notice. I saw all this coming before he did.

He's become unpopular because he still wants his country to actually still have a GDP after we've finished burning their poppy fields. Regime change hey-ho!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:04 AM
Well Karzai is a puppet already, this rethoric is about the elections and a way to indirectly tell the afghan voters that he is the victim in a US coercion attempt.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
No, I am talking about the world. You know, that place that contains 236 different nations of which the US is only one?

You don't speak for the world.

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Have fun when FSB kick your door in

What is this even supposed to mean ? The FSB is going to knock on his door for talking smack about Russia ? And you think that would be cool ?

[edit on 9-9-2009 by Schaden]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has accused the United States of denouncing his friends and family in an effort to undermine his own position and make him more malleable.

You mean referring to your brother-in-law as an opium dealer, although true, is somehow undermining your position?

Well DUH!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:53 AM
The US Government wants to manipulate Karzai

Karzai is just figuring this out now?

It really sucks in life when your the LAST to know something all your friends and everyone around you has known since day One, like when a Person is cheating on you or your put into a job solely for purposes other than you deserving a promotion.


At least now he knows lol

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by joechip

No some degree off topic posts expand the discussion...cultural contributions are fine. Especially since Music is a weapon far more powerful than bombs and such; the Rolling Stones performed in Shanghai a few years back and nearly overthrew China. American cultural contributions are substantial and this is obvious.

That one guy, however, only has one channel, anti-American, and while it was somewhat cute at first it got boring fast.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by TheOracle
Well Karzai is a puppet already, this rethoric is about the elections and a way to indirectly tell the afghan voters that he is the victim in a US coercion attempt.

He simply has a problem with the Faustian concept that "Ya Dance wid da guy wot brung ya".

...and a quick edit to answer the following comment:

Originally posted by IDK88
I am not sure that your Canada's national politics is all that worthy of eumulation...isn't your opposition about to have a no confidence vote concerning the work of your leader? I guess that's what happens in a country that's only concerned with itself and has apparentely built a national identity around how different it is from the United States; some kind of second child syndrome.

Quoi? In our current minority Parliament, nobody has enough seats to run roughshod over everybody else. The government has to act in concert with the other parties, and if they don't, their support is removed and an election is called. Normally, I love minority government because that is when the best things get done...Universal Health Care and the Canada Pension Plan were both issues that came about under minority government.

This session has been devoted to posturing and dancing and nothing is getting done because nobody has the cojones to throw down the gauntlet. Stoopid Liberals...Stoopid NDP...the only ones with any panache are the PQ and in your country they'd be strung up.

...we now return you to the regularly scheduled Karzai slagfest...

[edit on 9-9-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Your countryman however seems to be under the impression that an imploding hyper-power state on its southern border will have zero impact on Canada becuase of your uniquely enlightened political and social policies and priorities, which possesses none of the flaws but all of the assets of its former ally and friend the United States.

Apparently, our two nations have had to part ways recently because Canada can no longer accompany us on our downward spiral into oblivion.

I haven't any problems with Canada, accept for the whole Elizabeth is our Queen thing. I never even mentioned that whole collapse of your government in November 2005, which seemed suspiciously to coincide with the collapses of the governments of Israel and Jordan in the same month and the unprecendented unrest and state of emergency in the suburbs of France; all of which I've attributed to the undignified things men do in dark places.

And apparently, I set him off because on another thread I stated that most Afghans use Donkey's as transportation.


[edit on 9-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by IDK88I never even mentioned that whole collapse of your government in November 2005, which seemed suspiciously to coincide with the collapses of the governments of Israel and Jordan in the same month and the unprecendented unrest and state of emergency in the suburbs of France; all of which I've attributed to the undignified things men do in dark places.


That may have been the month I discovered fish and brewis with molasses...but I'm certain I'd have heard.

Do tell...

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:31 PM
all I want to know is, Why am I not smoking more opium?
I want more opium!!!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

28 November 2005 - The Liberal Party minority government in Canada is toppled by a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons, tabled by the Conservatives and backed by the Bloc Québécois and the New Democratic Party, paving the way for a federal election on January 23, 2006.

27 November 2005 - Adnan Badran, Prime Minister of Jordan, after only seven months, he and his government resigned over the slow progress of reforms and the frustration caused by the hotel bombings in Amman on November 9, 2005.

21 November 2005 - The Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, announces his resignation from Likud and his intention to form a new party devoted to peace in the region, Kadima, and asks the President of Israel to call a general election.

8 November 2005 - French President Jacques Chirac declares a state of emergency on the 12th day of the civil unrest.

As everyone is aware, 3 simultaneous explosions ripped through hotels in Amman, Jordan on 9 November 2005. Among the dead was the creator of the Halloween horror movie franchise...don't worry the PTB have replaced him with Rob Zombie and the movies continue to be made for some reason.

I remember these days well because in the weeks prior the Global Terror networks launched the Millenium Plot in an attempt to overthrow the order of the world, which was foiled of course and many of the events that followed were obviously a direct result of this failed plan to destroy America, thus the world, on those days. Days after the Amman, Jordan bombings, a 4th suicide bomber was arrested...the wife of one of the other three...she lost her nerve and didn't detonate her belt.

I remember thinking...I don't ever remember watching three governments collapse in little more than a week. 3 bombs in 3 hotels...3 collapsed governments...1 bomb didn't go off....

It was special times in those days, but what it revealed is that Canada politics is like everyone else's and the people of Canada and the people of United States are the same...Americans. But your countryman has decided he wants us destroyed for some bizarre reason...

He's upset because I don't like Hamid Karzai's hat and that I think that many, many Afghani's own carts pulled by donkey's and that is the reason he has no respect in his country.

PS...18 November 2005 - the United States House of Representatives reject a Republican resolution offered by Duncan Hunter (R-California) "expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately" by a vote of 403-3.

The above was brought forward because the wicked little men who started this whole war realized that they were cold busted. The response from the House was ... You asked for a you've got yourself one!

[edit on 9-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

28 November 2005 - The Liberal Party minority government in Canada is toppled by a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons, tabled by the Conservatives and backed by the Bloc Québécois and the New Democratic Party, paving the way for a federal election on January 23, 2006.

Naw...I talked to Jack Layton about that. Fact is, he played it for seats. Everybody was poised for an election. That was, in fact, played out like chess...except the neo/theo-cons couldn't get a majority. That was no toppling of the government...that was our version of 'Pile on the rabbit'

Just watch...the Libs are about to pull the plug on the's how we dance. Last year we learned to do the Prorogue...who knew?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Oh then maybe your right...everything is just a big game...just having a little good old fashion Canadian political fun.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Oh then maybe your right...everything is just a big game...just having a little good old fashion Canadian political fun. need to look for a bigger picture. Nothing sotto voce going on here...this really is just politics as usual. I appreciate your scrutiny, but as one who an extent...plugged into the process, I can tell you that we are simply expressing somewhat of a lack of confidence in any of them, and in our system, that's how it plays out.

Nice to know you're keeping an eye out.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 04:34 AM

Shaden- You don't speak for the world.

I just did, you gonna stop me?

That one guy, however, only has one channel, anti-American, and while it was somewhat cute at first it got boring fast.

Yeah right, I went out of my way to be anti-American when I was 12. Now I am just calling what I am seeing and Americans like you really don't promote a good image of what you think your country really is. You think you're doing the US image a favor by insulting the Afghan leader because of his hat and attacking the Canadian government, of which you obviously know nothing of?

I haven't any problems with Canada, accept for the whole Elizabeth is our Queen thing. I never even mentioned that whole collapse of your government in November 2005

First off, our queen is just a symbol and has no actual power. We would still kill and die for her though because of honour.

Collapse of our government? Honestly dude, it's just regular politics and any election ending with a new party in control is promoted dramatically. The only people who understand the Canadian government are Canadians. It's called nationalism and culture, of which has nothing to do with the US. In fact, we are more influenced by the British, French, and natives before US.

I will say it again, our government is designed to fight each other. It is how they work, if they were peaceful then our country wouldn't be as great as it is. You can keep saying that our government is ineffective but I'll keep saying that you should start trying to understand your own government before ours.

Also I will say that our country is amazing in the fact that the government is only there to mostly support people through economics/military/regional politics because our society is pretty much raised to be self-sufficient. If the people and the government actually liked each other, we would be ten times as efficient, but that would also be unbecoming of Canadian culture.

And apparently, I set him off because on another thread I stated that most Afghans use Donkey's as transportation.

You think you set me off?
If I really felt threatened by your typing I probably wouldn't be responding to you in a reasonable fashon while respecting the rules and conduct of this message board. Believe it or not, I've been mouthed off worse by Americans before over the internet so you're not exactly new or surprising in any way.

It was special times in those days, but what it revealed is that Canada politics is like everyone else's and the people of Canada and the people of United States are the same...Americans. But your countryman has decided he wants us destroyed for some bizarre reason...

hahaha, we're North Americans. Honestly dude, I invite you to cross the border into our country, specifically into Vancouver/Surrey area and try telling us that we are Americans. It would not turn out well for you.

And you're assuming too much, I never said I wanted to destroy the US. Why should I take that risk when the US is already destroying itself? I am simply defending my homeland and I can do this all day so keep it coming

He's upset because I don't like Hamid Karzai's hat and that I think that many, many Afghani's own carts pulled by donkey's and that is the reason he has no respect in his country.

Actually I have lots of respect here. I am nowhere now because I am being tested to see how much I am willing to sacrifice for my country and people, but eventually my time will come. Ask the military, I just went there today, kicked ass in the aptitude testing (they even said I was qualified for any job in the forces, officer or not) and they specifically told me to sit out another couple of months to make sure that I am the responsible person I claim to be. In a few months, they will take me back and give me a lifelong career into all echelons of the Canadian government.

Will your country do the same for you?

[edit on 10-9-2009 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi]

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