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David Koresh knew too much!

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Nola213

You're quoting what you believe to be true about Jim Jones, but i think if you really looked into it, you'd find that the Jim Jones incident was a big lie too.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by IDK88

You have many great posts here. To the point and well said. I would implore people to get a copy of "While America Sleeps" and "The Franklin Cover-up" and the "Synagogue of Satan". All very good books and expose who and why and what.

Also see if you can get a copy of "Shadow Government" by Bill Moyers. I think it was on PBS at one time. Oliver North testifies before the senate that he was involved in bringing in TONS of coc aine on C-130's and distirbuting it to the CIA to sell for cash to buy guns for the Contra's at the behest of Reagan. He stated, "if he, the commander in chief, asked me to do it again, I would do the exact same thing."

There are also dozens of FBI agents serving time for false crimes because they investigated some of the things the CIA was doing. Why do you think that JFK wanted to do away with the CIA? And they then did away with him.

So it is no secret that the CIA are running drugs for Bush, Bush's Grandfather helped build the Temple at Yale, Skull and Bones, it was built using drug money from the sale of Opium. Guess who OWNS most fo the Poppy fields in Afgahnistan? That's right George H.W. Bush and family. Coincindence that since we have been there the production of Opium has gone through the roof?

So yea, I believe that Koresh and comapny Knew too much, as Did those at Ruby Ridge and elsewhere. And McVey is only guilty of stupidity. HE allowed himself to be used as did Oswald. They were set-up and thought they would get something out of it, 10 minutes of fame or whatever. Where are they now.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 11:08 AM
If Koresh were still alive, I have no doubt he would be a heavy hitting member here on ATS.

One thing I remember about Koresh during the time this was the hottest news item of the day, was a live telephone interview he did with CNN.
During this interview he mentioned something that I never ever heard mentioned again.

I can't remember exactly how the topic had shifted but he seemed to be accusing NASA of a massive cover up. He then went on to describe how the astronauts at one time were seeing strange lights during one of the space missions.
He even went as far as to say that during this same mission, the astronauts had actually seen a vision of the Virgin Mary while in space.

Again, I don't remember the exact details of this intervieww but I do specifically remember him mentioning "astronauts" in "space" seeing "lights" and the "Virgin Mary".

Hope someone else can remember something about this interview.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by IDK88

So it is no secret that the CIA are running drugs for Bush, Bush's Grandfather helped build the Temple at Yale, Skull and Bones, it was built using drug money from the sale of Opium. Guess who OWNS most fo the Poppy fields in Afgahnistan? That's right George H.W. Bush and family. Coincindence that since we have been there the production of Opium has gone through the roof?

Bushes family owns Afghan poppy fields(any proof) do you think they will be shifting operations to Paraguay soon as I understand they recently bought 100,000 acres there?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by JustG

Wasn't this also glossing over the Ruby Ridge incident? I believe the trial was starting when Waco happened. People conveniently forgot all about Ruby Ridge and that travesty.

I was just listening to a radio interview of a reporter who was on the ground at Ruby Ridge when there was a police line keeping the press on the road, down the hill.
He said something very interesting, which was that all the records of what the Feds were up to, involving that case, was stored at the Murrow Bldg. at Oklahoma City, conveniently, the same place the records from the Waco incident were being stored.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by jmdewey60]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:20 PM
At a young age he became the lover of a much older woman who was leading a weird religious group. She may have given him information about how the government uses those tiny splinter religious groups for brain washing and all sorts of other mischief. He may not have had dirt on someone he may have stolen something. He had a strange collection of intelligent people in his group. He also ran many poor pumpkins off. The group may have been a front for something else like gun running. They may have also been working for the shadow government.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I don't believe this at all. I believe that David and his gang were the bad guys.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

No, no..... They had the National Guard out there, man....

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

Yeah, I remember something to that effect as well. Supposedly, David claimed to have had fore knowledge of the event.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by jehovah
I don't believe this at all. I believe that David and his gang were the bad guys.

You can believe whatever you want, but it's hard to believe the official story when none of the evidence suggests that the official story is true at all. All the authorities have are allegations, none of which has ever been conclusively proven and some, such as the meth lab they supposedly had in the compound, have been disproven.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by eradown

Well, it could have been. However, I really don't think so. The Branch Davidians moved to the outskirts of Waco in the 1930s under the leadership of Victor Houteff. It's not like it was something that originated with David Koresh.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth
Victor Houteff would have been an ideal spook for the CIA. The groups background is murky. Who knows what lois taught Koresh or how he put it to use. I still don't believe the seige should have happened ,nor should anyone have been burned. It is the sort of heavy handed tactic criminal thugs use in order to send a message to those who would cross them.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
However, something needed to be done. Or we would have more than likely seen complete elimination of the Branch Dividians at thier own hands, the more and more narcisistic Koresh became. They woulda been passing around the Kool-Aid probably no more than 5 years after the trajic events at Waco.

Thank goodness the government got involved before the Kool-Aid was passed around 5 years later. (sarcasm)

As far as the rest of your post, sounds like you have a problem with groups with a religious mindset. Whether you think their beliefs are legitimate, or not, they still have the right to live as they want, as long as they are not breaking any laws.

The group had been investigated and monitored regarding child abuse allegations, and the state of Texas authorities had not found any evidence of child abuse taking place, either physical or sexual.

As far as racism goes, I have not been able to find any information that suggests that David Koresh was a racist, unless you are assuming he was one because as a group, they separated themselves from the general community. If that is your reasoning, then many other groups that are not targeted with the *racist* brush, could be considered racist, as well.

Such as, the Amish, or many Jewish groups, including the whole country of Israel.

How do you know all this? Or are you just spectulating?

Regardless, the government obviously did not do the right thing in this particular incident.

God Bless

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by sezsue

As far as racism goes, I have not been able to find any information that suggests that David Koresh was a racist, unless you are assuming he was one because as a group, they separated themselves from the general community.

Hell, no he wasn't racist. He had all kinds of minorities in his congregation. I imagine where the "racist" allegation comes from is because David is recorded as saying, "I hate black peolple. I hate white people. I hate brown people. The only people I do not hate are people of the LIGHT."

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 07:03 AM

Waco Fire - The True Version

The drama that played out near Waco, Texas in 1993 remains forever ranked as one of the most significant historical events of the late 20th century - so claims CNN and myriad other reputable establishments. The fire of April 19, 1993 was its horrific climax, and while the subject of its true origins is not as hotly debated as it once was due the passage of nearly two decades (lets not forget that in 1995 the bloodiest act of domestic terrorism in American history was carried out in Oklahoma City on the anniversary of the Waco fire - in revenge for the Waco fire), most people you meet still have an opinion - even those who were not even born when it happened.

A timeless debate - like the Kennedy assassination. Even now there is a feature film being produced in Hollywood on the subject, and from what I've been able to determine - it will portray a false version of what really happened on April 19th.

What really happened - like I know a great secret that nobody knows. Well, as a matter of fact I do and it's not a consequence of piecing together bits and pieces of subjective information; listening to audio tapes from that day; studying FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) footage of the fire; prying into Classified government reports. I've done all of that crap, too, and I can tell you from experience that your conclusions will invariably parallel your expectations.

I know what really happened that day based upon two key pieces of knowledge: the expectations of those that died in the fire based upon their knowledge of God, and because I've been told point-blank by those who participated in starting the fire how it happened and why . . .

Please read the whole story at


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by CyrusProductions

Fed's moved in and shut down the blog already, or it's a dead link?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by CyrusProductions

Correction to linkcorrect link

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:45 PM


posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Outlandish theory! Those guys could not hack. None of them ever even used email. Tying them to the CIA is disinformation made to make people doubt the true story.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Hazelnut
The Oklahoma Federal Building bombing was also perpetrated on April 19, 1995. And the first meeting to form the new Iraqi governmentwas held on April 19, 2003. Columbine massacre occured on April 19, 1999.

Other high weirdness on April 19.

April 19, 1783: Cessation of Hostilities, American Revolution

April 19 was designated as Patriot's Day in Massachusetts in 1894

April 20, 1889 Adolph Hitler born

April 19, 1903: Eliot Ness born

April 18 & 19, 1906: San Francisco earthquake and fire.

Are all of these historical events occuring on the same day a mere matter of coincidence?

I would add On April 19, 1861, the first reported blood of the American Civil War is shed when a secessionist mob in Baltimore attacks Massachusetts troops bound for Washington, D.C. Four soldiers and 12 rioters were killed.

X-files rerun episode "William" is broadcasting on Comet

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