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Whats happened to Mike Singh

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:35 AM
Simply proves to me the bias and sensitivity present when matters concerning 911 or Israel are discussed

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by Merigold

I agree and for that reason i'm ending this nonsence right now. I'm not one to push the limits of the T&C only because i'm getting more and more irritated.

So i would request a MOD or anybody else who has something to say about it to please remove/ban my account 'cause i will not be using it anymore.......

It's been fun but all good things come to an end....even ATS.

To all the friends i have made through this site i say : Peace and stay save

To all my foes i have made through this site i say : Peace and stay save....

(somebody please hit the alert-button for swift removal of this account)

Another one bites the dust...


posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Very knowledgable in twisting facts to suit outrageous theories that NEVER come to fruition. Biggest sunspot ever hasn't ended it all, mega earthquake hasn't destroyed Yellowstone, ect;

I realize not everyone has the skills to make "good" threads. I have no gripes with someone who genuinely wants to learn, discuss and contemplate but there is a subset of users here who want attention, ats points, and just enjoy the drama that builds up in long threads that point to some big event...that coincidently NEVER happens. I just wish that people wouldn't be so damn obssessed with every single thing happening pointing to TEOTWAWKI and passing off their assumptions as fact. Good threads die about REAL conspiracies here all the time.

In anycase, it's not enough for me to leave ATS, I understand that to get to the good stuff one has to slog through lots of crap.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Oh my goodness me thats a bit dramatic, cue the orchestra as the cameras cut to a thorny rose floating down the river.

I am sure that Mike will be back with better then ever threads in the not so distant future. Just because some of the threads here on ATS aren't to your liking doesn't mean that there aren't good threads that are worthy of a read.

Maybe its best to choose to read the threads from your friends rather than be swept away in anger to the ones that get on the board. That way you know what to expect.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:57 AM
Well I definatley have a lot of respect for Mike. He layed down some of his theories and gave us a chance to investigate it. One thing gets to me is people lay down a theory and its up to the reader to go work it out and ask for help in the forums...

Most people here just read something and get worked up without any investigation...

For example, OnceOnce....I thought he was one of those who thinks he knows it all and just likes to have a fight but the guy actually did his research and put some valid points across...

Mike needs to come back to give these forums a bit of a twist....I dont anyone lays it out better than him....

We should have a BringBackMike petition.....

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:58 AM
My honest opinion is that his last threadf dealing with the jews and 911 was more than a mear hoax..I remember certain things from the weeks and days after 911 that corraborate his post..

One thing I always live by..

when your close to the truth,the heat will be turned on you..Can you take it an keep marching on?

He was onto something,and he knew it..A man that knows he's correct knows not when to stop..

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:59 AM
Whatever happened, its a shame, its people like him that keep me reading.

I actually think the staff, on any site/forum should just stay out of threads they disagree with so they aren't tempted to over abuse mod powers, and let the members hammer out the details themselves.

I just hope when and if he returns, he will continue to post quality threads, whether that be like his CIA/MOSSAD thread or mars/moon threads, hoaxes or not, a quality thread is a quality thread.


posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:08 AM
This threads gaining momentum - Closure is imminent,

The way people see ATS is its a site where a bunch of people get together and ramble on about all sorts of things that couldn't possibly be true.

ATS is one of the biggest sites on the web, therefore, with that comes advertising and revenue, when you start to get a name for yourself and people start puting up threads that are close to the knuckle 'certain' people start asking questions, once those questions get asked its time to keep the mouth shut for a while.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:10 AM
Over the years this place has banned quite a few excellent members that were contributing very good material. Ultimately this will be ATS's demise, it will end up being filled with teenagers posting ridiculous topics. Hmm actually I think this has already happened.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:10 AM
Mike isn't banned. What probably happened is real life got in the way and he is off taking care of personal business.

He will be back putting forth his "theories" in no time.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

haha - still going - lets have a bet on what page it will get closed....I say page 4....

But, this place is now beginning to put me off a little....still no mods have been here with a reason or explain to us whats happening....

its not as though Mikes a nobody on this forum, he's been one of the greatest assests....

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Mike isn't banned. What probably happened is real life got in the way and he is off taking care of personal business.

He will be back putting forth his "theories" in no time.

He isnt banned but got some kind of post ban from what Ive heard.....and from the sounds of it he isnt coming back.....But all this isnt 100% and we need a mod or someone to give us a reason....

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 09:23 AM
It has always been the practice of to refrain from discussing the status of fellow members. Why? Because when we create public platforms we've created an arena for members to come in and potentially speak ill of someone who may or may not be able to defend themselves. This has always been a touchy policy for some and for that I do apologize. The staff of have nothing to hide and are responsible to you the membership to moderate this board in a manner that reflects the content contributed. And that quite frankly is second to none on the web.

However, discussions of this sort fosters drama and detracts from what we are here to discuss.

If you wish to submit a complaint on this topic, please feel free to do so. Or you can u2u a staff member at any time and we will do our best to sort through any issue with you.

But it shall be clearly stated that it is our policy to not discuss the status of other members.

Closing thread...

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