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So. Cal Liberal Tolerance

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posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Hi Folks!

Thought that I would tell you a little story about what happened to me this morning while riding my bicycle, with a GOP jersey on, in the quaint little city of South Pasadena, CA. So as I was enjoying my ride, keeping to myself, once I hit the city limits of South Pasadena I started receiving extremely dirty looks from residents and drivers. I figured, no problem, some people just don't like Republicans, that's their prerogative.

As I continued to ride my bicycle, I was flipped off at least have a dozen times, attempted to be run off the road a few times, tailgated within a foot from my back tire at least twice, and had threats/curse words yelled out at me because of what was on the back of my jersey, the Republican symbol and the words GOP. During this time, I was called, a racist, a homophobe, christ f'er and many other words that I'd rather not write down, but my favorite at this point is, "destroyer of America."

I didn't respond with any witty comebacks, which is unusual for me to say the least. I just let it go. What the most interesting thing about this, was that the majority of the people acting out in this manner, were middle aged Caucasians. And of course, the cars had Obama/Biden, Hope, Change, etc. bumper stickers.

I thought Democrats were all about tolerance, equality, and building a better future for America. I guess, for me at least, that it only applies to the people who agree with what they have to say. Everyone else needs to get out of their way.

Thank you for letting me tell you of my story from this morning, I just thought I would let you folks know how things seem to have gotten for Republicans here in Southern California since Obama won, as it seems to just get worse.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:16 PM
I'll let you borrow my USSR jersey. That might get you flowers and kisses.
I wear that up in NH surrounded mostly by Reps. People just seem to think it's funny.

They only "tolerate" what they want to when it's convenient to do so. Any other time they are hateful, angry sociopaths. The funniest part is for all those idiots knew you could have been wearing it ironically.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by IKnowNothing
During this time, I was called, a racist, a homophobe, christ f'er and many other words that I'd rather not write down, but my favorite at this point is, "destroyer of America."

If it is any consolation, your experience sounds like a common one no matter who you are or what you are wearing when bicycling or as a pedestrian in So. Cal.

The only exception were the cursing quoted above. If you hadn't mentioned those, I would have just thought you were having a normal day in S. Pasadena and not being singled out for your proclaimed affiliation with the GOP. Those comments were rather uncalled for and were mean spirited, no matter who you are.

Unfortunately there are extremists on both sides of the equation. The extremist Right Wing is what has given the GOP such a bad name and invoked the hostilities you experienced from the extremist Left Wing. Neither the GOP nor the Democratic Party are deserving of the bad rep they get for the actions of the more zealous and extreme egregious members. Don't let them draw you into their petty hate-mongering over party lines, or to condemn all Democrats for the actions of a few, just as these S. Pasadenans have apparently done in regards to condemning all Republicans because of the actions of a few bad Republicans.

My suggestion is take it all in stride. Even when you remain steadfast and proud in your beliefs, despite being the only one in an area, remember that how you act reflects strongly upon what you represent. If you meet anger and hostility with a smile, you'll eventually convince even the most extreme that maybe they misjudged things and that not maybe not all Republicans are bad.

(And I'm speaking from experience as I am very open about my beliefs in public and even in the face of persecution have remained true to myself and met anger and hostility with patience and understanding and changed the awareness of thousands without even trying!)

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:37 PM
It's sad really, but I'm sure it's not just Dems who would do such a thing. If you were to wear a DNC shirt in any small town in the Bible belt, I'm sure the same thing would happen. It's just a sad, sad statement on human nature. You see it here on ATS all the time, from both sides of the aisle. People can't seem to get the point that we can disagree without being disagreeable. Nice how they did this from the safety of their cars!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:47 PM
I found this funny in a very sad way. I'm not the stereotypical looking nor acting Republican. If you folks would like, I can elaborate a little more. But, I have always been the type of person to listen to what another has had to say, and I would let them know whether I agree or disagree. I for one am always open to civil political discussions. It just makes me a tad worried about how far someone might actually go, strictly based on differing beliefs. As for cyclists around the So. Pasadena area, I can understand how some drivers might be a little peeved, especially when the cyclists are riding in packs, but I was riding individually on the far right side. These drivers actually went out of their way to aim for me. I guess it's what I had coming for not agreeing with them.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by IKnowNothing
but my favorite at this point is, "destroyer of America."

You know, we've all heard lots about false flags, distraction, misplaced blame, etc....

Do you think something is happening to the yokels in this world that will lead them to blame anyone who voted republican, any time in their life, for everything that ails the country?

Are we so eager for someone to blame that we will try some eugenics for the GOP? Are we so worried about admitting that we fell for the 'change' hook, line and sinker that we have to fervently find someone, anyone to blame for the mess this country is in?

Hmm....pre-birth screening? Round 'em all up?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by IKnowNothing

I thought Democrats were all about tolerance, equality, and building a better future for America.

Welcome to reality.

My wake up call came when I was still calling myself a liberal and had voted for Clinton in the 1992 election.

You don't need to wear an identifier for these people to put you on their hit list.

You just have to have an opposing opinion.

Again, welcome to reality.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:03 PM
I'm sorry you had to go through that, how crappy. I live in San Diego and get the eye roll every time someone finds out I didn't vote for Obama. There are rare exceptions, but ususally not.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
I'll let you borrow my USSR jersey. That might get you flowers and kisses.
I wear that up in NH surrounded mostly by Reps. People just seem to think it's funny.

They only "tolerate" what they want to when it's convenient to do so. Any other time they are hateful, angry sociopaths. The funniest part is for all those idiots knew you could have been wearing it ironically.

yeah right...hateful, angry, sociopaths, not like those lovely people that shoot and kill abortion doctors or storm into a holocaust museum and shoot and kill a black guard or hang up gays on barbwire fences till they die. or a religious leader like falwell calling for the assasination of chavez of argentina.

when i start seeing right-wingers filling up body bags, i'll listen. ooohh!! someone called him names, while riding a bike, oooh!! how awful!!

[edit on 26-6-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

So if a gay man is killed by a nut it's political? If a black man is killed by a nut it's political?

If a gay man gets killed because he voted a certain way it's political. If he gets killed because he's gay it because the murderer was a damn psycho.

Was the OP harassed because of a skin color or sexual orientation? He was harassed because of his politics.

Some lunatic committing a crime because of something other than political affiliation is a crime unaffiliated with political affiliation regardless of how you want to spin it and label it. If some dude goes and votes Green in the AM then heads out for some shoplifting are his actions politically motivated? What's he shoplifting? How did the shoplifter vote? Or is it just because the dude is a damn clepto?

Really, this crap is ridiculous. Oh noze!!! The GOP will murder all the black people because some lunatic schizo voted for Bush and shot a black guy!!!!

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Tis was happens to those stuck in the them and us politics. Everyone has to be part of a party, anyone unaffiliated is simply an anarchist and if you aren't for us you are against us.

One of the easiest psychological tricks in the book, and a testament to humanity that many still fall for it.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
It's sad really, but I'm sure it's not just Dems who would do such a thing. If you were to wear a DNC shirt in any small town in the Bible belt, I'm sure the same thing would happen.

Thats not true.

In the past 6 months I have moved from GA to KS. During that move I have visited families in Arkansas,Texas and Oklahoma.

During my travels I have noticed a large supply of Obama stickers, Tshirts (that people wear 4 sizes to big) and hats. In Augusta GA on Saturdays and Sundays at the flea market a guy has a booth full of clothing that is dedicated to Obama. Another guy sets up a stand on the corner of Washington and 520 that sells the same.

We are an Obamanation.

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