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Evil pics. Depleted uranium plated lunar titanium armor and 14 inch thick weilder googles advised.

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posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 03:47 AM
The shading on the boy's face and the blank, void eyes of the girl are a bit strange. Also the shadow of the door itself creates a bit of dissonance.

I know a very skilled art therapist, I'm going to show it to him and ask him what he can make of it.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 05:45 AM
certainly is a ghostly picture but does anyone else notice how much the boys face looks like George Bush

posted on Mar, 13 2003 @ 04:23 PM
It aint that bad.


posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 10:42 AM
I found this picture extremely unnerving the first time I viewed it, but that was partly because I read the commentary first and partly because the blank aspect of the faces reminds me of some childhood nightmares of my own. I have had no odd experiences on viewing it though apart from a few goosebumps.

What I am having trouble with though is seeing how the last 2 images in the sequence show any unusual activity in the painting. The last one is supposed to show the boy trying to exit the picture, and I just can't see it no matter how hard I try

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
This is the website of the artist who painted it...

I can smell Illuminati here.

Very good post i must say, the best i've seen this year.

And hey, look

That bitch is holding something in her arms! I wonder what can it be ...

They both look like a medium for someone to me.

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 04:00 AM
it's a mildly ugly sort of creepy painting, but haunted? I think a lot of the mystique has got to be suggestion. I mean, there are lots of creepy paintings out there, but very few land up going for $1000+ on eBay

(Now that I think of it, there was a painting of an old man holding a wine jug that terrified me when I was a kid. I wonder if the restaraunt still has it somewhere? sell on eBay = profit!)

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 12:47 PM
I gotta wonder what kind of sick #ed up mother would put this painting in the the childrens room.

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 12:53 PM
Where to begin? Well I've always had a connection to what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. I think we all do. Artists, especially visual artists, are barometers for the currents which run through this collective. Dreams are a common experience people may have with this. Anyway, my own experience is a sensitivity to place� physical, geographical place. There are memories, echoes of all the life within a place. Maybe it's what's called channeling. When I painted the Hands Resist Him in 1972, I used an old photo of myself at age five in a Chicago apartment. The hands are the 'other lives.' The glass door, that thin veil between waking and dreaming. The girl/doll is the imagined companion, or guide through this realm.

Both the owner of the Gallery where 'Hands' was displayed and the Los Angeles Times art critic who reviewed my show were dead within a year of the show.

I'm sure it was coincidence, but some of what I paint resonates in other people, opening the inner door, or basement. By the way, I still have no idea what happened to the character actor (whose name escapes me) that bought the painting at the show, or how it ended up abandoned in a building, though I could speculate. - Bill

The story can be found at many web locations, just search on 'haunted painting.'

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 01:07 PM
When I first looked at it, the kids reminded me of the kids in the movie "Signs".

[edit on 20-6-2004 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 10:29 AM
This morning at 4:15 my time, I woke up after seeing a few very disturbing images in my mind. They came in the form of paintings, or cartoon like pictures that truly unnerved me to the point of waking up. Upon waking this painting immediately came to mind and I wondered if they were related. I will not describe the images here as they are too disturbing to repeat. I do not know what it is about them that scares me, it's just that in some primal way I feel repulsed by them. It took me an our to get back to sleep and upon waking I felt a little better, mainly due to the sun streaming in the window. It was not a nightmare per se, but something so unnerving that I woke up. No sensation of falling, no monsters, nothing scary that would startle me, in fact it took me a while to decide to wake. I suppose that I was being played with by my subconscious, but I am ahamed to have a subconscious that sick. I need to do something about this as I am afraid to fall asleep.


posted on Mar, 24 2003 @ 08:35 PM
not meaning to be patronising or anything but i dont see a real problem with this pic, ive had it on my desktop wall paper now for a week and well even after reading all the docs about its background. I still fiond it to be pretty cool and a nice piece of artwork. Just wish i had the cash to get real copy of it for my wall

posted on Mar, 24 2003 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by xaos
They came in the form of paintings, or cartoon like pictures that truly unnerved me to the point of waking up. Upon waking this painting immediately came to mind and I wondered if they were related. I will not describe the images here as they are too disturbing to repeat.

aw come on, xaos, share! I've been having some nightmares like never before on my end too. maybe we can commiserate.

posted on Mar, 25 2003 @ 06:51 AM
Alright, it has taken a while, but it has lost most of the disturbing qualities. I saw a woman sitting straight upward in her chair, scared or shocked to death of something (I got the feeling that it had to do with a husband dying somewhere). On either side of her were two children, somewhat like the two in "Hands Resist Him" They were pulling on her arms like they didnt know what was wrong with her and they wanted her to wake up. This really disturbed me but the next picture was worse. I saw the father (aparently not dead) coming home to see the children gnawing on the mothers wrists (why, I know not). These pictures really disturbed me and before I was strtled into wakefulness I saw an Image of a woman being confronted byy a cat standing on it's hind feet. When I woke up the haunted painting came immediately to mind and I couldnt go to sleep for an hour at 5:00 AM.


posted on Apr, 10 2003 @ 11:58 AM
personally, i think those are fake... the last two at least (im reffering to the pics on this site:

first of all, in the last pic thats on the left, if you look at it closely enough, you can see that there is certain peculiar light, that is facing the girl/doll (if you ever shone a flashlight at the wall in the dark, you can see how it produces a good 'base' of light in the center and then gets dimmer from there on out) that looks like it is created by a light... im really not sure what kind of light it would be, but it does look like the kind of red light you might see in a photographers dark room. and another thing, the sellers claimed that this happend in the night, and their child had said the children in the picture were fighting, but the picture has a window with the blinds drawn but you can clearly see that their is light there.

in the picture next to that one, has a disticnt red border, and if you compare the boundries of it to the previous picture, you can see that it goes out of the border, again suggesting that it was a light shining on it.

those facts aside, you also have the always proof evidence of the fact that the new buyer has had no problems with the painting thus far, and infact the only thing that changed is the fact that he has gotten more emails.

and one more thing, i heard that the family who found it had set up a motion activated camera, and posted the pictures that it caught on the ebay site, but when i went their ebay said that the picture was unavailable at that time, i wonder does anyone know if i can find them somewhere else? i would be interesting to see them...

anyway, thats all just my two cents

posted on Apr, 10 2003 @ 12:18 PM
I think somebody watched Ghostbusters II one too many times. Sorry there is no evil demon in the painting. It was painted by some guy no worse than anything i've seen in an art mueseum and I think it was all a clever ploy to increase the amount people would bid on the painting. Here is your chance to own a myseterious possesed painting BUY YOURS TODAY!

womp womp

Just like people can't make ice/energy/fire balls, because if you could what would there be to stop you from proclaiming yourself a god and thus controlling the world? I know I would if i could have powers ala DBZ

posted on Apr, 15 2003 @ 09:34 AM
I liked the painting and I would hand it up on my wall and all... But it wasn't that scary... As a matter of fact I am gonna use it as my AV when I get home later...

posted on Apr, 15 2003 @ 02:36 PM
It is weird. the hands in the window add a hopeless feeling to it.

posted on Apr, 15 2003 @ 02:36 PM
It is weird. the hands in the window add a hopeless feeling to it.

posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 08:31 AM
Please help me here...I don't see anything scarey about this picture? It's a kid and a doll near a window with hands all over it?
I've seen scarey pictures and this isn't one of them. But maybe there's something I'm just not seeing, so I'd like for someone to tell me what that is please..

posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 08:59 AM
i think shes holding a vibrator

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