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Archonic dreams are our culture?

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posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 03:40 AM

Personally, I was not especially interested on UFOs before my abduction experience. I have always considered myself a skeptic. The X-files was my favorite TV-show in the 90's. I was inspired by this, even bought UFO related books for a dozen copies. They told me of a phenomenon difficult to approach. Some of the stories seemed very credible, referring to the fact that the abnormal things had indeed happened.

Reportedly my first abduction occurred 3th of November 2001 in Helsinki cable factory at URSA (astronomic society) seasonal gala. Admittedly, at the incident I did not remember much about. In fact, for years I didn´t remember anything about it. Only in January 2004 I recollected aspects of an encounter with the space aliens. Naturally, I did panic what I did remember, and wanted to find explanations.

I did take a look at the abduction phenomenon from written sources, where it was described, as a the rule, to be both special and weird. I read about a case where the target was abducted from the airport in the middle of the masses. In addition, the abduction phenomenon seemed to relate to altered states of consciousness, strange experiences, and parapsychlogical phenomena. In abduction people produced, as a general rule, mental health problems. In most cases, this could be described as PTSD, Post-traumatic stress syndrome.

In February 2004, I experienced a full Abduction, which I could remember pretty much as a whole.

In understanding my abduction invaluable value proved to be on Dr. Karla Turner's writings of the phenomenon. I noticed that my experience was a MILAB, i.e. military abduction. This was relatively usual in the USA. Turner had written a book Taken, in which he interviewed eight woman that had gone through MILABs . Dr. Turner had examined also other cases, and in fact several abduction victims were in her family.

Space aliens are generally perceived as positive beings in modern ufology. Many people have embraced New Age-type concepts in relation to UFOs. My experience contradicts with these views. I noticed that many people at Lautsia UFO seminar here in Finland didn’t accept my lecture. For me personally, abduction and contact with the space aliens is nevertheless true and therefore it is easy for me to talk about it.

Now, in February 2009, I have distanced myself of the events. In fact, I have in Finland met many who have had similar experiences. I am sure that the truth about UFOs, and the phenomena behind it is a liberating and joyous. On the other hand, there are real evil forces behind the alien agendas, at least for the time being. This evil is something that I have had problems to comprehend. The forces of evil use big power on mankind on a way of mind control on a massive scale.


The word Archon is Greek, meaning intercessor or creature in Gnostic mythos. The concept describes a particular kind of cosmic beings. Stocks word also means the first, or just in the beginning. To Gnostics the concept of Archons meant temporary interdimentional leadership of humanity as rulers.

Gnosticism assumes that the Archons appeared before the solar system emerged. They were created by a divine being, Sofia. Sofia, the divine wisdom or was part of God in a loose manner. Mythos tells, that Sofia created first Jaldabaothin, which created the other Archons. Jaldabaoth is described as a lion faced sex serpent. Sofia noted beings created to be evil, and cried bitterly for forgiveness from God.

Gnosticism describes Archons as inorganic beings who inhabit the solar system, but not the earth. They neither sleep nor nourish themselves.

The Nag Hammâdi material deals man-archon contacts as extraterrestrial alien encounters. Of the material approximately 20% of deals with this issue. Coptic texts describe Archons as external, psychic intruders at the level of awareness.

They do not want, or cannot invade the Earth itself. Archons target is to corrupt human minds on interdimentional ways. The use of power is total, in the level of individual minds on psychological and collective basis.

Similarities to gray aliens, today's abduction phenomenon and to the ufolore are obvious. Coptict texts explain, in my view quite exhaustively the metaphysical purpose of the grays, and the texts deserve to be taken seriously.

Gnostics reacted to Archons with the greatest seriousness, and warned of these entities. They thought Archons were a risk to humanity, because people are led astray from a correct life. Archons are perverse creatures, and distort us in two ways:

They are wrong information producers to the human collective mind. In addition, they seek to mimic reality by creating simulations or imitations of reality structures. This is known as HAL or impersonation. These activities are related to the use of power.

It is a question of submission to humanity. Also one of the objectives of Archons is to get attached to people as mind parasites. Their existence may be the purpose of this activity. Archons must be covered as demonic or satanic powers from the human point of view.

Ancient Gnostics had behind thousands of years of meditation, and shamanic traditions. Gnostics were parapsychologists, who were able to experience parallel universes, and to explore other worlds, as well as to go back in time at the level of awareness. With these skills, they became aware of Archons, and their activities.

The Gnostic Mythos tells, that Archons wanted to arise as human beings, but were not able to. Thus their goal is to invade the human psyche in a collective manner, and live inside the human mind. Archontic life means to humanity to become robotized, mechanical and zombie-like. Pretty much what modern life nowadays is?

The human culture and history in particular, can be perceived as Archontic dreams. Mankind's history can be perceived as a simulation by the external forces. This frees man himself from the responsibility of histories wrongs and crimes. These would have originally come from the Archons, who collectively mind controlled peoples through the history’s events, and forced people to believe, that the evil originated from man.

Society's institutions are Archon-created and maintained by them. Human beings live in a Matrix movie-like world. Networks and distorted Archontic culture are brought from outside. This is also called civilization. Civilization and education can be seen to be incompatible with the truth or truthfulness. The same can be said of science, which is an Archontic structure. Science is in reality a reductive, mechanistic way to see the world. Science is used to subject man into mental slavery. History proves us this.

However, the real human nature is living in harmony with the nature. This does not involve evil, that we call things. Natural life form is not related to materialistic things, such as money, power, or sexualization of interpersonal relations.

In fact, materialism is evil, which has estranged us from our true self. To put it simply, I mean narcissism and hedonism. It is self deception. True self has been lost after millennia of Archontic agendas, in many people.

Gnostic texts tell, that the main motive of the Archons is jealousy. Archons namely noticed as soon as people emerged that our essence is higher than theirs. For them, we live in paradise, and they are forever beyond.

Archon goal with humanity can be seen to change paradise into hell using fear and oppression as tools.This has been going on for thousends of years.

Another motive is that they are absurd and senseless. The human mind probably has difficulties to understand such irrational nonsense. Archon plan is to break and disrupt human life from the cradle to the grave. Fear and confusion nourishes them. Archons are also natural tricksters. They are attracted to play and test our minds. And to put it more bluntly, to # with it.

Gnostic John Lash speculates, that the cosmic significance of the Archons is to ensure deleting that part of human souls, which cannot take care of their own consciousnesses. I personally don´t believe on this. Lash says, that Gnostic writings tell about the souls divine spark, NOUS, which God has given to man as a distinct from the Archons. The concept of NOUS is important in trying to understand what we are, and where do we come from. Answer to is that, we come from the heavenly father, or the Creator. Our true essence is a part of him.

Thus a human can be seen as an evidence of the excistance of God.

Reading: John L. Lash: Not In His Image

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 08:27 AM
Just found this thread via the search function. I am amazed there where no reply's. For anyone that has not heard of the Archon's this is their chance. Great information and fine thread, cheers mate!

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 08:49 AM
I've read John Lash's e-book and still have it in PDF. I also had a discussion with him a few years back and although he seems very bright and insightful, my biggest issue with the story is that is absolves us of guilt for our actions not unlike Christianity. It pushing the blame of our collective ignorance on supernatural inter-diminsional beings.
edit on 9-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 10:00 AM
First off, Usko, it takes a lot of courage to write a post like this.. so I salute you!

However personally I'm somewhat on the same page as Rosinitiate on this one.

I had a really unpleasant encounter with John Lash, and in fact personally disagree
with 90% of anything he writes or communicates. His personality makes mine look
"cuddly" in comparison, once you get to know him. But that's just my impression.

I suppose I've posted more on this subject, in my own manner, than most people
on ATS, though I've not used the classic terms much.

This is in fact a very difficult deeply involves issues such as 'good and evil'
and 'free will', which to me at least, are not at all like the stereotypical and wishful
thinking versions that most people use.

I myself find the 'shared responsibility model' quite useful. Yes, 'Archons' exist and
they deeply influence humans.. but humans deeply influence 'Archons' as well..
the two seem joined at the hip. And no matter what 'Archonic' influence exists,
at least for me, I've had tremendous 'apparent' free will to not be influenced, for
great periods of time.. although there have been times that I've been deceived.

I myself have had contact with what would be called 'Archonic entities', literally my
entire life. I loathe them, and they fear me. I find them to be at the root of all
religion and mysticism.. and as you've said yourself, shamans are particularly
familiar with them.

Yes, we seem to be awash in a sea of Archons, and the human tendencies of a broad
swath of humanity are quite repugnant all on their own. It would be VERY easy to
assume that Earth is Hell itself. I nearly cannot argue with this assessment.

However I've always had close contact with what would be called by humans "a very
powerful good" as well... but this force has been even more enigmatic and puzzling
than this sea of 'evil'.

There is a reason that people have been confused about such issues for endless
ages of time. Everyone wants to explain it all in a few paragraphs, so that their
weary hearts and minds can know rest in 'truth'. But I'm afraid that it's not our lot
in life to understand such things very well yet. It may take a million years before
we figure this stuff out properly.. and science would be deeply involved, which it
currently is not.

I for one, find the 'stock' Gnostic / Sophia material to be 3/4 an invention of the
'Archons' and their brethren, the human imagination.

Now, I too came to ATS because I had NEVER 'believed in UFOs' and then saw one
up close in my face. In fact I learned quite a lot from this fellow here on ATS who
quite dislikes me, "The Gut". His brilliant research and the works of John Keel and
Jacques Vallee and others showed me pieces of the big picture that i had been strange and wonderful that topics revolving around 'UFOs', 'abductions'
and 'cattle mutilations' were in fact big clues to purely 'spiritual events' with a little
military collusion thrown in. Also John Keel's comments about Men in Black -- priceless.

I guess I'd just like to close this response, with the observation that there is a mountain
of understanding that we are missing, and that ANY source (including me) which thinks
it can explain the whole phenomenon AT THIS TIME should be taken with a grain of
salt. This 'issue' is one of the make or break issues for the entire human race; it's
going to take a while, and our best collective research and work.. or perhaps 'this issue'
will bury us.. and that's why there is this 'great silence' in the universe.. perhaps 'this issue'
is the gating issue for ALL organic species.. perhaps this is why we are 'all alone'... we are
smothered by this energetic blanket of deception, that we in part have created.

Good luck!

PS: this web site is also 'corrupted' (everything is corrupted) but it's got some interesting

The Jinn


posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I ve been interested in archons myself. Could you tell how you know when you were influenced by them and what you personally discovered from your encounters? How and why do you think it is archons and not something else as abstract? Do you know of any way to communicate with them?

I assumed for years that there were parasites "spirits" that feed on things like emotions and stress engineered negative. But you know as there are a great variety of species on earth, there are many different spirits and beings incarned or disincarned as well. Archons dont represent almost all that is invisible and what shamans perceive in their trances is absolutely different. That said, it doesnt mean archons dont exist. There are more psychic or energy parasites that you could think.
edit on 9-8-2014 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I ve been interested in archons myself. Could you tell how you know when you were influenced by them and what you personally discovered from your encounters? How and why do you think it is archons and not something else as abstract? Do you know of any way to communicate with them?

I assumed for years that there were parasites "spirits" that feed on things like emotions and stress engineered negative. But you know as there are a great variety of species on earth, there are many different spirits and beings incarned or disincarned as well. Archons dont represent almost all that is invisible and what shamans perceive in their trances is absolutely different. That said, it doesnt mean archons dont exist. There are more psychic or energy parasites that you could think.

Well 'spirits' pretty much leave me alone these days, insofar as I know of course,
unless I actually seek to contact one.. which I seldom do, except for healing
purposes.. and I don't do that very often either. I would prefer to be a 'man of
science' but unfortunately science is not investigating some very important
phenonemon.. and as I said, I've always been sensitive from birth.. probably
due to my alternate neurology (Asperger's Syndrome), and my heritage
(Lakota Sioux Indian.. and my grandma was a 'medicine woman'). It seems to me
that these 'entities' follow around certain blood lines.. perhaps DNA is involved..
who knows?

But to answer your questions;

When I was young, I continuously saw 'spirits' but as I grew older that faded
for the most part. It faded around the time when my autistic savant ability
of memory faded. But back then, the 'spirits' were constantly 'feeding on me'
and they told me that I had a 'contract' with them, to feed them.. to make
up for a 'great evil' I had done in another life! What a crock of BS! So I fed
them for years... until I discovered it was all a big lie.. then i got mad and
smacked them around hard for years... now they just leave me alone for
the most part.

As for whether these 'entities' are 'archons' or some other classification,
all I can say is that except in one narrow instance, EVERY 'entity' I have ever
encountered is a liar. This includes all the monotheistic spirits as well
('angels') and what not. Once you know what to look for, it's really obvious
that 'they' are behind the deception. It would take me a hundred pages to
describe my rationale in each individual case.. but in extreme short,
any urgings to turn over the 'human will' to another 'being' and this includes
'god' is just them trying to get you to feed them. I know it's sad that this
planet and our species is so inundated with contact with such selfish
and deceptive nonsense.

So my rule of thumb: if the subject deals with religion, mysticism, spirituality
or UFOs then it's riddled with deception.

When I was young, I could see them continuously.. and they tried to scare me
and make me angry and such.. to enhance feeding. They tried to get me involved
with Christianity and Buddhism both.. to enhance the feeding process.. and
if i really annoyed them, things would start moving around the room, and sparks
of electricity would crawl over my skin.. but nothing like that has occurred to me
in more than 40 years now.. and I certainly do not wish to return to anything like

As for communicating.. that's relatively easy.. but I do not encourage anyone to
do that... since basically ALL 'entities' (with one very limited exception) are
nasites, i do not wish to provide such information.. you can pick up almost
any garbage book on spirituality, occultism or the new age, and if you want
it bad enough, you will probably get some contact.. yuck.

I will close with the observation that just like in our world, it's eat or be eaten,
and also that various life forms want to 'mate' as much as possible.. so there are
vast collections of parasites, symbiotes and plain old horny entities out there,
that want to interact with anyone or anything which will play their game.

Most of these 'entities' get a real kick out pretending to be some powerful
'force for good' or 'master' or 'ufo fleet commander' .. anything but the real
truth about what they are.

edit on 9-8-2014 by KellyPrettyBear because: Typo

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I love your insight KPB. What, in your opinion, is the best way for your average Joe to defeat these little buggers if they are under attack?

Is there any force or are there any entities that you trust?

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: DrunkYogi
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I love your insight KPB. What, in your opinion, is the best way for your average Joe to defeat these little buggers if they are under attack?

Is there any force or are there any entities that you trust?

I really want to write at least a PDF to answer your questions, if not a small free book.

I'm reluctant to put too much out on the open web, as it's so easily corruptible if the
basics are not practiced first.. and I will NOT allow myself to become some
'spiritual figure'.

Let me give some thought to what I can say openly... I have a date with my sweetie!

Thanks DY.


posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Thats a surprise i can see you have come a long way.. Asperger is just the name given to a misunderstood condition that is most likely an inability to adapt to the current society because it is so abnormal and conditioned, absurd. You cant fit into something premade like most. Not really a condition in my opinion but certainly a bother if you are stuck in a big city...

Anyways so you dont think there are any neutral natural spirits that are not deceivers of some sort? What a bleak picture.

By the way how do you smack a spirit? And how is it relatively easy to talk with an otherworldy being? I mean is it a one way telepathy or is there some kind of universal langage which is used? Why would it speak english after all. Idont mean the limited ouija board i mean direct contact with the being itself without any support in between.

And about your heritage i do think indeed some things might be passed only by bloodline. I never heard more spirits and paranormal stories than in the US. I wonder if it is some sort of anomaly resulting from the Indian beliefs, closeness with Nature and the treatment they suffered? Also in the old pictures of indians, there are an unusual shade in their eyes something you dont see on your average joe's dead eyes. Just an impression? Anyways what do you think of the Great Spirit? Is it a deception also?

And i agree with your rule of thumb since i applied it myself for years

in the real world
edit on 9-8-2014 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I look forward to it.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
However I've always had close contact with what would be called by humans "a very powerful good" as well... but this force has been even more enigmatic and puzzling than this sea of 'evil'.

Perhaps its "good" heart speaks "good and evil" as a single language due to its vantage point? Leaving it easily misunderstood when not listening with discernment? Or more precisely listening with an agenda?
edit on 9-8-2014 by GetOutOfMyLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: Usko_Ahonen

The word Archon is Greek, meaning intercessor or creature in Gnostic mythos. The concept describes a particular kind of cosmic beings.

The word means "ruler" in Greek and was applied by the ancient Greeks to their political rulers.

To Gnosticism, they are angels that created the Earth.

What you say here is no different than the many claims that the Biblical angels are aliens, except you dress it up in a somewhat more obscure reference that people haven't grown up with.


posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 02:11 AM
I'm so glad someone else brought this up!

Archons are real, Jesus was a Gnostic. Please watch this video! It was in my signature but apparently you need to me a member for 6months before links are allowed in sig (lol)

I will maybe try to embed when I get to a desktop

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
I've read John Lash's e-book and still have it in PDF. I also had a discussion with him a few years back and although he seems very bright and insightful, my biggest issue with the story is that is absolves us of guilt for our actions not unlike Christianity. It pushing the blame of our collective ignorance on supernatural inter-diminsional beings.

In a way, perhaps you are correct. I am unfamiliar with Nash, but as I understand it the Archons are the true Ego, a naturally evil entity. They have instilled Ego into the human way of life for thousands of years. Selflessness is easy. Next time someone asks you for change give them a dollar.
edit on 10-8-2014 by Eunuchorn because: Link added

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Eunuchorn

Nice video.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: _damon

Friend, I may answer all your questions at some point; but for the
time being, I'm putting all my focus on this thread:

The Jinn and Electromagnetic Pollution

I think you might enjoy this thread!


posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: GetOutOfMyLight

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
However I've always had close contact with what would be called by humans "a very powerful good" as well... but this force has been even more enigmatic and puzzling than this sea of 'evil'.

Perhaps its "good" heart speaks "good and evil" as a single language due to its vantage point? Leaving it easily misunderstood when not listening with discernment? Or more precisely listening with an agenda?

It's complicated... it's a massive 'electromagnetic field' that feels wonderful,
but has never in my 53 years shown the slightest personality or agenda.
But I'm rather 'gun shy' about 'entities' so I don't wave it around for
others to discuss and corrupt.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
It's complicated... it's a massive 'electromagnetic field' that feels wonderful, but has never in my 53 years shown the slightest personality or agenda. But I'm rather 'gun shy' about 'entities' so I don't wave it around for others to discuss and corrupt.

It's not complicated at all. We're the complication.

Why would it show its full personality/agenda in situations it already knows in advance it would be rejected?

It seems smart enough to only show its full personality/agenda in situations where it knows it would be accepted.

Seems exquisite to me.
edit on 10-8-2014 by GetOutOfMyLight because: /kiss

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: GetOutOfMyLight

Well actually I have a related but different take on it. I've had the opinion
for more than 40 years.

It's the Childhood's End

If 'god' showed us 'everything' there would be no point in our living. All the mystery
(which greatly motivates us) would be gone.. there would be nothing to attain, do,
or reason to grow.

If 'god' exists, he/she/it would act EXACTLY like the massive golden/silver/white
power source that has always been available to me...

Once you start showing 'personality' you destroy everything in your path.. you
make the affected creature 'fly too close to the sun and they melt'.

The concepts of 'god' / 'good' / 'evil' / 'angels' / 'demons' are the corruption
of the 'tree' so to speak. Not what we should be hankering after, but what
we should leaving alone.. as it's 100% toxic and destructive to our little
minds and lives.


posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear
Neither the Sun nor the Compost Bin have favorites. They both exquisitely serve the The Flower.

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