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Binaural Sounds and Lucid Dreaming

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:50 PM
HI, I was wondering if anyone had advice or Information on the following I am trying to attempt.

I have a program on my Iphone that uses Binaural sounds, You can make your own or use premade ones, I have used the premade ones to help with sleep and dreaming.

Well I am noticing is that with the pre made sleep one I am getting much more vivid and longer dreams, I almost had a lucid dream exp with it where I was aware I was dreaming and so on. The best part was it seemed to me that the dream state was longer and when I awoke I was able to remember much more then I am used to.

I thought this was a Fluke so I had my brother try it (with out telling him what it was supposed to do) HE awoke the next mourning disoriented and told me he had what felt like a week of dreaming, he said he experieced days on end in a dream and was confused as to what day it was, this wore off after a few minutes but still was very amazed at it.

SO Id like to hear anyone else exp with such sounds and what works best for you?

If anyone is interested I wanted to exp a Battlestar galactica dream, so I watched the show then turned on the program with the sound and fell asleep with in 20 minutes of it (I know Im a geek) what I ended up with on first try was Characters from the show intermixed in my daily life, toward the end I was able to figure out it was a dream but I couldnt change it.

The program on Iphone was Binaural beats- sleep induction.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the Beginning"

-- Louis L'Amour

[edit on 27-2-2009 by benrl]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:29 AM
They worked really well for Robert A. Monroe of the Monroe Institute. I have explored them, but with no success for lucid dreaming sadly... I could use something like a binural beat frequency to make the ride to lucidity more common.

The create a cool dream idea is fun, I have re-lived Star Wars back when I was a teen and into all manners of dreaming of shows, movies or games that I loved.

Our own personal virtual reality playground just waiting for our conscious participation.

Find what works and keep up with the dreaming

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:34 AM
yeah its working for me in a training type way, the dreams are longer so it gives me time to get to the point that I know its a dream.

But sadly like i said ive just gotten people into my normal everyday life type dreams.... IE Adama was my boss yelling at me

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:37 AM
In these dreams are you the character or are you watching yourself like a T.V show?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by benrl

I am in a slump myself, but it has to do with lack of sleep, not lack of will. I find I need lots of extra sleep, it's the extra sleep that I have all my lucid dreams in.

Seems like a rested body and mind comes first for me.

Controlling them isn't really that hard, just remember dreams are thought and you can start projecting thoughts into the dream state and it will change.

It's a language that we use to project pretty much anything we can imagine, we just need to think in that language and the rest is the dream we want.

Ever dream something and one day later, what you dreamt came true?

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:41 AM
I lucid dream, but it is something that I have always just been able to do. I do know though is that going to bed at certain times allows me to have more of a chance to dream and whatnot.

I could tell you some crazy things.

I don't really know how to do it though, it is something that just happens for me.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by iced_blue

I was me, but from a 3rd person perspective, I was in control but again it was only in my own normal life type dream, All the characters from battlestar where working where i worked, it kinda sucked for a dream because it just felt like work.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 01:39 PM
i see this discussion died downa few days ago but still - something caught my eye.

in response to youaredreaming's question:

yes i have dreamt things that came to pass, but never the next day. it basically started with a powerful sensation of deja vu - if anyone has ever experienced that, you know that it is generally fleeting ( a few moments at most). this sensation only got more powerful as it went on, lasting probably a full two minutes. by the end of it i had remembered the specific dream, remembered waking up from it and having one of those "what a wierd dream" days. the dream and the event were seperated by several months. what i dreamt was basically a freeze frame veiw of a parking lot ona rainy day as veiwed from an apartment window. you could say it was prob 1/1000th of the overall information in the dream, but the one view WAS THERE. the view (real world) and the deja vu occured the first time i ever visited this apartment (saucy backstory there fyi).

there are many other small bits and synchronicitous events that occured in relation to this story, but i will omit for the sake of brevity. needless to say, it changed the way i look at reality. i spent alot of time wondering how something like that could have happened but soon had to simply accept it. it has happened since then, and its always very strange. never have i been able to draw any connections between one premonition and another - nothing significant ever really happens in those moments (that i am aware of) and ive never been able to pick out which event from which dream will manifest as reality.

as such, there's no practical application of this yet for me. all i know is that in certain dreams of mine, the future and the present exist in the exact same location and are identical to the last detail.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by benrl

I have been using Holosync (tm) and it works for me. I dream like crazy, plus the bianural beats really help unprogram all the limited thoughts one carries inside your head. It has been a tremendous help to me. The more one understands the workings of the brain, the more powerful it is however.

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