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Brzezinski: ‘*!#&, There Could Be Even Riots’ Skeptics Must See!!

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM
This is an excellent video...imagine the wealthy solving the financial crisis instead of the Goverment!!

Brzezinski fears class warfare. Not Mika. Zbigniew. And not Barney-Frank-on-Meet-the-Press class warfare. Real, blood-in-the-streets riots.

Brzezinski schoold Morning Joe on Wealth

Former National Security Adviser expressed his concern about the possibility of riots on Morning Joe today. To stave them off, he proposes the creation of a voluntary National Solidarity Fund, whose contributors would be those who made out very well in recent times.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by burntheships]

[edit on 21-2-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:50 PM
I think that would push some over the top. Great idea, someone read on the news, the names of the people in the banking industry who are part of the cause of this whole mess, what they got paid. Then how much money we bailed them out with after they screwed up and got to keep their jobs. I believe some of their mansons may have some, lets just say vandilism.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:18 PM
I dunno what to think of everything Brzizinsky says, overall... He is considering that the problem would be fixed if the bailout recipients and others that funneled all the wealth, distributed some wealth back to the system?

I have respect for this guy, but do know that he is always, 100%, pushing for a New-World-Order type control over the whole world...
I think he is very anti individual rights and freedoms.

Suggesting that the insanely wealthy hand over some wealth is only asking for trouble, in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:25 PM
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. While some are still skeptical about the coming crash and have adverse feelings about listening to say, John Beck, I mainly posted this to present a middle of the road Media presentation. And to emphasize that here is another very educated man saying...

"Hell, there could even be riots!"

And of course we cant forget his daughter Mika...on Morning Joe.

and here he speaks of "insidious influence" after being asked about the bilderberg involvment

Here he denys (sort of) bildergerg involvement

Makes you wonder what he really wants the public to do...maybe he wants to plant ideas of rioting? Hummm

[edit on 21-2-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:46 PM
That's what the media wants they want you to riot so the fed have a reason to invoke martial law and shut your rights down. oh those bilderbergers, there so deceptive.

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