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How come I can move in sleep paralysis?

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:11 AM
hello all i would like to ask why it is that i am able to move during sleep paralysis? I've read a technical explanation of it, and it seems that i should not be able to move. Also I would like to know why these episodes are usually accompanied by lucid dreams. My method for moving is simple. I wake up and can't move, but instead of being scared i get angry, and i decide i can move. I move my right arm on top of my stomach (i've only just realized that this only happens when i'm on my back, or i only remember it when i'm lying on my back). It weighs thousands of pounds. It moves very slowly, my arm, and when i get it on to my stomach there is a feeling of victory Don't know what happens next. I also wake up sometimes unable to breathe. Like I have to relearn how use my diaphragm or whatever the lung musles are. I would also like to know why it is that I don't get any evil vibes. seems everyone else does. Anyways i'm extremely curious as to what insights or opionions anyone may have on why my experiences with this may be different? (edited paralysis spelling)

[edit on 15-12-2008 by heyo]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:31 AM
wow, I've experienced sleep paralysis ever since I was a child but I've never been able to physically move a part of my body during an episode. That being said, I have felt my arm moving when I will it to move. For example, let's say I decide to move my arm from its position on the bed onto my stomach. I can feel my arm moving (although very slowly) from the bed to my stomach and I can feel it resting on my stomach. However when I look at my arm it is still lying on the bed.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by heyo

You're probably not getting an evil vibe because nothing evil is going on. I don't get an evil vibe when I wake up paralyzed, I'm just scared out of my mind that I'm going to die If I don't fight like crazy to wake up. I know what you mean about the 1000 lb arms as well. My whole body feels like a heavy, super relaxed weight. I usually wake myself by doing as much microshaking of my head and legs, then eventually I can move.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:23 AM
In order to be in Sleep Paralysis,you have to have an evil presence (demon) sitting ontop of you,paralyzing your body.The only explanation for why you would be able to move that arm is because you believe that you can.I also become angry and not fearful when in Sleep Paralysis.1 thing that will completely end your experiences of Sleep Paralysis is calling on Jesus everytime,and everytime i have done it,they have fleed away from me and i have sleep peacefully.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:30 AM
I don't believe this is an unusual case. I have always been able to will myself to move an arm or leg during an episode of paralysis, though it takes great effort. Accomplishing this will usually break the paralysis for me. If you do a bit of searching online, you'll find that many websites mention that the best remedy for sleep paralysis is focusing and attempting to move some part of your body. It is not at all impossible or uncommon to be able to do this. You are still suffering from episodes of sleep paralysis.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 08:23 AM
I usually lie on my side. Moving arm or shoulders is practically impossible in this case, when you are actually trying to really wake up, being aware that this is a dream. Next time I'm gonna try to move my hips, which are not so heavily dulled by sleeping position. Maybe it will work.

But in truth, in our dreams we don't move by using our bodies' features. In dreams it is normal to fly or glide. This problem of moving limbs is typical in a between situations, when you try to wake up from dreaming.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:42 AM
hmmm...i agre with all of you. I don't get what the big deal with sleep paralysis is. If I am not getting these evil vibes then why are other people, if the reason is nothing evil is going on? Meh, it probably comes down to the fact that some scare easy and others don't, or something simple like that.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
wow, I've experienced sleep paralysis ever since I was a child but I've never been able to physically move a part of my body during an episode. That being said, I have felt my arm moving when I will it to move. For example, let's say I decide to move my arm from its position on the bed onto my stomach. I can feel my arm moving (although very slowly) from the bed to my stomach and I can feel it resting on my stomach. However when I look at my arm it is still lying on the bed.

Because you are moving your astral arm and not the physical one

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:34 PM
I have sleep paralysis about once every 2-3 days and I've found from an early age that I can snap myself out of it.

Like an above poster mentioned, I would get terrified as a child when I woke up paralyzed, and was convinced I would asphyxiate. I would tense up my body and try to "snap" myself out of it. It usually takes all of my strength to do it as it feels like I weigh thousands of pounds.

After about 5-10 seconds of fighting it, I snap out of it with a pretty big jolt. Fell off the bed a couple times because I was too close to the edge.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by heyo

I don't get "evil" vibes in sleep paralysis, but I do find it terrifying.

My opinion is that how you react probably has to do with your own fears – I fear being trapped, and I feel trapped, so I panic.

Other people fear evil from outside, so that's what they feel.

But I have no evidence for that and it could just as well be that I don't feel evil because I'm less attuned to the presence of evil around me, or less psychically inclined, or whatever.

I don't think there's any way to really answer this, since it's such a subjective experience.

edit because I forgot to address the other part of the question:

I always have broken episodes of sleep paralysis by finally getting my body to move - they only last as long as my attempts are unsuccessful. And when I break them, I wake up fully, usually with a serious physical jerk (though I don't think I've ever fallen out of bed).

[edit on 12/16/08 by americandingbat]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:17 PM
For me it usually happens several times a week. I cant move my body, but I've grown accustomed to the paralysis. When I try to move my arms, i feel and may even hallucinate them moving, but when I look down my arms are still in the same place.

Usually, I just end up going back to sleep, since there's no point in trying to get up.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I can move as well, but in my case it's not really moving. I'll force through weight and feel like I weigh a thousand pounds. Once I'm up and walking about I realise I still have a pillow squished against my head and then I instantly find myself laying down in the same position I started.

This will usually happen 2 or 3 times before I actually wake up and start moving.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by ben420

Totally the same thing I do.

After awhile though I just sorta let it go just to see wat happens. Thats when the vibes kick in

posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 06:44 AM
This has happened to me twice ive gotten sleep paralysis since i was young. But on 2 seperate occassions i was able to move and not just move an arm but actually walk. The first time i had just gotten back from work and i was so tired i laid in bed and i felt a strange feeling and then it was like i eas in sleep paralysis only i was able to stand up and walk to my kitxhen table, it was like gravity was immensely intensified and as soon as i laid my head on the table i was back in my bed. The second time was last night i was on my couch and i was super tired, i was falling asleep when i got the same strange feeling and suddenly i couldnt move like i was in sleep paralysis before i had fallen asleep, except i was able to sit myself up in slow motion. My first thought was i need to get througb the portal and i began to walk to my bathroom to look in the mirror but, when i got to the door i thought about it and i got scared, why did i want to look in the mirror while having sleep paralysis and why tf did i call it a portal. Then i was suddenly back laying on the couch. My assumption has been that it is most likely an alternate form of astral projection, whereas it comes to you as an accident. And so you feel slow and heavy
edit on 4-11-2018 by Nagual98 because: I missed out an important detail

posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: heyo

>sleep paralysis

I don't think you know what you're talking about friend

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 04:54 PM
I can move also. I realise my eyes are open and i can see people (mostly kids) standing either right next to me or on the other side of the room. I have a habit of throwing objects at it untill it Vanishes.

I also see stuff in the dark and actively move away from something coming close to me.

Interestingly my mother also had the same problem when she was alive but mostly seeing people who had passed away. Don't think she ever chucked stuff at them though. Just watched them.
edit on 25-12-2018 by EnglishFerret because: spelling mistake

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: heyo

do you get into a lot of fights,
do you sometimes get a fright then get angry straight afterwards,
or does some one who should strike fear in you in a confrontation but you may get a bit
scared at first but the anger takes over as if to say why u being afraid..
any i got sleep paralysis and was getting angry never seen anything was
just annoyed cause i couldnt move then i shot up, no fear but anger.

you probably have had it tough and therefore your tougher....
thank the mother goddess

ps do nightmares give you fears or adrenalin rushes

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 05:31 PM
Jeez I hate replying to 10 year old threads!
edit on 25 12 2018 by Forensick because: (no reason given)

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