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Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth

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posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:29 PM
Let me start this thread with a video. Followed by links and other reasearch I have done over my time here on ATS. Fox News does not want to help you. As you will see they are a tool to this device. Truely note what is being said threwout this video. I think it holds very important information..

Get them while they are young!!!

Nov. 26, 2008 -- Tiny "trace" amounts of potentially toxic melamine reportedly detected in U.S.-made infant formula pose little if any risk to kids, experts tell WebMD.

Investigative reporters for the Associated Press obtained FDA documents showing the agency has been testing U.S. made baby formula for melamine.

According to the AP report, one brand of formula contained very small amounts of melamine. Another brand contained similarly tiny amounts of cyanuric acid, a related chemical. And a third maker of infant formula told the AP that its own tests detected small amounts of melamine in its product.

Source link

There have been some threads that explain about trance amounts of posion in our childrens forumals!
First ATS search brings up this....

Get them threwout their life!
Here is another video to watch about how there is MS knowledgement about this issue at hand.

EMERGENCY ALERT: Great Danger Lurking In Flu Shots
Health Risks Far Outweigh Benefits!

It wasn’t until I went to my local Publix grocery store recently that I realized how low pharmaceutical companies would stoop to propagandize the public with lies. While I was at the checkout counter a young woman bagging my groceries looked at me, smiled, and said: “Have you had the flu shot yet.” My mouth almost hit the floor. She couldn’t have asked a bigger opponent of pharmaceutical drugs this question.

I looked at her and asked: “Is Publix management instructing you to ask everyone this?” She said ‘no’ but since all the Publix stores were working together in partnership with Maxim Healthcare Services to administer the flu shot, employees were encouraged to ask customers if they were interested in receiving the shot. I looked at this young woman with pity in my eyes and said: “There’s no way I would put that poison into my body.”

Source link

I am truely concerned about my friends and people world wide just going into this stuff head first! Ive never had a flu shot! And my mother always said since I was young they are bad! So she never made us get them.

There is so much dumbing down these days! We all see it, we all know it.
Im preaching to the choir here I know that.. But the more and more we speak out the more people we can awaken.. Prehaps someone will google this artical and I will save a life down the line!

Mothers trying to make their baby forumals last longer by adding water!
Warning to Parents: Do NOT Water-Down Baby Formula
And all this time they are making us go broke! We are trying to stretch every dollar we have!! But cutting corners could mean killing your own children! But thats part of the plan now isnt it?

I saw a disturbing clip on the Today Show this morning and want to help spread the word about a potential danger. AS we all face tough economic times, many families are struggling with how to make ends meet and looking for any way to stretch their dollars in order to feed their families. Just as we might add a little water to the broth to give us more soup, parents are innocently adding addtional water to baby formula to make the formula last longer. Watering-down baby formula creates a very dangerous risk to the infant, one that I was not aware of, and suspect that most people do now know.

Have you ever heard of Codex Alimentarius?

Now I know this is alot of stuff for most members to just go over.. So take your time with this OP.. Dont rush in and make a post trying to shoot me down here.. Im only trying to explain and help.. My Charater max on this post is all most up.. Theres not enough space to explain everything I need to get in here with.. So I will start again with a new post, and add more important information you should all know WHY people may not wake up.. The sad truth to it all... THey have most of our famlies dumbed down by their chemicals.. Flue shots.. They got you at a young age..
But lucky ATS and other places offer a platform that people like you and I can do our best to slap you out of this.. Wake Up.. before its to late.

This is the type of stuff Fox News pumps out daily..
They say lead is okay in toys. makes it cheaper!! So now its okay to have lead in your kids toys..
FOX News Headline: "Losing Factory Jobs Is Good for America!"

Oddly enough I had some great videos stored on my youtube research page.. But most of them have been taken down.. I was hoping to add more.. It going to take me some digging to find some newer videos..
They pull this crap down because they dont want YOU to see them.

I dedicate this thread to my many friends on ATS.. I wish you all great health and long lives.. I can only help my knowledge can help you expand upon what you already know!

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Thanks for this great post zysin. Its going to take a lot more, but in the long run it will be true humanity that will prevail!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by rambleon

Thank you sir! And you are right.. One man such as myself.. I am powerless to make any real change. But with help I can make a small change in how people see this world.. And how often they will turn on Fox news to get their spoon fed information..

Lets take a look shall we at what Fox News is doing to keep many people asleep, and also dangerous!
Sean Hannity’s Chistmas Wish Is For Iranian “Take Out” –And I Don’t Mean Food!

On December 3rd, Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes interviewed Saddlback Church pastor, Rick Warren. The conversation, centered on the spiritual meaning of Christmas was light and innoucuous – except for a slightly uncomfortable interchange about how Jesus is really the “way” to salvation. When Colmes asked what that meant for folks, like Colmes who is Jewish, Warren joked about “giving Jesus a 60 trial.” The discussion took a strange turn when Hannity asked whether peace was possible given man’s “fallen nature” and the existence of evil. (Comment: Ewww, I love it when Hannity talks cosmology!!!)

Hannity mentioned, as an example of evil, Ahmad Ahmadinjad, and said that he should be “taken out.” He asked Warren if that wish is “evil, dark, or something righteous.” Warren added evil should be stopped and the bible supports that “the Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers. Not good-doers. Evildoers.” Warren then added a dubious theological and legal point that killing in the name of self defense isn’t murder.

Hannity IMO is a little puke.. He is one of the main puppets playing this game right now. Let him go on his little parade of maddness while he makes the world a much sicker place.. Thanks religion!!!
Your in on this too!!!

Neil Cavuto Twists Ron Gettlefinger's Words to Fit the Right Wing's Anti-Union/Anti-Living Wage Agenda

Checkout Neil Cavuto's "editorial" today. (I put the word "editorial" in quotes because the idea that Cavuto limits his editorializing to this one segment is laughable.) It's titled: UAW Chief Suggests Bailout Critics Are Insane.

Comment: The trolls would be all over me if I posted something like this. What, no quotes? No links? How do we know you're telling the truth? Cite your sources!

Oh how could I leave you out of this Bill.. One of the biggest bastard turds this world has to offer!
Bill OReilly Preaches “Traditional” Morality On Fox TV– Fox Website Has “Sexpert!”

Papa Bear has been trash talking us for years now.. How can some people eat up his turds like they are candy?
Well most his veiwers are fundalmentalist Christains.

Oh dont worry there.. I will be getting to you guys very soon.. You and your sick little devils cult.. Right.. When you so good and holy christians run about the world claiming to love.. while with the other hand, spreading death and ignorance makes me a bit angry!!!

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:21 PM
Now its time to get into the religious front of why so many people remain fast asleep!!

My arch enemy Mr. Pat Robertson! This man has really pushed things far over the edge for me. And why I feel those who follow this man are honestly servents of what ever EVIL covers this world.

Thats right I said it.. If you follow Pat Robertson, you are trash! You are lower than trash because you blindly follow a man who says he is of the cloth and a good man, while the whole time he is a very bad bad man.
Evil infact.. And he works to keep you asleep while him and his demons take and plunder this world!!!

FEMA promotes Pat Robertson's charity —despite Congo diamond scandal

Disaster used as political payoff

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has done it again.

Already under fire for its woeful response to Hurricane Katrina, the federal disaster agency appears to have turned hurricane relief donations into a political payoff - until it was challenged.

All last week, FEMA bureaucrats gave prominent placement on the agency's Web site to Operation Blessing, the Virginia-based charity run by controversial right-wing evangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson.

Source link
I could go on and on about the things this man has done, but thats not the point of this thread. This is only to protray how evil he really is..
And how many people blindly follow his crack pot faith.

These right wingers are as dangerous to me as those "terroist" extreamists who come over to kill us.

You see there are crazies over there under the flag of Jesus killing others in the name of their GOD.. But you dont hear about that becasue most of you are asleep, and just think Jesus is good and great..
Keep on using your fear tatics Pat.. All those "evil" people comming after us.. And God talking to you directly..

This guy is the one who needs a tin foil hat! He needs to be locked away so he can never hurt anyone else again..
As he is a very harmful person.. However Im sure someone would just step in and take up his crown. These plenty of others just waiting to hate on you!

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Well there you have it folks.. My 3 main enemies in this world..
poison in our products!
Fox News.. And other MSM outlets.
Pat Robertson aka Right wing Religions Extream religions!

1 2 3. Those are the 3 main things keeping people fast asleep in this world today. And each one of them have massive power.

Each of these things I noted are being controled not by just 1 group of power holders.
You see I know that the illuminati are broken into shards..

There is no one main power group who says what is going on..
They are all fighting VS one another.. And they all want the world.
But only 1 can take it!

Shards of the Illuminati

Take a look at this great thread! It will help explain more about what I speak of with shards of the illuminati!

One shard rules Fox. One shard rules CNN. And others rule other parts that are all seemingly making this right vs Left illusion!
The left and right are not real folks..
However the only truth to the sides are this..
There are powers in this world, that fight eachother..
And when the time comes, sometimes they team up with eachother to fight other shards..

They are all evil, and not one of them are "good" guys.

Good guys are fairy tale story book crap..
Unless you want to say we the people are the good guys..

But then again you know what would happen if any one of us got ahold of such power.. We would in turn become the very thing we set out to destory.

So you must be able to defeat yourself at the end..

Thus you can live out your life, find love, and start a family.. But just know that they are out here to control your family.. And take your love away..
If you can get threw life just knowing whats going on.. And warning others.
You are ahead of the game..
And maybe someday enough people like me can get together and do something about it..
But until that day.. All we can do is write. and speak out..
Speak our minds, and add to the collection of knowledge this world has to offer.. Each one of us are doing our part.. Just be speaking and thinking the words..

The Hundreth Monkey Syndrome

More amazing, the scientists observed that the act of washing sweet potatoes had jumped over the sea, because the colonies of monkeys on other islands, as far as 500 miles away, began washing their sweet potatoes.
This phenomenon is considered to be due to critical mass. When a limited number of people know something in a new way, it remains the conscious property of only those people. The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome hypothesises that there is a point at which if only one more person tunes in to a new awareness, a field of energy is strengthened so that new awareness is picked up by almost everyone.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by zysin5

EMERGENCY ALERT: Great Danger Lurking In Flu Shots

Hi Zysin

My computer is not what it used to be and is not playing your U tube links. However from your text I can say I totally agree with you here.

When my son was very young I was TOLD and bullied into giving him the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella given in one jab) I did not want him to have this and refused point blank. Although not proven its linked to autism, inflammatory bowel syndrome and immune disorders.
For two years I fought to get him single jabs as Im not against immunisation just immunising 3 diseases in one is too much. Its done to save money I can see no other reason for giving 3 diseases all at once. There are single vaccines available but the health service would not provide them due to cost and having no contract with the single jab manufactures. Contracts!!

I was told I was putting his life in danger by delaying these jabs, that no school or nursery would take him and hed need to prove of his immunity at high school or hed not get in there either. ALL scare tactics.

After years of trying I realized I was never going to beat the system. In the end I had to travel to London for his single vaccines done over a period of a year so not to shock his immune system. I was lucky I knew of others that had to actually travel abroad to get their wishes and fight the system.

The theory is the childs immune system is put under stress from all three at once (oh plus they give other single ones at the SAME time as this MMR) and this allows the measles virus in the vaccine to break through into tissue it would not normally go.
Traces of mercury were also found in this vaccine.

Good thread, thanks.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by zysin5

Hi Zysin

Greetings Mr. Green! I hope you have been well!
Im sorry to hear about how far you have been pushed and how bad you have been bullied. My family to was pushed to a very far point, and I had to give up many things that normal kids got to do because of the fact we got out of getting these shots. And the whole time.. I only get sick maybe 1 time every 2 years.. LIke sick bad.. Very rarely do I ever get sick!

How do people stop them from giving us all these chemicals.. I mean if we dont want it in our bodies, why should we be made to have it there?
Why force anything into our bodies? Its wicked, and its becasue you are a slave!
However. There is the fact I dont work around large groups of people all to often, untill lately with my AV work.
The less people you are around the less likely you are going to get sick.
Its that simple.

Doctors just love their money. And keeping people sick! It insures them profit! You see Big Pharma doesnt want to cure anything! They like to just keep it going. Treatment is where the money is!!

Im glad you have taken the time to read threw, and also understand what is at foot here. Its been going on the past 40-60 years, many generations have been affected by this process!

Thats why they could switch over the slavery system. Slavery was never abolished or gotten rid of.. We have been lied to and turned into slaves that house ourselfs. Slaves that feed themselfs. Best of all its under some wicked guise of freedom, and liberty. Sure I can go out and do what I want. Im free to travle and do so much.. Yet at the end of the day, Im still a slave in a free open system. Its a different form of slavery.
As before 100's of years ago they couldnt treat all the water, give everyone flue shots. And have everyone watching mind control Devices.

To far has this gone, and the chain I do not think can be broke.
And even if it was broken.. How would anyone want this world to be?
A resource system presay money system?
Going back to living off the land? how theres to many of us here to do anything close to that..
some points I have faith that things will get better.
And then I think we are just screwed beyond all messure. And its worthless trying to fight and kill millions and millions of zombies with a sword!!!

As in essence thats what this deal is.. Those of us who are aware and awake is like being in some kind of nightmare, where you are surround by a world of zombies. And you have no gun. If you make a sound 1 zombie will come for you.. Make to much noise tons of zombies come for you! Make a real big wave, and then you are dealing with thosands of mindless zombies all just comming to tear you apart and shut you down.
Make you a zombie too. Theres so many ways to put it.. But I prefer the whole zombie deal.. or the matrix analagy too..

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:11 PM
yes, I think it all is true but ... tell me ... who is #ing with us ? is it the government or some alien

its impossible the government to control who gets and who doesnt gets the poison in the water ... so I think we all are beeing controlled by some kind of alien threat ....

if there is humans doing these things ... whats the point ... really .... whats the point .. there is none ... ok, keep them in power, but really, they would be in power anyway ... doesnt matter the president ... thats the thing I dont get it ... I know something is on ... but we dont have a clue what the hell it is ...

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Faiol

Your right! thats why we are all here on this site talking about it. None of us really know. But we have our ideas and clues to lead us to these illuminti shards of power groups.
Check this out
Shards of the Illuminati

On one conspircy its ruthless men in places of power, always wanting more power. And its not about money. Somtimes some men just want to see the world burn.
On the other hand, it can go further to a universal level conspriacy that was talked about by a guy named Sleeper on here.. And Johnlear.

That conspircy connects all of our worldly conspiracy theories, and ties them into something that is on such a high level. That whole galaxies are ran.
Check the star wars stories and ideas.. The conspiracy of the Empire trying to rule the galaxy.

There are many stories, and so many tales that all fancy our minds.
But truth be told.. All those chemicals they put into you is for a good reason.
They want to keep you as a slave. And its comming down to a new form of slavery. Who is the slave masters? Those who hold the cards.
Its a game. And there are cards, and there are players!!

You should never trust a man who claims to have found the truth.
Only a man who is looking for the truth.

To many men and women today have a handy dandy idea they want to sell to you.
One of the few I wouldnt put down on making money off this is Jim Marrs.
He is one of the few dedicated, and Grandfathers of Conspiracy theory.
I happen to have a level of Trust to Jim.
He can offer you much information about who and what.. But always beware.. AT the end of the day, you have to be able to trust yourself, and your OWN good judgement, and not get to wrapped up in trying to save the world.. Ive fallen into this pit far to many times.. I've been burned and jaded with some theories.... But I guess its not slowing me down much.. Because some of these men do not want to see the light of justice. Many men have been killed over information that digs to deep.
However the whole conspircy idea, and profit almost protects them, as much as it protects me. Psst. Thats why they have nukes
and military control.

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Great Danger Lurking In Flu Shots
Health Risks Far Outweigh Benefits!

Very interesting and disturbing. I’m very grateful for this thread, as I’ve told you I’ve had two flu shots. I’ll need to look into this issue more, but I’m confident I’ll never bother with one again, plus their effectiveness starts to dwindle depending on how many you have. Now every time my bones feel weak I’m going to be super paranoid, if I knew some of the things expressed in those videos I wouldn’t have taken a chance with those shots, unlike older people I can live through a cold and be perfectly fine later on- I just had flu shots because I hate being sick.

If I experience any problems that relate to mercury exposure (or etc) as I get older I’m suing the health industry. I could careless about money involved; however it would be great to bring this information to the public’s attention. I wonder if anyone has brought a case against the health industry involving this topic.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Faiol

they would be in power anyway

I personally believe they wish to never risk their power over us. If they make us so dumb and weak that we will never question them they’ll have nothing to worry about, but if smart free thinking people were the majority they could risk exposure, and violent backlash.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Im glad for your concern, but I wouldnt get to overly worried, being paranoid at a thing like this would only play into their hands. See they know this information is going to get out. So that way it can get picked up by what they claim to be conspiracy theorist, and create a small panic, which gives them more power over yourself and your mind!
They give strenght to the whole mental affect if you allow it to go over your head. But now that you can research this better, you will know in the future what to expect and what to prepare for.
I dont want to scare anyone.. But in a way its pretty serious biz if you look at everything. Its something that is so disturbing to most people, we have to block it out, like its not happening. Well it is, and just be aware, and dont act into their favor of stressing yourself out. Just know and work your way around it. And get the knowledge so you can fight back!

[edit on 13-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:05 PM
I think you are wrong when you say that others are the cause of people's stupidity.

For being stupid one must make a decision to be so, only then you can add the whole story of how society and authorities add to that. But the real blame is on the individuals.

To be stupid means to be irresponsible. This is the reason. And until this decision to be irresponsible is replace by the opposite one, there is no point in trying to "wake" such individuals.

The first thing that people should not learn is to feel self pity. Because of that feeling, they chose not to be responsible. Being responsible is unpleasant. Period. Alas, this is what they are being taught very early: to cry whenever they feel anxiety, which easily translates into insecurity. Emotions implemented into them by ignorant parents will help them make the wrong decision.

Being stupid is cozy and gives one a feeling of security. And that is the word everything revolves in our society, isn't it? Emotions, and the so called emotional intelligence are the means to adopt this kind of behavior, highly susceptible to this huge manipulation of which size we are all aware.

Instead of personal responsibility stupid people accept institutional responsibility. That way they don't have to bother themselves with personal ethics, they only need to do what they've been told - follow the book. It is much easier and it can bring profit. You know how it works, I don't have to say more to explain how it really is.

Your examples, all of them, are examples how institution takes advantage of such decision. From day 1 children are drilled in this fashion, everything in society aims to this end.

People won't wake up because they don't want to. You tell them the truth, they turn their backs on you and ignore you, in best case. Or call you insane, or worse...

I believe it is not possible to change that until people change their original decision - their original sin. The material that you offer here is usable only for those who have decided to educate themselves and that is the only reason you should keep doing this.

In regards to this problem, there are only two kinds of people:

1. People who only follow protocols, who are conditioned to believe that any creative behavior is against the rules and therefore should be "taken care of".

2. People who are creative and if given to chose between rights and freedom, always chose freedom. Those people in our society are heavily oppressed and marginalized. They quickly learn that directly opposing the system (political, social, etc.) is going to provoke a very strong reaction from those who are well organized and well armed. So they seek other ways.

Good luck.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Otherwise it is called the morphogenetic field.
Knowledge is synonymous with force (which is the "field").

Knowledge in people (and other sentient beings) accumulates as experience. But only true knowledge of principles (how things work) accumulates in this way.
Technical knowledge is different and has other ways of spreading.

As knowledge of order and connection of things (see Spinoza) accumulates, the whole morphogenetic field of a species (possibly wider) accumulates, which means that all individuals are affected by it. Hence the pressure which causes neurosis and other stress related diseases in people who refuse to acknowledge it and so are in denial.

There was another experiment, with lab rats. Scientist was testing rats in labyrinth and picking out the most stupid once. So he was creating a population of very stupid rats. At one moment, all those rats and their offspring acquired the ability to easily find their way within the maze.

And not just that. All other members of this particular species acquired that ability!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Faiol

My theory, and I think it is pretty operational, is that the virus of schizophrenia (the divided mind) has taken over homo sapiens and ambedded itself into the genome. This resulted in emotional and ideological susceptibility of all of its members.

This may look insane, but take another look: Divide et impera - does this ring the bell?

The "mild" form of schizophrenia (delusions, indoctrination, emotional "intelligence", conformism, greed, lack of empathy, etc.) are accepted as normal, healthy state - which in my opinion is not true. It is a sickness and we do need a cure.

Look around, there are many proofs for this.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:21 PM
I got flu shots most of my life due to mommies orders.

But out from under the rents wings for a while now and I never got flu shots (don't like needles all that much.)

But I don't know why, but the last two years I decided to get the shots, "to be on the safe side." Within two months of getting the shots (back to back years) I got viciously ill. Sicker then I can remember in a LONG time.

This year, I'm glad to say I'm flu shot free and feeling fine.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Hello zysin5,

...the chemical dumbing down...

So, maybe this partially explains why Bill Gates, and the congress want unlimited H-1B replacement workers, "the best and the brightest," from India, to have our jobs and our futures. Naturally, replacement workers from India will be excluded from having to consume these chemicals. India has the manpower to replace every single info tech worker in the US twice over, and Bill Gates wants to see that happen!

And too, maybe this is partially why the Congress is preparing to grant amnesty and green cards to over 37 million illegal border jumpers from Mexico, that will replace blue collar Americans.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:51 PM
Hello Mr. Green,

What is being mixed with flu vaccine? Too late for me, but it will be nice to know what's flowing thru my cardiovascular system.


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:56 PM
Does anyone know about the effects of aspartame. In my opinion it is another "chemical" that reduces brain function, emotional tolerance and mental energy. Aspartame is in everything. Beware.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Listen and listen carefully.

This whole stinking pile of cack has gone on for a long, long and longer time which you know of otherwise you would never have noticed it of course.

The threat will be eradicated and the people will be free and a new age will give way for us all.

I know of this and it frustrates me that I cannot share it but overnight one night this will come to be and you will not realise it until that morning unless you are part of it.

No violence

No threats

No terror

No power

No propoganda


Remember that you read it here.

Take everything you were ever taught and throw it in the wastebasket and you have yourself an easier transition.

Religion calls this faith but it is mearly a case of true reaction.

Everyone on ATS almost should be proud of themselves as they are sensitive on a level they do not yet understand fully but you will all get it.

You do not need the majority, you need the minority.

Question is who are the minorty really????

[edit on 13-12-2008 by XXXN3O]

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