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Origin of Pentagram Worship (Phi)

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:37 AM
No ones interested in a real mystery huh?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 05:35 AM
The Serpent as a symbol of Energy

Its true that Serpent and spirituality seem to go hand in hand. But could the reason for this be that the serpent represents Energy? The wave symbol /\/\ has been used for earthly mountains, and a body of water. The concept of a waveform is within all aspects of science, it seems the Universe may well be a sea of waves of differing frequencies.

Light Waves - visual perception, colours can alter our mood
Sound Waves - audio perception, allows information to be passed from person to person
Radio Waves - cosmic phenomenon, the Universe is full of noise!

So when the elite mystics who were literate and knew of the higher mathematics and sciences began to discover waveforms in nature, they were naturally drawn to the serpent symbol.

Now we're into the sub-atomic world, where our scientists are theorising (with measurable success) about the Universe being made of quantum strings. They believe these strings are 2D! and are all vibrating at different frequencies, determining the actual properties of matter. These vibrations are waveforms, and the speed of those waves is the frequency.

Additionally, the sub-atomic world seems to be divided into positive and negative entities. The old + and - is the only way we can comprehend this world. These facts give me the feeling that the Origin of this Universe is within a singularity that polarised, allowing energy in the form of a waveform to be released and the Universes movements to begin.

The Garden of Eden

Now back to a familiar basterdised story. The Garden of Eden is a symbol of Humanities Origin. If we bring in what we know about the beginning of the Universe, then the Garden was the pre-Big Bang singularity. The serpent tricked Adam and Eve into eating from the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil'. This began the polarisation of the singularity which led to the Big Bang in which all Energy was thrown outwards.

The imagery of a + and - standing either side of the tree, with the serpent between them, may well be a method of codifying the belief in a Fractal Universe. The serpent being the energy that can exist and move between the two poles of Adam and Eve. Theres even a statement about God creating Adam in his likeness. Now since there are no images of what God looks like, maybe the text refers to evolution and the same process that created Everything also created Man.

But as usuall, the power hungry got hold of the belief of the World and tainted it. They made the serpent evil (by inferring it was satan), and along with the Pentagram which was assigned to Lucifer (Venus, the Light Bringer), they hid the knowledge of the symbols by simply adding meaning to them (eg. taking over pagan holidays), persecuting anyone found using them ritually, and the best method of changing meaning...time.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:39 AM
I have 1 question/point for you.

You mention the fractal universe. Is it that the universe is fractal, or that our perception is fractal?

I'm a big fan of fractals. But when I see the mention of fractal universe, I do not exactly agree with that. Instead, I see it as our limited perception of the universe which is fractal.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:26 AM
The Fractal Universe

If you've been reading the whole thread, then you will have seen the Golden Ratio and its parent the Pentagram. Nature and evolution seems to have a preference to this ratio. Now the ratio has been proven to be useful in calculations regarding efficiency.

Nature must be efficient because there is limited space for inefficient developments in biology. That is why a bubble is round, it is the most stable shape because the tension is spread evenly. The Universe likes spheres.

Cymatics, couldnt check out which video this is, but the one I want to post can be found by looking for a 2-3minute you tube video for "MIT non-newtonian liquid cymatic finger":

Between cymatics, the Golden Raio and the huge hexagon in Saturns atmosphere, I have been thinking of the Universe as Fractal. It makes more sense, sheds light on ancient knowledge and art.

The Universe began, Stars formed which then formed Galaxies, then as they orbited the centre of the Universe, they formed solar systems, planets, tides, seasons, ecosystems, etc. Whether you look at the macrocosm, or the subatomic icrocosm, you'll be familiar with these systems spinning. Then I see tornados and whirlpools continuing the spiralling process that created biology. Things used to move very slowly with little change. When biology arrived, it could change quite fast (geologically). Now we're the creators and the process is becoming ridiculously fast! I can use a 3D printer to take a model from concept to reality in a matter of hours.

I don't believe in a Deity as such, I do believe in one Universal process, like a super Gaia theory. I also believe that it must have been set into motion with a simple rule. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling that a literal progression through our familiar 2D geometry has a lot to do with it. If you've studied fractals you'll know they are truly infinite, and for once we can look at that infinity!

The natural world is full of things which could be modelled better using fractal geometry than standard Euclidean geometry (cubes, pyramids).

I'll refer again to the inverting pentagon within the Pentagram. Take the form of a tree and compare it to the lungs, both handling the conversion of oxygen to carbon dioxide and back again. The blood vessels in our bodies are like rivers in our world. Roads are essentially the arteries, bringing the required nutrients/goods to where they're needed.

If you think about our bodies, they're full of good and bad bacteria, in and on our bodies. We have a symbiotic relationship with them. We are the Universe to other lifeforms that live within us! When we're born we come out of another human being, thats quite fractal. A fractal is defined as being self-similar. Is there better example of a fractal process than Evolution?

This inversion continues the process of connecting the points. On Earth, we are those points, and the natural trend has been to connect us through roads, phones, audio/video and now the internet. All of our technologies have been about speed and efficiency. They are all based on natural processes (eyes=video, flight=bird wings etc.).

We've been raised from the dirt by this Universal process, and risen to consciousness to the point where we can question our origins. At this point, the created 'us' become the creator of 'technology'. Just because its not a biological evolution, its still evolution. Isn't the whole process the Universe has gone through a form of evolution? Does this not point to the possibility that there is only evolution.

Soon everyone will be able to record everything they see and hear in their lifetime, with better resolution than our eyes.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Almost all of our recreation now comes from fantasy: Books, TV, games etc. Isn't it odd that us as entities are sitting around the world looking at a box with pictures of things around the world on it? I find it odd that so many people have jobs that involve them becoming someone else, essentially recreating worlds.

All of this may lead us to a place called the 'Technological singularity', or the 'Conciousness singularity', or both. The Universe may well be that singularity.

As for a Good Deity, nah I cant believe it. There are two opposing Deities, and the only thing that matters in this life or the next is that there is movement! We are the crest of the Fractal wave on this planet, but none of it matters other than patterns in the sand - Art.

The New Scientist has had many articles about this:

Heres how the Fractal Universe may have formed: Perfect Sound Resonance from the Big Bang. A perfect resonance would mean the Energy thrown out from the Big Bang would not disperse (meeting a criteria of science), and it would gain more and more complexity as more and sounds were born.

It has been found that musical intervals are based on mathematics, and we all know that music can evoke strong emotions. A panel of so called musical experts listened to some musical compositions created by anonymous classical musicians, and one computer composer. They could not pick out the computer generated composition. Mathematics seems to have more than an abstract importance to our lives.

"In the beginning was the Word"

[edit on 11-12-2008 by Trojan_libido]

[edit on 11-12-2008 by Trojan_libido]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 07:11 AM
A Fractal Universe could explain how the same ideas are repeated in different cultures at different times. It would also explain how a collective unconcious could appear, because the biology dictates or guides the thoughts. This biological waveform we're currently at the crest of, has been littered with spiritual ideas that seem to now be more potent than ever BECAUSE of the science! This goes against the tranditional skeptic veiw of a 'God of the gaps'.

YinYang - duality, polarity, circuitry, morality, biology

The YinYang contains and idea of two opposing forces, constantly ebbing and flowing into each other. The idea behind it is that within each of the black/white divides, is the seed of the other (depicted as an eye).

The polarising of energy and matter within all branches of science agrees with the spiritual emblem. In fact many of sciences greatest achievements involve polarising smaller and smaller particles (binary, magnetic tapes and disks, quantum computing). Our electrical appliances all use this principal, and this is having a huge effect on our world, moreso than all the religious conflicts since time began.

The image of an Angel and Demon sitting on the shoulder whilst you make a decision is a familiar yet simplistic description of thought processes. These complex thought processes may have arisen from a process that was dualistic, in much the same way as the YinYang. If it wasn't a concept rooted in our global psychology, then the image of psychological duality wouldn't keep appearing within our media.

Then theres the visual likeness to sperm, and the illusion of movement which the image seems to convey - two complimentary entwined ropes (extrapolated from the eyes of Yin and Yang)...

The Caduceus - Serpent myths, conciousness, shamanism, medicine

The image of the serpent either entwined around a rod, or with a second serpent, has been seen the world over in many ages. In my local history museum they have a viking shield with a variation of the emblem on it.

Kundalini is a concept of spiritual serpentine energy, starting in the groin and spiralling upwards around the spine, before it reaches the Third Eye chakra which apparently leads to spiritual enlightenment.

In Egypt the Pharoahs wore the serpent directly on this Third Eye.

In India the idea is honored with the Bindi, often a Red circle placed in the centre of the forehead. It honours the creative energies of the Universe

The honoring of the Third Eye, or conciousness and the connection to something larger through meditation or spiritual rapture, has been clearly spoken about Aeons before biology could pin point the source.

The position of the Third Eye is exactly in line with the pineal gland. This gland is responsible for the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) amongst other things ('___' etc.). The organ is light sensitive, although in Humans it has evolved to be part of the bodies biological clock and not directly exposed to light. In other species the pineal is still used as an actual light sensitive eye.

How can the ancients have been so exact in the idea behind the Third Eye, and their placement of it? I'd like to hear a valid idea proposed, while I myself find that a Fractal Universe almost predicts these kind of events.

The shamanic ideas come from a merging of the World Tree symbol with the World Serpent. The two serpents rising up the staff are a symbol of conciousness rising up the World Tree. A familiar image seen commonly within the medical communitys badges and flags. The image and the idea are seperate entities, but they both speak of the same thing. Rising conciousness!

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 07:14 AM
AFractal Universe could explain how the same ideas are repeated in different cultures at different times. It would also explain how a collective unconcious could appear, because the biology dictates or guides the thoughts. This biological waveform we're currently at the crest of, has been littered with spiritual ideas that seem to now be more potent than ever BECAUSE of the science! This goes against the tranditional skeptic veiw of a 'God of the gaps'.

YinYang - duality, polarity, circuitry, morality, biology

The YinYang contains and idea of two opposing forces, constantly ebbing and flowing into each other. The idea behind it is that within each of the black/white divides, is the seed of the other (depicted as an eye).

The polarising of energy and matter within all branches of science agrees with the spiritual emblem. In fact many of sciences greatest achievements involve polarising smaller and smaller particles (binary, magnetic tapes and disks, quantum computing). Our electrical appliances all use this principal, and this is having a huge effect on our world, moreso than all the religious conflicts since time began.

The image of an Angel and Demon sitting on the shoulder whilst you make a decision is a familiar yet simplistic description of thought processes. These complex thought processes may have arisen from a process that was dualistic, in much the same way as the YinYang. If it wasn't a concept rooted in our global psychology, then the image of psychological duality wouldn't keep appearing within our media.

Then theres the visual likeness to sperm, and the illusion of movement which the image seems to convey - two complimentary entwined ropes (extrapolated from the eyes of Yin and Yang)...

The Caduceus - Serpent myths, conciousness, shamanism, medicine

The image of the serpent either entwined around a rod, or with a second serpent, has been seen the world over in many ages. In my local history museum they have a viking shield with a variation of the emblem on it.

Kundalini is a concept of spiritual serpentine energy, starting in the groin and spiralling upwards around the spine, before it reaches the Third Eye chakra which apparently leads to spiritual enlightenment.

In Egypt the Pharoahs wore the serpent directly on this Third Eye.

In India the idea is honored with the Bindi, often a Red circle placed in the centre of the forehead. It honours the creative energies of the Universe

The honoring of the Third Eye, or conciousness and the connection to something larger through meditation or spiritual rapture, has been clearly spoken about Aeons before biology could pin point the source.

The position of the Third Eye is exactly in line with the pineal gland. This gland is responsible for the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) amongst other things ('___' etc.). The organ is light sensitive, although in Humans it has evolved to be part of the bodies biological clock and not directly exposed to light. In other species the pineal is still used as an actual light sensitive eye.

How can the ancients have been so exact in the idea behind the Third Eye, and their placement of it? I'd like to hear a valid idea proposed, while I myself find that a Fractal Universe almost predicts these kind of events.

The shamanic ideas come from a merging of the World Tree symbol with the World Serpent. The two serpents rising up the staff are a symbol of conciousness rising up the World Tree. A familiar image seen commonly within the medical communitys badges and flags. The image and the idea are seperate entities, but they both speak of the same thing. Rising conciousness!

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 07:15 AM
Repeating image

I believe the traditional red dot worn by Hindus marking the position of the Third Eye comes from a collective unconsious which itself comes from the process that evolve the biology to conciousness. A Fractal Universe bubbling images to the subconcious mind. When two significant spiritual logos are so much like DNA, in appearance and symbolism, and the shape of DNA only being seen thousands of years after those logos, I have to believe there is more than co-incidences at work.

Now in a modern world of technology constantly increasing in speed and capacity, we see the symbol was chosen to represent RECORD. Replicating reality, highlighting the process of mass-production, and continuing the strange phenomenon of coincidence which may well be a hint to a real collective unconcious and the Fractal process that led to conciousness itself. I wonder who made the decision about what symbols to use for what purpose, and whether it was guided by intuitive artistic abilities, or whether a meeeting was called with a panel of businessmen.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Wow, forgot all about this spiritual rant. I'll shamelessly sneak a bump 5 years on. The original Pentagram and Phi mystery is now even deeper for me, this is the truth people. Polarised Energy visualised as a Serpent, in key places in all cultures in all ages. Gnostic scriptures uncovered in Nag Hammadi (dead sea scrolls) put the Serpent in a new light, as the thing which God uses to create. The serpent becomes Sophia, the original feminine half of creation and Wisdom itself.

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