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A New Angle on the JFK Assassination

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Someone336

More Permindex, the plot thickens.

Permindex and Its Five Subsidiaries When Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney, began to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy, he took the position that regardless of who was behind the assassination, the American people could take the truth, should have the facts, and that the right of the American people to know superseded an damage that might be done to the image of the United States by the revelation of respected government leaders' involvement in the crime. Chief Justice Warren and other members of the Commission charged to investigate the assassination took another position: that is, to reveal the assassination scheme would do great harm and damage to the image of the United States in the eyes of the world, and therefore, it would be to the best interests of the Nation that their findings be as were reported by them. Enough evidence has now been uncovered by the Warren Commission, other investigative agencies here and in Europe, and Jim Garrison to reveal an almost total working knowledge of how the assassination was carried out and by whom. The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities. Actually, Division Five acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA was the Control Group, their highly secret policy agency - the Defense Industrial Security Command. The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acts, in addition to its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Information Agency, and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corporations contracting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon. One can readily observe that DISC is not compatible with an open Democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Consequently, the top secret arms manufacturers' police agency has been kept from the knowledge of even most U.S. officials and Congressmen. The Defense Industrial Security Command had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1930's organized the police force of the fledgling Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lillienthal. The police force covered the entire TVA from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama into Kentucky and back through the eastern portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate police force. This force grew and Lillienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic Energy Commission, thus tying it into the Army Intelligence Service. L.M. Bloomfield, a Montreal, CANADA lawyer bearing the reputation as a sex deviate, the direct supervisor of all contractual agents with J. Edgar Hoover's Division Five, was the top co-ordinator for the network planning the execution. A Swiss corporation, Permindex, was used to head five front organizations responsible for furnishing personnel and supervisors to carry out assigned duties. The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were: 1. The Czarist Russian, Eastern European and Middle East exile organization called SOLIDARISTS, headed by Ferenc Nagy, ex-Hungarian Premier, and John DeMenil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years. 2. A section of the AMERICAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES headed by H.L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas. 3. A Cuban exile group called FREE CUBA COMMITTEE headed by Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban President. 4. An organization of United States, Caribbean, and Havana, Cuba gamblers called the Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-Lieutenant Governor of Nevada and Democratic National Committeeman, and Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C. This group worked closely with a Mafia family headed by Joe Bonnano. 5. The SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Wernher Von Braun, head of the German Nazi rocket program from 1932 through 1945. Headquarters for this group was the DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. The Defense Industrial Security Command is the police and espionage agency for the U.S. munitions makers. DISC was organized by J. Edgar Hoover; William Sullivan, his chief assistant, is in direct command. We shall later examine the involvement of a large number of the DISC agents including Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and others with Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge. As it must be, all of the preceding facts are established and documented by overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt on the following pages. Gordon Novel obtained the aid of the Columbus office in 1967 when Jim Garrison was attempting to get him back to Louisiana from Ohio. Personnel of the Defense Intelligence Agency were subject to assignment with the Defense Industrial Security Command.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:09 PM
You guys are out standing! I never really dug into the JFK assassination, but have read some stuff about Banister and Bush sr. Hence my interest to see the connections here. I know Bush was deep into covert activities, and his Nazi ties are irrefutable.

Project Paper clip was another section of interest I have read up on. Also I recall hearing some thing about Permindex in a video some years back, wish I could remember what one...

Much of the material posted, is very familar to me, and one way or another it is a part of a bigger web, I feel.

If you two, ASE and Someone are interested, in rejuvinating the research project I linked earlier, please u2u me and I'll set it up. I would greatly like to see such material compiled into a one stop shop so to say.

At the very least, I would like to have this threads creator, Someone336, permission to add this to the project as a linked source.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Thats from the Torbitt Document. Alot of it makes sense, but it seems to reach the conclusion that the FBI were the instigators of the JFK assassination, when my research, as well as that of Jim Garrison and others, indicates to me that a renegade faction of the CIA, organized crime, and businessmen conducted the killing. However, I guess that a connection to the FBI would be crucial in the later cover-up. Much of that documents rings very true to me.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Hey Advisor, you of course have my permission to use this thread as a linked source. Thanks for your encouragement in this research, and I'll most certainly be u2uing you about research project.

In the meantime, I've come across this which helps verify all I've been saying all along:

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Someone336
Thats from the Torbitt Document. Alot of it makes sense, but it seems to reach the conclusion that the FBI were the instigators of the JFK assassination, when my research, as well as that of Jim Garrison and others, indicates to me that a renegade faction of the CIA, organized crime, and businessmen conducted the killing. However, I guess that a connection to the FBI would be crucial in the later cover-up. Much of that documents rings very true to me.
I am finding that there is a central command structure in place and I always looked at Switzerland as the location of its headquarters. Permindex, World Bank, Freemasonry global headquarters. It just stands to reason that you would want to place your central hub in a country that never seems to get drug into wars.

Its not the FBI, CIA, Mossad, even though it may appear so. All have only been infiltrated, even the organized religions. There must be a thousand organizations like the OTO, all waiting to take the blame unknowingly just like Hitler. A deeper understanding of the Occult will expose the leader of this inhumane operation.

ADVISOR, I would be happy to take part in your research effort. U2U me with instructions

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Someone336

Very well thought out post. Well done!

The following is just my take on the JFK assassination.

It is obvious to anyone who has even done a small amount of research into it that there is something that we're not being told. The official story, the lore, the conspiracy theories surrounding it, and even the assassination itself is a historical monster. There are so many angles, so many people/organizations involved that I fear the truth will never come out. I do not hold a lot of faith in the FOIA. There is nothing written on any piece of paper which will confirm a conspiracy in the murder of President Kennedy. That is not something you write down and save for posterity. Investigators will be perpetually chasing a conspiratorial ghost, which we here know exists, that the mainstream will refuse to acknowledge without physical evidence. And even if there is an overwhelming amount of physical evidence released which proves conclusively that there was a conspiracy, I'm not entirely convinced that the mainstream will accept it (at least not the older generations; the younger generations may be able to swallow it a bit easier than those who lived through it).

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Glad to hear you are interested. as a note, it is not so much my research project as it is a revitalisation of a related topic. It's seems to be in the better interest of the research forum, and so I'm compelled to try at make it work.

No u2u needed, simply read over the topped threads of the research forum if you havn't already. I'll still u2u you though, and reconfirm your interest in the project.

I can only hope Someone is able to be a part of the project as well. It is these sorts of contributions that are the corner stone of research. Compileing the vast sources of information on a subject is essential. Placing it in one place for ease of access is key. I look forward to seeing further development of this subject.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

I am finding that there is a central command structure in place and I always looked at Switzerland as the location of its headquarters. Permindex, World Bank, Freemasonry global headquarters. It just stands to reason that you would want to place your central hub in a country that never seems to get drug into wars.

Its not the FBI, CIA, Mossad, even though it may appear so. All have only been infiltrated, even the organized religions.

I agree entirely with this. I've found that Permindex has a large connection to the 1001 Club, which in itself is connected closely to both Mossad and Le Cercle. Le Cercle, which counts many Knights of Maltas and Opus Dei member in its ranks, was an umbrella over the Stay-Behind armies in the Cold War. Today it is a huge part of the Globalization movement, working hand in hand with the 1001 Club. The founder of 1001 Club was Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, who worked for I.G. Farben and founded Bildeberg. It all goes in circles!

1001 Club membership list:
Le Cercle membership list:

Check it out, its nuts. JFK and Paperclip are just the tips of the iceberg.

On a related note, here's a good website on Nazis and UFO technology:

I wonder if this UFO technology was connected to the creation of the Stealth Fighter?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Count me in on the research project!

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Moments after John F. Kennedy was sworn in as president of the United States, he presented a speech that moved most of America. Even today, those that hear a re-play of his inauguration speech feel the same excitement that filled the air on that day in 1961. President Kennedy was an eloquent speaker who appealed to the younger generation of the United States. He wanted to develop a program that would send Americans to the moon first. Walton's book quotes Kennedy, "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.
Contrary to President Kennedy's strong opinions, President Eisenhower did not see the necessity to explore space or even land on the moon in order to surpass the Russians. According to Giglio's book on the Kennedy administration, he wrote that Eisenhower "soon labeled a lunar space race as nothing more than an extravagant stunt." Despite his personal feelings, Eisenhower did establish NASA in July 1958 shortly before the Kennedy administration came to Washington.
The Kennedy administration began to push the race to the moon as a result of two main factors. First, the Soviet Yuri Gagarin's orbital flight that encircled the earth. This took place on April 12, 1961. In his book, Giglio wrote this "accomplishment Khrushchev eagerly exploited as another Communist triumph over a decaying capitalistic system." President Kennedy did not want the world to view the United States as a country lagging behind Communist Russia. This event alerted NASA officials that Russia had the capability to achieve a lunar landing also. If the United States had not prepared at this moment, the Russians might have again had on opportunity to come out ahead.
The other factor that helped initiate the race to the moon was the belief of a missile gap between the United States and Russia. Logsdon wrote that the Soviets had an "advantage in space rocketry" that "underlined fears in the U.S. that a missile gap issue that Kennedy belabored in the 1960 presidential campaign." Again, the communists seemed to be advancing more that the United States. This lead to a fear of what could happen if the United States did not take the lead in the world. The two great powers were in a struggle to prove which one was the superior. This struggle was not only between technologies, but also between democracy and communism. Giglio reasoned, "There would have been no race to the moon without the cold war; the space program became as much a part of that conflict as Cuba, Berlin, and Laos."
On April 20, 1961, President Kennedy began questioning his staff about the space program. He wanted a plan that would give America a win in space and return pride to its citizens. President Kennedy put Vice President Lyndon Johnson as the head of the space program. According to Logsdon, Kennedy asked Johnson, "Is there program that promises dramatic results in which we could win?" Johnson then had a meeting with Wernher von Braun, a German rocket scientist who helped with the United States space program. Johnson responded to Kennedy's question that a lunar landing seemed the most probable campaign to give the United States a win in space. On May 25, Kennedy submitted the lunar landing program to Congress. Hence the race to the moon was well on its way. "

So the space race was as big a part of the Cold War as the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy had showed the world, in the view of the radicals in Banister's and Shaw's underworld, that he was "soft" on Communism when he backed down at the Bay of Pigs. It would seem that he had a different view of the Space Race as well: check out these documents at that promote a partnership between the US and the USSR in the Space Race.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Someone336

Two Words

Jackie 0
Look at the blood on her jacket. Look at how calm she is. Both Kennedy and the senator had both been popped, but she is just sedated.

Mary Kay Ultra....

[edit on 7-11-2008 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:51 PM
Just my 2 cents on the topic - sorry for beeing short:

JFK was killed by a CIA team lead by Ethan Howard Hunt (daddy Bush heavily involved). A french assassin was also involved, but he was later killed in Mexico. Oswall was FBIs informant (and a MK Ultra victim). The original Zapruder film is in custody with the french intelligence still today.

(just a side note: mr. Hunt gave the name for Tom Cruises character in Mission Impossible were he's portrayed as a "hero" - not by coincident).

Photo: The french assassin

My source: one I deeply trust - I cannot confirm this or elaborate on it. As said, my 2 cents.

[edit on 7.11.2008 by MaverickTheWise]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:07 PM
Excellent OP and interesting thread. I would really like to know if Jim Marrs has any comments or insights to add. As you know, he is one of the top researchers of all of the topics and characters mentioned.

In the OP, you appropriately ask "who was Oswald"? Having read somewhere between 50 -- 100 books about the assassination through the years (my favorite being CROSSFIRE), I agree with Marrs that the man Ruby shot was not the "original" Oswald who joined the Marines in the first place. But my personal theories get even more complicated than that, as my hunch is that there are two Oswald legends that were created by a super-secret internal faction of the CIA... in other words, what has been inserted in the mainstream media about the early Oswald is a fabrication as well as what has been put out about the guy arrested at the Texas Theater. I believe that the Oswald family history itself is suspect. Oswald's "brother" put out a book about Lee that reads like fiction. It has similarities to the fictional book "Psycho", made popular in the Hitchcock film (overbearing mother complex, etc).

I think the popularized Oswald family history could have been made up.
Documents could have been created, faked.

I have a personal theory (once published by Jeff Rense on his site) about the origins of Oswald and Marina, but I won't go into it here. Suffice to say, it does involve ex-Nazis and Operation Paperclip.

On a different note, a few technical questions for Mr. Marrs, if you are inclined to reply... do you think Gen. Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza and walked right by "the tramps" as Krulak/Prouty believed? I've read that he was on a hotel register in Fort Worth the night before. I know there has been a lot of discussion over the years about the tramps. I think they were involved in some way, but I also think (as Krulak alluded to) that the cops escorting them could have been, as Krulak put it "phony".
Could the cops be black ops guys in with the tramps and more bluntly, could one of those cops be badge man"? If so, could one of the shotguns they carry have been badge man's murder weapon (12 guage slug)? I just have a very visceral reaction to the cops in the tramps photos. I've seen allegations that they were wearing earpieces.

Excellent thread. Sorry I got more into the nitty gritty with the phony cops thing. Didn't mean to swerve off topic. By the way, Allen Dulles was the OSS chief in Switzerland during and post-WWII coordinating things.

[edit on 7-11-2008 by switching yard]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:13 PM
This is the storm drain in question right?

And here to see the whole picture... hmmmm... looks like a plausible shot!

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:36 PM
If you look at jackie-o's outfit, you can see his blood on her garments. The final shot comes from under his arms as jackie leans into him and his brain exits the top (shot under his chin).

She wasn't reaching for brains, she was reaching for the gun she had just jostled out of her hand.

Note also, Kennedy is trying to get away from her. Behind the sign, the first shot was fired and if you look at the frames you can see the smoke emanating from the car after Jackie fired the first shot. The frames that let you see the smoke have been removed, but you can still see traces.


posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the info. I’ve never really looked deeper into the two Oswald theory, but I’ll check it out! Also, I like the whole mystery concerning the hobos on the train. One has been speculated to have been E. Howard Hunt, who had his own story on the assassination, and the one has been speculated to have been none other than Fred Lee Crisman, of Paperclip and Maury Island fame.

On another note, I was glancing through my papers and found some stuff that I forgot to post earlier. There is the strange Winnipeg Airport incident:

One such remote possibility has become known as the "Winnipeg Airport Incident" of February 1964. It revolves around a conversation among three men that was partially overheard by Richard L. Giesbrecht, a salesman, in Winnipeg International Airport on 13 February 1964. He was struck because "the Oswald case" was mentioned, along with an apparent reference to Oswald's wife, Marina. The conversation then turned to something like a sales meeting in Kansas. Giesbrecht took notes as he was listening. As he left the room, one of the three men followed him but did not otherwise bother him. Three years later, Giesbrecht said that one of the men was David Ferrie, and that he might have been talking with someone named "Romaniuk." Further efforts to confirm these names have been fruitless. The Warren Commission, apparently not interested, did not call Giesbrecht to testify. Jim Garrison did call him, however, but Giesbrecht backed out at the list minute because he began to fear for his family's safety.

Giesbrecht overheard the men discussing “shipments” coming in from Nevada, as well as something about “Mercury”. This opens a new area of possibilities, because there exists a town in Nevada called Mercury! Mercury was situated in the Nevada Test site for atomic bomb research, and some 900 tests of bombs took place here. To quote wikipedia:

In the early 1960s, the town population had grown to over 10,000, and further construction work was undertaken to upgrade the permanence of the town's architecture. A school was established, and numerous recreational and shopping facilities were added, including a movie theater, bowling alley, recreation hall, swimming pool and hobby center, as well as a full-care health clinic, library, non-denominational chapel with cadre of chaplains, bus station, service station with garage, and bus station. In 1963, the Desert Rock Airstrip was added pending a visit from President John F. Kennedy.

According to wikipedia, the name of the town came from the large amounts of Mercury mines in the area. This is purely speculative, but as reported by Joseph Farrell, the Nazi Bell allegedly ran on mercury! If the US government was testing secret technology with a mercury base, would it not make sense to conduct it on some back-water town on government land with a large amounts of natural mercury at their disposal?

I mentioned earlier Luis Alvarez, who analyzed the Zapruder film and worked on a UFO debunking council with an employee of Bell Aviation named Fred Durant. Well, I forgot to mention that both Durant worked with Werhner Von Braun and a scientist named Krafft Ehricke on an idea for a “moonbase”. Ehricke, like Durant, worked directly for Von Braun’s good friend and fellow Paperclip scientist Walter Dorenberger at Bell Aviation! The key groups become clearer. This quote from the Torbitt Document makes this even more interesting:

(continued below)

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Someone336

The principal financiers of Permindex were a number of U. S. oil companies, H. L. Hunt of Dallas, Clint Murchison of Dallas, John DeMenil, Solidarist director of Houston, John Connally as executor of the Sid Richardson estate, Haliburton Oil Co., Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma, Troy Post of Dallas, Lloyd Cobb of New Orleans, Dr. Oschner of New Orleans, George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root, Houston, Attorney Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation, New York City, Schenley Industries of New York City, Walter Dohrnberger, ex-Nazi General and his company, Bell Aerospace, Pan American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his company, Claiborne Oil of New Orleans, Credit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Brewery of Canada and a host of other munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense Industrial Security Command.

Halliburton, of course, has been in the news frequently with its connection to the Bush administration with the War on Terror, and Brown and Root has since become its subsidiary. H.L. Hunt’s son Nelson Hunt was a member of the 1001 Club!

One of Dorenberger’s employees at Bell was one Fred Korth, who was an active director of the U.S. Information Agency, and played an active role in its subsidiary, the CIA-financed Radio Free Europe. Radio Free Europe was run by Reinhard Gehlen, who we have mentioned multiple times, and his partner was the 1001 Club member J. Peter Grace, whose family and company we’ve seen connected to the Bush family and Georges de Mohrenschidt! The Warren Commission, according to the Torbitt Document, found that Korth has been sending money to Oswald impersonators around Dallas in the weeks prior to the assassination. Whether or not this is true, I cannot verify. But it is certain that Korth was fired from his position as Secretary of the Navy two weeks prior to November 22, 1963.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:16 AM
I am not sure if this will help this thread or not but E. Howard Hunt was a main player during that time of the JFK assassination. He was one of the main focuses of the Garrison investigations. He was in the CIA at the time and played a roll in the Watergate scandal later on as well. Here is his death bed confession taken by his son if anyone is interested which implicates LBJ which has always been my theory for a long time now. Many people don't realize that at the time Kennedy was not interested in a prolonged war in Vietnam to which many did not agree. LBJ had a lot of money tied to Bell Helicopters at the time as well. Interesting that Vietnam for the most part was run utilizing mainly Bell Helicopters. It is understandable due to the nature of the geography of Vietnam but still food for thought.

Part 1

Part 2

[edit on 11/8/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
If you look at jackie-o's outfit, you can see his blood on her garments. The final shot comes from under his arms as jackie leans into him and his brain exits the top (shot under his chin).

She wasn't reaching for brains, she was reaching for the gun she had just jostled out of her hand.

Note also, Kennedy is trying to get away from her. Behind the sign, the first shot was fired and if you look at the frames you can see the smoke emanating from the car after Jackie fired the first shot. The frames that let you see the smoke have been removed, but you can still see traces.

Yes, very interesting

It's fun to see how many ways you can make funny things out of your name.

Leather eater under sand
Lex Luther has a plan
Little beavers build up dams...
What an idiot, son of sam

Gosh, your right, that was fun.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by asmeone2
I believe the storm drain was a dis info story circulated to confuse. But I believe you do show one of the sniper locations in the picture.

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