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Shambala Inner Earth City protected by Tibetan monks?

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posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by silver6ix
reply to post by Essan

This is a discussion board, not a court room.

Oh I see... It's a discussion on something that can't be quantified, substantiated and attained physically to provide evidence by the claimant.

That means it's all pure speculation and fantasy?

Now I am much more enlightened at the purpose of this thread.

Thank you for clearing that up.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by spacebagel]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by spacebagel

Im sorry, you seem to have accidently have stumbled into the Aliens & UFO discussion forum. Im assuming its not the one you were looking for then?

Allow me to direct tyou to something more suitable.

Im am sure you will find all the "proven verified" realities you are looking for right there.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by silver6ix

You refer to Horus and Osiris as if they were the same archetype but they are not. Set dismembered Osiris. Horus, the son of Osiris avenged his father by slaying Set.

Also, there have been references in alternate news sites like IndiaDaily to a lot of extraterrestrial activity in the area of North India near the Himalayas. UFOs, a secret guarded base etc. But there is no proof. It is just speculation and fantasy. (At least in my opinion. You are certainly entitled to yours)

[edit on 1-11-2008 by AnubisOfTheEast]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:29 AM
just a little something extra so support the consipracy theory on this, In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 800 miles (1,300 km) thick, with openings about 1400 miles (2,300 km) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. Symmes became the most famous of the early Hollow Earth proponents. He proposed making an expedition to the North Pole hole, thanks to efforts of one of his followers, James McBride, but the new President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, halted the attempt. (wikipedia).... so, government cover ups may go back as far as this. Just a little extra history and proof... enjoy

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by silver6ix
reply to post by spacebagel

Im sorry, you seem to have accidently have stumbled into the Aliens & UFO discussion forum. Im assuming its not the one you were looking for then?

Allow me to direct tyou to something more suitable.

Im am sure you will find all the "proven verified" realities you are looking for right there.

Hmmmm..... I don't see any evidence in the link you posted. Perhaps you are implying of the Underworld Reptilian connection often pontificated by the believers to the subject of this thread? "Shambala Inner Earth City protected by Tibetan monks?"

Nooope...... Don't see any evidence. Though it is still a humourous and funny proposal though.....

Oh I forgot evidence don't mean anything in this thread *smacks head*

Otherwise you are posting off topic. Oh I forgot the off topic post doesn't apply to the woo-woos so as long it doesn't contain any tough questions devoid of any critical thinking.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by AnubisOfTheEast
reply to post by silver6ix

Also, there have been references in alternate news sites like IndiaDaily to a lot of extraterrestrial activity in the area of North India near the Himalayas. UFOs, a secret guarded base etc. But there is no proof. It is just speculation and fantasy. (At least in my opinion. You are certainly entitled to yours)

[edit on 1-11-2008 by AnubisOfTheEast]

No matter. It doesn't make a difference if it was from India Daily or the Pokemon Forum. As long as there is no evidence and proof to support ANY theories or speculation all is well in woo-woo land.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:38 AM
OP, can you explain what you mean by saying that Apollo 8 and 16 provide proof of entrances to Inner Earth?
Are you referring to the Apollo space missions?

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:43 AM
Exactly , Apollo 8 and Apollo 16 ?? please elaborate a little on these please OP , thank you

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:50 AM
There is another entrance in the country of laos.
But it has been sealed over and nobody have really tried to open it back up and go explore.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 02:57 AM
It should be noted that only those possessors of the Secret Key & Sacred Knowledge may locate these entrances. The true entrances are known only to a few.

Sure there's much conspiracy out there, but who can tell what's fact and fiction? Some may say it's all fiction, but I say there is truth behind these metaphors and allegories.

Why was there a Secret Sun in the center of all the early models of Inner Earth? Was it to be believe literally, or was it merely meant as an allegory to those seekers of the Path?

When the time comes, they will gather the Children of God and lead them to this New Eden.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Aleilius]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:30 AM

sorry I upset you. I was responding to a post asking me to describe in detail my interest in certain types of buddhism. The reason I was asked was due to the association with the buddhists I know and their tibetian cousins, whom have passed down their knowledge of shambala to the buddhist sect I associate with sometimes. The whole point was to explore their understanding of shambala and it's origins and what it really was.

Believe me if I was writing autobiography it would take several threads to explain or describe every facet of my life, which buddhism and what you read in my previous post, is but a tiny facet of the greater whole of experience that is me. An autobiography would have gone way beyond even as to why I'm called bassplyr, my interest in ATS and a whole other assortment of things.

From what I have been told about shambala by the buddhists I associate with is that it was a sub tropical to temperate oasis in a small remote valley of the himalaya mountain range somewhere near tibet that tibetian monks and some other sects of buddhist monks who were shown the location of this sacred "meditation grounds" used for long term estensive meditation. the tibetians found the little osis then they shared it to trusted buddhist sects and monks. Only a few monks were ever there at any one time. like 2-5 at most during any period. they went reclusive and meditated hard for several years before making their trek back home to their respective monasteries. the monks left with much more focus and internal streangth due to the intense meditation and that is why it was revered by buddhists. it was a sorta sacred final step to seeking their ultimate enlightenedment through their dharma and chan meditation. The rumors were that powerful monks protected the place because only highly skilled and spiritually accomplished monks were the only ones really actually residing in there along side maybe a few locals of the valley.

There was no magic to shambala. no passages to inner earth which like I said was probably an allegory for inner wisdom. yes the place was pretty and a gem in the frozen waist land of that mountain chain. But it probably was a small valley of life among the frozen mountains that sprung up because of freak weather conditions that are probably long gone and the valley is most likely lost forever returning to a frozen waist land again.

The buddhists and maybe the indian buddhists knew this valley as shambala. the shaolin monks of the omei shan temple who were introduced to this valley via their regular and respectful visits to their tibetian cousins. the shaolin knew the place as the hidden forest. which it was a hidden forest in the mountains of frozen rock and snow. a form of heavy duty ch'an (zen) meditation called hidden forest came from these visits to shambala (the hidden forest)

nothing even worthy of a cheezy disney movie let alone some sci fi channel adventure flick. just a basic explanation of the reality of what shambala really was. sorry it wasn't exiting, I could throw in things about flying dinosaurs and UFO's and subterranian lizards but then I'd be making things up.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:40 AM

There was no magic to shambala. no passages to inner earth which like I said was probably an allegory for inner wisdom.

Yes, and no. The truth is a funny thing. I can't make this a one liner though, and thus I will expound a little.

You're absolutely right when you mention only those of high spiritual achievements may enter this sacred space, but the contention of a valley as Shambala doesn't hold up to any of my research on this subject.

Sorry, I do not wish to sound like a know it all, and if I come across as such - please do not take it personally. I am a very formal person, and it shouldn't be a surprise that this trait is projected through my words.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Aleilius]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 03:50 AM

I take no offense to your input on this subject. it's regarding a place called shambala so all posts are fair game and should be treated with equal respect. To me you haven't come across as a know it all.

It's just that from my understanding and education regarding shambala it was more of a simple thing than what we are lead to believe. the other stories could have easily been confused locations of possibly very real phenomena that you are talking about but not the actual shambala.

Who knows in actuality the buddhists although fond of extensive libraries really didn't keep very good historical records.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 04:23 AM

It's just that from my understanding and education regarding shambala it was more of a simple thing than what we are lead to believe. the other stories could have easily been confused locations of possibly very real phenomena that you are talking about but not the actual shambala.

Very true, and you make a good point. Your contention is equally valid in regards to this subject. After all we're discussing a subject that is scoffed & laughed at by most.

However, It's my personal assumption that it's meant to be allegorical for all the countless legends of Inner Earth. Why do I believe this? Well it's tough to fully say, and even tougher to understand what I'm saying without seeing where I'm coming from with this research. I will say this: my research mainly includes the occult & arcane mysteries. I've spent nearly half my life researching these particular mysteries, and after all that time I have been led to this conclusion.

This particular mystery has connections everywhere in occult literature. It's no surprise to me that Hitler choose to search for Inner Earth. He also was reported to visit the Cross of Hendaye. I haven't said much about this subject, because I can't plainly reveal these mysteries to all - not yet. The Cross of Hendaye is said to foretell the destruction and ruin of the world - the apocalypse.

I'll wrap this up now. Especially since I know I'm going off topic here.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Aleilius]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Gillespie

Very cool story. I am from one of those places.
Here is a weird story, I was found by a local Sheriff about 2 weeks old near a hiking trail by one of those places. I was given to CHS and my parents adopted me at about 5 weeks old. Maybe I am from another planet

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 05:24 AM
BASSPLYR, check my post on page 2, that is Shargung la, to me, it's similarities, including it's name to the place of legend is incredible, not sure if you saw it, but I'd suggest taking a look at hollywood11's thread, it's seriously fascinating, even a story of the a guy that went to stay with them, good story and alot of it rang true to me, but the guy telling the story seemed to be a bit full of himself.

I've always thought that the actual Shamballa, was just a monastery, but I have heard alot of monks guarding passages and knowledge of Inner Earth and ET's, maybe they are both a monastery and an Inner Earth city? The monastery, guards an entrance into Shamballa and out of respect, they are 'accepted' into the community? Just brain storming here! lol.

Oh and everyone knows that Hitler died in South America in the 80's.


posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:04 AM
I currently reading another thread, Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain.

This thread has had my best attention for the last three days and after just a quick scan through this thread i have already seen similarities.

I am sure to be looking into the whole hollow earth story a bit more and the mammoth cave etc.

This is the first time ive seen the illuminati mentioned in all this though...

It feels like some people are just making as many links as possible to different theories hoping that it will overwhelm people into thinking its true.....

The problem with this thread is that there are not alot of sources to cite and the claims are not backed up. This has potential though so a star and flag.... I hope this takes off.....

Everyone shoud visit the mystery mountain thread if this interests them as it has a lot of information!

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:18 AM
Anyone can cliam anything as fact. Only when it is CLEARLY proven and substatiatied is it held as such, otherwise, it is nothing more than a fictitious story in the mind of its creator.

Claims without substantial evidence are nothing more than fantasies failing at an attempt to be woven into the fabric of reality.


posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:27 AM
I really like the whole Hollow Earth theory, because it is tied up lots of historical events; Admiral Byrd's expeditions to name one. And the NAZIS visiting Tibet and all.

Here is a video that might explain a little bit more.

And for the ones still wondering what Apollo 16 had to do with the hollow-earth theory, well they allegedly toke this picture.

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:34 AM

It feels like some people are just making as many links as possible to different theories hoping that it will overwhelm people into thinking its true.....

I also think there are too many links and associations. The water has been muddied, and it's tough to see the truth behind the veil. This may not be intentional, but the effect of so much speculation on the subject.

However, with this being said, I believe there are certain underlying connections that should be considered.

Sources would be a good thing, but honestly we can't hope to cite much considering the subject matter. It's one of those believe whatever you want to believe threads. Some come away with more knowledge on this subject, and are convinced of a genuine mystery. Of course, then there are others that come away stomping and screaming at the fallacies of such a set of theories.

I've been thinking about Admiral Byrd, and the significance of his last name. I'm wondering if he changed it in order to protect his real identity? Honestly I'm not sure, just a thought. In the occult realm, there's a very little known art called "The Language of the Birds." It's identified with the phonetic cabala, and this is what Fulcanelli used to decipher the inscription on the Cross of Hendaye. This is just something I wanted to toss out there for those who wish to delve more deeper into the subject.

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Aleilius]

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