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EU to present "Blueprint for Worldwide Currency System" to US this weekend!

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posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:14 PM
Even though the idea is lumpen, repugnant and further centralisation of the world towards an oligarchy system; this tragically makes sense.

It was obvious this financial crisis would lead to major international alterations.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by infinite]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by infinite

As an economist there is no doubt you could make an interesting case for a world currency. (Note - I baulk at using the word 'strong' as there are so many pitfalls, such as the loss of the possibility of varying interest rates on a national level that would be in keeping with the economic cycle of individual countries - just one of the weaknesses of the Euro, for example.)

This, however, is my main point: sacrificing control of currency at a national level leads to an insuperable loss of sovereignty. Some can see the end of democracy itself. (-Even if a plebiscite were to remain, what value would a vote have in the context of an electorate of 6 billion? (10 billion, 15 billion...?)

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Here in brazil everythings is ok.. really! Other than politican corruption our local economy is okay, althought our BOVESPA and all blue chips are going down like a meteor.... this crisis seems to affect only the people who invested in the stock market by the bubble.

This is NOT going to happen in my country.
We fought 30 years of economical trouble to acchive stability.

This french president is... clearly envolved... and a freaking egomaniac.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

This is NOT going to happen in my country.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

The President of Brazil IS AT THE HEART of these plans.

Please print out and read the 2008 G20 plans (linked to on p.1)

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
The next thing will be to get rid of the paper money...

Then... and every person - they want - is doomed with just one little click.

So, better get the implant all you sheeps or hide in the dark woods

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
Hopefully the currency could assume the form of a "mark" either on the hand or perhaps the forehead.
Seriously though, my first inclinations are that in order for this to fit within the problem-reaction-solution framework as espoused by 9/11 truthers it seems as if this would require a deliberate escalation of the current "crisis" i.e. the Problem portion of the Hegelian equation. I'm thinking the markets would essentially have to freeze altogether in order for people to beg for this.

I'm no expert but I'm not quite sure a single world currency would be required to facilitate a world economic system where an ultra-authoritative core-bank could control and monitor transactions. To appease the masses I could see allowing local currencies to exist within a computerized network of some-sort.
Also, I don't see the infrastructure of LDCs as developed enough to integrate this.

It is frightening however to see that global interest rate cut the other week. It was as if the US central Bank said "were all gonna jump" and all the other central banks asked "how low." This total synchronicity was a bit disturbing.
Hopefully they start up a new world police force- People would love being arrested by someone who speaks another language. J/K

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:39 PM
Okay guys, aside from putting:


What needs to be on this thing aside from the signature lines? When I am done with this thing I will send copies in WORD format to anyone who send me an email that is interrested.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:39 PM
Two thoughts...

1. If this report is accurate, expect the market to completely fail between now and the announcement of this to the American people. The only way they can implement this is if our economy stands in total ruin, which it currently does not. As long as there's some breath of life remaining there, I do not believe they have the scrotum to even propose it.

2. I question the report. Something smells fishy about it, but considering everything else is turned upside down and considering a month ago the idea of nationalizing the banks in the US was as alien and unthinkable as anything anyone could have suggested, I can no longer take the moral high road of claiming that such a thing could never happen in this country. Thanks for stealing that from me, BTW, government. Nice job!

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Taledus

And how about emailing everyone in your address book (who'd be interested) with a quick message about this issue + a link to this thread to top it off?

If enough people did this it could go viral...

What do you think?

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by pause4thought

I figure that a paper petition would be better since a lot of people in my local area wouldn't know how to even turn a computer on. I will be going door-to-door if I can be sure that I will not be the only one trying to get the message out for the petition. I will email those in my address book, but it is very thin since there is not too many people that I actually care to send emails too.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:52 PM
Yawn guys.. you are being so melodramatic... One world currency and one world government are good things. We could use more unity in this split up world. Divided we are easier to control. Should the NWO (if there is such a thing) unite the world under one banner, reducing the cultural and religious boundaries that set us apart, then that is the shortest path for them to cutting their own throats.

One world currency? Bring it on !

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Alphard

That's right girls and boys, time to go to sleep.

Nothing worth writing home about here.

Move along...

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:00 PM
No matter how much the "intelligent" folk amongst us say that this is a bad idea, intelligent people are far outnumbered by idiots on this world. No matter how hard you try, most will welcome such a system with open arms, believing the media and their leaders when they say that it is a "good thing".

No matter how much you protest, no matter how much you resist, the idiots always prevail, thinking that anyone who views the world other than in their narrow-minded, straightforward, stupid way, is a "crackpot", someone who needs to go "get a life".

Not if, but when there is a one world government with future generations having been sold out to the evil that is the NWO, these idiots will be to blame. I'll die happy knowing I tried to resist by spreading what I've learnt about the NWO. Even if I couldn't stop it, I'll die happy knowing I tried. You can't ask for much more.

It's incredible how stupid Humanity is.

Best thing you can do is inform as many people as you can. You may not be able to stop the inevitable, but you can sure try to adapt and resist as much as you can to it when it comes.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by JasonT]

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Couldn't agree more to your first point. And if you subscribe to the whole one world government theory, it would mean this whole crisis was orchestrated with this exact outcome in mind. Its scary to think these manipulative people would use or even cause a total world economic collapse in order to achieve even greater power.

Again, tinfoil and facts coming together. Man, I hope I am wrong.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:07 PM
I really don't understand how this can be implemented.

I just don't see this coming anytime soon. Simply for the fact that it would cost huge amounts of money to convert every machine that accepts hard currency.

It would only work if paper money is phased out, which has already started but to completly get rid of it will take a generation or two.

Plus Americans will fight it, most like being different from Europe and don't want to change. Metric system anyone?

So i wouldn't jump the gun, IMO this isn't going to happen tommorow, there is time to fight it. I believe this will be one of the most debated/protested issues ever in America.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by drock905

Knowing that, the PTB will whisk it in at breakneck speed.

Cue total meltdown, with only 'one' solution...

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:15 PM
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said the economic crisis is becoming so pronounced that world leaders will possibly close financial markets while they “rewrite the rules of international finance.” If a new Bretton Woods agreement is being discussed, as Berlusconi says it is, the dollar is in serious trouble.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting in Naples on Friday, Bloomberg reported, Berlusconi announced the idea of “suspending the markets” while a new global economic playbook is hammered out. Berlusconi said that any solution to the world’s economic crisis needed to be a global solution, not just one for Europe.

Although Berlusconi didn’t give any details concerning the new Bretton Wood’s plan, he is not the only European politician who has recently brought up the issue.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has also said it is “necessary to rebuild the entire global financial and monetary system from the bottom up, the way it was done at Bretton Woods after World War ii.” Commenting on this in his September 30 column Robert Morley wrote,

That is a statement with huge implications, coming from another of America’s supposed allies. In July 1944, the Bretton Woods agreement tied the Western democratic economies to America, established the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and helped usher in America’s economic superpower status.

A rejection of Bretton Woods is a rejection of America!

A rewrite of the Bretton Woods agreement could end the dollar’s role as the reserve currency and send the dollar plummeting.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by JasonT

It's incredible how stupid Humanity is.

[edit on 16-10-2008 by JasonT]

I know, that's why I hate working for other people.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:18 PM
Um, not to be the devil's advocate or anything a one world economy bad? And would it really be all that bad to be able to buy something here in America, take a trip to Great Britain and get a good stay and English Breakfast, go to France see some sites, all with the same money? I'm still not seeing the bad. I mean can see the pending One World Gov't stepping in but even with that i don't see all the harm that's touted about on here like it's Hell Fire, as long as it's done correctly it's nothing but a blessing to the Third World Country's

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 05:26 PM
You see... it's not that I have a problem with just one currency. It makes a lot of things easier.... It's the big "brains" behind it with their own agenda I don't trust.

It's all about power, and that power should be with the people and not with the ones making these plans right now.

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