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aliens and GOLD

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:35 AM
Hi everyone, i love reading this forum and thanks to the many
people who post and reply with QUALITY stuff. Somthing that has
been bugging me for a while now is this alien and the gold connection. listening to a c2c show about adams calander and the
guy mentions somthing about gold and its not the first time. Seeing as transmutation of metals is possible even by our technology, wouldnt you think an alien advanced race would have this transmutation down to an art and would have all the elemental gold they could want, rather than enslaving a plant of people to do it for however many thousands of years. just a thought

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:40 AM
I have no idea. My answer, would a women like a perfect man made diamond worth $4000 or a natural one half the size less perfect worth $8000.

My question would be, is gold leaving our planet or do we have the same amount of gold on this planet as we did at 10 000bc.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:08 AM
Euh, why would aliens transmute metal to gold?

No offence but gold and diamond are pretty wordless in the universe, cause it's commen materials. There are entire suns made of diamond (proven by your own scientists). Transmutng it would just mean turning something worthless into something worthless at the cost of energy, that would be foolish.

Now if they managed to find biochemical Crystals like the kind of sctor Tycho on earth it would be different and this place would be hogged. But gold? That stuff is worth as much as the dust in you pocket.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:34 AM
Well Gold isnt everywhere is it. What other planet would you expect to find gold.

I heard somewhere that the aliens need it for their atmosphere. Could be made up, could be why they have been after gold all these years.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:56 AM
Gold has been proven to do something really useful in the atmosphere but I've conveniently forgotten what it is. Something about blocking radiation I think.
I was wondering about this same topic yesterday and it's something of a synchronicity that it popped up today.
I wouldn't be surprised if the damn aliens are taking all our gold... bastards...

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by TheLion
Well Gold isnt everywhere is it. What other planet would you expect to find gold.

I would expect to find gold on every rocky planet or moon in the solar system

But I would look to Neptune for diamonds...
I hear they are the size of a bus in the lower atmosphere..

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by AncientShade
There are entire suns made of diamond

Perhaps aliens, like humans, decided mining giant nuclear explosions was not a good idea

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by sinebyte

Whoa, wait, back up a second. We can transmute what into what with current technology?

Seriously, I'm very interested in finding out more about this because that's something brand new to me. I know we can create large(ish) amounts of amorphous diamond through carbon condensation techniques, but I've never heard of anyone being able to transmute one of the basic elements of the periodic table into another one. I'm going to go ahead and do some research on this idea, but if someone could post some links to some information as well, I'd like to see the resources.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by sinebyte

Is there any actual evidence of aliens? No.

Until that is a 'yes', trying to guess what these unproven entities are up to is the most abject of futile endeavours.

gah. Come on, folks! DENY IGNORANCE!

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:33 AM
My serious answer:

Maybe they don't need gold for their ships or for their home planets.

Maybe they came here originally to build civilizations here on Earth, and knew that this metal would be needed for technology. Collect it from this planet, for this planet.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by dave420

Is there any actual evidence of aliens? No.

I guess you are not familiar with the difference in definitions between evidence and proof then. There is mountains of evidence, and still a need for the 'smoking gun' i.e proof.

gah. Come on, folks! DENY IGNORANCE!

Here is a great explanation I stole from another site. Not my words, but it shows the difference between these words so elegantly...

Evidence is a fact or situation that suggests something might be true. Proof is a fact or situation that removes all doubt. Sometimes more than one evidence can add up to proof.

Fingerprints are proof that a person touched something. If I find your jacket in my car, it is evidence that you were there, but not proof. If the police find lots of money in my house, it might be evidence that I robbed a bank. A videotape showing me at the bank holding the gun would prove that I robbed a bank.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by dave420

Below is a good video with some really interesting information

Alien Info

Ancient Aliens

Its funny, One persons witness can put a person away in prison for life, but 100's of alien witnesses and pictures is just a conspiracy.

How did the people of south america know so much about math and astronomy. They learnt it from a being unlike them. This being had a elongated skull so the women binded their babies heads to look like this being.

How else could the know the position of these plants. They didn't even have telescopes.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by SimpleAnswers
Nuclear fission and fusion can be used to create transform/create new elements.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:03 PM
Ah, of course. I figured we could use nuclear science to do it, but I assumed the reactions would be far too energetic to properly control with current technology for the use of processing materials and the quantities created too small to be worth the cost involved in creating the material.

Interesting idea, though.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:10 PM
if it could be proven that gold was somehow still here in the same quantities as it was in 10000 bc, it still might not prove whether it was being removed if the theories of our planet "growing" are true. this guy (neal adams) has a theory that our planet (and pretty much all planets) grow, due to some internal creative force. something to do with the core and physics. you can see his theory here:

so if new gold were continually being created as the planet grew, it would be a very very long time before we could prove it was being removed, unless it suddendly was being removed faster than it was being created.

of course, this could be wrong as well.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by undo
of course, this could be wrong as well.

Don't forget all the gold Platinum, Plutonium and other good stuff NASA et al is blasting into space daily..

But if you want to find some gold... just leach it out of the oceans

Seawater contains vast quantities of dissolved gold, perhaps as much as 10 trillion dollars (US) worth, though in dilute concentrations.

Even at the conservative estimates of 10 ppt of gold in seawater, there is a great deal of gold in solution in the oceans. Humankind has unearthed perhaps a total of 3.3 billion ounces of gold over the course of history, an amount equivalent To a cube of gold 55 feet on a side (Dworetzky 1988), but the sea water of the Earth's oceans contain about 25 billion ounces of gold (Burk 1989).

HEY since the Ocean is international waters... maybe that's why all those UFO's are buzzing around the oceans

[edit on 7-10-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:19 PM
I think it may have been Sitchin who said that these aliens destroyed their atmosphere by doing the same destructive things you see humans doing today.

Gold when turned into a gas and pumped up into the atmosphere supposedly has healing properties which can patch holes in th ozone layer. Now they want our Gold.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:25 PM
Sure these aliens can do a lot of things, whatever you say.

But there is nothing on earth like Padre La Rue's lost mine.

It will take some time to read.
Not quite UFO gold but very close to the early activity in 1945 by Von Braun.

And Mr William R. Lyne has some greats facts on how all that gold
got to Victorio Peak.

And a few side stories as in that copyrighted page.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
which can patch holes in th ozone layer.


Do you even know what Ozone is and HOW it's created? The hole in the ozone layer over the poles is NATURAL, as there is little direct sunlight at the poles to convert oxygen to ozone. Ozone is a continously renewing cycle... the more UV light hits the oxygen, the more ozone is created

Ozone is OXYGEN in the 03 form what you breathe is O2

The people who started the 'hole on the ozone' scam milked MILLIONS of research dollars out of people

This was taught in Grade School science in the good ole days, just like the O2/CO2 cycle....

Now it seems Sitchin is the new age classroom...

BTW according to Sitchin in "End of Days" Nibiru is NOT coming till 2900... well after we are all dead and no one left to question it

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by sinebyte
Hi everyone, i love reading this forum and thanks to the many
people who post and reply with QUALITY stuff. Somthing that has
been bugging me for a while now is this alien and the gold connection. listening to a c2c show about adams calander and the
guy mentions somthing about gold and its not the first time. Seeing as transmutation of metals is possible even by our technology, wouldnt you think an alien advanced race would have this transmutation down to an art and would have all the elemental gold they could want, rather than enslaving a plant of people to do it for however many thousands of years. just a thought

This is a fascinating question and I've often wondered this myself.

You ask: Why would aliens need our gold if they can just make it out of lead? Humans can in fact create gold out of lead; it has been achieved. (source)

So, why wouldn't the aliens just take a bunch of lead (82 protons) which is about 1000 times more abundant on earth (source), and remove 3 of those protons to make GOLD (79 protons)?

We know that SOME aliens have ample energy (zero point technology) required for fusion or transmutation because Lockheed Martin has reverse engineered this technology. (source)

So what's the deal? Could it be these particular aliens (Anu'naki?) have sufficiently advanced their technology to create a slave race to mine their gold for them, but lack sufficient efficient energy technology to transmute the gold from more common elements?

Maybe gold was once as abundant as lead, but over the centuries it has all been harvested.

Why is gold so rare anyway compared to lead anyway?

Wish I had the answers for you, but this is a tough one.

(edit to fix links)

[edit on 7-10-2008 by freakyty]

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