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Never ending war

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posted on Jan, 12 2003 @ 01:43 PM
During the hundred years or so that the British empire was at it's height with forces stationed around the world there wasn't a single year that they weren't fighting a war somewhere or other. Same with every empire that�s ever existed.

Right now the US has troops in over 100 (120?) countries forcibly projecting American foreign policy.

Today�s economics mean Empire doesn�t necessarily mean planting flags in foreign lands. Economic, Political and Military control of foreign nations has been attempted and achieved without invasion. Also, today�s weapons technology and travel mean these wars will be taken to the heart of the empire involved. Call them terrorists, religious fanatics, evildoers, whatever it makes no difference. Also If the US continues down the imperial path this is the price to be paid. Empire means a state of continuous war, always has always will.

posted on Jan, 12 2003 @ 02:21 PM
Uh....funny that the majority of the countries that you claim we occupy want us on their soil to protect them.

Japan, Taiwan and SK want us there to protect them from NK, Russia and China.

NATO countries want us there to provide a force counter to Russia and to help out with policing their rogue European countries.

Whenever the UN wants to crackdown on or help someone....they dial 911 and we answer the call. WE ARE THE REASON FOR STABILITY IN THE WORLD. Now, you go run along now....I hear the Canadian border is open to losers like you.

posted on Jan, 12 2003 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by MT69
Uh....funny that the majority of the countries that you claim we occupy want us on their soil to protect them....

I didn't say or infer occupation, I said stationed.

Originally posted by MT69

Japan, Taiwan and SK want us there to protect them from NK, Russia and China.

NATO countries want us there to provide a force counter to Russia and to help out with policing their rogue European countries.

Whenever the UN wants to crackdown on or help someone....they dial 911 and we answer the call. WE ARE THE REASON FOR STABILITY IN THE WORLD. Now,

I'm not condemning the US for forces stationed all round, or the political and economic control the US forces on third party nations. It's a reality of the world we live in.

Part of the reality is going to be the US in a constant state of war, and attacks against the homeland.

When the next attack occurs, and there will be one, and Bush / Rumsfeld stand up and say "They attack us because they hate our freedom" That's Bull# for the electorate. They attack us because we step on a lot of toes, and once in a while someone is going to punch us on the nose.

posted on Jan, 12 2003 @ 03:55 PM
You do have a point, we had a lot less trouble when our troops were all home...but the world was also falling apart then too.

Sure we support some dictatorships, but only in places where tribal warfare was not ceasing, the dictatorships give us a stable government with which to make deals.

Furthermore unlike before WW2 we now make sure that any dictatoral nation (facist) has almost no power in the world...this "third" world is more or less a puppet of the rest of the world, which is really a good thing, it prevents the rise of an evil empire like the Nazis ever happening again.

But now we are reaching the point in time, where we can complete the last step, making these dictatoral governments, democracies.

No more does tribalism hold full power in the world, I think it completely stopped with only Ethiopia as any real tribal government.

Now we can impliment a more democratic system to these nations...and bring more freedom at least to the peoples.

no signature

posted on Jan, 13 2003 @ 12:49 PM
So....the muslim wackos that attacked us on 9/11 attacked us because we were in Afghanistan for decades....feeding and helping muslims there????

posted on Jan, 13 2003 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by MT69
So....the muslim wackos that attacked us on 9/11 attacked us because we were in Afghanistan for decades....feeding and helping muslims there????

You've taken a tiny tiny part of US foreign policy and action and tried to apply it to a complicated situation while discounting the other 99.9% of the facts.

It�s a bit like saying the LA riots didn�t make sense because the police are there to look after people and protect them from crime.

Why do you think a group of Arab Muslims could have murderous feelings towards the USA?

If you can�t think of anything post some more �proof� about your USAF security clearance by detailing the security procedures, that�s the funniest thing I�ve ever read on any message board.

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 01:33 PM
Amusing you isn't very hard, a little boy hiding behind a pig's nose isn't much of a challenge. Lemme're a bagger at Piggly Wiggly somewhere in the south.

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by MT69
Amusing you isn't very hard, a little boy hiding behind a pig's nose isn't much of a challenge. Lemme're a bagger at Piggly Wiggly somewhere in the south.

Why do you think a group of Arab Muslims could have murderous feelings towards the USA?

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 02:19 PM
1) They hate us because they're backwards and believe any BS their biased media says about us.
2) They hate us because we don't support their idea to destroy the Jews off the face of the Earth.
3) They hate us because they are jealous of us in every area of life.
4) They hate us because their religion is evil, a false religion according to Jesus.
5) They hate us because we are the police for the UN and they are the po' folks living in the ghetto that hate the police that come in to try to clean up their ghetto. They are pimps. hos, drug dealers in their part of the world...thus don't like the police showing up on their doorstep.


posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 02:32 PM
>>1) They hate us because they're backwards and believe any BS their biased media says about us.

Nothing to say here

>>2) They hate us because we don't support their idea to destroy the Jews off the face of the Earth.

They hate the U$A cause you support the Jews. Be honoust we almost had no problems with the Middle East before the establishment of Israel!!!

3) They hate us because they are jealous of us in every area of life.

They hate the U$A cause the U$A is only intrested in its own! Only money counts, big bux! The rest doesn't matter... Remember Kyoto Treaty???

4) They hate us because their religion is evil, a false religion according to Jesus.

All religions are false. And the Islam is still in its Extreme fase so...

5) They hate us because we are the police for the UN and they are the po' folks living in the ghetto that hate the police that come in to try to clean up their ghetto. They are pimps. hos, drug dealers in their part of the world...thus don't like the police showing up on their doorstep.

Why are they thugs? They aren't all thugs? There are also normal people living in "ghetto's"!!!

EDIT: Your avatar tells me enough about your personality

And yes my English sux

[Edited on 14-1-2003 by B]

[Edited on 14-1-2003 by B]

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 04:41 PM
B - So if the USA only cares about itself, then why does our aid to the world blow away anything Europe gives out together??? The same can be said about Asia, Russia, etc.

Oh, funny that the USA was the leader in giving aid to Afghanistan before, during and after the Taliban's era....yet those clowns preach that we're the devil.

As for Israel, it's total BS that the Arabs are worried about that little piece of land compared to the area they control. It's flat out jealousy of Jews going back to the time of Abraham that drives the Arabs to kill Jews like animals. Europeans overlook this madness by the Arabs because of oil deals and weapons deals...the US has higher standards than you, thus we stand up for Israel to the Arab thugs.

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 04:50 PM
MT69 seems to have talent for small mindedness that far outstrips anything i`ve come across b4 I`m dissappointed in the extreme that any one could list those five reasons and live with themselves.

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 05:59 PM
andya - Go find a dictionary before crawling out of your hole in public.


posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 06:11 PM
>>B - So if the USA only cares about itself, then why does our aid to the world blow away anything Europe gives out together??? The same can be said about Asia, Russia, etc.

Because not all countries in the EU are already financielly stable enough! First solve youre problems at home then look to the problems at your neighbours.

>>Oh, funny that the USA was the leader in giving aid to Afghanistan before, during and after the Taliban's era....yet those clowns preach that we're the devil.

Why were you in Afghanistan? There is proof that youre gouvernement had a meeting with the Taliban before 9-11! And the whole war at Afghanistan was useless. The BIG EVIL was never found. Mr. Osama is laughing in your face.

>>As for Israel, it's total BS that the Arabs are worried about that little piece of land compared to the area they control. It's flat out jealousy of Jews going back to the time of Abraham that drives the Arabs to kill Jews like animals.

No they aren't worried! They're #ing pissed that those jews came back and took the holy land. Yes it's holy not only to the Arabs but also to us Christians and to the Jews. Isn't it time we get some common scense and declare that piece of land Holy land or something like that? Let us say an UN region, neutral!

>>Europeans overlook this madness by the Arabs because of oil deals and weapons deals...the US has higher standards than you, thus we stand up for Israel to the Arab thugs.

I won't react here cause you'd get really pissed of my answers and not like you, I am a pacifist NO I'm Socialistic Pacifist

[Edited on 15-1-2003 by B]

[Edited on 15-1-2003 by B]

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 06:32 PM
so the question i'm answering is why would some arab muslim want to kill americans? well just like with all things, when you're on top of your game somebody wants to bring you down so they can assume the position of top dog. only problem with these arabs that want to bring us down is they think that they are next in the pecking order. so if they took us out. they would then realize that someone else is top dog and not them. so guess what it starts all over again. americans were the same way at one time. see there was this country called england, and americans were sick of them so they said "lets take these guys out" well here it is 200 yrs later and who does england come to for help when it has problems. yes being the most powerful nation on the planet is great but it comes with the problem of everyone wanting you dead. it's called fighting the good fight, and by god we're gonna win.

posted on Jan, 14 2003 @ 07:00 PM
After one were to remove all the NATO and U.N. involvement from that list, how many places would our troops be stationed?

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 04:52 PM
B- I'm sorry that you live in a meaningless country in Europe and that you yourself are meaningless in the big picture with the world. You can keep talking out both ends about the USA, but it won't change a thing.

By the way, who saved your little country from the Nazis and then built it back up after the War??? Oh, it must be the EVIL empire....

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 05:08 PM
Aegisfang theamericans hardly took the english out as you so quaintly put it and I think the incident you are refering to 200 years later is the second world war, well it took them long enough but did help but face it if you had n`t we`d all be scr*wed.

Your top dog theory is just laughable.

posted on Jan, 15 2003 @ 06:18 PM
The average Arab in the middle east hates us for all the reasons MT69 posted (although rather harshly..still that seems to be the only way to get thru the liberal mindset). But guess what they dont have to like us just live with us. Personally it seems to me to be a little ungratefull every time they show some truck unloading grain in some tiny third world muslim country you see in big bold letters usa on the side of the bag!!!!But all that goes for nought because we support Israel so we are the Devil the Great Satan. One of you please tell me before Gulf War 1 where the US was interfering with Muslim countries???We didnt conduct covert operations killing off muslim leaders or mullahs or opressing the muslim populations. When we supported the Shah we were villified because he was trying to "westernise" Iran. Everytime the US backs a muslim ruler it is because he offers a secular government not a government focused on fundamental Islam (which is oppressive in all reguards). Someone said before Israel there was no trouble in the Middle East, Well Buddy thats because the Middle East was rulled by the British who took it from those same petty princes and established western style government there taking over for the Turks (they had beaten in WW1) There was no trouble in the Middle east till the Brits turned the countries over to there own devices in '47 or '48 and then all the Arab countries tryed to kill the Jews and couldnt do it. They lost a war they started and now they try to place the blaim on the US they can not accept any Jew or any Israel the peace process is a sham. Arafat could have ended it all under the plan brokered by Clinton who wheeled and dealed like a car salesman between Arafat and Sharon. But when he got to the table to sign the paper he backed out right there in front of the cameras he said something wasnt right and then left the stage. What was his problem? Israel agreed to a palistenian state and that wasn't good enough? Why because then it would have been over no one would be able to back the PLO after they accepted a State and then wanted more. Even the French couldn't go along with that!! NO sorry folks I dont have any simpathy for the Muslims anyone who accepts oppression and tyranny because of faith and then tries to blam their situation on someone else is just plain wrong. Its kind of like liberals in the US blaiming every evil on Capitalist Rich White Men its a PANT LOAD!!!!

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