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The Science Of Mysticism And Spirituality

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posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 10:17 AM
I've been reading a lot about 'Spiritual Science' recently. I've got a looonnggg way to go on the subject but I thought I'd put everything together that I've found on an ATS thread and see if theres anyone else on here with interesting information and sources to look at?

These David Wilcock videos are rather good. Has anyone got any further input on this?

It isn't all spiritual science but there is a lot of it in there. He believes that the 'third eye' is the pineal gland. There are photosensitive rods and cones in the pineal gland just like in the regular eyes. According to him in some of the Black Projects the pineal gland has been reverse engineered in the Looking-Glass Project and scientists have used this to look into what I suppose must be parallel dimensions. He says that when the pineal gland is activated it enables the individual to access 'time-space' (as opposed to space-time). He believes that this explains prophecies and visions.

I've been meditating steadily for a few months now. Deep meditation according to eastern practice slowly opens the 'third eye.' I can tell you honestly that I am starting to see more and more flashing lights and patterns when I close my eyes and meditate. The most interesting thing that has happened is that if I wave my arms infront of my face in the pitch black darkness with my eyes totally scrunched closed I can just see the movement of my arms and hands. When you close your eyes you will probably see a slight ethereal light- barely noticeable. It is this light that has got brighter and it is that light that matches the movement of my arms perfectly. My hypothesis is that what I can see is the feint traces of my 'astral body' which is what I believe people see when they see a 'ghost.'

Many cultures such as tribal Amazonians use drugs and other practices to put individuals into an altered state so that they can access the 'spirit world.' I think that by doing this they are somehow using their mind to see into 'realms' that the mundane 5 senses or current technology cannot detect or penetrate. Possibly they are activating the pineal gland. I don't know. Remember please folks, 600 years ago the 5 senses could not detect radio waves, nor could any device detect them. There is no reason to think that just because by no current scientific measurement we can see 'demons' or 'ghosts' it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't exist.

Finally here are two videos about the in-depth study by the Parapsychology department of the University Of Virginia into cases of children reporting cases of previous lives. I personally agree with Dr Tucker's methodology and evidence-based conclusion. I feel that based on this evidence that life-after death is a reality and that reincarnation can happen.

Oh yeah I need to add something else... fairies and gnomes and other beings are often seen and experienced by people on '___'. According to Wilcock in pagan and medieval times gnomes and fairy type beings were seen in stone circles and that the stone circles were vantage points into other dimensions. James Gilliland says that these beings exist in the higher dimensions, I think he says they are 5th density beings. These three unrelated tales put together a picture that these famtasy creatures could be something other than pure fantasy.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Once a person realizes that the things they were told as child are not true and that reality is a lot bigger and stranger than they ever suspected, a person can easily lose their grasp on what is real.

What I mean is that spiritual truth seekers often fall prey to charlatans. I know I have.

Remember, that while the human mind can connect with the greater spiritual reality and transcend time and space, we are still flesh and blood creatures trapped in a physical existence where evolution and survival of the fittest still rule.

The webpage I linked below has really helped me to keep my feet grounded in the real world while allowing me to still be a spiritual truth seeker.

Divine Paradox

I haven’t had a chance to look at the videos and information that you posted, but I will as time permits.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by grapeghost]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Why are you talking about '___', and linking to a site that covers other illegal substances and trip reports? I know...because I have experienced it...that awareness of the Faery realm and others is not dependent on pharmaceuticals, legal or otherwise. Why do you feel the need to include this in what promises to be a really interesting thread that we could learn a lots from? The South American ayahuasca ceremonies are for advanced practitioners *only*...and I know from experience...not mine but people very close to me...that it will change you, and not for the better. Substances such a ayahuasca must not be seen as a shortcut. Nothing is a substitute for doing the work and making the ascension the old fashioned way.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae

Why are you talking about '___', and linking to a site that covers other illegal substances and trip reports? I know...because I have experienced it...that awareness of the Faery realm and others is not dependent on pharmaceuticals, legal or otherwise. Why do you feel the need to include this in what promises to be a really interesting thread that we could learn a lots from? The South American ayahuasca ceremonies are for advanced practitioners *only*...and I know from experience...not mine but people very close to me...that it will change you, and not for the better. Substances such a ayahuasca must not be seen as a shortcut. Nothing is a substitute for doing the work and making the ascension the old fashioned way.


I keep getting told that here lol. I mentioned '___' in another thread and then I had to stop a massive drugs debate flaring up. I agree with you. I don't think taking drugs is a good idea at all in the long term. But the fact is that people experience what they do all the same. I'm just trying to state a fact but not condoning the action. Although I do feel that anything in moderation can be ok. But I wasn't trying to encourage people to take '___' when I said that.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 02:54 PM
I think focus on the pineal gland does help to stimulate the release of the bodies natural '___' and also Anandamide. The meditation techniques are natural routes to the body's production of endogenous psycho-pharmaceuticals.

These chemicals also activate the light sensitive cells within the pineal gland from what I have come to understand. Most of the spiritual seekers I have met did not want to hear about some kind of chemical connection to the spiritual as if that would make it somehow artificial or unreal. The feeling of well being is a direct result of the production of Anandamide. The experiences of lights and patterns and colors or even trips to other dimensions is a direct result of the body's endogenous production of '___'. I would describe this effect as a form of natural bio-alchemy.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by grapeghost
Once a person realizes that the things they were told as child are not true and that reality is a lot bigger and stranger than they ever suspected, a person can easily lose their grasp on what is real.

Remember, that while the human mind can connect with the greater spiritual reality and transcend time and space, we are still flesh and blood creatures trapped in a physical existence where evolution and survival of the fittest still rule.

Yeah I know what you mean. What it says in that link you posted is very true too: "As a result, some become jaded realists, while others shut their eyes and escape into a private world of fantasy or despair."

I find it very hard to find the balance between being too synical and skeptical or being gullible. The basic principle of science is that you base your beliefs of the world on evidence. Obviously there is a lot more to it than that but thats my simple definition.

My problem with conventional science is that it doesn't take into acount those things that can't be 'quantified' or measured. Personal spiritual or religious experiences cannot be measured and so many skeptics and sciencey people dismiss those experiences as not being real or delusional. I, as you could probably guess, think this is bad think a great deal could be learned if these types of experiences and practices were taken seriously by conventional science.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Actually, I am really interested in the natural chemical processes that take place during meditation and other spiritual are exactly right when you describe it at bio-alchemy. I just take a very dim view of the synthetic trippy kind.....

Please tell me seem to know your stuff. What happens when the brain drops into alpha, for instance, which is where a lot of spiritual work takes place? Anyone know? I know how to do it, but I don't know the chemistry of it.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
I know...because I have experienced it...that awareness of the Faery realm and others...


I'd be very interested to hear about all of this...

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
I think focus on the pineal gland does help to stimulate the release of the bodies natural '___' and also Anandamide. The meditation techniques are natural routes to the body's production of endogenous psycho-pharmaceuticals.

These chemicals also activate the light sensitive cells within the pineal gland from what I have come to understand. Most of the spiritual seekers I have met did not want to hear about some kind of chemical connection to the spiritual as if that would make it somehow artificial or unreal. The feeling of well being is a direct result of the production of Anandamide. The experiences of lights and patterns and colors or even trips to other dimensions is a direct result of the body's endogenous production of '___'. I would describe this effect as a form of natural bio-alchemy.

I doubt the feelings of well being are just because of that chemical although it probably plays a part. The way I see what you just described is chemicals acting like the keys to opening the dimensional door-ways. I'm not surprised people reacted like that I think a lot of people think that science is cold and devoid of wonder and has nothing to do with spirituality. I think, in theory at least, that everything in human experience can explained scientifically i.e. through understanding the mechanism of how it happens. But I don't think at all that that should make the experience any less wonderful. Also if these things were understood in the whys and hows then we could all progress much faster and not succumb to delusion or confusion like many do.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:24 PM
It is not just from dropping into an alpha state that causes stimulation of the pineal gland. It is caused by a harmonic resonance at the high end of the alpha frequency spectrum intersecting from the 2 hemispheres at the point of the pineal gland that stimulated the release of Anandamide and '___'. This sets up a cavitation within the pineal gland that stimulates it.

The brain puts out several frequencies at once. People often experience the most profound states at alpha but specifically it is caused by entrainment of a wide band synchronization of the brain into a high alpha state. Starting at a frequency of about the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.82Hz and going up to about 12Hz. Right at about 13Hz and in whole brain resonance with integrated left and right hemispheres entrained.

Supplementing your body with the precursors for these endogenous chemicals is also helpful. Chocamine at about 200MG and Tyrosine at about 300MG based on a body weight of about 120 lbs. The Chocamine can be substituted with a cup of low fat chocolate, and the tyrosine can be substituted with a few slices of sharp cheddar if you do not have the concentrated forms. These will help the body in several ways to synthesize these chemicals and the Chocamine also contains a chemical that works as an anandamide re-uptake inhibitor so it makes the endogenous production last longer in the body. Blood flow is also important and this is one reason you see yoga practitioners standing on their heads. This can be substituted with the use of high dose ginseng and Ginko.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:34 PM

I see your point, and kinda agree with it. This is the part of science and spirituality that I cannot get answers to, however hard I try to engage...

I'm sure that different chemistries in the brain and other parts of the human body...(does it have to be the brain?)...will open doorways and facilitate the spiritual experience, but will it be identical for everyone? I doubt it. We have have differences in our body chemistry and maybe this influences it. Personally, I think what we eat and drink also makes a huge difference, which is why I'm so strictly vegan, and I don't drink, smoke, do drugs...these are all toxins, and suppress the spiritual. Maybe we are immensely attuned and our lifestyles make us sluggish and slow in terms of sensitivity. Maybe it's more about what we leave out, than what we put in.

UFO....thank you for all that fabulous information...I will have to do my homework here, as I don't understand all of it...but I will.


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
It is not just from dropping into an alpha state that causes stimulation of the pineal gland. It is caused by a harmonic resonance at the high end of the alpha frequency spectrum intersecting from the 2 hemispheres at the point of the pineal gland that stimulated the release of Anandamide and '___'. This sets up a cavitation within the pineal gland that stimulates it.

The brain puts out several frequencies at once. People often experience the most profound states at alpha but specifically it is caused by entrainment of a wide band synchronization of the brain into a high alpha state. Starting at a frequency of about the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.82Hz and going up to about 12Hz. Right at about 13Hz and in whole brain resonance with integrated left and right hemispheres entrained.

Supplementing your body with the precursors for these endogenous chemicals is also helpful. Chocamine at about 200MG and Tyrosine at about 300MG based on a body weight of about 120 lbs. The Chocamine can be substituted with a cup of low fat chocolate, and the tyrosine can be substituted with a few slices of sharp cheddar if you do not have the concentrated forms. These will help the body in several ways to synthesize these chemicals and the Chocamine also contains a chemical that works as an anandamide re-uptake inhibitor so it makes the endogenous production last longer in the body. Blood flow is also important and this is one reason you see yoga practitioners standing on their heads. This can be substituted with the use of high dose ginseng and Ginko.

Woah this guy knows his stuff!

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae

I'm sure that different chemistries in the brain and other parts of the human body...(does it have to be the brain?)...will open doorways and facilitate the spiritual experience, but will it be identical for everyone? I doubt it. We have differences in our body chemistry and maybe this influences it. Personally, I think what we eat and drink also makes a huge difference, which is why I'm so strictly vegan, and I don't drink, smoke, do drugs...these are all toxins, and suppress the spiritual. Maybe we are immensely attuned and our lifestyles make us sluggish and slow in terms of sensitivity. Maybe it's more about what we leave out, than what we put in.


Well I know that the ancient yogis and spiritual masters of India would agree with you there so who is anyone to argue? I have no real idea why eating certain foods would make a difference but spiritual masters say it does so I find it hard to believe they are wrong. This woman who has contact with ETs says that diet is important for telepathic contact with ETs and other spiritual things:

And no I'm sure the experiences are always individual and different for everyone. I think conventional science would say that it can only be the brain but I don't think it necessarily is.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:01 PM
I have studied a lot of brain chemistry and physiology mainly due to the strange things that have happened to me in my life. I wanted to understand what was happening to me so I became a very hard studier.

I have what is now days called Dyslexia and I am left handed which of course means right brain dominate. I have had imaging done on my brain to determine if there was a physiological reason and they found that the hemispheres of my brain are only physically connected at the thalamus. Most people have the left and right hemispheres of the corpus callosum physically connected at the mid point of the center point. In me this separation forces my brains electric pathways to course through the area of my pineal gland so I have a few strange differences that are physiological not mystical.

This has caused me to have the ability to see mental images fully overlaid over my normal visual input. It also has given me the ability to conceive very complex mental products in 3D. When I think of something for instance I can be looking at the ground in front of me and also see the image projected from my mind in the same space. What you would call a visual hallucination is a normal occurrence for me. When I was a child I had imaginary friends that I could see just like they were standing next to me. My parents thought I was pretty strange and had me tested to see if I had some mental defect. I was given several batteries of tests and they found that my IQ was at that time 151. When I was 9 my reading level was tested at junior in college so they determined I had no defect they could understand. This was in the late 60's so there was not any word for dyslexia at that time and not much understanding either.

Anyway all of this and a lot more weirdness in my childhood led me to study the brain the human physiology with a great deal of study on the mind and the chemical make up of the brain. I did a lot of study in mystical and martial science. Lately my focus is on quantum theory and the link to mystical states of awareness.

[edit on 9/1/2008 by UFOTECH]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
I have studied a lot of brain chemistry and physiology mainly due to the strange things that have happened to me in my life. I wanted to understand what was happening to me so I became a very hard studier.

I have what is now days called Dyslexia and I am left handed which of course means right brain dominate. I have had imaging done on my brain to determine if there was a physiological reason and they found that the hemispheres of my brain are only physically connected at the thalamus. Most people have the left and right hemispheres of the corpus callosum physically connected at the mid point of the center point. In me this separation forces my brains electric pathways to course through the area of my pineal gland so I have a few strange differences that are physiological not mystical.

This has caused me to have the ability to see mental images fully overlaid over my normal visual input. It also has given me the ability to conceive very complex mental products in 3D. When I think of something for instance I can be looking at the ground in front of me and also see the image projected from my mind in the same space. What you would call a visual hallucination is a normal occurrence for me. When I was a child I had imaginary friends that I could see just like they were standing next to me. My parents thought I was pretty strange and had me tested to see if I had some mental defect. I was given several batteries of tests and they found that my IQ was at that time 151. When I was 9 my reading level was tested at junior in college so they determined I had no defect they could understand. This was in the late 60's so there was not any word for dyslexia at that time and not much understanding either.

Anyway all of this and a lot more weirdness in my childhood led me to study the brain the human physiology with a great deal of study on the mind and the chemical make up of the brain. I did a lot of study in mystical and martial science. Lately my focus is on quantum theory and the link to mystical states of awareness.

[edit on 9/1/2008 by UFOTECH]

That is awesome. Please put some more information from your studies into the thread! I.e. what you know about quantum theory and the link to mystical states of awareness. I've been wanting to find out about that for a while.

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:52 PM
There is an abundance of material available on the internet for free that will provide you with this information. It is far too much information to fully disclose in this thread but I will link in some of the available data in order of its priority in my opinion. A good starter is this short essay on Quantum Consciousness

Once you have that material digested there is a more in depth paper on A neuron as a quantum-optical device I should still have a copy of that if I can dig it up. I have 12 different computers in my shop and I am sure it is on one of them or one of my back up drives.

I am kind of a hermit. I live alone most of the time and have an entire 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a big garage completely full of technology from electronics fabrication tools to machine shop equipment. I also have a number of different pieces of scientific measurement equipment and I have built a lot of my own tools that have no proper name.

I make my living fabricating prototypes of new technology for a few companies that out source their work to me. It lets me work my own hours and pretty much do as I please. My library is fully electronic and backed up off site so I never lose any data but some times it takes me a while to find things. Start with the first essay and that should keep you busy until I find more.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by UFOTECH
There is an abundance of material available on the internet for free that will provide you with this information. It is far too much information to fully disclose in this thread but I will link in some of the available data in order of its priority in my opinion. A good starter is this short essay on Quantum Consciousness

Once you have that material digested there is a more in depth paper on A neuron as a quantum-optical device I should still have a copy of that if I can dig it up. I have 12 different computers in my shop and I am sure it is on one of them or one of my back up drives.

I am kind of a hermit. I live alone most of the time and have an entire 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a big garage completely full of technology from electronics fabrication tools to machine shop equipment. I also have a number of different pieces of scientific measurement equipment and I have built a lot of my own tools that have no proper name.

I make my living fabricating prototypes of new technology for a few companies that out source their work to me. It lets me work my own hours and pretty much do as I please. My library is fully electronic and backed up off site so I never lose any data but some times it takes me a while to find things. Start with the first essay and that should keep you busy until I find more.

Very much obliged

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Here is another reference set I found very useful. It is not complete and is only a synopsis of the data but it points to some really good qualified sources.

You will find this interesting and should point you to more information of interest.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:06 PM
In what is considered by me as one of the best collated and refined versions of the theory of quantum connections to the functions of the mind and if also applied to mystical states is Dr. Karl Pribram's Holonomic brain theory. This page is hosted at scholarpedia and written in a fairly easy to digest format in my opinion.

I think his conclusions have a lot of merit but his lack of understanding in some of the quantum effects of the dendrites shows an incomplete awareness on the electronics that are currently being produced such as quantum well lasers. A lot of academics have a great deal of understanding in one or several related fields of science but often have learned in holes in their knowledge which is I think an artifact of specialization. Just the same this is a highly qualified read on the subject matter.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Thats a link to the Spiritual Research Foundation in India. Loads of research into chants, spiritual healing and all sorts. I am sure that a lot of 'proper' scientists would take issue with some of their methods and although I don't agree with everything I think there's lots of good stuff here. Although I've not had long to go through much of it.

You could start with the funny intro movie:

To be honest some of the things in that site scare me a little; like when they go on about ghosts and things like that...

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

[edit on 1-9-2008 by Space_Ed]

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