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Roosevelt Roberts

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:02 PM
Some of you may have heard the interview CIT did with Roosevelt Roberts. You can listen to it here:

Here's a transcript I put together of it

Aldo Marquis: Hello, Roosevelt?

Roosevelt Roberts: Yeah. Yeah.

Aldo: Hi. Than- thanks for taking my call. Um-

Roosevelt: Okay.

Aldo: -Yeah- yeah, just- uh, uh, we- b- had been listening to the uh. . . the uh recordings that. . . I guess Jennifer Brennan, which is the daughter of one of the other police officers there. . . uh, what-

Roosevelt: Right.

Aldo: -he- what he had. . . uh, what. . . I guess she had done with you guys. . . Um. . . if I can really quick. . . just, uh- if you can just tell me your story.

Roosevelt: Oh! Ho- hold on one second, uh, you caught me driving. Um. . .


Aldo: Okay. Well you know what, let me- let me just ask you a couple of quick questions. There's- there- there is mainly a- a couple specific things. When you- you had mentioned, uh. . . right as you hung up the phone. . . you- you ran outside- what which parking lot- which dock were you at?

Roosevelt: I was in south parking, and I was at the east loading dock when I ran outside and saw the low-flying aircraft above the parking lot.

Aldo: Okay. . . Was it a- was it a- a jet or was it a- do you remember what kind of plane it was?


Roosevelt: Uh, it looked like to me at that time, uh, uh, uh, large, uh, aircraft-liner.

Aldo: Like a-

Roosevelt: It wasn't a- it wasn't a jet; it was a commercial aircraft.

Aldo: Okay. Did it have propellers, or did it have jet engines?

Roosevelt: It looked like jet engines, at that time.

Aldo: Jet engines. Okay. Um, uh- so- uh- y- how close were you to running outside 'cause this seemed to be pretty qui-eh- at least from what your account sounded like; it sounded like literally the explosion happened, and then you ran outside.


Aldo: I mean do you remember how many seconds it was when you heard the explosion and then saw that plane?

Roosevelt: From the time the explosion hit, 'til. . . I ran outside and saw- it's a loading dock, and you can run right out to the. . . look-out, and look off.

Aldo: Uh-hum.

Roosevelt: And then uh. . . you see the flickering lights. . . uh, and saw the area, and then. . . uh, real quick I realized that it was some sort of attack, and there was going to be a counter-measure with it.


Aldo: Right. So, how many seconds-

Roosevelt: Uh. . .

Aldo: -would you guess?

Roosevelt: Maybe, uh. . . ten seconds tops.

Aldo: Ten seconds tops?

Roosevelt: Ten seconds tops.

Aldo: So you- you heard the explosion and ten seconds later you were outside and you were able to see that plane?

Roosevelt: Correct. You could see that plane just as clear as day. Couldn't miss it.

Aldo: Wha- what color was it; do you remember?

Roosevelt: Uh, it was- to me at that time, it looked like it was silver in color.


Aldo: Like silver in color; but you saw it over the south parking lot.

Roosevelt: Right; around the lane one area, and it was like banking just above the, uh, light poles like.

Aldo: Okay. And ho-

Roosevelt: Had to been no more than- had to been no more than fifty feet or less than a hundred feet.

Aldo: Wow. And s- ho- do you remember how many engines you saw on it?

Roosevelt: Uh, couldn't tell for the engines.

Aldo: And it was- was it moving fast?


Roosevelt: Oh, it was moving extremely fast. It was like, uh. . . maybe you saw the aircraft maybe for like, uh-a quick five seconds.

Aldo: For a quick five seconds. But you definitely- and you saw it over the south parking lot. . . over lane one?

Roosevelt: In the south- in the south parking lot over lane one.

Aldo: Okay. Do you- do you remember which direction it was headed?

Roosevelt: Uh, coming from the, uh 27 side 27 heading, uh. . . uh, east towards DC; coming from that area, uh, there's a highway.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:03 PM


Roosevelt: If you were to come up 395. . . uh, north heading towards the Pentagon, and you got off in south parking. . . you were like right there, 'cause 395 went right into 27.

Aldo: So from where- from where it had headed away from the Pentagon, which direction was it heading?

Roosevelt: From the w- uh, can you repeat that one more time, please?

Aldo: Yeah, when it was heading away from the Pentagon, this- this second plane,-?

Roosevelt: Right.

Aldo: -wh- do you remember which-

Roosevelt: Right.

Aldo: -which direction it was heading?


Roosevelt: It was, uh. . . it was heading, um. . . back across 27. . . and it looks like. . . it appeared to me- I was in the south, and that plane was heading. . . like, um. . . southwest. . . coming out.

Aldo: So like banking around; turning back around?

Roosevelt: Correct.

Aldo: Okay.

Roosevelt: Banking- banking around, coming back out, turning southwest. . . and going straight across.


Aldo: Okay, so-

Roosevelt: And that was-

Aldo: -did it look like it went out over the river, and- and kind of turned around?

Roosevelt: Um, it looked like it went over on the mall entrance side and turned around; because you've got. . . the mall there, and then- where I was, was south; and the plane,. . . from the direction it was sitting, was facing west; so it went. . . southwest away from the Pentagon.

Aldo: Sou- southwest away from the Pentagon, okay; so kind of doing a U-turn, in a way?


Roosevelt: Right.

Aldo: Okay. Okay.

Roosevelt: 'Cause it banked out, and it was like U-turning and coming around and coming out. It looked like, uh. . . for those brief seconds it looked like it- it- it, um. . . uh, how do I want to say this, uh. . . it missed the wrong target, and it was going, like. . . out of the way, like back to the airport, or something like that.

Aldo: Oh, like- so it was headed towards the airport, it looked like.


Roosevelt: Well, no, not heading towards the airport; it's almost like if a. . . if a pilot misses good he'll try to do a banking and come around, because he missed the target: he missed the landing zone.

Aldo: Got it. Got it. And you're, you're- are you a hundred percent sure it was a jet: an actual jet plane?

Roosevelt: Commercial aircraft.

Aldo: Commercial aircraft. Okay. So there was another-

Roosevelt: Right.

Aldo: -so there was another commercial aircraft in the area as- as the, uh. . . the plane hit then, basically. Is that what you think?

Roosevelt: Yes, sir, that's not what I think: I saw it. It was two aircraft. That's for sure.


Aldo: Okay.

Craig Ranke: Now where- where did it seem like it came from?

Roosevelt: It seemed like, uh- when I saw it, by the time I got to the dock, it was already in the parking lot at lane one. And it was so large, you couldn't miss from seeing it.

Craig: Right, but from what-

Roosevelt: And that-

Craig: -direction did it seem like it came from?

Aldo: He said it came f-

Roosevelt: It seemed like. . . that it came from, um. . . it- hold on a second.


Roosevelt: It seemed like it came from, um. . . southwest-lookin- the same way it came in, or appeared that it came in, it seemed like it was southwe- (indistinguishable) came in. . . uh. . . almost like where that ne- that first plane had, um. . . flew into the, um, Pentagon right there. It- it- di- it looked like it came from that direction.

Craig: So from the same direction as- as- as the f-

Aldo: -From the impact side, basically, from that direction.

Roosevelt: Everything- right.

Aldo: Got-

Roosevelt: Exactly.

Aldo: -got it.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:03 PM


Craig: Okay.

Aldo: A- okay. So- an- an- but- would- now how long would- I mean would you be sure that it was about ten seconds that it would take you to run from the phone to the outside, or would you think it was less than ten se- ten seconds?

Craig: Or a little bit more?

Roosevelt: It would've t- it would've taken about ten seconds, because after impact I stepped out the little, uh, booth that I was in. And the distance between. . . that booth and the edge of that dock is about, maybe, I don't know like. . . seven steps away from there.

Aldo: Wow.

Roosevelt: So, they're extre- extremely close.

Aldo: Got it. Got it.

Craig: You were right there.

Aldo: You were right there. Okay.


Aldo: Woul- um-

Roosevelt: Yeah.

Aldo: -would it- w- I'll let you get going there, um, would it be possible to get a- an email from you so we could s- even get, um, like you to draw on a map exactly where you saw everything, where you were standing, 'cause. . . I'm trying to gage everything, and it's kind of hard without seeing it on a overhead. Would that be possible?

Roosevelt: Oh, sh-. Yeah, that's not a problem, um. . .

Aldo: Oh-

Roosevelt: My email address:

Aldo: Yeah. Or- yeah, go ah-

Roosevelt: .mil

Aldo: .mil. Okay.


Roosevelt: And now I've, uh, switched from, uh, being (inaudible) service to, uh, special- to a-uh special aid, and I work for the Anti-Terrorism Force/Protection Directorate now.

Aldo: Okay. Alright, excellent. Wou- um, would- y- we definitely would love to- what- when's an- another good time to get in touch with you where we could speak more at length with you?

Roosevelt: Um, I'm going to be back in the office. . . uh, no later than two o'clock.

Aldo: Okay. We'll, uh, we'll try to give you a buzz back later then, and- thi- I'm assuming this is your cell phone, or it transfers to your cell phone?


Roosevelt: Uh, yes, sir; it's my cell phone.

Aldo: Okay, great. Um, you'll definitely be hearing back from me a- and uh- I appreciate you taking the time to talk to us, Roosevelt.

Roosevelt: Hey, no problem; any time.

Aldo: Alright, buddy, we'll te- talk to you soon.

Roosevelt: Okay, stay-

Aldo: Y-

Roosevelt: -safe.

Aldo: You too, man, bu-bye.

Roosevelt: Out.


posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:10 PM
Click to see the entire image.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by biscuit cough

Roosevelt Roberts' is pretty confusing.

Are you waiting for CIT to draw a flight path?

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Boone 870]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Boone 870

I think Aldo already did that here:

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Important thread.

Pentagon police officer Roosevelt Roberts Jr.'s account is the ultimate validation of a flyover at the Pentagon and is the critical first flyover witness as officially documented in the Library of Congress with an interview from 11/30-2001 as well as independently confirmed by us this year as cited by biscuit cough.

There is no possible other explanation for the "commercial airliner" with "jet engines" that he saw banking just over the light poles or "50 feet" immediately AFTER the explosion at the Pentagon.

Thanks for the additional focused attention to this critical account.

But for the record: there is nothing to prove that your interpretation of row 1 is the location that Roosevelt is referring to.

Regardless....even when taking typical eyewitness errors and/or perspective issues or general fallibility into consideration which should be expected there is still no other viable explanation for his account other than a flyover.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Craig Ranke CIT]

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Craig Ranke CIT]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Aldo did not draw a flight path for Roosevelt Roberts nor would we do that for any witness.

We only ask THEM to draw flight paths and still take into account that no witness can be exactly accurate in this.

Although Roosevelt agreed to draw one for us and give us an on camera interview he backed out likely because he now understands the implications of what he saw and is scared.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT

But for the record: there is nothing to prove that your interpretation of row 1 is the location that Roosevelt is referring to.

Check out page 31, here, Craig:

I've pulled the relevant picture here:

Also, Roosevelt describes how you reach Lane 1, here:

Roosevelt: Uh, coming from the, uh 27 side 27 heading, uh. . . uh, east towards DC; coming from that area, uh, there's a highway.


Roosevelt: If you were to come up 395. . . uh, north heading towards the Pentagon, and you got off in south parking. . . you were like right there, 'cause 395 went right into 27.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT

But for the record: there is nothing to prove that your interpretation of row 1 is the location that Roosevelt is referring to.

I disagree.

Click here for larger more detailed image.

Don't forget that Roosevelt said:

Ahh, coming from the ahh 27 side, 27 heading ahh ahh east towards DC coming from that area, ahh it was the highway. If you would've come up 395 ahh North headed toward the Pentagon you got off in south parking, you were like right there, except 395 went right into 27.

That's corroboration.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870

That's corroboration.

No it is not.

You don't know for sure what Roosevelt Roberts meant by that.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. doesn't matter because even when taking typical eyewitness errors and/or perspective issues or general fallibility into consideration which should be expected there is still no other viable explanation for his account other than a flyover.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:09 PM
In Roosevelt's testimony here:

Roosevelt: Uh, coming from the, uh 27 side 27 heading, uh. . . uh, east towards DC; coming from that area, uh, there's a highway.


Roosevelt: If you were to come up 395. . . uh, north heading towards the Pentagon, and you got off in south parking. . . you were like right there, 'cause 395 went right into 27.

It sounds like he could be describing the blue route here:

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT doesn't matter because even when taking typical eyewitness errors and/or perspective issues or general fallibility into consideration which should be expected there is still no other viable explanation for his account other than a flyover.

By general fallibility, do you mean aircraft type, aircraft altitude, aircraft color, and timing?

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT doesn't matter because even when taking typical eyewitness errors and/or perspective issues or general fallibility into consideration which should be expected there is still no other viable explanation for his account other than a flyover.

Like this maybe?

Roosevelt: It was, uh. . . it was heading, um. . . back across 27. . . and it looks like. . . it appeared to me- I was in the south, and that plane was heading. . . like, um. . . southwest. . . coming out.

Roosevelt: Banking- banking around, coming back out, turning southwest. . . and going straight across.

Roosevelt: Um, it looked like it went over on the mall entrance side and turned around; because you've got. . . the mall there, and then- where I was, was south; and the plane,. . . from the direction it was sitting, was facing west; so it went. . . southwest away from the Pentagon.

(emphasis added)

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:20 PM
I can't wait to see that U-turn. It will shatter all records for the turning performance of CIT's fantasy aircraft.

Everyone needs on of those in the "toy box"!

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Reheat]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870

By general fallibility, do you mean aircraft type, aircraft altitude, aircraft color, and timing?


Instead of 50 feet it may have been DOUBLE that at 100 feet or maybe as much as 200......but not 1,000 or 2,000. That would be pretty drastic mistake.

Or the exact type or size of jet aircraft would certainly be in question but at such a low altitude it wouldn't make sense to confuse a prop plane for a jet airliner.


Sure it could have been white, or possibly two tone or something of that nature. Maybe it was part white part gray which looked silver.

We'll never know.

As far as timing......It's clear he means immediately after much unlike what the ANC witnesses and Steve O'brien describe. By saying "10 seconds tops" he likely means one or two.

This would represent a reasonable room for error.

But certainly not the true atlitude, flight path, and approach of the C-130 as shown in the tribby video (almost 3 full minutes later and MUCH higher) or described by the ANC witnesses.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by biscuit cough

Like this maybe?

Certainly not because it was north of the citgo as reported by all other witnesses.

Your speculation is meaningless.

You are over analyzing the unclear specifics while ignoring the clear generalites such as general timing and general altitude and generally a commercial airliner with jet engines.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:09 PM

Road Closures to Pentagon Reservation
Washington Blvd Ramp into S. Parking (lane 1)
Columbia Pike into S. Parking (lane 1)
Ridge Road Exit into S. Parking (lane 10)
South Rotary Road (Fern St. to Wash Blvd)
North Rotary Road (Fern St. to Columbia Pike)

Please explain to me how Columbia Pike exits into YOUR interpretation of "lane 1".

Clearly you, Frustrated Fraud, biscuit cough, and Boone do not have the correct lane 1.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:33 PM
Why are you speaking on Aldo's behalf?
Why is he not here discussing this?
Seriously someone needs to throw a tent on the CIT circus.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by TheBobert]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:36 PM

You are over analyzing the unclear specifics while ignoring the clear generalites such as general timing and general altitude and generally a commercial airliner with jet engines.


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