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Guide To The United States Corporation

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:21 PM
In order to clear up misconceptions about the United States of America,its place in the world ,Who the Americans really are and their place in world .
I have been compelled to assemble the law and its codes pertaining to the
above mentioned parameters .Including the reason why Americans are not free
and never were free of the yoke of the British Empire.

We must look at the laws from the beginning of America on forward
This thread will document all of these laws so there can be a depository where people can be directed should they need the information.

A ) The Colonies and Corporations

B ) Supreme Court cases and rulings

C ) University of Cornell U.S. Code

At a glance:

A ) Pertaining to Colonies and Corporations

The American Colonies were set up, and territories explored not by individuals, but by Corporations. These Corporations systematically stole the lands from the Natives.

B ) Pertaining to Supreme court cases and rulings

The United States is a Sovereignty but not a sovereinty under the laws of Nations.

C ) Pertaining to The University of Cornell U.S. Code

The United States is a Corporation.

G.W. Bush is the President ,D Chaney is the VP of the corporation The United States which belongs to the British empire.

I invite you to read the documents in their entirety,so that their is no confusion over what the United states is who the people are and who ultimately runs the United States.

No where will you find the term American ,as, and let me make my self perfectly clear. Canadians are Americans.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by solo1]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:34 PM
Here are links to the full video ring of power. The video is low budget but the info in the movie is high quality It's a long video so set aside a block of time with plenty of snacks

Ring of Power part 1

Ring of Power Part 2

The Union Jack PDF Book (very good)

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:37 PM
i have heard the corporate stuff about the usa, and had people tell me the movie wizard of oz had to do with the loss of our gold standard and the whole buy out.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Here is how the scam is played in Canada within the statutes. Your the corporation under this scheme. It's played the same way in the USA just a little different thats all.
The use of artificial entities, in statutes, in Canada, to enslave.
Weather it be, The income tax act , the CPP Act, Workman's comp Act, Employment Insurance Act, Child and family services act, The Family Maintenance Act, Motor Vehicle Act etc etc etc... .All these acts have one thing in common. The removal of Individuals as described by the Canadian Law dictionary.
Canadian Law Dictionary 5th edition pg 134

Individual- A person. Under the bill of rights RSC 1985 c44 , "the right of the individual" extends to natural persons only, and not to corporations (RV Colgate - Palmolive ltd (1972)
In these statutes you will not see "This individual", instead you will see a host of other artificial characters created by the statute, that you agree to being by accepting the the benefit by your signature. It's down right sneaky how this has been pulled off. I suspect it's very much the same in the USA. Here are some examples.Officer is the legal entity within the CPP that describes the "person" not the" individual "as stated in the Canadian law dictionary as a natural person.
Here are a few examples,

CPP was introduced in 1964 as an optional Pension Plan. It was a very good return at first if not the pittance it is today. 1967 was the year they attached it to the the income tax act.

In the CPP act under definitions you will see,

"Employee"- Includes an officer. (this is an artificial person)

"Employer" Means a person liable tp pay a salary wages or other renumeration for services performed in employment and in relation to an officer, includes the person from whom the officer receives his renumeration.

"Employment"- means the performance of services under an express or implied contract of service or apprenticeship and includes the tenure of Office

CPP Regulations

3(1) Every Individual (natural person) who is required by the act to file an application with the minister or to apply to the minister for the assignment to him of a social insurance # SHALL do so by delivering or mailing to a local office of the commission an Application (your agreement ) in the form prescribed by the Minister for that purpose.

4. Every individual who expects to be an individual required by the act to file an application with the minister or to apply to the minister for the assignment to him of a SIN MAY if he has not earlier been assigned a S.I.N make application on the form and in a manner specified in section (1) for the assignment to him of a S.I.N.

S.I.N means a Social Insurance Number assigned to an Individual (natural person) under the authority of an act of parliament and "Social Insurance Number Card" means as Social Insurance Number Card issued to an individual under that authority.

As mentioned CPP (Canada Pension Plan) was joined to the income tax in 1967 (3 years after they brought the cpp in).(some will argue actual dates but it's really not that important). In the the income tax act 248(1) you will see the definitions only apply in the act. Some worth analyzing are Business, corporation, Employed, Employee, Employer,Employment, Office, Officer, person,legal Representative, individual, taxpayer, salary or wages, After you really understand these definitions, and how they change you from a natural person into one of these fictitious legal creatures like officer, it will become clear to you.

Nowhere in the the 2452 pages of the income tax can you find , in prescribed form any expressed declaration that the income tax can operate not withstanding (in spite of) the Canadian bill of rights. So if someone says you have to pay income tax and you know who you are, and you know sec 2 of the Canadian bill of rights you say "fine I'll pay just show me where in the act it says the income tax is allowed to operate in spite of the bill of rights and that it's allowed to infringe on you human rights."

You will see the only way is if you are tricked by forgetting who you are and replacing your natural person with officer etc. how is this done? Through a joinder (joining or coupling together uniting two or more constituents or elements in one, uniting another person in some legal step or proceeding union concurrence.) How must it occur? It must be voluntary by unconstrained by interference unimpelled by another's influence spontaneous acting on oneself. Proceeding from free and unrestricted will of person. These are the benefits, dangled to trap. This is the trick, It's like the guy in the Van trying to get the kiddies to come with him with a Lolly pop.If you don't take the Lolly pop you don't get to go for the ride. Do you really want to?

Why must it be voluntary? Universal declaration of human rights Dec 10 1948 article 4 - No one shall be held in slavery or servitude, slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Through Tacit consent this can occur. It means if you didn't say no to it, then you agree to it.

I suggest people also study and understand the word includes, It's not what you think it means. It's linked to the legal maxim Inclusio unis est exclusio alterius which means The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. The certain designation one one person is an absolute exclusion of ALL others.

Canadian Interpretation ACT
Person - Or any word of expression descriptive of a person INCLUDES a corporation.

The word Person in law comprises Natural persons and artificial persons. The parts of the whole for example are Citizen, Driver, Voter, Human,. Taxpayer, Director, Officer, Owner and many more. The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another.
Some more examples of the use of includes in Canadian statutes.

Assessment Act- "Land" - includes (a) land covered by water

Land Act - "Construction purpose" includes without limitation

Canada Elections act - "Person" - includes elector voter and candidate.

Motor Vehicle Act- "Accident" - includes an intentional collision, -(Wow, when people go to court to deal with an accident the courts are only dealing with guilty parties, By holding a license the have admitted it was intentional. The use of includes for legal purposes is very tricky indeed.)

Back to the Income tax,
Is income tax voluntary? It depends...

Are you working in your own capacity for your own benefit? if yes then it's voluntary.


Are you working in the capacity of a legal Representative of a federally created artificial person, for it's benefit ? If yes then it's not voluntary because you are receiving a benefit.

Canadian Law Dictionary 5th edition pg 134

Individual- A person. Under the bill of rights RSC 1985 c44 , "the right of the individual" extends to natural persons only, and not to corporations RV Colgate - Palmolive ltd (1972)

Why is it within the income tax act your refereed to as an Officer, taxpayer, person, Client etc? Canada Customs an Revenue Agency c17 act 1999

1) The powers duties and functions of the Minister extend to and include All matters over which Parliament has jurisdiction(parliament has jurisdiction over indirect taxes not direct taxes) , not by law assigned to any department, board or agency of the Government of Canada other than the agency, relating to

A) Duties of customs and matters incident thereto

B) Duties of Excise

C) Stamp duties and the preparation and issue of stamps and stamped paper.

d)INTERNAL TAXES, unless otherwise provided , including income taxes and

E) such other subjects as may be assigned to the Minister by Parliament or the Governor in Council

So we see Parliament has jurisdiction over indirect taxes, they go on to call income tax an internal federal tax within the Parliaments jurisdiction. So somehow within this box is the only place income tax exists.

To me me income tax is not an internal tax at all it's a direct tax and the Parliament has no jurisdiction here. more games with in the statute to enslave.

Is the income tax a fraud? It appears not.

"Juries ignorant est cum jus nostrum ignoramus " - translation -It is ignorance of the law when we do not know our own rights.

Is Income tax unconstitutional ? Appears, No

Income tax is a federal INTERNAL tax making it an indirect tax, which is only applicable to a federal created artificial person know as an "OFFICER"

Was Income tax supposed to be temporary? No.....

Committee of the Whole July Th 1917 Sir Thomas White Min of Finance

" I have placed no time limit upon this measure but merely have placed upon hansard the suggestion that a year or two after the war is over , the measure should be REVIEWED by the minister of finance of the day, with a view of judging whether it is suitable to the conditions which prevail"

Is Income Tax Illegal ? No....
The original Income War tax act has the required enacting clause. Today's version is just an amended version of the original. The biggest difference being the original was only 39 pages in length

Will you give up any benefits within the system? Not necessarily.

A natural person has the right to contract because , upon our birth we are endowed with the gift of freewill, and the natural right to self determination. This natural right can be exercised with or without knowledge to enter into legally binding contracts, the responsibility and choice is yours.

Canadian Law dictionary Th ed pg 163

Contract- A contract is a legally recognized agreement between two or more persons, giving rise to obligations that may be enforced in the courts. By such agreements the parties not only restrict their present or future freedom to act , by the limitations imposed upon themselves by the agreement , they are creating a set of legal rules , binding as regards to themselves and only themselves

So .. the power you have is you can literally take control and deal under these private contracts., but if your unaware of your power you'll fall into the default benefit systems the Government has created.

Freedom of Contract Canadian Law Dictionary 5th ed pg 115

The ability of parties to agree to the most advantageous bargain between them without interference from the courts. In the eighteenth century there was little restriction placed on this freedom, the philosophy being that men could pursue their interests in the way they saw fit and that the duty of the law was merely to give effect to the intentions of the parties. This position still finds expression today.

So .. we have a powerful right to structure our life and our work relationships the way that we want.

Privity of Contract Canadian law dictionary 5th ed Page 220

The doctrine where by one can enforce contractual rights against another only if one was party to the contract. Under the general doctrine of privity of contract, no one who is not an original party to a contract is entitled to seek to enforce the terms of the contract or is bound by any of it provisions.

Some ways to exercise your rights - THE COMMON OPTION

- If you want you can voluntarily represent the taxpayer.

-Work for the taxpayer for the benefits of CPP (although there are many private pension plans that perform better).

-File an Income Tax Return for the taxpayer you represent.

-Learn the limited rights of the taxpayer.

-Obey every law applicable to the taxpayer.

-Just remember the taxpayer is an artificial person.

-It can't be hurt and has no feelings

-It's creator leaves it with only enough to survive.

-It's creator is more concerned about it's OWN survival

REMEMBER Your human rights don't apply to the taxpayer

The Forgotten Option

-To earn a living to sustain your life

-Exercises your "liberty" and present yourself as a natural person.

-Exchange your physical and intellectual "property" for compensation.

-Only choose benefits you are willing to pay the price for.

-Don't remain disadvantaged and let others choose for you.

-Become personally responsible and learn to exercise your rights.

-Never again let deception of man destroy your gift of freedom (just as MBU alluded to in his post)

Learn to live with respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law, so you can become healthy wealthy and wise.


Default Contract of service

Relationship = Government servant
(like Ronald Reagan once said" The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination")
ID required = Social insurance number

Payment = Taxable renumeration

Mandatory Benefit

Canadian pension plan = Officer (artificial person)

Employment insurance = Insured Person (artificial person)

Workers Compensation = Worker (artificial person)

You are one of two things,

Slaves living in the Illusion of freedom


Free living in an Illusion of slavery

This is a short summary of information contained in the video
Human Rights and the Illusion by Paradigm Education Group.
It's 3 hours long and really worth watching. It can be viewed on google video

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:52 PM
Thats a a fair bit of reading. It's worth understanding though. It's the key to freedom. Freedom however is not free and freedom is not for everyone. If there enough people that did understand this and unlock their freedom, soon everyone would get theirs also. Jordan Maxwell talks about the concept of what is described above here

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Swingarm]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:14 AM
well i will read it all it is fascinating to say the least

Americans will not read it for they as Sigmund Freud pointed out

They are afraid of something so deeply buried in their own minds that they can not but shield themselves from it.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:25 AM
Oh I already knew that in Canada we belong to the Throne ,WE are not to be confused with Them THAR yankies ,they are confused .Canadians are not so confused.

When your army, Police and Govt. officials all swear an oath to the throne

it is quite obvious.

But very good reading none the less

When you don't want to learn you start to die Americans can not face the truth it angers them to no end to know the truth.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by solo1]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 12:35 PM
I think you will enjoy this Thread

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