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Who really are the Rothchilds?

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posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I'm positive I don't want to enter this thread but.... *sigh* maybe just one post.

Contrary to some earlier posts, this video clip is VERY relevant and belongs to "The Secret Rulers of the World". The full doc contains a lot of relevant information. That being said, it's not a good intro for those being "awakened to the real way of the world". It's heavy hitting and well researched. The proof is there, do your research.

NovusOrdoMundi's comments are correct.

...I had to laugh at someone's earlier post claiming the Rothchild's are now nothing more than a run of the mill rich family after loosing most of their fortune.

As far as the video's comment about them "watching the show" from their apartment, it's called putting emphasis on the fact that they 100% new it would have been going down. The comment wasn't literal. If they wanted to watch, I wouldn't put it past them, is the point.

Lastly, it almost seems like this breakdown is needed for some:

Anti-Zionist = good

Anti-Semite = bad

Neo-Nazi = bad

This film isn't remotely neo-Nazi. That doesn't even make sense.


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:47 AM
Thank you for posting the video. I found it very interesting. I did not know the wealth of the Rothschilds was so recently acquired.

I also wonder why Mayer (sp?) Rothschild never bought new clothes. One would think with all that money he could have given up the paupers rags at SOME point....

Someone else brought up the fact that the Rothschilds helped finance the Nazis. It seems to me the big power players and the super rich have a tendency to stack the deck in their favor by making money off both sides of a conflict. This technique of provoking conflict, then selling arms to both sides (or loaning money, etc) seems to be a very successful and popular one. Didnt grandpa Bush also have something to do with banking or finance and the Nazi's?

Lord knows provoking wars and conflicts and profiting from them seems to be the way that lots of people in the military industrial complex are bleeding America dry.

Anyway, very informative. I know all videos like this have to be taken with a grain of salt, you cant just take it at face value, but as someone else said thats why there is google. It has given me lots of questions to pursue, and that in my opinion in the most valuable part of sharing information. It inspires others to look deeper. Good job.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 10:57 AM
Just to add a bit: The Rothchilds dynasty is indeed mentioned in public education, at the university level in europe.

They are the predominante banking figures from the the 18th century onwards, and afaik there has never been an event that made them lose power or influence. They have never been audited and are probably not directly taxed. They cornered the world's gold market and are said to have most of the actual gold horded in private complexes at secret locations. Their current networth, as a family, is estimated conservatively at around 100 Trillion, with a T. They have shaped the evolution of the financial market and with it the world, and I suspect they use all their power, wealth and influence to shape the minds of men to their agenda. They use kings and presidents as proxies.

I have always been curious as to whether there is a power, either political, material or spiritual guiding their actions, but as far as I can see if anyone really wants to know where the hub of influence, the center of power, of our civilization is, well, the Rothchilds are the prime candidate for such a role.

Their bloodline is reported to be of the Ashkenazi jews, coming from somewhere in the middle east, maybe the caucasus, which might correlate with caucasian and eugenics in the Nazi regime, as there is a certain etymological relation there, I don't know but it could be worth researching and would link to the whole "hitler is a rothschild" meme. There seems to be indeed a higher than average IQ test score amongst ashkenazi jews, as described in wiki:

Pesonally I don't find this that impressive, as I've scored as high as 142 on IQ tests yet I'm smart enough to know I'm not that smart, and these tests are loaded, to get any sort of idea of how smart a person really is there has to be some sort of correlation to an emotional intelligence level, which is what actually guides decision based on the data given by empirical intelligence. Funnily enough I score lower on EQ tests, and this correlates to my personal life experience. This post itself might not be that good an idea... oh well.

Anyways, back on track, it does indeed seem that the Rothchilds are major players and as such deserve some more atention. I have read they own directly or indirectly both AP and Reuters, which would explain why they are so seldom mentioned. For anyone not likeing how human society is developing and where it is going the Rothchilds are fair game as an explanation, as they do seem to be the spiritual descendents of the venezian black nobility, which is at the genesis of mercantile international capitalism in the modern world. Of course, all of this is nothing new, I bet the romans and the greek had their own financial elites, money has been enslaving populations for eons. And populations have been rebelling against it for eons too...

One last word of caution, when analyzing something as complex as a secular family at the top of the social structure, it would be apropriate to have some caution when judgeing, as I am sure as with all families, there are good Rothchilds and bad Rothchilds, and I am also pretty sure that some of the stories told about them might not be true.

But, as long as people are wakeing up, they might as well wake up to the richest people in the world. So, people, Rothchilds; Rothchilds, people.

Time to kiss and make up perhaps?

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:32 AM
For those who are interested in researching the subject further you will have to look into the "Jewish" faith, as all the Rothschild's are Jewish. There, you will find the driving force behind their mindset.

Regardless of what you perceive as "Jewish" whether it is the Jewish bloodline, or Religion, they all, without exception, view themselves to be the same bloodline family. Also, regardless of bloodline or Religion, the State of Israel considers all "Jews" globally to be citezens of Israel. Therefore, they can be considered "Duel" citezens of any country they may live in.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

It's tricky to make judgements of someone I haven't met and spent time with, but from my vantage point I would tend to consider than most elitists do not follow religion, but use it as a tool to control others.

Or, to put it another perspective, I don't see any use of lableing the elite by their ethnicity, because once they reach a certain mass in wealth and once their social circle is other likeminded people, they have no allegience to anyone but themselves.

Or, to put it yet another way, if these people do follow a religious agenda, it is not because of their religion but because of the advantages that agenda would give them, as it would place them at the top of the social pyramid. Religion has been used this way for millenia, if anyone wants true spirituality they must search within themselves, not submit themselves to others.

Rothchilds are probably only loyal to other Rothchilds.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
but when you start arguing over petty things like terms that have little to do with the topic, it gets kinda irritating.

Unfortunately the terms are an important part of this topic.

Originally posted by Sonya610
NovusOrdoMundi took issue with some comments I made on another completely unrelated thread

It has nothing to do with any thread outside of this one. You said something I didn't agree with, so I responded.

So now if you two are done whining, maybe we can get back on topic.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:08 PM
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

(From August, 2002, Revised July 18, 2008)

"It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people." --Thomas Edison

International bankers live in fear.

Not of starvation, disease or war. These are the concerns of children in the Third World.

Bankers are terrified we might object to paying them billions each year in interest for money they create out of nothing, guaranteed by our taxes. (The Federal Reserve Board, a private cartel of mostly foreign banks, finagled this monopoly in 1913.)

The bankers are frightened that, like the homeless man's dog, we might say, "I can do this myself."

They are scared the government might go even further and "default" on trillions of make-believe "debt."

They are frightened of losing "control." They toss and turn at night.

In order to sleep more soundly, the bankers have taken "steps."

These precautions help us to understand the world we live in, why it is becoming safer for bankers but less safe and more bizarre for everyone else.

First, people who own money machines tend to have a lot of friends. The bankers helped their friends establish monopolies in oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, transportation, media,etc. and took a healthy stake. As you can imagine, these people are thick as thieves. Lawyers, journalists and intellectuals all vie for a piece of the action. (Servicing this cartel of cartels is what passes for "success" these days.)

The bankers' first precaution is to buy all the politicians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order to promote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent our interests. The third precaution is to take control of the education system, ensuring that people stop thinking at an early age.

Then the bankers use the government and media to convince us that religion, nationalism and nuclear family are unfashionable, and we want what they want.

We "want" world government ("globalization"). The bankers need to eliminate nation states, freedom and democracy in order to streamline their business and consolidate their power. The UN, the IMF and World Bank, -- glorified loan sharks and collectors -- will make the laws.

We "want" diversity. Countries are not allowed to maintain their national identities or traditions. Last Christmas, my provincial Premier tried to rename the Christmas tree at the legislature a "multicultural tree." Diversity is respecting every culture but our own. Every nation must be heterogeneous as a box of Smarties -- no one in a position to challenge the bankers.

Or take "feminism." Masquerading as equal rights for women, this ideology is designed to spread lesbian dysfunction. If women focus on careers, it means they give less importance to husband and children. They have fewer or no children who will be raised in state day cares.

Under the guise of "womens" and "gay" rights we are being re engineered to behave like homosexuals, easier to control. Psychological and biological differences between men and women are not "stereotypes." But signatories to the latest UN "CEDAW" Convention ( passed by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee) will be required to "take all appropriate measures to modify all social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women." (Article 5)

This kind of Communist-inspired social engineering is simply persecution of heterosexuals. It is intended to arrest our natural development: the birth rate has halved while the divorce rate has doubled. An army of highly paid lawyers, social workers and bureaucrats treat the casualties. These self-serving do-gooders are the bankers' biggest constituency.

People --stunted, love-starved, sex-obsessed -- without family, religious or national identity, are easy to control. (They'll join anything; they're looking for a family.) But in case of resistance, the bankers have created a bogeyman, "terrorism" to justify a huge security apparatus.

The Office of Homeland Security is designed to control us -- the domestic population. Why would this be necessary? We're "in debt" trillions of dollars and the bankers intend that we pay. One day they will take away our toys. In case that's a problem, an Orwellian police state will be in place. But first,the Muslims must be subjugated and robbed.

Talking about the United States as if it were an independent country is silly. American politicians pawned U.S. sovereignty in 1913. Ever since, U.S. soldiers have been bullyboys for international bankers, and nothing else.


The American taxpayer and soldier made the First World War possible. It started just six months after the establishment of the "Fed". Its purpose was to increase debt, cripple the great European nation states, slaughter a generation, and establish two of the bankers' pet projects: Communism (Russia) and Zionism (Palestine.) After the war ended, banker world government -- The League of Nations (a.k.a., "The League to Enforce Peace") was established.

The US didn't enter the Second World War in Dec. 1941 to save Western Civilization. England had stood alone against Germany for more than two years. The U.S. entered the war just six months after Hitler attacked Russia. The purpose was to save Communism! [I am indebted to A.K. Chesterton ("The New Unhappy Lords," 1969) for this insight] For the same reason, the USSR got $5 billion in U.S. lend-lease after the war ended.

After the smoke cleared, Communists instead of Nazis tyrannized Eastern Europe. Soviet agents/ US diplomats Alger Hiss and Harry Hopkins established the United Nations on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. One of the UN's first acts was to create the State of Israel.

Ben Hecht (in A Child of the Century) wrote "the Twentieth Century was cut off at its knees by World War One." Before committing suicide in 1942, Stefan Zweig (The World of Yesterday) spoke in the same tones about the demise of Western Civilization.

The planet has been hijacked. Our leaders are dupes, opportunists, traitors or all three. Almost everything we know about modern history is a hoax. A stench of moral compromise hangs over our public and cultural life. Anything promoted by the media, education, or government is suspect. This is what happens when we deny Moral Order i.e. God.

This is what our children will inherit, a world that is safe ... for international bankers.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by StrangeBrew
NovusOrdoMundi's comments are correct.

Definition of Zionism : A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

If the Rothschilds are Zionists, that means they are devoted to fighting anti-Jewish sentiments and they are also devoted to maintaining Israel as a Jewish state (hence the term, Zionist refers to Mt. Zion).

Yet on the previous page NovusOrdoMundi agreed to the theory that the Rothschilds funded the German war machine and allowed millions of Jews to be killed. How could be be Zionists if they were FOR the greatest anti-Jewish campaign in history, and if they knowningly cooperated in the deaths of millions of jews?

Originally posted by StrangeBrew
Lastly, it almost seems like this breakdown is needed for some:
Anti-Zionist = good
Anti-Semite = bad
Neo-Nazi = bad
This film isn't remotely neo-Nazi. That doesn't even make sense.

Look at the other films the poster has listed.

Snippets from other videos posted by the same source:

It is as though they have agents everywhere. They have all the power. We have been conquered, not by military defeat and not by genius but through their collective deceit. They have poisoned our hearts, our spirits, and our minds with their complete control over the media. Not all Jews of course, but the extremist Jews. Jews nonetheless as they will call themselves. But they will also use their own Jewish Communities when they try to push their own agendas.

So many of you wonder why people like myself seem to be obsessed with Jewish people. And you insist that they aren’t “the real” issue. Now none of us should blame all of our problems on Jewish people, Zionists, whatever you want to call them. But we simply cannot overlook the role they play in our collective demise.

Of course if you ever accuse Jewish people of anything, especially when they are guilty, they will call you an anti-Semite, which of course makes you a Nazi and by extension an murder of millions.

Some great and very subtle graphics included in those videos too:

So let me just make sure I undestand this. Neo-Nazi’s are bad, the people that produce these videos and post those pictures are NOT neo-Nazis. And their rants are NOT anti-Semetic, they are anti-Zionist, and they have no problems with Jews, just Zionists even though they seem to use the word Jew frequently along with words like "deceitful and sneaky".

So I guess since y'all do NOT identify with Neo-Nazi's...cause they are bad, and this new movement is completely different, as you explained, well I guess that means you won't be wearing the snazzy uniforms or learning to speak German huh?

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
Definition of Zionism : A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

Just because Zionism was started by some Jewish people doesnt mean all Jewish people are Zionists. Thus being against Zionism doesnt equate anti-Semitism. It just means you are anti-Zionist. I do not have to agree with all Christian's beliefs about Christ, or their beliefs about politics, to maintain a status as someone who is not "anti-Christian." It is kind of a dirty intellectual trick to say someone is racist because they do not agree with an ideology some members of a particular ethnic group hold. The Nazi's sold their ideology as being good for whites, but it doesnt mean I am "anti-white" because I think they were very, very wrong.

Originally posted by Sonya610
If the Rothschilds are Zionists, that means they are devoted to fighting anti-Jewish sentiments and they are also devoted to maintaining Israel as a Jewish state (hence the term, Zionist refers to Mt. Zion).

Again, neo-Nazi's have a similar idea about protecting "the white race" from things they feel harm it, and would like to create a white state as well, but I can dislike their agenda and disagree with them and not be anti-white.

Originally posted by Sonya610
Yet on the previous page NovusOrdoMundi agreed to the theory that the Rothschilds funded the German war machine and allowed millions of Jews to be killed. How could be be Zionists if they were FOR the greatest anti-Jewish campaign in history, and if they knowningly cooperated in the deaths of millions of jews?

Well, just to play devil's advocate, Zionism is about Zion, or Israel, not so much individual Jewish people. We are talking about a family that by the accounts I have read seem quite comfortable making money and furthering their own ends via the death and suffering of many, many others.
If their end, or goal was to create the state of Israel, no matter how many Jewish people died in the process, they succeeded. They are not alone in being willing to sacrifice millions of their own people to achieve personal gain and influence. Look at all the infamous world leaders. Stalin for one example. It seems more par for the course in the mindset of those who seek extreme wealth and power than an anomaly.

Your point that the other videos posted by the same person display an anti-Semitic view is noted. I did not look at all of them, I just limited my initial viewing to the one clip provided. I am not disagreeing with you that the individual who posted ALL the clips may have some ax to grind with Jewish people in general. Only that anti-Zionism by itself is NOT anti-Semitic.

I thought the image of Mayer (sp?) Rothschild sniffing his gold in ecstasy in the little clip was a bit inflammatory and stereotypical. And the continual wearing of the paupers clothing also seemed to further some prejudices about Jews being cheap hoarders. Just because something is a stereotype, however, doesnt mean it isnt true for a specific individual. I will be the first of my Scots/Irish direct family in several generations NOT to die of alcoholism, for instance, unless I take up drink in earnest tomorrow. Just because my Scots/Irish family has had a drinking problem does not mean ALL Scots/Irish people do. However just because there is a stereotype about Scots/Irish people drinking themselves silly doesnt mean it isnt true in SOME cases.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Yes, and to be honest I am anti-zionist. But I also recognize over the top propoganda even if the initial video was "soft selling" it to lure in the masses.

I would have far more respect for white nationalists or Nazi sympathizers that were HONEST about their beliefs and agenda, rather than this $^% that promotes a hateful message, along with pictures of hooked nosed, dirty looking jews groveling over their gold, yet tries to pass it off as "educational and pc".

Deny ignorance? This is ignorance.

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:11 PM
White pride (as I am part Cherokee) is not my stance or thought!
Pride of any persons is wrong.
Zionism (according to the Old Testament and Talmud) when practiced as a military and social structure is VERY dangerous.
Jesus said, "My kingdom is Not of this world, else would my servants fight."
Genocide of non-jews in the Old Testament is real. It was against the rebel Babylonian-cults and even God had a point of grace extended to gentiles (Jonah and Nineveh)

Gentiles are allowed (even muslims) to have salvation and forgiveness from God.
To want a nation of Israel is good, but, when was the last time Norway wanted to take out switzerland or take away land from iceland little-by-little?
Or run over students from the U.S. with a bulldozer?
Rachel Corrie

I know there are extremist muslims.
I don't like it either, but, if you look at palestine in pre-Israel days, Muslims were VERY moderate and there was more peace among the different religions.

an old thread;
Israeli ex-soldiers expose abuse

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Rothschilds famously stated : " Give me your country's banks to run, and I care not which fool you elect to govern you" sounds lovely.....but their banks now own these politicians, so he got two....for the price of one, hahaha you suckers

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Oh dear... I said one post. I'm going to give in though because I think I can help you with your misconceptions.

Originally posted by Sonya610
Definition of Zionism : A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.
If the Rothschilds are Zionists, that means they are devoted to fighting anti-Jewish sentiments and they are also devoted to maintaining Israel as a Jewish state (hence the term, Zionist refers to Mt. Zion).

You're still confused with Zionism. It is the support and development of the state of Israel as a Jewish state. This means a state belonging to a people based on religion.

Originally posted by Sonya610
Yet on the previous page NovusOrdoMundi agreed to the theory that the Rothschilds funded the German war machine and allowed millions of Jews to be killed. How could be be Zionists if they were FOR the greatest anti-Jewish campaign in history, and if they knowingly cooperated in the deaths of millions of Jews?

This is a good question. Here's the answer. They really could careless about those lives lost. The holocaust was a major reason that Israel was given to the Jewish people after WWII by the allies and the British Empire. Make no mistake though, the land (Palestine) was slated to be given to the Jewish people after WWI (see Rothschild in British parliament) however, it didn't happen as planned. It took something like the holocaust to happen for the kind of worldwide sympathy needed to give a country to a people based on religion. This time mission accomplished immediately. It's also important to note the Rothschild's weren't by any means the only people funding both sides of the war.

Originally posted by Sonya610

Not all Jews of course, but the extremist Jews. Jews nonetheless as they will call themselves. But they will also use their own Jewish Communities when they try to push their own agendas.

Extremist Jews could be referred to as Zionists, sure. However, not all Jews are Zionists. Not all of them believe they are entitled to the land of Israel. Unfortunately many mistakenly believe that they are.

Originally posted by Sonya610
So many of you wonder why people like myself seem to be obsessed with Jewish people. And you insist that they aren’t “the real” issue. Now none of us should blame all of our problems on Jewish people, Zionists, whatever you want to call them. But we simply cannot overlook the role they play in our collective demise.

Once again, Jewish people and Zionists are very different.

Originally posted by Sonya610
So let me just make sure I understand this. Neo-Nazi’s are bad, the people that produce these videos and post those pictures are NOT neo-Nazis. And their rants have NOTHING to do with Jewish people even though they seem to talk a LOT about Jewish people and love to use words like "deceitful and sneaky".

I'm not saying there isn't a lot of confusion between Jewish and Zionist. I can also believe how some may get too consumed with anti-Zionism that it can unrightfully spills into anti-Semitism. It still makes it incorrect.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
That video is obviously produced as Neo-Nazi propoganda.And yes the Rothchilds are a very wealthy family and they have been for a long time, like all wealthy families they are involved in all sorts of things.

I guess because the video left out the Swastika, and simply used words like "Zionist" that makes it perfectly acceptable to all the posters here. Usually anything of a less than pc nature brings forth more criticism.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by Sonya610]

Edit to add:

That seems to be a unresearched viewpoint. I dont blame you. The education system is not the greatest. The internet is great tho. Use diligence tho.


Are you forgetting that the Bush family help create hitler and profited directly from the killing of Jews, Chinese, Russians and other good people?

Are you forgetting that its these same people that used WMD's on japanese civilians twice?

Are you forgetting that the Palestinians were removed from the land with force becuase the wanted a new banking state and call it Israel?

I am not making this up. Some profs actually teach this to some.

[edit on 21-7-2008 by IvanZana]

Mod Edit - removed insulting remark

Civility and Decorum are Required

[edit on 21-7-2008 by elevatedone]

[edit on 21-7-2008 by elevatedone]

[edit on 21-7-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

Actually, Sonya has some good points. If someone were not interested in conducting some Jew-bashing, that entire clip could have been made with absolutely no reference to the Rothschilds religion. It is of no consequence to me that these particular abusers of wealth and power happen to be Jewish. I am interested in them as an individual person who began this dynasty and as a family that continues it.

The Bush's are not Jewish, as far as I know, yet as you point out they are engaging in the same behavior. Stalin as far as I know wasnt a practicing Jew. It seems to me that narcissism and extreme sociopathic behavior doesnt limit itself to members of any particular religion or ethnicity.

Sonya was just more sensitive to the imagery the clip used to depict Mayer (sp?) Rothschild and had a greater understanding that stereotypes were being used than some of us did. It doesnt mean the point of the whole clip was wrong, about the Rothschilds that is, but if the maker was trying to stir up anti-Semitic sentiment by using those specific images, that would be pretty shabby. They were not necessary to make the point about the Rothschilds.

Edit to correct spelling errors.

[edit on 21-7-2008 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by StrangeBrew
Oh dear... I said one post. I'm going to give in though because I think I can help you with your misconceptions.

No I am NOT confused. If it was about "Zionism" and not JEWS then why on earth would the videos keep using the word JEWS and posting hateful pictures about JEWS????

I am truly shocked. I can't believe that "mainstream" posters on ATS can look at the pix I posted, read the TEXT that came from the same collection of videos, and somehow think terminology makes all the difference in the world.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:50 PM
I agree, the whole issue of making it a jewish issue works quite nicely. Then the banksters can hide behinde the ADL.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

I did not cast judgment, let the reader of history do that. All I did was offer an optional direction for research.

Agreed, most of the elite do not practice their religion openly. But when their religious book, the Babylonian Talmud teaches that they are Gods onto themselves, religion becomes nothing to them, or the morals, if any.

It is the "Jews" themselves that claim this heritage, except those that are known as "Morrano". And I agree, Judaism is only a cover religion, it appears.
I can not help that most, if not all of the Global "Owners", or as you call them "Elite", are those impostors that call themselves Jews, who are in fact, not.

List of the "Owners" of the Federal Reserve, not complete.

" 1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
6. Lehman Brothers of New York
7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

All of the above listed men are Jews. Note that ALL are also "foreign" with established headquarters in Europe even the ones in New York are only "branches" of European establishments. There are an additional three hundred people, approximately, mostly relatives, who hold stock or shares, and they comprise the ownership of this monster, the massive wealth of which is beyond man's comprehension"

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by StrangeBrew
Oh dear... I said one post. I'm going to give in though because I think I can help you with your misconceptions.

No I am NOT confused. If it was about "Zionism" and not JEWS then why on earth would the videos keep using the word JEWS and posting hateful pictures about JEWS????

I am truly shocked. I can't believe that "mainstream" posters on ATS can look at the pix I posted, read the TEXT that came from the same collection of videos, and somehow think terminology makes all the difference in the world.

Okay, that's fine. You can continue to stay non-confused. I'm pretty well done here now. I was sincerely trying to help. The reason being is that I basically had your exact attitude a couple years ago before I learned better. Now I'm utterly embarrassed and ashamed I held that attitude.


posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 02:13 PM
Question : Who really are the Rothschilds?

Answer : The Rothschilds, are those, that your mummy was referring to as " Bulluloos" when she wanted to put you off to sleep.....hey, watch out, the
" Bulluloos" are out there, better go off to sleep. It was true then....and it is true today, except that you just cannot go off to sleep, because the usury meter is ticking faster, harder and bigger.

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