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The purposed racism against Barack Obama.

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 04:28 AM
The following is a quote sent to me in an email:

“And Now:
For the award winning Act of Stupidity of all times the People
of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the
face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of
America ... A Muslim Male Extremist Between the ages of 17 and 40.
Have the American People completely lost their Minds, or just
their Power of Reason ???
I'm sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the 'unknown'
candidate Obama...”

My reply:

Barack Obama is not “A Muslim Male Extremist Between the ages of 17 and 40. “

Even the most elementary search on the internet quickly refutes this and many other false and erroneous claims about Barack Obama. The propensity to blindly accredit and disseminate rhetoric, having no basis or foundation in fact, shatters the façade of intelligence and exposes one’s true nature of prevarication and nescience.

Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Barack Obama is not a Muslim. He is a Christian.

Barack Obama is a Male.
Barack Obama is male.

Barack Obama is an Extremist
Barack Obama is not an extremist. There is nothing in his record that indicates any form of extremist philosophy or practice.

Barack Obama is between the ages of 17-40.
Barack Obama is 46 years old. He was born August, 4 1961.

Few Americans are as conservative as I am. I decry the liberal mindset. I aspire to truth and exact vigilance to prove my conservative disposition, lest I become a pawn to others’ propaganda and lose my self determination.

I never realized until the advent of Barack Obama’s candidacy how rampant racism was in America. I used to thoroughly enjoy Fox News on cable TV, believing they were “fair and balanced;” now I rarely watch them due to their unrelenting truculence and sophistry towards Barack Obama. I have read countless news articles, listened to radio talk shows, and watched on local and cable TV a level of racism that has left me stunned, a level of racism that I never believed existed, a level of racism that has jolted me from a naiveté where I believed in the benevolence of the majority of mankind. Some are candid about their racism while most try to hide it or live in self denial believing they are somehow absolved from their ignorance through deception. It is amazing how transparent a racist becomes in his or her attempt to delude others. Using comments made about Barack Obama, I will illustrate how obvious ones’ racism becomes.

Before I continue, I would like to acknowledge that far too many supporters of Barack Obama are quick to play the ‘race-card’ against anyone who does not support him. This is dirty politics: it poisons the process and diminishes their credibility and affiliates. The reasons why you do not support Barack Obama are the ‘tell-tale’ signs of whether or not you are a racist. You may ask, ‘Who am I to judge who is racist and who is not?’ My answer, simply stated, is: I do not judge. Racists clearly proclaim and manifest by their words and actions their racism. If you tell me you’re a racist, I have no reason to doubt you no matter how subtly or flagrantly you present your evidence. There are innumerable legitimate reasons why one should not vote for Barack Obama, but racism is not one of them.
***END NOTE***


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 04:30 AM
Continued from above......

There are exceptions to every rule. My intention is not to highlight the exceptions, but to focus on the norms. The following statements and translations (of the hidden language of racism) are intended to reveal the predominant sentiment of white America. If the same statements were made by black America, they would yield completely different translations.

America is not ready for a black President.

Racists are not ready for a black President, and as a racist you are attempting to sway others to your way of thinking by appealing to the herd mentality and suggesting a consensus via the use of the word “America”.

If Barack Obama is elected President, he will probably be assassinated.

This is thinly disguised wishful thinking. The thought of a black person becoming the President of the United States of America is so repulsive that you publicly raise the specter of assassination in an effort to allure the weak minded into executing your desire.

Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Barack Obama is an enemy of America. The word Muslim has become synonymous with terrorism; this is a crude but effective way to associate Barack Obama with terrorists and our enemies. So absolute is your racism that you don’t even bother to research the facts prior to besmirching him.

I can’t vote for Barack Obama because of his near twenty years of association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, he should have left the Trinity United Church of Christ long ago.

I will attempt to mask my racism by hiding behind another’s hate speech. However, guilt by association in this instance is dishonest at best.
What do you think is a more compelling reason to leave one’s church?
a) A church leader who spews hate speech that borders on racism.
b) Church leaders who commit child rape.
The same people who unequivocally state that Barack Obama should have left his church should also clamor for a mass exodus from the Catholic Church, which has been plagued by a child rape pandemic that has reached epic proportions in America. If Barack Obama is guilty by association, then all Catholics are guilty by association of raping little children. Very few statements are more indicative of racism than: “I can’t vote for Barack Obama because of his association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the Trinity United Church.”

Whether or not you support Barack Obama, the decision is personal. However, the reasons why you do or do not support him are very telling and speak a great deal to your true nature.


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by cybrseer

I can’t vote for Barack Obama because of his near twenty years of association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, he should have left the Trinity United Church of Christ long ago.

I will attempt to mask my racism by hiding behind another’s hate speech. However, guilt by association in this instance is dishonest at best.

I've never read such hogwash in all my life. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a nut job who spreads a special racism, hatred and foolishness of his own. Because he is African American - makes it OK does it? Mate - take a reality check!

That's a really shallow attempt at playing the lame racist card cybrseer. That quote alone makes my hair stand on end and makes me question the rest of your reasoning (which may indeed be valid).

You have just marginalized people yourself by painting them all with a broad brush. In fact, you've even taken the time to speak for them, before giving them the chance to reply. Why bother posting this when it seems you have it all worked out in your head already. A bit of a troll effort really.

It sounds like that's the way you wish people to act or think as though no one could have one valid reason for not electing Obama.

It reads like this. If you don't vote Obama, you are nothing but a dirty racist.

Put out the bait my friend and people will bite, as you would have them do right! I expect you will receive a decent flaming for some of the things you have proclaimed here.

Lame Lame Lame!


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:14 AM
Well, it sounds like you've already made up your mind about Barack Obama, so why the post? Is this your own veiled attempt at describing others who do not believe as you do as racists?

How you know for a fact that he's not a Muslim, see nothing radical in his desires to invoke mandatory community service or establish is own civilian security force, and offhandedly dismiss his long term associations with Anti-
American and racist individuals like Bill Ayres or Jeremiah Wright, speaks volume about where you're really coming from.

You tell others to do some research before making a judgement, but it's very apparent you have not taken your own advice. All you have to do is open your eyes, and you'll see the truth.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:18 AM
You guyu act like its some Republican conspiracy. For all you know Obama's campaign is sending them out to make him look like a victim. Which seems to be a theme of his race so far.

Who reads these kind of chain emails anyway? They go straight to my trash can.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by LLoyd45

On that one point about his associates, I agree completely. I think virtually everyone judges a person partially by the company that the person keeps. I don't see why Obama should be an exception to that, as much as some people want him to be.

But as Dronetek said, I also wouldn't get too concerned about these chain emails going around. Not too many people take them all that seriously.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by vor78

I have to agree.... Barack keeps some awfully dirty associates. Why should Obama get a free pass on who he associates with? Is it because he's black?

By the way, I hate that people keep pointing out that he is Black, that he could be the first Black president. Do people quickly forget that he is only Half Black and Half White???? Calling him Black is racism in itself. America is racist until they can get over calling people by their race, or assuming that the world owes them something because they are a certain race.

The world is racist... get over it.....

Now, with that being said, let me be honest with some fears that I have had about Barack Obama since the very beginning of his campaign. I am only voicing this because I am honest about my feelings and fears. Barack is associated with many Black extremists. The worst case scenario (in my mind) is that Barack is a Black Extremist with the goal of taking the highest seat of power in our government. Since the 70s the Black Panther organization has desired to overthrow the "White Establishment". One of their ultimate goals would be to get an African American in the White House.
Would Barack make it the Half White House? I joke, I joke....

But, seriously, if an organization akin to the black panthers wanted to bring someone to power, I believe they would use a candidate that was mixed race, because that is what would be more easily acceptable. He is very well spoken, and he is almost a political nobody. How did he even become one of the two best candidates that we have pulled from all of America? Honestly, I am scared that he is a plant.

Do I think this is probable.... maybe... All in all, I'm just being honest at my deep down fears, and wondering if anyone sympathizes with them. And before the flames come out, no I am not racist, but I know there are alot of racist people and organizations in the world, especially ones that would want nothing other than to hold the power to the whole United States of America.

Now, everytime Barack's past is looked into, someone of ill-repute is brought forward, yet Obama seems to get a free pass with the media. Is this because it would be wrong to question the black man about racism? I think we need to scrutinize this candidate just how we would any others, and question every black spot in their past... Just like we would any candidate.

No Free Passes.

And yes, there is racism against Whites too!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:00 AM
Obama is the best the Democrats have and that's it. McCain is the best the Republicans have and that's it. Everyone else is ignored and pushed to the side while these two bid for the White House. It's hard to believe that that's all America has or wants as a president. To me Barrack Obama is just another man who thinks he know's what's best for the American people and I can only hope the American people choose wisely. I doubt that I'll vote for either one of them.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Obama is the best the Democrats have and that's it. McCain is the best the Republicans have and that's it. Everyone else is ignored and pushed to the side while these two bid for the White House.

Solarskye, I'm going to give you a little credit here, and hope that this is purely sarcasm. I definitely do not believe that either one of these are the two best candidates that our country can bring up. Both of them are extremely lacking in main points:
A) McCain is old... old ... old... even if he was a World War One veteran.
B) Obama is too young and untested. Who is this guy? We are nominating the most liberal Congressman... really?

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I have racial issues with Barack Obama.

I dont care one little bit that he is black. But I am disgusted that the race card has been played so vehemently by his campaign. NOW he is running television ads showing his white side of the family. (The side that he actually grew up with) But prior to that it seemed to me he was milking half of his DNA for every drop of street cred he could get.

I think a lot of Americans in general, and certainly a lot of white Americans, are so sick of the race card being played, and being played in such a way that we are supposed to feel guilty for things MOST of our families had nothing to do with whatsoever, that ANY playing of the race card can only hurt Obama.

Hillary didnt milk the thousand plus years of the oppression of European females and their struggle for rights and equality. (And she was getting a lot more "sexist" attacks than Obama was getting "racist" attacks)

I think the argument that "if you reject Obama, and you are white, it HAS to be racist" is as ridiculous as the argument that "if you dislike what Bush is doing, you MUST be a terrorist sympathizer." Those of us who dislike or distrust Obama have motives that vary from his character in his initial ignoring of his maternal family and their contribution to who he is as a person, to the fact that his own campaign people send memo's to the Canadians assuring them that Obama is lying to us about where he stands on NAFTA.

I dont like McCain either. Am I automatically sexist, racist, or age-ist? I dont think so. I think I just smell two typical, run of the mill, promise you everything and give you nothing politicians at work and I dislike that whole breed. Whatever melanin content their skin may happen to have, or regardless what gender they may happen to be. I dont think Hillary was any better.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:16 AM
Obama is just another Radical mold of the system like Kerry, Bush and McCain. Hes all over the place on issues that matter. I was very active in defeating hillary clinton, almost wish i wouldnt of. Now his true colors are shown, i will be helping Ralph Nader this year. I made up my mind in june.

No he isnt a muslim. But his speech about being embarrased cause I dont know a second language? come on. most europeans know a second langauge? Go run for president of Netherlands than you stuck up prick.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 11:17 AM
Also, all this bull# came from Hillary Clinton in the primary days. None of it was started by the conservative Eggheads on AM Radio. It came from within the party. Only the democrats can snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. Obama is freefalling in all the polls. From a 15-20 point lead to now a 4 point lead and falling. He is no match for the GOP machine.And the Republicans are still divided on Mccain because of his 'maverick' standing with the party.

He is going to be shredded alive once conservatives unite behind McCain/Romney. You watch.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by soup_sandwich]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by soup_sandwich]

[edit on 18-7-2008 by soup_sandwich]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by cybrseer

Excellent post! It's great to see a person who doesn't try to smear Obama, but has his own real reasons for not liking him! And it's great to see you stand for the truth instead of going for the 'low blow' like SO many others are!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
Well, it sounds like you've already made up your mind about Barack Obama, so why the post?

This post was not intended to express support for Barack Obama or to denounce him. It is intended to show a thinly disguised general racism that appears to surround his candidacy.

There is nothing in my article that suggests I support Barack Obama. However, there are a couple of items that suggest that I do not; especially where I say:

"Few Americans are as conservative as I am. I decry the liberal mindset." and "There are innumerable legitimate reasons why one should not vote for Barack Obama, but racism is not one of them."

Is this your own veiled attempt at describing others who do not believe as you do as racists?

Absolutely not. Not believing as I do does not make anyone a racist. I am simply pointing out my perception of a racial overtone in the media surrounding Barack Obama.

How you know for a fact that he's not a Muslim,

He has a 20 year record of participation, membership and attendance in a Christian church. It is preposterous in light of the facts to even suggest that he is a Muslim.

The same people that condemn Barack Obama for his association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright are also suggesting he is a Muslim. Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of religion knows that if you are a Muslim you cannot be a Christian or conversely if you are a Christian you cannot be a Muslim.

see nothing radical in his desires to invoke mandatory community service or establish is own civilian security force, and offhandedly dismiss his long term associations with Anti-
American and racist individuals like Bill Ayres or Jeremiah Wright, speaks volume about where you're really coming from.

Whether or not one thinks Barack is an extremest is a matter of personal perception, which makes it difficult to make a case for or against.

At no point in my post do I 'dismiss' his associations; I clearly suggest that if you condemn Barack Obama for his associations, then you should also condemn others for their associations. Let me state this another way.

If Barack Obama is guilty by association with "a church leader who spews hate speech that borders on racism." then Catholics are guilty by association with "Church leaders who commit child rape." It has been suggested over and over again in the media that Barack should have left his church because of the words and actions of the leader of his church. I am simply pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of the fact that no one is calling on Catholics to leave their church because of the words and actions of their church leaders. Once again, I neither support nor denounce Barack Obama I am simply pointing out a double standard.

You tell others to do some research before making a judgement, but it's very apparent you have not taken your own advice. All you have to do is open your eyes, and you'll see the truth.

As I stated:

Barack Obama is not “A Muslim Male Extremist Between the ages of 17 and 40. “

I welcome anyone who can by the preponderance of the available facts show otherwise.

The statements and translations portion of my post are merely my own personal perception and interpretation of the statements I hear and read in the media.


[edit on 18-7-2008 by cybrseer]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by cybrseer

How you know for a fact that he's not a Muslim,

He has a 20 year record of participation, membership and attendance in a RACIST BLACK SUPREMIST christian church. It is preposterous in light of the facts to even suggest that he is a Muslim.


I fixed your quote Cybrseer =) notice my additions in caps

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Barack Obama caters to the "minorities" like any other politician

thats why you have terms like "the african american vote"

The hispanic vote

the christian vote
the female vote

etc etc etc

The only reason people get their feathers all ruffled is because he's black.

Nobody ever complains when a white man "caters" to a minority for a vote.
So why is it any different from Obama? Because? He's black.

BUT - thats my opinion, and i could be wrong. I base my assertions off of my observations. If i am wrong - i am - by all means - up for re-education.

[edit on 7/18/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin

Barack Obama caters to the "minorities" like any other politician

thats why you have terms like "the african american vote"

The hispanic vote

the christian vote
the female vote

etc etc etc

The only reason your feathers get ruffled is because he's black.

Nobody ever complains when a white man "caters" to a minority for a vote.
So why is it any different from Obama? Because? He's black.

BUT - thats my opinion, and i could be wrong. I base my assertions off of my observations. If i am wrong - i am - by all means - up for re-education.

[edit on 7/18/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]
But, but.. I thought Barack Obama was a different kind of Politician, and was going to bring Change, Hope, and Unity to our country?

Now you're saying he just like every other politician, pandering for votes. Say it isn't so Andrew!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45

But, but.. I thought Barack Obama was a different kind of Politician, and was going to bring Change, Hope, and Unity to our country?

Now you're saying he just like every other politician, pandering for votes. Say it isn't so Andrew!

1.) I never said anything of the sort. You are making up your own assertions of 'change' i've already defined what "change" i see in Obama, and now we see yours.

2.) I assume from your sarcastic tone that you are not disputing the fact that the only reason people are getting flustered is because obama is, indeed, black......and you don't see any sort of a problem with that?

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
1.) I never said anything of the sort. You are making up your own assertions of 'change' i've already defined what "change" i see in Obama, and now we see yours.
I must have missed your post defining change as it related to Obama.. Could you please tell us again what it was?

2.) I assume from your sarcastic tone that you are not disputing the fact that the only reason people are getting flustered is because obama is, indeed, black......and you don't see any sort of a problem with that?
I do dispute that claim! I believe most people are disillusioned with Barack due to his constant position shifts, his unsavory past associates which continue to pop out of the woodwork, and the constant cries of racism by his proxies. It has nothing at all to do with the color of his skin. If I remember correctly, he is half White too.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

So, then why this big stink about him catering to minorities?

Oh, and "Change" Full story here

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