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Islam will win

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posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by cannonfodder

Completely understandable. I was the same way, until recently. Certain, "unexplainable phenomena" that I, TO THIS DAY, cannot explain lead me in a different direction. Finally found what I believe to be true via the internet (maybe Technology WAS meant to lead us in the right direction) and that's the way it is. Atheism is a true stepping stone though, and I applaud your bravery for leaving the masses, for what it's worth.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by cannonfodder
Trillions of dollars could be spent on feeding the poor, healthcare, education instead of bombs.

i starred you bc i love the way you are putting your thought. lmfao

however, i must say that i am all for feeding the poor, healthcare, education.. blah blah.. so long as it isn't TAKEN out of my pocket and i can give it WHERE *I* SEE FIT.

still, fine............. everyone can believe in the muslim God. doesn't matter to me, cuz i have the Truth that rests inside of me and i believe that the Truth will be revealed to those who will accept it, on His terms, in His way...... the beauty of it is that He conforms in His way to each and every one of us should we just accept it and quit acting like we are "know it alls".

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by artvandalay

interesting scenario isn't it. *snip* pathetic really but it puts my mind in freefall. And an old karmic pattern too, maybe even older than we think. Old hates, grudges, distrust, don't fall for it personally is my 2 cents, plus I suspect the whole thing is amplified and maintained by hegelian dialectic illuminati for their own agenda, above them the ET greys and the ET grey aspect within ourselves... you can see some people are headin that way!

so. who put israel there. who was involved with iran earlier on. who keeps the saudi's propped up. who financed the iran vs iraq war. who separated india and pakistan. who keeps us reliant on oil. who started oil industry. who meddles with nations and leaders making things worse. who assassinates the better more humane leaders. who starves and kills and embargoes and creates such bitterness. who would love to nuke something. who would love to convert everyone. who is right and they are wrong. who wants and loves war. etc etc. YOU?

And at the end of the day, we are a human family, we reincarnate, and so we've all been in different groups at some point both in an individual way and a group way. this one point is the key to one's personal responsibility! nazi one life, zionist the next! pentagon on mars one life; pentagon in america the next! fundamentalist islam one life, fundamentalist christian or buddhist the next! serial killer one life; victim the next...and next...and next.... one life your christian, next islam, next buddhist, next atheist, next warrior, next greenie - trying to learn the lessons. always, harmlessness is the key for each and every one of us! otherwise its the wheel of karma...endless.

Here some kind of metaphysical/spiritual oriented points , as per usual with a complete lack of organization or actual overall point, that I'd like to make:
Islam vices and virtues/other comments: anti-clockwise around a black cube (anti evolution trapped in matter?). women discrimination and cruelty to women, sexual hypocrisy, sex slavery and traffiking, opium, hashish. male arrogance. tendency for fanaticism toward an ideal; and intolerance. be part of the system or die/hand chopped off etc. education is rote repetition of dogma. one life only. Christ taken out of the picture. hospitality toward strangers. obedience to God. humility. Recognition of demonic forces and Satan. moral codes for stable culture. tend to get invaded not be the invaders. not overly materialistic, more simple way of life.
christian vices and virtues/other comments: vatican city hotbed of power, money, greed, false evil priesthood. christ taken out of the picture. tendency for fanaticism. materialism and militaristic. tolerance of evil and corrupt morals as a philosophical response to losing control over the public generally. one life only. crusades. the screws on most other countries to maintain power and control. kindness and compassion. gentleness and goodness. Saints. charity and caring to animals. marriage and family, decent, upright citizens.

these two will bounce off each other till kingdom come. get off the wheel. right hand spin around the white pyramid of human ascension of the Soul...harmlessness. try it and see what holy spirit (not holy ghost!) really means. how we can war with islam when their whole point is to stone satan, and our whole point is to exorcise satan, means something has gone totally wacked! it can't be real!!

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[edit on 10-7-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:30 PM
There is a 100 year plan backed by the muslim brotherhood. The agenda of the 100 year plan is global islamic domination. It is real, it is a threat, and they are infilitrating all nations now. Believe it. They want Sharia law to be emplaced in all countries.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:30 PM

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by artvandalay

Islam will win if WE allow it to. It is up to the west to stop Islam just like Charles Martel did, if it wasn`t for him we could possibly have european islamic countries, there should be a little Charles Martel in all of us.

I don`t want people tell me I`m intolerant to other religions, I would not go to the Middle East and pretend that I could change the way arabs live, they have their religion and their traditions, I would have to be the one to adapt.

Muslims think that they are above the rest of us, and they don`t have to adapt, I think that what the australian government did was right.

Either they adapt and embrace western values or they go back to muslim land.

I sincerely believe in freedom, and I would not tell anyone how to behave, but with radical Islam there is no reasoning, the west must wake up, either we stop them or they will crush our values.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:40 PM

India's 3 billion people hates Islam right? Islam is a weak religion dependent on total faith and an isolated and obedient population, this is why they havn't established many strongholds outside the Middle East.
reply to post by die_another_day

Islam in India is the second-most practiced religion after Hinduism. There are approximately 151 million Muslims in India's population as of 2007 (according to government census 2001), i.e., 13.4% of the population.[1][2][3][4][5] Currently, India has the second or third largest population of Muslims in the world.[6][7]

That is according to Wikipedia so you were obviously wrong about that anything else you would like to debate?


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[edit on 10-7-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by August Sonereal

Perhaps you should watch this video

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Actually, kinda like what you said.

Originally posted by justamomma

fine............. everyone can believe in the muslim God. doesn't matter to me, cuz i have the Truth that rests inside of me and i believe that the Truth will be revealed to those who will accept it, on His terms, in His way...... the beauty of it is that He conforms in His way to each and every one of us should we just accept it and quit acting like we are "know it alls".

I wish we could live and let live. I wish it didn't matter if you were muslim or christian or bhuddist or atheist. I wish our differences broadened the human experience instead of driving wedges between us. Somewhere along the line, religion was usurped by power. Power struggles turn to death, then war. Now people fight over who has the correct messiah, or how many sacriments you need to get into the favour of God. Even enlightened athiest are trying to take over the world, coming out from their secret bunkers! I'm glad you found your way you don't need to push it on anyone. Too bad about the rest of the world.


posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Camilo1

I totally agree, this will never be a war, the way they operate is by making us change our way for them.

This is a very insidious process and i can see in the posts that a lot of people can't seem to see it, i was born and raised in France where i have seen the way the government has to bow down in the name of hospitality and equality for all...

"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite ", that is the French motto but it only mean something if all the parties involved apply it and are loyal.

I also lived in England (London) and I experienced a high level of P.C regarding the muslims.

I am now in the U.S and i can see people resisting the "cultural invasion", I never thought i was ever going to say that but maybe, being open to the subject of "islamization" of western society and talking about it without being afraid of the "P.C police of thought" (you know who you are... no maybe not) we can make a difference.

So because it is a religion it cannot be talked about or criticized ? (does anybody knows Richard Dawkins?)

[edit on 9-7-2008 by artvandalay]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by bakedbean

We are not talking about if their religion is right or wrong but about the impact it has on western societies and what is the long term outcome of this culture shock.

Stay on topic please.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Sniper_Instructor
Yes move to the USA where patriotism still thrives. and they take pride in thier country, unlike the european countries including the UK who have sold out their citizens to accomodate the Islamic revoloution.

Whatever people say about the USA, they wouldn't let it happen there, and that is the first place I will look to take my family, when the UK falls to the Jihadists.

No hablo ingles?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Camilo1

Man that was an AWESOME post I could not have put it better myself. There is no reasoning with them. And yeah if Muslims were willing to move to our countries and embrace our way of life and our traditions then there would not be any problems and thus this thread would not even exist. However, unfortunately that is not the case is it? And people want to slam us because of "religious intolerance". How about this for religious intolerance. In Iran it is a law that anyone living in that country even thought to be trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity or judaism is to be put to death.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:13 PM

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by the_one_below

In Iran it is a law that anyone living in that country even thought to be trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity or judaism is to be put to death.

Do you have any evidence of that?

There are a lot more laws like that i think.

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[edit on 10-7-2008 by Jbird]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by August Sonereal

OH GREAT! That's what would make the Western World look good world wide, a massive witchhunt.

Well I think the time for what would make us look good is over, it is time for action did you not read the thread? They are taking over right now can't you see that?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by August Sonereal

OH GREAT! That's what would make the Western World look good world wide, a massive witchhunt.

Well I think the time for what would make us look good is over, it is time for action did you not read the thread? They are taking over right now can't you see that?

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by the_one_below

wow, you must have felt strongly about this.....

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:59 PM
To the OP:
See, from my own experience, if you take a look around here on ATS (and I'm not saying you haven't, I am quite certain you have) the majority of the conspiracy threads here have to do with American Government, and well, usually about self security, and how the Government intrudes on their everyday lives, and people constantly giving up their rights for the sake of homeland security. But isn't this what homeland security is supposed to do? Make sure that things like radical Islam do not spread and take over nations? As a Christian Canadian, I have absolutely no problem with Islamics living next door, believing what they believe, and same goes for the hundreds of other ethnic groups here in Canada. People believe and live how they want to live, plain and simple, but when each individual group starts crying out, demanding individual rights (including Christian groups to make myself seem not bias), it can get annoying, and like you have pointed out, can start to become a serious threat to our everyday lives.

But what I am trying to get at is there are two extremes: Either the Government takes no action, and we lose what we stand for by being dominated by others, or we give up all we stand for EXCEPT who we are as a nation, to ensure that we ourselves do not get dominated by those who "oppose" us.

Apparently it's very hard to remain in the middle.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by For(Home)Country

the identity of a country is not something set in stone but evolves with time...
Maybe I am wrong and we should embrace the islamic way of life as it is inevitable that we will all be muslim in the future?

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