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80% of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job!

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posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Here is some lyrics from MC PAUL BARMAN

eehh...Good morning...I mean good evening
Ladies & Gentlemen, I wanna tell you about
an experience I had this morning at San Francisco:

You know, I'm staying at the hotel downtown and eh
I had two hours, two hours, 'til I was rendez-vouing with my, eh
my beautiful girlfriend's beautiful girlfriend
So I took a little walk outside the hotel, I walked up a street
With a name that's pretty familar to a lot of people, but not to me
But it had an old name and there was a marquee
It kinda looked like a movie marquee
Or maybe the the type of thing posted outside of a motel
or maybe even casino

But it wasn't any of those things
It was some kind of sign that belonged to an old gas station tire shop
And it was closed 'cause it was a Sunday
And it said: "Americans are slow to hostility" - Winston Churchill
And I thought ISN'T THAT something
A big marquee with the Winston Churchill quote in the middle of San Francisco

And then I went to Walgreens to find my TOM'S OF MAINE ginger-mint
FLUORIDE-FULL toothpaste, but all they had was FLUORIDE-FREE
And there was a women, at the counter, with a parrot, on her shoulder
And she said: "Yeah yeah, my parrot is 44 years old..."
And the people behind the counter at Walgreen's
and next to the register, chatted her up and they said:
"Ohh, we really like the way the red feathers are so deeply red!"
And I was like "Man, 44. NOW that's old for a parrot! Kinda old for a person!"
And the lady said, "Yeah, these types of parrots live to be into their 60's."
And I was like "Good for you," when I noticed a streaaam of parrot #
crawling down the back of the owner's t-shirt
And I thought to myself: "Either no one noticed the parrot # on her back
or more likely, she doesn't mind parrot # on her back..."
And I was like: "Lady don't brush against me !"
"In fact, go home, don't buy anything at Walgreen's
Change your shirt, POTTY train your parrot, or don't go IN public!"

And then I remember how Americans are slow to hostility
and I thought: "Well maybe in a crazy town like this
you pay for the happy-Winston-Churchill-quote with the nasty parrot #."

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Just remember that the FLUORIDE tested by Germans found that when introduced to civilians, they were less defiant. This is now in our drinking water, making people more obedient. Also remember that the Government acknowledged that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a hoax set up by our government to go to war in Vietnam and the goal was never to win that war but to keep us in it. 9/11 is very easily another Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

How long until we do something about it... well remember my previous post of how Americans are slow to hostility by Winston Churchill.

By the time we can no longer take it is usually when it is toooooooooo late and we have already been crapped on!

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

lol that just clicked on the first site. you say so many physists think 9/11 was an inside job. First off there are about 30 people that make up that site. I would say that is a very small percent. Maybe less than 1% of the people in their respected fields. LOL one of the member has his degree in Islanmic Studies. Yea he is a real expert on 9/11. You have about 4 engineers, a biologist (again lol). Oh and the IT manager. Sure he is an expert too. That is the point, these people could be kooks. It is not like they are the foremost authority in their field. I am not even going to bother to go to the other sites because all the sites are the same. They all have a few people in their field that believe 9/11 was an inside job. However the cast majority of the experts, the people in the top of their fields, people who have been published, real experts all say there is no conspiracy. (or 99% say so)

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:50 PM
we live in terrible times when people realize this much how they are lied to and manipulated and tolerate their government do not react adequately or even worse, and reelect over and over the same snakes.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 02:51 PM
80% is bull. Where I live in the south, people will skin you if you mention such a thing as any sort of Bush admin conspiracy. You start questioning the government around here and people will tell you "to love it or leave it!"

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by driveshaft08
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Thats pretty creative for a Taxi Driver.

Not to mention that is where parents go to buy barney stuff, show videos to kids, play games with their kids, listen to barney music etc.

How that can even remotely compare to a research site is beyond me.

Why not site how many people look up as oppossed to barney?

Edit: Haha, I just looked up and it's not even listed:

Not in top 100,00

[edit on 7/9/2008 by Griff]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by whatsup
80% is bull. Where I live in the south, people will skin you if you mention such a thing as any sort of Bush admin conspiracy. You start questioning the government around here and people will tell you "to love it or leave it!"

I love people who think bush was behind this. It is the same people who said he is an idiot. Well how the hell did he or anyone in his administration plane this big of an operation in just 9 months. They would have to include thousands of people to pull it off. Demolition experts, fireman, police man, news reporters, other politicians (both democrats and republicans) etc.... The face of the amount of people that would have to be involved in an operation this size should tell you there is no way it would have been possible to pull off. I mean it has been almost 7 years and no one has come forward. And the so called truth movement is led by a couple of college students. Come on. And GOLDEN FLEECE you say there is so much that can't be explained. Really. I think almost all can be explained. Sure there might be some things that do not add up but also something of this magnitude has never happened before. So sure if you cannot compare this incident to another of the same some things would be new and unexplainable.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by driveshaft08
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Thats pretty creative for a Taxi Driver.

Not to mention that is where parents go to buy barney stuff, show videos to kids, play games with their kids, listen to barney music etc.

How that can even remotely compare to a research site is beyond me.

Why not site how many people look up as oppossed to barney?

Edit: Haha, I just looked up and it's not even listed:

Not in top 100,00

[edit on 7/9/2008 by Griff]

yea, but is way above all the sites. even barney! And the offical website of the state department is not And it ranks higher than any of those sites. lol isnt even a website. Good job with the research.

[edit on 9-7-2008 by tide88]

[edit on 9-7-2008 by tide88]

[edit on 9-7-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by tide88
They would have to include thousands of people to pull it off.

there is atleast that many people working for the black ops / brown / sneaky / bad gobvnment. if you think about it.. a five man team could ahve wired the buildings in a month, and contacted the appropriate persons to mess up norad + get the doodz on the planes.

im going to reply to the original posters question of "what would it take for americans to get pissed / w.e" , which is something im pretty sure no one has done yet.

its really hard to say what it would take for us to get mad.. its pretty common knowledge that the world wars and vietnam were joined and maintained for bulslhit reasons.. and there isnt alot of poeple pissed about that... osama didnt create 911, and we havent done much in afghanistan.. nobody pissed about that... blew alot of someone(')s money going into iraq... no WMD there ... still nobodys pissed and still we are policing the country. housing "chrisis" ( what is a chrisis?) was caused by rich people stealing and trying to get themselves ahead... nobody is pissed about that.. then theres gas which depending on what you read some people say the prices are caused by huge speculation and whatever else people do to dick with prices at the stock exchange each day. food is getting more expensive but i dont think weve been getting hit quickly by it. but of course the people that are already struggling to get by are now going to be struggling more.. and the people that were jsut above the struggle line, are now most likely struggling.

i think people havent gotten pissed at the gov is because it is hard to blame them ( for the more recent things dealign with economy) people with #ty jobs or living conditions are only going to get pissed at themselves and persons in their environment. people that make enough money to not worry about gas prices, food, economy or whatever are not going to be worrying about it, or getting angry at anyone.
turning martial law on would get some people pissed.. but then they would jsut get owned.. and there is also plenty of people that would be just fine with martial law.
immediate blame. the middle and middle low classes are only going to complain about their employers
.. i dont know if thats all understandable but i think the point i was gettign at is that it is difficult for everyone at once to point their fingers at the gov... and the less your peers do something like that then the less you will.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:44 PM

LOL one of the member has his degree in Islanmic Studies. Yea he is a real expert on 9/11.

The only way that would make sense is if Islamics weren't involved.


posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by tide88

Ah, you're right. Silly me.

How about

Not in top 100,000

That's a more accurate comparison anyway since they all deal with 9/11 instead of purple dinosaurs that parents go to a site to buy.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:26 PM
As long as the beer and burgers are on the table, the government can do ANYTHING. Generally speaking, the majority of people have lost that battle spirit they used to have.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

There was nothing to gain and nothing has been gained since 9/11 for Bush and Co.

Wow. You really think that? Where have you been? Look at our nation. Big business is fleecing us bare.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:50 PM
what sad is, that 80 percent of americans dont even know that WTC7
collasped or even know where it is. Thats why i believe 80 percent is
way high. Most americans know more about britany spears and celebraties than what happen on 9/11.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Griff
reply to post by tide88

Ah, you're right. Silly me.

How about

Not in top 100,000

That's a more accurate comparison anyway since they all deal with 9/11 instead of purple dinosaurs that parents go to a site to buy.

Actually again you didnt do your research, if you look on the top of the site it states "This web site was frozen on September 20, 2004 at 12:00 AM, EDT. It is now a Federal record managed on behalf of the National Archives and Records Administration.
External links were active as of that date and time. " if you google 9/11 commision report and actually go to the site where it is listed it compares pretty much even with

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by driveshaft08
what sad is, that 80 percent of americans dont even know that WTC7
collasped or even know where it is. Thats why i believe 80 percent is
way high. Most americans know more about britany spears and celebraties than what happen on 9/11.

Really? Where is the proof of that. Everyone I know, and I mean everyone knows about WTC7. Although I do agree more people know about britney spears (which is sad and pathetic) then most other things and probably WTC7 collapsing. But I am guessing the number who knows about WTC7 is 70-80% and britney spears is around 90-95%

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Most non-proactive Americans suffer from what is called "PEDIFILE PRIEST SYNDROME."

This phenomenon is when you know little Johnny (THE WORLD TRADE CENTER) has been touched (THE PLANE'S) by the robed man (IN THIS CASE OUR OWN GOVERNMENT) standing before you (THE IMMEDIATE VICTIMS) and the mesmerized congregation ( THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) but allegiance to your faith or your god (BUSHISM) keeps you wimpishly passive (A SHEEP) to challenge any wrong doings...

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by tide88
Actually again you didnt do your research, if you look on the top of the site it states "This web site was frozen on September 20, 2004 at 12:00 AM, EDT. It is now a Federal record managed on behalf of the National Archives and Records Administration.
External links were active as of that date and time. " if you google 9/11 commision report and actually go to the site where it is listed it compares pretty much even with

Well, the point I am making is still accurate. Barney the purple dinosaur ranks higher than the 9/11 commission report.

So, does this mean the people who support the OS are declining? No.

Same as comparing the 9/11 CT sites to Barney doesn't mean they are declining either. It's a logical fallacy.

But, anyway, thanks for the info. Actually, I did search for "9/11 commission" and that came up. But, I used Yahoo as I've noticed that Google seems to filter things out. I usually can't find what I'm looking for on Google but find it fast with Yahoo using the exact same search words. Anyway, that's another thread.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
So I just had this co-worker of mine come back from NY, we have worked togther for 10 years. We have never talked about 9/11, and he brings it up to me telling me 80% of the the people in New York he talked to, know 9/11 was an inside job.

WHAT WOULD IT TAKE for people to take to the streets en masse? No food, no gas, what is the breaking point for the average American?

Please comment.

Your title is a fabrication and therefore a lie.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is tiny at best. It is so far from the mainstream that even Ron Paul had to distance himself from it to keep from being labeled a complete nut job.

These polls are rigged by how the questions are asked. If you were to ask a good sampling of ADULT Americans if they think that the United States Government and Military, acting on orders from George Bush and his Cabinet, orchestrated and flew those planes into the WTC's and the Pentagon; after the laughter died down you might get 2 to 3% who agree.

I have never met or ran into a 9/11 Truthers and I'm very active. I have seen the nuts on the video's and on the news acting like adolescents and disrupting other peoples venues. We have those every generation about something. These angry college age children will always be a fact of life. It has mainly to do with raging hormones and a lack of life experience and maturity. Some never grow up and end up begging on corners or languishing in jail. Most of us (I was one of these immature children protesting Vietnam) grow up and join the the sane world.

Young people always see the economy through tinted glasses as well. When you are young, working low paying jobs due to no experience, your view of the world is tainted. For most of us, an extra 20 or 30 bucks for gas a week and a small rise in food prices is expected and easily absorbed. We understand that these downturns in the economy are the norm and to be expected. Foolish people of course spend everything when times are good instead of laying some aside as they should. Then they boohoo all over the place and start throwing outlandish accusations around and blaming everyone but themselves.

Then we have the real losers. Those who drop out of school due to laziness, drugs, drinking and partying. They are doomed to always be broke simply because you get back what you put in. They always yell the loudest and when some nut like Jones comes along and gives them an excuse to use, they are all over it. It frees them from having to admit they are screwing up their own lives and gives them more excuse to continue to be the losers they are.

People like Jones destroy others lives and prey on young college age people by design. He gives them the ability to say their problems were caused by someone else rather than have to admit their own mistakes are holding them back. I was victimized by jerks like him in the late 60's and early 70's. I paid a dear price in that others my age had a head start in life by not making those stupid mistakes in the first place. Somewhere along the line I grew up and have not wanted for anything since.

I'm also amazed at how the expected slowing of the economy that always follows booms is being over played. Politicians always do this. Look at how the Democrats throw the word recession around even though we have yet to have two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Hell, our current unemployment rates are still at historical lows.

If you want to do something meaningful, use your power to vote to make statements. Get an education so you can be part of the game. Shouting on loudspeakers and disregarding other peoples rights will just get people labeled nuts because acting like that is nuts.

If there was any proof that 9/11 was an inside job, it would have been in the NYT daily, nonstop, since this all started. If that Bush hating bunch of professional investigators can't prove it, it is a fantasy. Using a bunch of propaganda from the web will never prove anything other than a total lack of common sense about what constitutes proof or common sense. If you like Jones and his ilk and enjoy them for entertainment by all means support them and send them money. Fiction is my favorite form of entertainment also. I send in my cable bill every month.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
If there was any proof that 9/11 was an inside job, it would have been in the NYT daily, nonstop, since this all started.

Ya think?

Does the BBC count?

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