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I'm not voting, and I'm still going to complain!

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:41 PM
I can only watch for so long as these puppets sit and pander to the absurd questions given to them before I want to rip the hairs from my head and ask myself why I'd want any of these people in any sort of control.

Questions over the candidates religion, relationships with aquaintences, and stance on what SHOULD be state laws show that the people watching these programs only want entertainment.

Sadly folks, this is not survivor island, this is control of the free (or not so free) world. I know you all love to bring up abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, etc., but when you do, you bring the fed closer and closer to your homefront. State laws are important, they help us decide where we want to live. Don't agree with gay marriage? Move to a state where it isn't allowed! Viola!

On the left side you have Obama. This guy is one big scene out of independence say. He is all theatrics. Honestly, I find this to be somewhat refreshing, because I could agree with some things Bill Clinton did, because he was a good talker. I like when my president can sweet talk another country.. It gets us out of trouble. Outside of this though, Obama REALLY is just another talking head with little to back up. There's only so many people you can make happy before you piss a few off!

On the right side, McCain. I really don't know why he's even given attention. Does this guy even know what his stance is any given day?

I find myself to be conservative for the most part, in THE ORIGINAL sense of the word. I believe in small gov, and that's my one and only platform. No one other than Paul even gave that a chance, and he's long gone, whether he wants to admit it or not. I also believe in tight border control, I'm pro-choice, pro getting troops out of Iraq yesterday, pro gay rights, and pro freemarket. But these just seem common sense to me, no?

Now on to why I am boycotting elections. It truly no longer matters. The MSM controls enough of the population to make a decision for us. The electoral college takes any direct voting process away from us. Lets be honest, if all of our votes would be worth the same, we never would have dealt with GW. Are we diluted enough to think we play a part at all?

So when the population sits down tonight in front of CNN, FOX, ABC, NBS, etc., and keeps talking about Reverend Wright, Al-Qaeda, and Global Warming, we with some semblance of a free will shall drop to our knees and find ourselves in a depression, an oil crisis, a world war, or even worse.

So keep watching your political reality TV. I will shun my right to vote if only to show my disdain for supporting a ruined system.

Get our troops back, get rid of the fed, work on amnesty and then CLOSE borders, and find this holy grail of energy... If anyone makes any of these a big deal to their policy, I will come out of hiding. Until then, I prefer to get my news from Colbert and Stewart. At least then I don't have to feel bad about laughing at this distopia.

My main point, if your candidates religion or personal history has anything to do with your vote, you may find yourself voting for more of the same.

[edit on 6/30/08 by SantaClaus]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:57 PM
i am right here with you. as i was doing some housework and eating w/ my children, the thought hit me that perhaps i have less say so (w/ a clear conscience) if i do vote.

i don't see either side being any better than the other. they feed us lie after lie and the proof always comes out when the elected is in the whitehouse.

i have submitted to this lie that we are taught over and over again here in america that we have no right to say anything if we don't vote and yet, now, it doesn't really seem like i will be heard anyway if i do vote.

i can either waste more of my life away in a line to get into a voting booth and vote for the candidate i see as most worthy of the office but won't be put into office anyway bc the 'winner' has been decided btw two candidates i DON'T support..... or i can spend that time doing something a little more worth while like spending it w/ my kids enjoying what is.

i have decided to go for the latter and found this thread to be a personal confirmation for the choice that i made just hours ago.

my voice will be heard no more or no less whether or not i choose to waste a few hours to go and pretend like i have a say so in the voting booth.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Thanks for your response. And you're doing exactly as you should, being with your family. And your family should be free to live as you always had, my worry is just that the federal gov is coming into our homes at such a rate that we will never see that freedom again. But I digress, as so far, I cannot complain on a personal level other than about inflation.

You're very lucky and very smart to worry about you and yours first and foremost.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by justamomma

You're very lucky and very smart to worry about you and yours first and foremost.

well, then lucky and smart don't apply to me in this case as i am distressed over the future of us all. i certainly don't worry about mine, but i do worry about what will be left to my children, their children, and so forth and i do worry about what will be left for the other children born into this bs.

but honestly, when the thought hit me this afternoon, i could not argue the fact that if i honestly believe the elections are nothing more than an illusion of free choice and having a voice, then i would be doing myself and my children a diservice by wasting more of my precious moments in this life that is passing much too quickly as it is.

but trust me, i am hitting them where i can (i may be but a mere flap of the wing on a qnat to them, however, you must admit, gnats ~ however small ~ can be quite annoying

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:50 PM
What if whoever wins does a really good job. Are you still going to complain?

I personally think you're both making a big mistake but it's certainly your choice.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:55 PM
See thats sad.Cause if you remember correctly sometimes a few thousand votes can count.But again different strokes different folks.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by alienstar
See thats sad.Cause if you remember correctly sometimes a few thousand votes can count.

no, do enlighten me, bc if i missed something, i sure don't want to be making a mistake here. the last election didn't add up and when a recall was demanded, suddenly the votes were lost and then, oh, we have to go to war w/ iraq bc they have WMD and suddenly the majority seemed to forget that we had an election that didn't add up.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
What if whoever wins does a really good job. Are you still going to complain?

I personally think you're both making a big mistake but it's certainly your choice.

Good point, I guess if it happens that the winner does well, I can't really complain.

I fight the system not the people. I think we've been indoctorinated into thinking this facade is something thats gives us strength. I think the whole thing has become an easily fixed joke against us.

As far as a few thousand votes counting, didn't they actually NOT count in the end due to the electoral regions?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:21 PM
People are stuck this time.We got a new fresh faced black man running.People like to get out with the old and in with the new.People like his ideas(well some do),hes soft spoke and has charm.Then again inexperience and not much looks like on his agenda.Then you got a look alike Bush...with wartime record.People want a commander,also McCain does have some good ideas.I think this is going to be alot closer then people think.

Yeah its your right to vote or not to.But we need change in America really bad.I have no problem with voting for a black or women president.But to me McCain has what i want.Some people will disagree.Does this help you decide?Prolly not...i just wanted to voice my opinion.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by alienstar

well, i never mind hearing an opinion.

however, you stated it correctly when you said mccain is basically a look a like bush. and the osama camp sounds more like they are pushing for socialism which i am EXTREMELY against. so, two placebos for me to choose from.

why waste the real cure for the day (enjoying the day) rather than popping one of these two placebos or voting on someone who, he himself, knows he doesn't stand a chance against the two chosen "pills".

i am all for change and i am doing my part, but certainly wasting my day on this illusion that a pen and paper in hand will make a difference won't get me any good marks where they will count.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus

Nice to see that another person has decided that voting in this country (for a presidential election) is a joke. Votes in state/local elections do matter but not when it comes to the presidential vote. To become president, you focus on the electoral vote and that is all that matters - you only have to win the states with the most electoral votes and you're in. That is not democracy, not even close. McCain and Obama are both puppets and that is all any president of this country ever will be.

On a side note, you mentioned you actually liked bill clinton. Sorry to hear that, I almost took your post seriously until I read that. Bill is/was a slimeball, he sold out this country, I could go on and on but that is a topic for another thread. A smooth talking slimeball is all he will ever be, just my opionion of course.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:37 PM
Besides the fact that he got busted on the job,Bill Clinton was a decent President.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by jitombe
reply to post by SantaClaus

On a side note, you mentioned you actually liked bill clinton. Sorry to hear that, I almost took your post seriously until I read that. Bill is/was a slimeball, he sold out this country, I could go on and on but that is a topic for another thread. A smooth talking slimeball is all he will ever be, just my opionion of course.

I should have put a few disclaimers in there I suppose. I think infidelity is not a concern for you or I. It just doesn't matter.. However, he did let Rwanda experience genocide. He, in many peoples' opinions, was lucky to experience a positive flux in the economy.

But the fact he was a slimeball?? Ehhh, so were many "good" presidents. The MSM fools us into believing that their home life should translate into their work. Well, if a guy cheats on his wife and he works for the IRS, he isn't fired.

Bill was a great public speaker however, and I think thats important given the status of presidency nowadays. I want a president who can make us look good, and he did for the most part, up until the fun part (which the news corps sold us out to the world in the end).

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Great Post. Count me in. Once again our illustrious two party system has provided us with two duds to vote for.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:31 PM
I personally won't be voting. Those who say if you don't vote you can't complain, I'm certainly not going to vote for someone I don't agree with just so I have some imaginary "right" to complain. The person I would vote for is not on the ballot, so I therefor will not be voting. I don't give my vote away just for the sake of voting.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Ecidemon
I personally won't be voting. Those who say if you don't vote you can't complain, I'm certainly not going to vote for someone I don't agree with just so I have some imaginary "right" to complain. The person I would vote for is not on the ballot, so I therefor will not be voting. I don't give my vote away just for the sake of voting.

You wrapped up my rant right there.. Good post.

I am very very surprised I'm not getting more flak for this one. I see a lot of the "pretend rules" people posting here lately, so I figured I'd get some fuel to keep going nuts.. Now I'm all calmed down. That's no fun.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus

Originally posted by jitombe
reply to post by SantaClaus

On a side note, you mentioned you actually liked bill clinton. Sorry to hear that, I almost took your post seriously until I read that. Bill is/was a slimeball, he sold out this country, I could go on and on but that is a topic for another thread. A smooth talking slimeball is all he will ever be, just my opionion of course.

I should have put a few disclaimers in there I suppose. I think infidelity is not a concern for you or I. It just doesn't matter.. However, he did let Rwanda experience genocide. He, in many peoples' opinions, was lucky to experience a positive flux in the economy.

But the fact he was a slimeball?? Ehhh, so were many "good" presidents. The MSM fools us into believing that their home life should translate into their work. Well, if a guy cheats on his wife and he works for the IRS, he isn't fired.

Bill was a great public speaker however, and I think thats important given the status of presidency nowadays. I want a president who can make us look good, and he did for the most part, up until the fun part (which the news corps sold us out to the world in the end).

I don't know how far back to go on slimeball presidents but our founding fathers is a start. For arguments sake and to keep it short, let's say a few were white, slave and land owning elitists who got tired of paying England money.

On Clinton and the genocide in Africa thing - no one cares, it's just a bunch of black people killing themselves. One day, white people will stop pretending they give a rats ass about black people. Here's an idea of mine: white people should get out of Africa and give up control of the diamond and all other precious metal industry there. White people invaded Africa, killed their way into power and still own the natural resources of the continent. This may be a general statement, don't feel like turning this into a book.

Do we need a president to make us look good? There's another book to be written by someone with lots of spare time.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by jitombe

I don't know how far back to go on slimeball presidents but our founding fathers is a start. For arguments sake and to keep it short, let's say a few were white, slave and land owning elitists who got tired of paying England money.

On Clinton and the genocide in Africa thing - no one cares, it's just a bunch of black people killing themselves. One day, white people will stop pretending they give a rats ass about black people. Here's an idea of mine: white people should get out of Africa and give up control of the diamond and all other precious metal industry there. White people invaded Africa, killed their way into power and still own the natural resources of the continent. This may be a general statement, don't feel like turning this into a book.

Do we need a president to make us look good? There's another book to be written by someone with lots of spare time.

As far as Rwanda, as long as we're pretending they care, the UN should have been all over the place before anything happened.

As far as a sweet talking pres..... Its not needed, but it doesn't hurt.

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