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I've been taken three times, here's my story.

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Some of the things I'm about to tell you might sound far fetched but this is just what I've learned from the aliens. I don't care if you believe me or not, all I can do is share my experiences with you and then it's up to you to decide what to believe in.

The first time I was taken I was 13 years old and they took me in the middle of the night. The next two times happened during the day at home, when I was 22 and 23 (I'm 26 now). The aliens that I was in contact with were the same individuals every time, two males and a female. I do not know their names or if they even have any. They told me that they chose me for a reason but didn't say what that reason was.

In each of the three occasions I was taken, the aliens were what some people might call "Pleaidians", aliens that look almost identical to humans in appearance. Later, I met beings from two other species, they were both humanoid but very different looking. They had bigger heads, bigger eyes, smaller legs and arms and their skin was completely white. They all communicate with each other telepathically and they also did that with me. At first it felt really strange and sort of frightening to hear their thoughts, because they just sort of pop up in your head and you don't know where those thoughts are coming from. I got used to it after a while and found it really amazing to share things with them that way.

I've been in three different flying saucers and they all looked pretty much the same from the inside. They don't really have a lot of equipment in their saucers (they have nano-technology), but one thing I found kind of funny was that they actually had toilets in the saucers, nothing like our toilets but yeah, I guess even they have to take a piss sometime. I didn't get to spend a lot of time in the saucers because we arrived to our destinations pretty quickly. On the first and third time they took me to a base in Mars and on the second time we went to a base on the back side of the moon. They live in underground bases that are completely self-supporting systems, meaning that they can produce their own energy, food, etc.. The first two times I was gone for a couple of hours but on the third time I must've spent something close 15 hours with them. The weirdest thing about it is that when they returned me on the third time, I hadn't actually been gone at all because it was the same time that it was when I had left. I'm guessing they somehow manipulated time and returned me to the same point in time (I'll talk about time travel later).

The third time was different in many ways. I spent more time with them and learned a whole lot more about their ways of life. On the third time they also asked me if they could do some tests to me and I agreed. I don't know if they injected me with something or if they took some samples from me, they just told me that it was for my own good and for the good of Earth. I never asked them about it because I knew they didn't do it to harm me.

I was to learn that they are able to manipulate different laws of physics, like time, gravity and matter. They don't manipulate them telepathically, they have technology that does that. Their technology is very different from ours. They don't have big machines, big computers, wires, bolts or anything we have, all of it is what we call "nano-technology", these tiny machines you can't even see with your bare eyes. They don't need keyboards or monitors for their computers because it's all in their head. They communicate with the machines telepathically and they see everything in their mind. The guiding systems in their spacecraft work basically just like that. They just think where they want to travel and at what speed, and the craft obeys them.


posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:41 PM
They don't need energy sources like we do because they have these weird, glowing, battery-like energy machines. They can extract dark energy (I'm guessing that's what it is) from anywhere and use it as an energy source. Dark energy is everywhere and it's spreaded all throughout the universe, so, unlike oil, it will never run out.

Now, I was able to learn a bit about time travel. Apparently, they can't go back in time, they can only jump forward. They don't have time machines, they jump Forward in time by traveling close to the speed of light where time slows down and they just sort of skip time. Now, this sort of contradicts what I said earlier about them returning me to the same point in time. I don't know how they managed to do it and that is one thing I do not have an answer for.

Now, about the universe (this will sound crazy I know). They told me that there were actually 22 different realites, or cosmos if you will. The first one is the only one that was created by God, and it was created about 80 billion years ago. They don't exactly know who God is but they know for a fact that it exists. Their vision of God differs from ours, they think of God as a will of nature, not really a spirit or a person. The rest, the 21 cosmos, were created by beings from the first cosmo and the cosmos that followed. I have no idea how they create these new cosmos but apparently it's not an easy thing to do since they have managed to create only 21 in 80 billion years. Our universe wasn't created by God, it was created by beings from the fourth universe. The smallest cosmo is very, very small compared to ours and the biggest one is millions of times bigger than ours. Each cosmo has a life-span, they spread out and ultimately they collapse (This has happened to 6 of them already). For the most part, the cosmos are very much like our universe, they have stars, galaxies, nebulas and planets but the laws of physics are a little different in every one.

The aliens are also able to "swap" between different realities any time, anywhere in the universe. But that doesn't mean that they are able to "teleport". Even when they travel vast distances in the universe, they never really teleport anywhere, or use any wormholes, they actually travel that distance in space but they have found ways to travel faster then the speed of light. The fastest they can go is something like 200,000 times the speed of light, and for that to happen they have to correct mass and gravity (I don't know how they do that).

There's almost an infinite amount of different life-forms in just our universe, but the one thing that connects most of the intelligent beings in the universe is that they're humanoid (two legs, two arms, torso, head). They think this is God's will. And the one thing that connects every living thing is that they're all mortal. No one lives forever.

The amount of information they have about us and our planet is enourmous. They've been observing life on Earth for millions of years and they are the ones that put us here. Earth is not the only planet where this is occuring, they're doing this same thing throughout the universe, giving life to planets.
They know everything about our DNA and they know what every gene is there for and they can manipulate our DNA in any way they want. They don't like to do this a lot, they're more like trying to assist us in small steps, and let nature handle the rest. They don't want to interfere in our life directly but every now and then they make themselves to known to some people on earth for reasons that I do not know. They also told me that life very rarely just starts bursts out on its own and that is why they are trying to spread life to as many places as possible.


posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:42 PM
They know more about us then we do, they know our history and they understand the human condition better than we do. They have a great interest in the battle between good and evil and why some people choose wrong from right. They're very worried about us doing harm on ourselves and our planet.

This is my story and everything I have just said is true and has happened to me. All questions/comments are welcome.

(excuse my grammatical errors, english isn't my native language)

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Sounds to me like you have just taken all of the same common ET internet knowledge that we all research and created your own little story.

There are other hobbies that are more fun. Might want to try hiking, fishing, painting, etc.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:40 PM
I'll pessimistically subscribe. Why not. Let's watch another one crumble. By the way, I'm always open to the truth.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:58 PM
So, some simple questions. Where are you from? Where were you when these abductions occur? Did they give you any information on the future of the Human race? Have they given you the ability to contact them?

Thank you,

20 Eyes

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:28 PM
All ET's are Humanoid..., no Tarantula-Goats..., Telepathic Plants...?, that blows...

Kinda hard to believe too...

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FewWorldOrder]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FewWorldOrder]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:00 AM
Interesting story, I'll give this one a star. Whether or not it's true, it was still a good read.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:15 AM
You say you were taken.. taken sort of suggests just grabbed. Please explain just how you came to know you were being taken was it before during or after the actual event occured. what questions did you ask them? How did you know where they were from? You say the others looked very different. Did you ask where they were from?
You want us to accept that the Pleaideans are working with the grays? Because the other beings you described sound an aweful lot like a gray species.

Did you ask them what interaction they had with the astronauts that visited the moon when you found out they had a base there?

I have more questions but I think this is a start.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:19 AM
Ok so the obvious problem i see with your story is the fact you talked about the FACT that they can only travel forward's in time yes ?

This lead's me to a problem a simple problem but an obvious one.

How did they return you as you stated yourself TO THE EXACT SAME TIME as they took you in your 3rd experiance ?

A simple wording mistake yes ?

Or are you just pulling the wool over our eye's ?

Come on if your going to lie you need to be at least inteligent dont you ?

Show some inteligence sunny jim laddy

Take care.


[edit on 21-6-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:22 AM

Oh dearie me..

^ ^ ^(second line)^ ^ ^

Pardon my rather ignorant reply as it didn't really add anything to the thread,so I put together a few quotes from your tale and added a few questions I'm sure people would like to ask.

The aliens that I was in contact with were the same individuals every time, two males and a female

They told you?you could tell?how?were they naked?

the aliens were what some people might call "Pleaidians"

They told you?you could tell?how?You've studied "pleaidians"?

They all communicate with each other telepathically and they also did that with me.

How?in your native language?you had to translate theirs?

they have nano-technology

They told you?you could tell?how?You could see it?

they actually had toilets in the saucers

You used it?how did it work?

meaning that they can produce their own energy, food, etc

They told you?you could tell?how?You saw it in action?you ate some?how did it taste?what was it like?

I hadn't actually been gone at all because it was the same time that it was when I had left

They told you?you could tell?how?were you wearing a watch?did it show the time difference upon return?

these tiny machines you can't even see with your bare eyes

How did you 'see' them?They told you?you could tell?how?

They just think where they want to travel and at what speed, and the craft obeys them.

They told you?you could tell?how?How did they navigate?do they 'remember' EVERY location in ALL those realities?did they have maps?did you see the maps?

they have these weird, glowing, battery-like energy machines.

They told you?you could tell?how?Not nano tech for these?

Dark energy is everywhere and it's spreaded all throughout the universe

They told you?You saw it being collected?how do they collect it?

Apparently, they can't go back in time, they can only jump forward

Question asked..worth replying to.. How did they return you?

They don't have time machines, they jump Forward in time by traveling close to the speed of light where time slows down and they just sort of skip time

But you said they travelled 200,000 times faster later on..

The first one is the only one that was created by God, and it was created about 80 billion years ago

They told you?you met him?they've met him?is it a 'him'?

They don't exactly know who God is but they know for a fact that it exists

They told you?they could tell?how?

Our universe wasn't created by God, it was created by beings from the fourth universe

They told you?how?they know them?they've met them?

but they have found ways to travel faster then the speed of light
The fastest they can go is something like 200,000 times the speed of light

Not 'close to the speed of light'?

they can manipulate our DNA in any way they want

They told you?you could tell?how?

I never asked them about it because I knew they didn't do it to harm me

They told you?you could tell?you trusted them?was there a rash?have you experienced any strange aliens shooting out your chest?do you have any new superpowers?

Thanks in advance for the answers.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by AGENT_T]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by 330BC

Which star in the pleiades are your friends from? I am sure they must have told you that basic info before telling you all that stuff about the cosmos. Now, please dont say that is a secret!

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:08 AM
So, some simple questions. Where are you from? Where were you when these abductions occur? Did they give you any information on the future of the Human race? Have they given you the ability to contact them?

I live in France. I wouldn't call them "abductions" because the aliens gave me a choice not to go with them, so I went willingly. There is no way for me to contact them but they told me that we would still meet again in the future.

Which star in the pleiades are your friends from? I am sure they must have told you that basic info before telling you all that stuff about the cosmos. Now, please dont say that is a secret!

They don't really come from the Pleiadian Cluster, it's just something humans have sort of decided on. They come from another galaxy not too far from ours.

You say you were taken.. taken sort of suggests just grabbed. Please explain just how you came to know you were being taken was it before during or after the actual event occured. what questions did you ask them? How did you know where they were from? You say the others looked very different. Did you ask where they were from? You want us to accept that the Pleaideans are working with the grays? Because the other beings you described sound an aweful lot like a gray species.

They weren't grays, they were white-skinned (white like paper). I know I said they have big heads and small limbs, and I know what people think Grays look like, but they were very different looking even though their bodies are about the same size.
I don't know where those two other species are from.
I asked them all kinds of questions. Stuff about them, their ways of life, their technology, stuff about us, the Earth, the universe.

Did you ask them what interaction they had with the astronauts that visited the moon when you found out they had a base there?

I don't know anything about their encounters with the Apollo missions but I've heard Neil Armstrong say that they were warned off the moon by the aliens.

Ok so the obvious problem i see with your story is the fact you talked about the FACT that they can only travel forward's in time yes ? This lead's me to a problem a simple problem but an obvious one. How did they return you as you stated yourself TO THE EXACT SAME TIME as they took you in your 3rd experiance ? A simple wording mistake yes ?

-They're able to materialize and de-materialize matter and even themselves, but only for short distances. They materialized themselves when they came to took me and then they de-materialized us into one of their spacecraft that was hovering somewhere in the Earth's atmosphere.
They didn't go back in time when they returned me, they were just somehow able to just skip time. I don't anything more about this and that is why I said "that is one thing I do not have an answer for."

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:14 AM
They told you?you could tell?how?were they naked?
Does a woman have to be naked for you to tell the sex? I think not.
They wore uniforms.

They told you?you could tell?how?You've studied "pleaidians"?
They looked almost identical to almost, and yes I've read stuff about Pleaidians on the internet.

How?in your native language?you had to translate theirs?
When I hear their thoughts, they're not in any language. They're more like abstract concepts and your brain turns them into logical thoughts. The Pleiadians can speak as well but they don't do it often. They even know some English.

They told you?you could tell?how?You could see it?
Yes, they told me.

You used it?how did it work?
I didn't use the toilets in the saucers but I used some in their bases.

They told you?you could tell?how?You saw it in action?you ate some?how did it taste?what was it like?
They have these very large halls, almost like little forrests where they grow their food and produce oxygen. The don't eat meat, so they only grow plants.
They have some plants that are from Earth, and believe it or not, they actually drink orange juice!

They told you?you could tell?how?were you wearing a watch?did it show the time difference upon return?
No I didn't have a watch on me, but when they returned me it was roughly the same time that it was when they came for me (15 hours had not passed)

How did you 'see' them?They told you?you could tell?how?
They told me.

They told you?you could tell?how?How did they navigate?do they 'remember' EVERY location in ALL those realities?did they have maps?did you see the maps?
They have navigation systems but I don't know how they work. They've mapped most of the cosmos in detail.

They told you?you could tell?how?Not nano tech for these?
I saw many of these. These machines need a certain "space" where they can extract the enegy from, so they're not tiny like their other machines.

They told you?You saw it being collected?how do they collect it?
Dark energy IS everywhere, they didn't have to tell me that, I learned that in 8th grade science class. I don't exactly know how they work or how to collect it.

Question asked..worth replying to.. How did they return you?

But you said they travelled 200,000 times faster later on..
Yes, they're able to travel that fast, but when they want to go forward in time, they travel at a speed just a little slower than the speed of light. There is some scientific evidence of time slowing down at high speeds, just search the web.

They told you?you met him?they've met him?is it a 'him'?
They told me.

They don't exactly know who God is but they know for a fact that it exists
They told me.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Thank you for sharing your experiences. Regardless of what everyone else says here, just stick to your guns, don't allow others to mold your reality. If you have seen and done some unusual things and deep inside you truly believe it, then it is true and no one can tell you otherwise.

I hope you meet your friends again in the future and that you learn more about yourself, them, and us in general, and come again here and share those thoughts with us.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by amigo

Regardless of what everyone else says here, just stick to your guns, don't allow others to mold your reality.

With the exception on one person no one has SAID anything here, all most of us have done is ask questions about his experience.

we are not trying to mold his reality we just want to know more based on what he has stated.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by 330BC

Interesting story, and yes very similar to others we've all read but I'll take it on face value & won't question your integrity like others will.

What I'd like to know is their position on 'contact'. Why choose a few people like yourself and not reveal to everyone? Is there a plan for disclosure or contact? Did they discuss any interference with humans from other alien species?

edit: also, any particular reason for the name 330 BC, as in Alexander the Great's time wasn't it?

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Shar_Chi]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:06 PM
What I'd like to know is their position on 'contact'. Why choose a few people like yourself and not reveal to everyone? Is there a plan for disclosure or contact?

They will contact us eventually but they're not ready to take us to the universe just yet. We still have unsolved problems of our own. They know from experience that everything takes time and that it can be dangerous to rush things.

Did they discuss any interference with humans from other alien species?

The "Pleiadians" are the only ones that interfere with our development. There are thousands of races visiting Earth but that's all they're doing, just visiting. It's kind of like tourism for them.

any particular reason for the name 330 BC

That's something I'm NOT telling you

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Did the male/female beings have facial hair?

Do they bathe?

What did the beings smell like?

What did the inside of the space craft smell like?

Did they smile? If so, what color was their teeth? Or did they even have teeth?

When you used the toilet at the base, was there toilet paper? Was there a sink to wash your hands?

These are serious questions...believe it or not.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I really liked your story with the aliens' 300BC. It intrigues me more, that we aren't alone in the universe. But I do believe that the aliens that we can't see, are in a higher density plane than where we are. So in order for us to see them, we have to ascend our vibrational frequency to tune in with their vibrational frequency with love and peace. In order for the masses to see them. We have to ascend together and put our positve energies together.

Note: That the goverments don't want us to believe in them. They want to keeps us in a low low vibrational density that will make us less likely to see them in person. Just because well, they don't want to interfere with a violent society, unless if the human species are threatened, then they will intervene. That's what I think anyway...

I personally have never seen a flying UFO or a alien in person. But I don't know whether if it's a good or bad thing.

What I would like to know, if the Pleaidians know anything of what would happen to us during the year 2012? (When the Mayan calender ends)

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