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Should we really blame the hispanics

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:21 PM
Blame it on the Hispanics/Mexicans

At an unprecedented time in U.S. history, where both a black man and a white woman battled furiously for the Democratic nomination, I find it difficult to believe the injustice being done to the Hispanics and Mexicans in general over the issue of immigration. Solely mention the word illegal aliens and the first image in a person’s mind is a Mexican. As if no other race could be classified as an illegal alien. Thanks to the main stream media, politicians, and a lack of outspoken leadership among our race, Americans tend to believe that illegal aliens and Hispanics go hand in hand. As far as Republicans and Democrats are concerned, Hispanics are only important during an election year and merely a pawn thereafter. Furthermore, the word Hispanics should be replaced with Mexicans. People tend to consider all brown-skinned Spanish talking people as Mexicans anyway, regardless of nationality.

Hispanics are blamed for taking away high paying American jobs and keeping the pay wage low. Well, which is it? It cannot be both. This jargon is no more than a racist overbite with union teeth. In reality, Hispanics take jobs that most Americans honestly don’t care for. The reason Americans don’t care for them is because we are lazy and refuse to work hard for an honest pay. Instead, we have the mentality that these companies should pay us a lot for less productivity. Unions are renowned for this kind of atmosphere. Most of the time, it takes an act of Congress to fire a union employee no matter how many times he or she messes up. In addition, unions are famous for seeking higher wages for their members and forcing the company to take its business down south or overseas where labor is cheaper and productivity is increased. Yet, Mexicans are blamed for taking away these jobs. Are you willing to work at a chicken factory, at an extremely fast pace, for $9 an hour? Has anyone bothered to ask these companies that hire Hispanics to explain why they hire them? Could it be that these companies are attempting to lower their turnover rates and at the same time save money on the cost of training new workers? Until somebody can convince non-educated Americans, those without high school degrees or college, that these minimum to average wage jobs are reserved for them, companies will continue to have a difficult time filling up these positions with non-Hispanics. In my opinion, the higher paying jobs that Americans should be complaining about are the professional occupations. Many positions such as doctors, educators, nurses, engineers, etc. are being filled by foreigners. What is the name of your doctor? Is it right for these foreigners to live lavishly while Americans struggle from paycheck to paycheck? These are the fields that Americans should be getting educated in. Instead of bringing in outsiders, the government should be enticing and providing every incentive possible so that Americans have the first bid on these higher paying jobs.

Hispanics are blamed for the healthcare crisis. Once again, the scare tactic succeeds. Americans always need a scapegoat and the Mexicans are the flavor of the day. Are Hispanics really the only race that uses the hospitals and are unable to pay? By the governments own account, millions of Americans are without health insurance and millions more have inadequate health insurance coverage. Is this not the reason that all three presidential candidates have tried to sway voters with their own policy on healthcare? How many Americans do you know that can really pay the remaining balance of a major surgery even after the insurance company has paid their part? Hispanics are not to blame. The blame lies in Washington and the health insurance lobbyist. For years, Congress has passed legislation on healthcare that has greatly benefited the insurance companies. The promises Congress have made about reducing the cost of healthcare has never materialized and has only served to make healthcare a bigger mess. Politicians need to quit blaming the Hispanics and inciting Americans against Hispanics. If congress is really serious about fixing social security, Medicare, Medicaid and other similar issues then I propose one of two things. Congress gets the same benefits that the American people have, which is little, or the American people get the same benefits that congress has, which is a lot. I am about 99.9% sure that Congress would tackle these issues with sincerity and integrity and the American people would see better results. There is no reason why Congress should get all the goodies and we Americans get all the crumbs. Congress serves us, and we deserve better. Before criticizing other countries about ethics, maybe congress should look in the mirror and criticize those among them. Instead they act like a band of brotherhoods, looking out for each others self-interest.

Hispanics are blamed for the increase in crime. Come on. Once again, are Hispanics the only race that commits crimes in this country? What about the crimes committed against Hispanics, which is greater? Is it not a crime or civil injustice when a police officer or immigration agent stops someone just because of his or her skin color? The main stream media is quick to further along the anti-Hispanic scare tactic because the majority of the media is white. When was the last time you saw someone other than a white person leading a major network news cast? As a result, every time a Hispanic rapes, murders, or kills someone it makes headline news, especially if the person is an illegal. Yet, these same crimes are carried out across the board among all races. The news media paints the Hispanic community as a bunch of outlaws who have no role in America. Are these hideous crimes any different than the hideous crimes committed by other races? Furthermore, these entities that state that Hispanics are to blame for the increase in crime have little proof to support their statements. If they do have proof, then it is likely flawed. For example, maybe that entity concentrated more on the Hispanic community to curb its crime rate. As a result the data will show that more Hispanics were arrested, leading to the assumption that Hispanics are to blame for crime.
Let’s make this clear. Hispanics did not commit that horrific crime on 9/11. Hispanics are not the ones planning to attack America at every given opportunity. Hispanics are not the ones who are giving shelter and sanctuary to these idiotic terrorist. So why in God’s green earth is there so much hatred against Hispanics. The race responsible is being treated with kids’ gloves while the Hispanic community suffers the humiliation and the lashings. The great State of Minnesota and food companies that operate in that state are accommodating Muslims and their inability to touch pork. I have yet to see a company that accommodates Hispanics for a siesta. This is not an attempt to transfer the hate mongo ling to the Muslims. It merely coincides with the belief that Hispanics are being targeted when in reality all races should be treated equally.

Since the 1986 amnesty and up until 9/11, the U.S. government and the American people have had a Laissez faire approach to the issue of illegal aliens. Many companies and individuals have benefited greatly by this cheap labor. Likewise, illegal aliens themselves have benefited by being given the opportunity to earn a wage to support their family. I can probably guarantee you that it would be a lot easier for these illegals to make a lot more money being in the dope business in their home country rather than being here busting there chomps in an effort to earn an honest wage for a day’s work. It wasn’t until after 9/11 that the anti-Hispanic hysteria started. This is when politicians and the media began to speak out against illegal aliens and Hispanics in general. The same people who took advantage of the cheap labor and comfort these illegals afforded them prior to 9/11. Why now, why not in 1987? Many of these illegals have acclimatized themselves to our culture and our way of life. Many of their children know no other country.

Yet, Chertoff and the current political system refuse to listen to rationality. They refuse to admit that they, the government, are responsible for the current crisis. Illegals came because you invited them. They came because you had opportunities for them. They came because they believed in your Laissez faire approach. And now that the illegals have been used and abused, the government is more than willing to boot the illegals to the curb. God said “Do unto Others as You Would Have Them Do unto you.” I, for one, am in favor of cracking down at the border. However, the illegals that are in this country deserve to be treated with respect. Yes, they broke the law. However, can you honestly tell me that even law abiding citizens don’t break the laws from time to time? Quit politicizing the issue and do what is right.

The right thing may not be popular with the American people at first, but Congress can be persuasive when they so desire. According to the government, the 9/11 terrorist did not come in via Mexico. Although the possibility of a terrorist slipping in through Mexico exists, Americans shouldn’t be so quick to assume that this will be the case. Why do politicians always mention the southern border but rarely the northern border? What about the east coast and west coast? How are they being secured from top to bottom? This type of attention to the southern border, along with the anti-Hispanic scare tactic, is the primary reason many Americans see Hispanics more differently than a few years back. Do you really think the drug cartels in Mexico really want terrorists to come across their border? Common sense dictates that the drug cartel will lose big financially if the Mexican-American border were closed due to terrorists.

Finally, I challenge all and any prominent Hispanic-American to lift a torch and fight for the rights of all Hispanic, not just one segment of Hispanics. We as Hispanics have to quit bickering among ourselves and find a common ground on which to unite. Hispanics have been divided for too long. We have an organization called LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) that supposedly looks after the interest of Hispanics, but most Hispanics aren’t even aware of the organization. Ahora es el momento to unite, act, and prevent this anti-Hispanic hysteria from happening in the future.



posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:46 PM
What point are you trying to make?
The fact is that the majority of illegal aliens are hispanic/mexican and they do put a burden on local communities and states.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:49 PM
I had the opportunity o travel down to Mexico awhile ago to Mexico City and other towns around the area. I have to say that was one of the best trips I have ever taken. Not only for the architecture and the places and things to do in Mexico, but how nice the people where.

I live in Southern California, and we have many Hispanics in my region. Some illegal, some not. From what I see the Hispanic’s that are here illegally, are here for money to send back to their families in Mexico. I can see why they do this. I traveled to a village in Mexico where no American has set foot, and have been to a town of all woman because all the men where in the U.S. working to send money back. I support the Hispanics here working to try to have a better life. It does us no harm. They work for their families. They are taking a huge risk to get here to work. Yes they should over the time become legal citizens but I do not think we should harass or protest against them.

to me it seems it's more of the younger generation of Hispanics that try to act "gangster" that are legal citizens and born in the united states that gives the Hispanic group a bad rap at times. Im not saying all young Hispanic’s, but a number of them. The illegal’s coming here to work is not looking for trouble. They are here to work and nothing more. They risked their lives to come here to work and support their family.

That’s my two cents on the subject.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:58 PM
If it is a fact that hispanics are a burden can you provide the proof without making general statement and without using data that is manipulated to support ones belief? Are you basing this fact on what the main stream media states?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:07 PM
I'll give you a reason for why you shouldn't.

Imagine if, one day, a problem befell the society in which you lived, and shook the people to their very bones, and the problem didn't go away - after living in this climate of poverty for quite some time, the people decided that they'd had enough and wanted a return to the old way of things.

Now, picture yourself - you've really got no idea why the situation got to be this bad in the first place, and indeed, you're a relative newcomer to the area.

All of a sudden, people across the state are taking up arms with no real idea of why they are in that situation in the first place, but wait!

Upon looking at the immigration aspect of society, they discover that the immigrants are smuggling drugs and weapons back and forth over the border!

Is that a valid reason to expell all immigrants?

How would you feel, if you were told to leave your home and your new friends because of something that someone else did?

I understand that this might be difficult for some people to answer, as of course many people don't like to imagine themselves in bad situations and what they would do in those circumstances.

I'm merely trying to highlight how in times of pressure, people will look for any moral excuse to vent their anger, especially if xenophobia is rife within the community.

Most likely, Immigration is a symptom of a much wider problem, an international problem, if you will.

Ignore this fact, and the flow of immigrants will never stop.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I would go further and say that studies exist showing that even illegal immigrants (let alone legal immigrants) actually contribute more thru sales taxes, property taxes (which they indirectly pay thru rent) and income taxes than they take from the system. Crime rates and incarceration rates are also lower among imigrants (legal and illegal) than the general US population. Sorry I don't have a source here (Im goofing off at work and can't do the research right now), but I believe the studies were conducted by the good 'ol US government.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:22 PM
like i said the illegals are not here to commit crimes, but to work hard for some money to send back to their families. they also live in groups in the bushes. if one of them would get in trouble they would track that one back to the group and have them all deported. so if any one of the illegals did something bad they would either kill him or push him out of the group so that he wouldnt ruin it for the rest of them.

all the illegals that i have met have been nice and good people in general. they're not bad people, they're just workers looking for a better life here in the states.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:50 PM
You gotta give mad credit to the iron clad lock a man has on his side of any argument when he invites anyone to offer evidence contrary to his stance... and then proceeds to add that any evidence contrary to his has clearly either been manipulated or is from those evil main stream media folks. This is like me walking into a sports bar in Denver and saying "I say Jay Cutler is a better QB than John Elway. Prove me wrong, but you can't use any statistics from either QB because Cutler hasn't played as long and you can't use any MSM stories about Elway's greatness because they're all biased."

If you won't accept facts and figures, or media coverage, then I highly doubt you'd consider the personal observations of a man who was born and raised 15 minutes north of the Mexican border and lived for 30 years within an hour of the border. So I'll just use good old heresay for my argument... so hear me say you're opinion is wrong. That is all.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Solely mention the word illegal aliens and the first image in a person’s mind is a Mexican. As if no other race could be classified as an illegal alien.

Can you, the OP, please provide some factual evidence that shows that the majority of ILLEGAL immigrants here are NOT Mexican?

I welcome ALL imigrants. My closest closest friends are not even American.....however, I do not like illegals who are basically criminals.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:07 PM
Good grief, people! This issue has been debated to death. There are no new angles, twists or arguements to be made. Just a lot of screaming and whining with insults and hints of bigotry.

It's a no win situation on both sides. Can't we just move on before the mud slinging, chants of violence, and name calling commences.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by jam321
If it is a fact that hispanics are a burden can you provide the proof without making general statement and without using data that is manipulated to support ones belief? Are you basing this fact on what the main stream media states?

Sure, here you go:

incarcerated illegals in prison

illegals and healthcare

I could go on and on and on.......
Besides, even IF all of your claims were true, which they are not, there is still one problem.......They are ILLEGAL!!
It does not matter why they are here because they DON'T belong here. They are here ILLEGALLY! They should get in line with the others who are abiding by the law.

Is it fair for all the 'others' who are waiting in line and trying to come here legally? Of course it's not fail and just another reason to stop the illegals.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:21 PM
It's a double edged sword.
Some people say illegal aliens should learn to speak the English language, yet these same people don't realize that by learning the language, it will result in illegals taking even more jobs away from the lazy people always asking for hand outs.

Go to your local fast food joint and you'll notice that illegals are coming out from behind kitchen and are now manning the cash registers and taking orders in broken Eengleesh.

On the other hand, I don't understand why illegals are so willing to turn this country into the home country they left behind.
Will we all be forced to soon migrate to Canada?

What happens when the white man is no longer in charge? Jesse Jackson will no longer be able to gripe that whitie is keeping his peoples down.

One thing for sure, you'll never see a hispanic begging for money at some intersection somewhere, they're always either black or white.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:37 PM
the reason they are working at mcdonalds and similiar places is because no one else is willing to do those jobs at the rate the company pays. Most people who graduate high school or dropouts want a clean easy laid back job.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:40 PM
I just have one question.

With the number of Hispanics in America, why is it so damned hard to find decent Hispanic food?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by jam321
...Solely mention the word illegal aliens and the first image in a person’s mind is a Mexican.

Perhaps that is because there are approximately 30 MILLION illegal alien Mexicans living in America.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
What point are you trying to make?
The fact is that the majority of illegal aliens are hispanic/mexican and they do put a burden on local communities and states.

Come off it; americans themselves are illegal aliens.
It is just so that most middle class americans are racist and afraid of their income.
The point is that those who love only their own country and flag are exclusive towards all minorities; it is no different than germany in the 1930's.Whenever economy in countries like USA and Germany in Nazi-time is very bad, people look for a scapegoat. This time it is obviously the Mexicans. Most leaders do this crap. To divert the attention of the people to something totally unrelated to the real cause: A faulty and criminally insane leader and a idiotic political situation.
Yes, keep bashing those who have build your crappy country. Keep believing that you are better than those who outhuman you. Keep adoring a rag in red white and blue...people who do that are no better than Nazis in 40/45.
One people, one empire, one leader. Only this time the leader is not charismatic and there is no nearby country to annex.
It is a shame; we have so many good qualities that it is so sad to see most people using their worst qualities.
-war, inequality, machismo, sexism, racism, violence, fascism, nationalism, satanism; all inspired by fear.
Why are Americans so afraid of minority groups? Is it because they, two centuries ago, were intruders in a perfect land? Because they know they have stolen a land and destroyed it with fear-inspired 'grand projects'.
In america, everything is bigger, people used to say. I guess it also applies to evil and wrong. Poor nature, poor natives, poor americans......

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Will we all be forced to soon migrate to Canada?

What happens when the white man is no longer in charge? Jesse Jackson will no longer be able to gripe that whitie is keeping his peoples down.

One thing for sure, you'll never see a hispanic begging for money at some intersection somewhere, they're always either black or white.

This is actually a racist remark.
Probably the hispanics are too proud to beg; they rather let their families die than to ASK for money? Or are hispanics so proud that they rather work for almost nothing than to get money for free?
Please, enlighten me? What is the meaning of this barb towards blacks and whites? Racism is racism, even if it is practiced by a minority group, dont you know?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by dervishmadwhirler

No barb whatsoever, it is merely an observation that has been on going for many years.

If you ever see anything to the contrary, please please please let me know.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
It's a double edged sword.
Some people say illegal aliens should learn to speak the English language, yet these same people don't realize that by learning the language, it will result in illegals taking even more jobs away from the lazy people always asking for hand outs.

I help people attain their GED and am surprised at their attitude toward working in chicken factories and fast food restaurants. They flat out refuse to do so. They expect to get an easy job in an office doing little and earning a lot. Yet, they lack the education to get those types of job. These are the jobs that illegals are willing to do.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by bushidomason
like i said the illegals are not here to commit crimes, but to work hard for some money to send back to their families. they also live in groups in the bushes. if one of them would get in trouble they would track that one back to the group and have them all deported. so if any one of the illegals did something bad they would either kill him or push him out of the group so that he wouldnt ruin it for the rest of them.

all the illegals that i have met have been nice and good people in general. they're not bad people, they're just workers looking for a better life here in the states.

I would have to agree with you. but the problem lies with the lack of taxes being paid. That is where the drain comes from. What we need is good work programs for them. Collect taxes on their income to pay for all the med care, education thier children are getting. Most of them don't realy want to stay in the US, but while they here if they get hurt or use other things that we the taxpayers have to paid for, the country is out that money. This has hurt states in the southwest and is starting to hurt states in the midwest also.

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