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The fear begins

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:58 PM
The most frightening fact of all is that we are the aliens. Or, rather, they are a part of us. They would rather that we wake up and receive them, but they will not force this.

They are not alone, you see. There are several species, and they don't live "out there". They live "in here". At this point in our evolution, we have a choice to continue listening to the lower species or to take a risk and open our eyes and ears to other voices, calling us out of our rut.

Survival, sex, and domination (competition) have brought us to this place, and we should be thankful to those inner voices for bringing us science and material technology. Now it is time to try to hear those other species of "alien" within.

Brainwashing? Yes, it has happened, unfortunately. You will know them by their fruits. Look around you. Those lesser aliens have brought us as far as they can, vis a vie the efforts of those people who were most attuned to them. Why do you suppose psychopaths are at the top of government, organized religion, and industry? They are the very best at obeying the masters of survival, sex, and domination. In our connected world, they have no other justification for their paranoia and madness. They are turning on us, because they have nowhere else to go. We have been brainwashed into staying low to the ground. They gave us color codes and fearful warnings of impending doom at the hands of this group or that one. They brainwash us by training us to wear a yolk. Fear of embarrassment and the bottomless, unquenchable thirst for admiration keeps the corporate hive rolling. Do you drive the right car? Do you use the right toothpaste? Do you deserve to be loved, based on your income level and willingness to take up the yolk and live your days as a willing slave?

They create nothing and steal everything, and call it cleverness. You tell me: is it sane to have to turn to pharmacology just to numb your mind to the pain of this meaningless hamster wheel? Is it sane to live a meaningless life?

The choice is yours to make, but remember the words of Meister Echardt, a Christian mystic from a bygone era, who said (and I'm paraphrasing) that if you are afraid of death or change, then you will see the agents of change as demons, tearing at your soul, but if you make your peace with God and allow yourself the gift of faith, hope, and love, then you will see that the demons are really angels, here to help you to break the fetters that held you down.

It's all about identity. We seek to protect our identities, be they religious, national, or personal. Why? Protect it from what? The unknown. Here's a clue: if that intelligence that we call alien is malevolent and dangerous, then it will eat us up whether or not we have the faith to face it. But. If you can trust in God, or what ever you want to call it, and generate a feeling of love, then you will receive love in return. You will become what you were born to be, but only didn't realize.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
It's all about identity. We seek to protect our identities, be they religious, national, or personal. Why? Protect it from what? The unknown.

So very true. Once we learn to see each other as another human instead of their religion, job, income, sexual orientation, etc., we'll all be in a better place. Just wanted to say there are a few others out there trying to provide some aid and love in an age of fear mongering. Hopefully one day we'll stop being afraid of all the changes around us, and just learn that the meaning of life is to help as many as you can, and love as many as you can, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:27 PM
I was once a seeker who found himself attracted to UFOs and the paranormal. With the tiniest assistance of others whom I alternately loathed, feared, hated, trusted, and loved, I had an alien encounter of my own that lasted the better part of 4 days. It changed my life.

It changed me so much so, that I went back to school and got married. I thought I was cured of my feelings of alienation, and for a while I was. There is nothing like a "we are all one" experience to cure the feeling of alienation. If I look into your eyes and see myself there, I no longer feel separated from you.

Oh, but over time, I began swimming in materialist science in order to find out what happened to me. Consciousness studies, psychology, sociology - they had all the answers. I found out that in the rarified air of the current cognoscenti, it is held that people who drift towards UFO research and the paranormal are typically alienated and schizotypal personalities who are overwhelmed with a sense that something is dreadfully wrong with this world, and who look to something as far removed from the "normal" world as possible in order to ease that feeling. I took my illumination experience to be a cure from that, and so I committed myself to playing the game and not being "different.

Over time, I realized that I still wasn't happy, and as desperately as I wanted to fit in, something in me refused to accept the definitions that we are supposed to accept as success. I realized that I am different. I am alienated and schizotypal. I also realized that I had been reading the science upside down.

Sure, the UFO field is rife with the same hucksters and psychopaths who make the rest of life so crappy, but if you pay very close attention, you will find that there is a growing core of brilliantly illuminated fellow travelers who have found their separate ways down back alleys and twisting corridors to find themselves together in this community.

I have always had a problem with faith in my life. When you are taught that faith is believing in something for which there is no evidence, or for which the evidence is contra-indicative, then that makes a mockery of reason. But that isn't what faith is about.

Have faith in yourself and in your instincts. You are drawn here because you are looking for something greater than what you know. Have faith in your fellow human beings because they are literally a part of you and they also have the same inner voice, though they may try to quiet it with sex, drugs, or other lesser gratifications. Have faith in your ancestors, who, far from considering you to be the rejects of society, would look on you as the hope for the future. All this was predictable, and it was predicted. The stones have been laid to build something better than what we have, and we have been helping to lay them. Even though we were sleepwalking.

[edit on 10-6-2008 by applebiter]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
They create nothing and steal everything, and call it cleverness. You tell me: is it sane to have to turn to pharmacology just to numb your mind to the pain of this meaningless hamster wheel? Is it sane to live a meaningless life?

Very well said, Mr. Applebiter. I won't deny it (though I often feel hindered by it), I smoke pot every day. I go through a little over a pack of cigarettes a day. I eat processed foods that make me feel tired and sluggish. I find myself compulsively drawn towards pretty girls or sexually related things (to the extent that I question it's healthy nature).

I find myself, every day, attempting to self medicate into a sublime, comfortable stupor. When I was 15 I began having anxious sensations, that didnt seem to tie to anything at the time. From those anxious feelings came my current addictions and vices.

I am quite literally numbing myself to the boredom and apparent uselessness of this "hampster wheel".. The Great Rat Race.

I have, for a very long time, been told I was different (by my Father). He called me the light, a very bright light, a king among men, etc... Things that led me towards abstract thinking. We used to discuss all sorts of things.. God, science, quantum theory, demons/angels and everything in between. It helped to cultivate a curiosity in me, and a sweet spot for the cosmically inclined. In all my curiosities, I began developing ideas (both from my own insights and from those of others), many of which are closely related to Universal Consciousness and as I have seen you call it, "Godhead".

Well, in my oddball ponderings I found a bit of depression, and so after a time, went to see a doctor. This doctor was called a physcologist, but openly professed her first love as pharmacology. She gave me a drug called Lamictal and told me it would remove my anxieties. A few months after beginning it, and slowly increasing the dose, I noticed absences of my former personality. I became far less concerned with the things in my life that I didn't understand. I just didn't care anymore. It didn't matter to me if I understood the unknown or not, all that mattered was that I was on top. And that is how I acted. I became callous and careless with my words and thoughts. I had no initiative to control myself anymore. My only focus became winning, and so that's what I did. I became overbearing in my interactions, and very arrogant. The drug, essentially, turned me from an outwardly loving and generous individual who was extremely curious to a callous, careless and selfish being with no desire to grow or learn in any way aside from that one which brought to me my continued distraction via drugs and or sex.

I stopped taking it the day I relised this. Went back for one more session, in which she tried to give me a different drug. I told her I'd not be coming back for another session and haven't seen her, or any other psych doctor, since.

I do think we are born to be educated as simple minded beings. We are made to be less than we truly are. Every day, we are bombarded by the pretty colors of marketing ads/products, overcome with the social precepts of modern society (consumerism, self worth based on consumerism/separation between eachother) and craftily acted upon by media outlets and electronics corporations.

Combine television/cell phones/computers with drugs, sex and pretty colors (marketing) and you have one chilled out, lame and often dumb individual.

But humans are not this way naturally, we are being bred into this state of sublime acceptance of a wasted time here.

To finish up with a corroboration with one of your earlier posts, yes, you are right.. We do have to take responsibility and initiative in this. We must be disclosure. We must be evolution. We must work to grow our species (and every other ultimately) out of this slump of complacency and ignorance. Props to you man, for assisting in this.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:00 PM
Wow, I missed this two years ago! Being a full-time father/husband and indentured servant to our system leaves little time for 'play'. No one will probably post, but I have to give kudos to you, (if you still come here from time to time)!

You pretty much summed it up, at least comparing it to my experiences that happened two years ago, too, as well as other events throughout my life. My experiences didn't last 4 days, but it was mind blowing... paradigm shifting. I am so curious to what you experienced, what they showed/told you. U2U if you feel it's more appropriate, and if you still have time given your schedule.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:21 PM
I would like to know about your experiences as well. I had an experience in England two years ago and it has changed my view of reality dramatically as well. There is obviously something occurring in the consciousness of the human species. A very dramatic change in consciousness.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by applebiter

Why on earth should we be afraid of ourselves? Actually, why should we fear anything? Yes, we are the mystical spacemen ourselves, and there's nothing to be afraid of. All those other people who we have "alienated" from are just that.. other people. They may be on a different stage of development, on a different frequency. But they're just people.

And that stage is highly dependent on the choices you make (or rather made). Will you listen to others and go with the program, or will you use your own intuition and do what feels right?

Giving up to the fear only gives more power to those who want to control you.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Tryptych
reply to post by applebiter

what have you been reading?

Why on earth should we be afraid of ourselves? Actually, why should we fear anything? Yes, we are the mystical spacemen ourselves, and there's nothing to be afraid of. All those other people who we have "alienated" from are just that.. other people. They may be on a different stage of development, on a different frequency. But they're just people.

And that stage is highly dependent on the choices you make (or rather made). Will you listen to others and go with the program, or will you use your own intuition and do what feels right?

Giving up to the fear only gives more power to those who want to control you.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by hermantinkly

Hello Herman. Could you expand on that experience in England that changed your POV?

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