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Big Pharma attacks vitamins + minerals

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posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:09 AM

Big Pharma is using Readers Digest to stop people taking vitamins and minerals supplements so that they either become ill or don't stay healthy as the RECOMMENDED DAILY AMOUNTS are based on IDEAL DIETS which do not exist in the real world and are the MINIMUM necessary amounts and not the OPTIMUM amounts.

Big Pharma is trying to put vitamin and mineral manufacturers out of business by getting their stooges in the FDA TO GET CONGRESS TO LEGISLATE THAT MANUFACTURING OF MINERALS AND SUPPLEMENTS have the same quality control as medical drugs.

This will make all supplements very,very expensive and a single mistake allow the FDA to shut them down.

All Americans should contact their congressman to stop this legislation by these evil,and very greedy people.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by esecallum]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:03 AM
You think this is bad? They've been trying to regulate the herbal tea business in pretty much the same way for the same crazy reasons.

I didn't notice until just now that we are both citing the same news source. Might be worth looking into whether they are legit or not.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by Scalamander]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:17 AM
Oh, they are doing it on a internationl scale. Just read up about Codex Alimentarius. somewhere in 2009 it will be up and running.

Google it

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 08:34 AM
I have to takes a few deep breathes and focusing to stay relaxed when hearing such idiotic talk. - The FDA is who Im referring to.

Trying to ban and warn people about nature is crazy.
There is a difference in education and warning. The latter is a scare tactic.

Ephedra, used by the Chinese forever got banned in the U.S. because people mix nature with synthetics and alcohol, and when there is an issue, the herb gets blamed.

Same with Kava kava...the indigenous people of the south pacific use it without issues, and then it gets sold in America (parts that even the natives dont use from the plant), people get sick and that is that...kava is evil.

The list could go on. Take a look at hemp. (Plenty of threads here, though most are in R.A.T.S)

I will say this about the Reader Digest article.
Give us a break.

People are not getting their daily intake of anything, and as one thread in ATS stated, Americans are being starved even though they are mostly and grossly overweight.

Sorry, ol' mc donald doesnt cut it...
The average american diet is fast food, and killing them quickly.
Now its in Europe and they are getting obesely fat here.

I have said it before, 10 years ago in Hungary I didnt see the chunky obese 'campbell soup' kids - now they are popping up left and right - and so is the Mc Donalds.

Didnt the CEO of Mc Donalds croak not long ago of heart failure, and he was pretty young.

I will say this...the only way this can happen is if people dont start to think for themselves. I guess I will be a pessimist now and say that it just aint gonna happen on a mass scale.

However, I must remember it starts first with the individual...correct the inside and the outside follows.

So why it could be seen as gloom and despair, its just scare both sides.
One side to keep them in the dark so they can keep eating the poisons...and the other side to feel desperate at what is going on. I think the latter is the true conspiracy.

As you start to waken up a bit, you realize you have what you need when you need it...and this is not the type of attitude that anyone who wants control over people desires someone to have.

Fear controls, when you drop the fear, the control drops as well.

You awaken, and so will the world.



posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by esecallum Big Pharma is trying to put vitamin and mineral manufacturers out of business by getting their stooges in the FDA TO GET CONGRESS TO LEGISLATE THAT MANUFACTURING OF MINERALS AND SUPPLEMENTS have the same quality control as medical drugs.

I'm no fan of either big pharma or the FDA, but what must be entered into this discussion is the fact that a whole lot of supplements...especially herbal...have no real quality control. Botanicals are used because of the particular properties of the various compounds in their physiology.

Not all preparations have the same potency, be it due to growing conditions, processing, or care. Some standardization is required, and that brings a cost. No sense buying cheap Essiac if it doesn't work, right?
Not to mention some of the claims about hawking snake oil!

Oversight doesn't need to mean suppression, that's where it helps to lobby your politicians. Look at it this way...if you're looking for alternate health care, you going to go see a jujuman, or a registered naturopath? I know what choice I made.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 09:29 AM
I am sure that money is somewhere in the background,pulling the strings. But there are real problems with that market: These minerals/vitamins have no description of side effects/drug interactions on them. It can be problematic. Also, since people somehow get the impression that since it is "natural" , not "chemical"
it can not cause any damage. From personal experience: several grams of ordinary vitamin C may (or even may not) shorten a flue infection by several hours,but it will definitely worsen an existing ulcer... or make a brand new one. There are huge number of such an examples.
Not always dosaging is clear, and no where it is mentioned when it is too much. In formation in general is hard to obtain and it is often contradictory.
These are due to regulations, but regulations could be changed.
It is sad that the industry by itself makes no effort to be more user-friendly, and gives "competitors" bonus.
I definitely hope that this market improves, and it has to be regulated, but not by someone interested in its fall.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
Not all preparations have the same potency, be it due to growing conditions, processing, or care. Some standardization is required, and that brings a cost. No sense buying cheap Essiac if it doesn't work, right?
Not to mention some of the claims about hawking snake oil!

Whats wrong with 'hawking snake oil'?

See the REAL issue is education.
People need to research and find out for themselves...

Do the research and then go with a reputable company, and there are a few out there.
New Chapter to name one...

It easier to fish out the snake oil this way.

And I will say there is more snake oil in that unhealthy American fast food diet - I would be more concerned with that than the potency of herbs, again companies like New Chapter are doing a pretty good job.



- educate... explore... experience... life is good!

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Also, it's not like Big Pharma isn't hawking snake oil as well. Forcing anti depressants on people that happen to cause an increase in suicide is one example.

Watch the commercials, they are creating illnesses to sell you pills. These pills usually come with a laundry list of side effects that are much worse than the problems that they are supposed to treat.

It is a racket. They aren't looking out for the consumer with this issue. They are looking out for their own bottom line and they are trying to force out any natural alternatives to their own poison.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 11:10 AM
Amen, Karl......the side effects are worse than the illness or condition the drugs (poisons!) are supposed to be treating!! They probably aren't being entirely forthcoming about all the side effects they know about!

And I think this may be just the tip of the iceberg......They've already gotten their toe in the door with their right to smack you down for what you grow in your back long till they outlaw backyard vegetable gardening, because it takes a nickle out of some corporate pocket?? Of course they'll say it's 'for your own good'....HA!

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 11:30 AM
This isn't surprising one bit. And that is the sad thing.

In 2000, I heard all the cries about Heir Bush being a big oil man. Sure he is. I knew that, who didn't? But while we do have issues today with the oil companies, the larger issues are with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

The price of medicine in the US has skyrocketed to a point where people now have to choose on a daily basis whether to take their meds or eat. All this is happening while other countries get their medicines for a fraction of the price. Why? Because the AMA is busily supporting the pharmaceuticals via prescriptions. It is not at all unusual to see someone taking a dozen different medications each and every day, while their health and their finances dwindle away. In many cases, some of the medications do nothing but treat side effects from other medications! It'll spread farther, as other countries begin to play the game we play between the doctors and pharmaceuticals.

Over and over I have seen my relatives and friends visit a doctor and have a prescription written, A few months later, they are on three or four prescriptions and are making regular monthly visits to that doctor. The they start seeing specialists and their prescription load doubles or triples. Soon they die, broke and feeble.

I do not go to doctors. Oh, I have been a few times, and I have to take that bi-yearly physical, but I pretty much ignore what they tell me. I've seen enough to know better.

I used to have a great-uncle that lived way out in the woods, even by my standards. I got to know him pretty well when I was using his place to hunt; I would always stop by and say hello to him when I was there. He lived simply, off the land. He had a small garden he tended out back. Folks would stop by after hunting and bring him some of what they had bagged, and some of the farmers even would bring him some meat when they killed a pig or cow. His freezer was packed to the brim with bacon, ham, beef, steaks, venison, squirrel, fowl... every kind of meat I could imagine, packed in there with frozen vegetables from his garden. He also kept a small henhouse out back for eggs and meat.

I remember on one occasion we were walking around in the woods behind his modest three-room house, and I asked him how old he was (diplomatically, of course). I don't recall the exact answer, but it was in the 90s. Twice after that, on the same day, he mentioned his age in his 90s, but all three times it was a different number. So while I knew he was between 90 and 100, neither of us knew just how old he really was. He simply didn't care.

This old man could work like no one I had ever met, or have met since. He never ran out of energy, was never tired, never complained about joint pain or stiffness. He was alert and aware, and pretty intelligent for someone who had been forced to quit school in the 6th grade. He had no neighbors, at least not within what most would call 'walking distance', and survived just fine on his own, with no help. My parents and I were concerned about him and kept begging him to come move closer to us so we could take care of him. He never did. He was happy where he was.

He died at the ripe old age of, I believe, 98. He was sick for about 4 months before the end - stomach cancer. He was forced to move in with his brother in town. But still, he did not listen to everything the doctor told him. He loved his gin and his cigars, and he continued to drink, smoke, and eat greasy fried foods until he quietly and peacefully passed away one night. He was smiling and alert until the end.

No doctor was needed to keep him alive for nearly a century. The only thing that was needed was simple living. He didn't take medicine, but rather used herbs, a few bought, more found growing around his little shack. He did not contribute to the wealth and power of big companies that took natural ingredients and processed them into a little pill. And that, my friends is the problem.

All medicines are made from natural sources. The vast majority of these are plants, which can be grown from a humble seed. This method of treating illness is not profitable to anyone but the grower, and that is not acceptable for those who want your money. So all natural medicines must be outlawed! People must be coerced into taking more of the synthetic toxins which can profit those in power. And it has nothing to do with making you feel better; it has nothing to do with curing a disease. It only has to do with power and money. The rest of the world will soon join the US in 'needing' these miraculous cures that cure no one.

But there is one hope I can see. Jim Stafford, an old country balladier, once summed it up in his song "Wildwood Weed'. The song is about how two boys found marijuana growing on their farm and used it, until one day a government agent came and destroyed it all. I recant the final lines of this song:

"And he burned and he dug,
and he dug and he burned,
'til he killed all our cute little weeds.
Then he drove away...
We just smiled and waved...
Sittin' on that sack of seeds."


posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM
This is terrible. Its hard to get vitamins and minerals, especially all the recommended ones in one day. No doubt this could effect my area as well. I am currently taking multi-mineral / multi-vitamins, and I want to keep taking them. They are so important for maintaining a healthy body.

I assumed they'd take this step sooner or later, but its also re-assuring... because now it seems my vitamins/minerals might be legit after-all. I was already assuming they were nothing but chalk, a scam. So... for this is as good as it is bad.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by dAlen
See the REAL issue is education.
People need to research and find out for themselves...

Do the research and then go with a reputable company, and there are a few out there.
New Chapter to name one...

It easier to fish out the snake oil this way.

And I will say there is more snake oil in that unhealthy American fast food diet - I would be more concerned with that than the potency of herbs, again companies like New Chapter are doing a pretty good job.



Education is the first step. Obesity is the outcome, when combinations of excessive fats and carbohydrates are ingested by the system and stored in adipose and cellulite. Comfort foods are consumed, then diet plans and supplements are perscribed in vain to the typical sedetary individual.

Without a balanced nutritional diet, and frequent vigorous exercise, the obesity cycle continues. The balancing factor in all this is EXERCISE.

People say they don't have the time, the energy, or the incentive. How can you change the minds of people who feel that way, then who blame the fast food and supplement industry whenever they fall ill?

[edit on 28-3-2008 by Kinesis]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by dAlen
Whats wrong with 'hawking snake oil'?...Do the research and then go with a reputable company, and there are a few out there.
New Chapter to name one...

Couple of things...
First, people need to be protected from the con artists out there...both from extravagent claims and from bogus product. If you see what's on the net, you'd figure there's no reason for anybody ever to die from cancer. We know that's hooey. And not everybody can do the research, and some are desperate enough to be taken advantage of. They don't deserve that.

Secondly, New Chapter's product is not cheap, and one of the reasons is that they are conducting clinical trials and publishing their data. I'm sure they'd like to see some standardization by authorities, because it legitimises all the effort and expense they are going through.

originally posted by the Redneck
I do not go to doctors. Oh, I have been a few times, and I have to take that bi-yearly physical, but I pretty much ignore what they tell me. I've seen enough to know better.

If I followed that dictum, I'd be dying of prostate cancer like my brother-in-law instead of being half-way through a therapy that will cure me. I'm choosing to augment the process with alternate oncologist didn't try to talk me out of it. But if you want to ignore your doctor,'s your call.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
First, people need to be protected from the con artists out there...

If I followed that dictum, I'd be dying of prostate cancer like my brother-in-law instead of being half-way through a therapy that will cure me. I'm choosing to augment the process with alternate oncologist didn't try to talk me out of it. But if you want to ignore your doctor,'s your call.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

- people need to learn to research and educate themselves

- my kids great great great (6 generations alive) grandmother was in her 60s when diagnosed with colon cancer. The doc wanted to give her therapy and said she had about a year to live. Well she refused treatment and lived to 110/111 (not sure if she made the 111 birthday or not)...she died a few years ago.

So your right it is peoples choice to ignore their doc.

Im glad it worked out for you...for sure we are not all the same and our paths are vastly different despite the similarities.



posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by esecallum

This is terrible! I have long suspected the FDA is unwittingly or deliberatly bowing to the will of the Eugenicists ;this confirms suspicions. More than likely they are trying to drive the few independent operators out of bussiness who are trying to provide healthy products to Americans out of bussiness. Most of our vitamins are being made in China. Does anyone remember melamine? Gee I wonder why the fda did not ban all chinese food imports after it was discovered that the chinese were and still putting melamine into livestock food which untimatley makes onto the our plates. It could'nt be that the fda is trying to poison us for the benefit of population control could it?

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Kinesis
Without a balanced nutritional diet, and frequent vigorous exercise, the obesity cycle continues. The balancing factor in all this is EXERCISE.

People say they don't have the time, the energy, or the incentive. How can you change the minds of people who feel that way, then who blame the fast food and supplement industry whenever they fall ill?

[edit on 28-3-2008 by Kinesis]

suppose we are saying the same thing...or at least some points are similar.

I was basically 155 my whole life (well teens I was 145-150) then in my early mid 20s I started gaining weight.

Probably around the late 20s I was up to 200lbs!
I exercised all the time and was both overweight and strong.

The weight would not go.

One day I stopped eating the food catered by the company (because by that time I was eating an all nutritional WholeFoods & Farmers Market diet...with the exception of my job place.)

I stopped the one meal and in about 1 or 2 months I lost so much weight I could stick my fist between my stomach and pants waist.
Thing is, it was so noticeable people commented on how much I lost without me having to even say that i was trying to loose weight.

When mentioned it was dropping the one meal at work (and trust me, it wasnt what you would call junk food, typically, but is what I now term junk food) people didnt know what to say.

They saw the weight gone...who are they to tell me how I lost is just to much for peoples minds to realize that the food now day can stick to you that long and keep you fat no matter how much you exercise.

Im a firm believer in what I said...people are fat because of the foods they eat.
Not everyone suffers from it...immediately, and not all the same way...(again I believe the CEO of Mcdonalds died of a heart attack at a young age...3 guesses why?) Others with cancer, etc. Yes...Im blaming food for the most part...the crap food.

Again, this is my own personal testimony.
Funny, people where I live now (different country) couldnt believe I used to weigh over 200lbs (had to show pics)...Im back to 155.

So, I would summarize it this way.
Everything in moderation...even to much exercise can be much water can be much anything.

And when I say moderation, this does not mean crap food...that needs to just be eliminated from the diet.

Now, if you eat your big mac and exercise and keep it off...I trust you.
But I would highly suggest its like playing russian roulette...



I suppose my point is, if I understand you correctly, if you tell people not to blame the fast food, then this statement is doing them a dis-service. Obviously there is an issue, and food is a major part of it.

Again, 10 years ago people here where I live in Hungary did not have the gross obesity that Im back in the country 10 years looks like America came, and in truth they have McDonalds everywhere now.

To this I cant turn a blind eye.
Yes exercise...but there is more to the food than meets the eye.
My company tried to bring in so called healthy food...but when you educate yourself to the ingredients and cooking process, you realize it was just fancy fast food...

Most People at my work used to joke about gaining 5lbs in the first 2 weeks or so alone. You think they are all lazy? Anyway...this may fall on deaf ears, but this is what I have to share for those who are into fast make the biggest step in just eating healthy.

For me, whole foods was expensive...but I could buy organic at my local farmers market for a real good deal. Again, mileage may very...I dont know the price of your stuff at your farmers market...cant go organic, at least try to get away from canned food and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. - peace

I will ad that some people say that its just to expensive to eat healthy.
Where there is a will there is a way. Is your health worth the price.

But it goes deeper than food...and for sure deeper than exercise.
(if you want to go Biblical, even Paul said exercise is of little benefit...not that its not beneficial, but there is more to life then living in the gym)

As you start to understand yourself, things become clearer.
I highly recommend Eckhart Tolles Audio book, "A New Earth" or listen for free on Oprahs weekly broadcast with him. Why? Because it helps people get past a lot of what drives them to overdo anything in life...its not about new beliefs, but about practicality in living.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by eradown It could'nt be that the fda is trying to poison us for the benefit of population control could it?

It could be...but it seems they poison themselves as well.
I think its just ego run amok...more, more, more...all I need is more.



posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by dAlen

I would like to know how many of usual suspects( like the Rockerfellers) in population control are eating the garbage that most Americans must buy from Walmart. Most of those people own there own farms. I doubt they grow GMO crops for their own consumption.

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by eradown
I would like to know how many of usual suspects( like the Rockerfellers) in population control are eating the garbage that most Americans must buy from Walmart. Most of those people own there own farms. I doubt they grow GMO crops for their own consumption.

You do have an interesting point when I think of the project they have up on an island north of Norway. The doomsday vault, or whatever they call it...where they are collecting all the seeds, etc. from around the world so they can keep the species safe in case of a natural catastrophe.

My question is, why not just stock it with Monsanto GMO seeds...why stock the natural stuff that it seems they want to get rid of?

Is it like in the time of Noah...a kind of 'ark'?

Kill off this population and give the next generation or whatever, a fresh start...who knows.



posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Harman
Oh, they are doing it on a internationl scale. Just read up about Codex Alimentarius. somewhere in 2009 it will be up and running.

Google it

Google ATS Then you will see relevant articles, for example NUTRICIDE: The Killing Camps of Codex Alimentarius.

[edit on 28-3-2008 by SkipShipman]

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