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!!!A Message To Humanity!!! this will happen in the future!

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by CavemanDD

Anyways, that wasn't what concerned me. What concerned me is that he said he would make symbols for 144 000 people, and he said he made them all personaly because they are all different, and that they took him half an hour of 45 minutes each or something.

144000 well I wonder where he got that number from! Presumably 144000 male virgins (or homosexuals funnily enough)........hmmm I think I can see where this Riley character is getting his ideas from.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:20 AM
Hey Internos! Where art thou? Have we been vindicated on our theory of the possibility of the existence of these alien craft in the thread Gigantic Alien Space Ships Orbiting Saturn's Rings?

I dunno what this guy Riley Martin's credibility is. But that stuff shown by Cassini and Voyager around Saturn, probably corroborates what Martin has said.

If you guys have the time, you can have a quick peek at the photographs in the thread. But reading it all is rather cumbersome as it runs into 33 long pages!!

And Yes! It looks like there's really something going on out there.


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:59 AM
Hi I'm new to ATS. Your post is what made me finally join. I do not understand how I have never heard of this fellow. I delved into his subject matter right away. He is claiming he has been chosen to reveal the true nature of god , the Aliens and the big event. Wow, I must say I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

This fellow sells crude art symbols decorated with every unrelated "earthly" new age symbol imaginable. Though he claims these symbols were "light flashed" to him by Aliens, who only know their true meaning?

It gets better. These symbols also happen to be (one of a limited supply) a ticket to the spaceship "The New Jerusalem". Oh, and you better by one for all of your family members so they don't get left behind!!!

Even better. You can buy his music CD. Yes Folks, He Sings!

Just when you thought. You can purchase a piss jug with his portrait on it.
"A PISS JUG"???????

This fellow is claiming some Holy connection for the greater good of the human kind. Though I am not a religious person, Please entertain me for a moment..


Charged for being saved?
Sold poo decorated with "Magic icing".
Charged a fish to sing the "Devil went down to Georgia".
Finally, Sold Colonoscopy bags with his portrait on it?

I do not mean any disrespect and I hate that my first post is negative.
I may be one of those suckers born every minute but, call me a sucker to my face and you wont get a single dime........

What happened to "reason", Surley this does not belong here?


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 07:51 AM
alright then can someone answer me this, how is it that Riley 20 years ago gave the coordinates of a huge luminescent space ship near Saturn and one of its great moons titin, he even described what it would look like and that it would be a ball of light from a distance, and then around 2004 and in 2007 the cassini craft took photographs of a strange object that still to DATE CAN NOT BE EXPLAINED!???

explain to me that if he is lying, how was he able to make it all up? That right there is the biggest peace of proof...

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Well, OK.
Your first link---the "trick of the fountain"
Ummm, pretty obvious to anyone, how about a cometary tail?

Second link. A watercolor. Seems to be missing a few planets, and if I am looking at it correctly, seems to imply a mothership and a bunch of squiggly things between earth and saturn, not in saturns rings.
As for image 39227 on the first link, sure seems like a picture of one of the small moons.
As for his claim of revealing ships in the rings 20 years before Cassini, why don't you go to the local library and check out Norm Bergrun "Ringmakers of Saturn". He wrote this book because of images he had seen ( and are still available, BTW) from Voyager 1 and 2 as they passes by Saturn.

I don't mean to be a debunker, but just wish people would be honest in where they get their info, and not claim it as their own when it has been previously published by another.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ATSGUY

explain to me that if he is lying, how was he able to make it all up? That right there is the biggest peace of proof...

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

This is one of the things about Riley that makes me question if he is making this stuff up of not. That being said, I'd like to add the following. I'm a fan of Howard Stern and want to bring up a prank call that one of the guys on the Stern Show made to Riley back in 2006.

from wikipedia

Howard Stern Show regular Sal the Stockbroker Governale called into Riley's show, disguising his voice. During the call, Governale asked Martin to decode what he claimed to be a message Governale's grandparent had received during an abduction 60 years ago. In reality, the phrase, "a bugliada da, yagi mu a mugi woogayo", was jibberish that a homeless man had said during a prior "on the street" interview for the Stern show. Martin dutifully 'translated' the message from this supposed alien tongue into English. Governale's prank added more credence to the claim that Martin is just making up his story of alien abduction in an attempt to gain fame and money. Riley 'translated' the message to mean "you, too, are children of the light, and we have come to live among you". Riley later explained this by saying that although Governale was trying to play a trick on him, he had inadvertently uttered a translatable alien phrase

Stuff like this makes it harder for someone to believe that Riley is telling the truth about ships on Saturns rings when he gets called out like this.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by gotrox
Well, OK.
Your first link---the "trick of the fountain"
Ummm, pretty obvious to anyone, how about a cometary tail?

Second link. A watercolor. Seems to be missing a few planets, and if I am looking at it correctly, seems to imply a mothership and a bunch of squiggly things between earth and saturn, not in saturns rings.
As for image 39227 on the first link, sure seems like a picture of one of the small moons.
As for his claim of revealing ships in the rings 20 years before Cassini, why don't you go to the local library and check out Norm Bergrun "Ringmakers of Saturn". He wrote this book because of images he had seen ( and are still available, BTW) from Voyager 1 and 2 as they passes by Saturn.

I don't mean to be a debunker, but just wish people would be honest in where they get their info, and not claim it as their own when it has been previously published by another.

for the first question you posted, i dont think it can be a comet, it is emitting its own light source! I think you should first read that first link before judging it as a comet.

the 2nd pic is a pic of the mother ship between saturn and one of saturns moons.

As for the "Ringmakers of Saturn", thanks i will check that out, it could explain allot. But i am still going on my instinct, even though riley is fluxuating allot...i dunno i find Michael to be very honest...he is actually the reason i believe his story, also i dunno i just feel its the truth in my own opinion.

Originally posted by dreb13

Originally posted by ATSGUY

explain to me that if he is lying, how was he able to make it all up? That right there is the biggest peace of proof...

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

This is one of the things about Riley that makes me question if he is making this stuff up of not. That being said, I'd like to add the following. I'm a fan of Howard Stern and want to bring up a prank call that one of the guys on the Stern Show made to Riley back in 2006.

from wikipedia

Howard Stern Show regular Sal the Stockbroker Governale called into Riley's show, disguising his voice. During the call, Governale asked Martin to decode what he claimed to be a message Governale's grandparent had received during an abduction 60 years ago. In reality, the phrase, "a bugliada da, yagi mu a mugi woogayo", was jibberish that a homeless man had said during a prior "on the street" interview for the Stern show. Martin dutifully 'translated' the message from this supposed alien tongue into English. Governale's prank added more credence to the claim that Martin is just making up his story of alien abduction in an attempt to gain fame and money. Riley 'translated' the message to mean "you, too, are children of the light, and we have come to live among you". Riley later explained this by saying that although Governale was trying to play a trick on him, he had inadvertently uttered a translatable alien phrase

Stuff like this makes it harder for someone to believe that Riley is telling the truth about ships on Saturns rings when he gets called out like this.

and yes i remember listening to that when i was doing my little research on Riley, I still as myself WTF!


To tell you the truth the reason i actually started thinking about the Riley stuff was not because of just Michaels talk about riley, but also because of a person named Renato Farrez.'

in this thread he says his story, i have been following it and helping find allot of corroberations to his story. The thing that really got me about Riley was that he described some things that were very close to what Renato said way before we ever found out about Riley.

Renato said that in the future you will have the choice of immortality through technology...age regression will be available, but after some time the body will not take the age regression and you will be forced to clone a new body and transport your soul or consciousness to that new body...Renato said this way back in 2007 near the begging of that year and even before in his book in 2006 i believe.

here is a post i made about it back in january:

It has been really calm these past few days, not allot has happened, well actually allot has happened but i dunno i guess no one posted it...looool

I just wanted to post something i find very interesting, i started listening to the Riley Martin radio shows, and i am planning on getting his audio book or regular book because the information he gives is just fascinating. I found one thing to be very interesting!!!

Remember when Renato said in past interview and posts that in the future, immortality will be an option. You can age regress your body to your 18 year old self and clone or create a new body. The cloning only becomes necessary after your body rejects the age regression which will happen in a few thousand years...Renato also said that you could and probably will choose at some time to let go of life and go chill with the creator.

Well i want you to listen to this:

here is my little transcript of what he says:

Email Question:
Is the rejuvenation chamber aboard the mother ship used on Biave and is it possible to keep rejuvenation over and over, if so is there a need for cloning and brain transfer procedure that the Biavians have perfected.

Riley Martin:
Ahh Biavians can go…ahh good question…ahh Biavians can go for anywhere from 15 to 20,000 years before having to be re-cloned. We have found that human beings tend to start wearing out even with the best rejuvenation after about anywhere from 3 to 4 thousand years. So one can say that conceivably ahhh…eehhh you…you will need to go through the cloning process about once ever 3 to 3,500 years or something of that nature. You may think that ahh…it ahhh is a terribly terribly detrimental operation, but the way the Biavians do it using ahhh…ahh…ah neuro computers and things of this nature…ahh and ahh robotics, neuro surgeon robotics and all of this. They can complete the procedure in a matter of hours, you do not have to stay in the hospital long or whatever. Next morning you’ll get up and walk out with ahhh you know a 20 year old body and what have you. And then you’re good for another 3500 years. But remember this my dear friend Chuck, no matter how long you can live! We understand that this possibly can be done indefinitely, but no matter how long you can live. The Biavians say that one day you will chose not to be re-cloned, you will say hold it just let me grow old and go back and get some rest in the ether with the universal creator. They say there will come a time when one grows weary of life no matter how exciting, I know that is hard to fathom but ahh it is non the less true.

LoOOL the way Riley Martin speaks is enough to make you start laughing you guts out…man he is definitely one cool character!!!

But anyway, can you believe that...Of course we can...lolll, I am kind of getting tired of always saying Td said this "blah blah blah" like 5 months ago, and he said this today...stuff

so i will just say that Td has said this in the begging in of his story, and Riley Martin has also now said it in his words...

If you interested in listening to his show it is right here:

Not only that but just the fact that Riley has said that there will be a great airlift in the sky in the near future...were people will be lifted from the planet during a great cataclysm or if things get really bad!

Renato himself has been saying since 2005/06 and since he started that thread that there will be a mass landing in the future, in this time frame!!!!2008-2012!!!He described it as a huge amount of ships in the sky, all different shapes and colors, and just undeniable to the people. In the beggining he said it looked like a swarm of bees in the sky. Once we found out about Riley and that he was saying the same thing about an airlift it was just plain obvious...then just 2 weeks ago Michael was given a telepathic vision by Tan...and guess what it said:


[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:47 AM
this is what michael saw....

I HAVE A MAJOR POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!

the new hello earth radio session hour 30 is up, and let me tell you it is **SNIP** AMAZING. Micheal came out and said that Tan has shown him a message in a dream. And in this dream he said it was a clear sunny day, and a

this part starts almost at the exact middle!

Micheal- There will be an event coming up, and it is coming close to this time…what this dream had to do, is its crystal clear ahh dream, and umm like I told you Curtis I actually wake up continuing the dream. And ahh and I decided that..ahh I see they have a message, ahh a very clear one. And umm that particular ending was ahh with the ship, a little ship coming down Tan, and Nela. Coming in landing and asking me to come with them, but this basically tells me that this is coming from them, coming from our friends my friends…It Began broad day light sighting of a type of craft that was flashing colors, the rectangular sign post type, maybe at ahh elevation, maybe about 15000 feet or so and then dropping in closer, having very very bright daylight color visible spectrum, like being blue, white, yellow, various red spectrums. Those colors just flashing and flashing, making itself very visible and very…well no in a sense well advertising itself, and then suddenly more and more craft began to appear. And the numbers of craft began to appear, they began to appear in great numbers and much larger sizes, and diverse types too. Not just having a saucer shape type, having those that are cylindrical, some of them will have winged shapes, and others that where ahh saucer shaped where just unbelievably (???) just popping into vision, and pretty soon the entire sky was covered by them and what was given to me…and this is a dream now so there are symbols here that are being brought forth to explain what was about to happen, and along with these pictures…the pictures of many many craft coming into being and staying up in the sky was a statement…look at this armada of ships…the term armada, what does that bring to mind?

Curtis- sounds like a huge ahh, a huge flock of them

Micheal - and the formation, the term armada was brought out, it looks, it is the Armada! Of the federation, of the of GOD. It is the actual symbols of our coming into age where we need too get absorbed back into where our planet is supposed to become, which should have been there a long time ago, but didn’t make it. But this armada or formation will literally make itself known throughout the entire glob or the entire earth will know of its existence…they will be invincible; there is no sense in shooting at them...No one can deny that they are there!

The timing is vague, but according to the dream it is going to be escalating to a very high level…it started already!

How can this be...I know for a fact that Renato has never heard about Riley except for the past 2 months or so that we have found out about him. And it KNOW that Riley hasn't heard about Renato...i mean i don't think anyone has, except for the people that read these threads!

there is jsut too much stuff that no one should now and yet they know! That is of course my opinion

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:04 PM
i think this is also pretty are some of the illustrations he did;

here is also something that may add to his credibility;

I forgot to mention this in the beggining, but in the latest artist first radio show i think it was either the one on 2/19 or 2/26. Riley was asked if this whole airlift had anything to do with the end of the world prophecies leading to 2012 and the planetary alignment and the sun with the center of the milky way galaxy.

He did say it is possible, he remember seeing the Dorian race (human looking ones) with an object that looked similar to the Mayan calender!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:53 PM
Why not today?

Not that Im saying that aliens doesnt exist, they probably do, but it seems its always "soon" they are about to show up...

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Why not today?

Not that Im saying that aliens doesnt exist, they probably do, but it seems its always "soon" they are about to show up...

yea i know, i mean i have read tons of bull# spiritual stuff...that say "oh have love and light the aliens will land tomorrow"...and it never happens, it really does piss you off after some time! I hope that this will be different because it is not like that new age crap.

not to mention the hoaxes and stuff, even the august 28th mass landing reeled me in...loool

[edit on 29-2-2008 by ATSGUY]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Hi ATSGuy,
I do not think that this person is a total nut case. Cool how Tan looks like Warf from STNG...
Here is my dilema (sp)... it is of the 'spiritual nature'... The U book pushes the NT envelope, which means that there is a LOT of influence from the 'Xtianity' side. Judaism does NOT believe in the trinity.. why? because they believe in the 'MANY' aspects of God. I.E. 'the Glory' of God is a seperate entity from God, but just like Yeshua is ONE with God. There are also 'female' aspects of God... if there were not, then there would be no females (simple as that). So that as far as I could stand from the U book audio casts in your earlier posts, it was VERY masculine with NO hint of Femanine.. maybe I missed it. I for one will not put women unequal with man. I guess these are red flags. I will say that there is absolute probability that this person was contacted by aliens and given this information.. but if they are using weapons, then they are not of God. God needs NO weapons of any kind... why would he/she? I guess i am skeptical on this matter and he is right, there is a lot of truth in everything out there.. but to know the whole truth, it would take thousands of lives. I know that I am an old soul (we all are). Looking at the elaborate story that sleeper had put forth, it is not unlikely that this person could do the same thing.. also not unlikely that all of these stories are in part from ET's from different locations. Fear not that which can destroy the body, only that which can destroy the soul.. like 'fear' or 'hate'...
I hope you understand where I am coming from in this.. I certainly do not want to disrespect anyone!
Peace and Harmony through Unconditional LOVE!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:14 PM
O-Qua Tangian Wan, uhhhh, and things of that nature...

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by dreb13

I'm with ya.The whole thing smacks of the South Park episope wherein they take on Mormanism.
In said episope they make John Smith look foolish for re-interpreting the Bible while looking into a hat.
Then his trusted assistant fakes losing the transcript and Mr. Smith re-interprets, this time with a different version.
I'm not bashing Mormons,(I am a Roman Catholic, and we have our own situations to deal with, glass houses and such).
The point being, in cases of the persons own experiences, who's to say what is their truth, besides that unique individual?
While one persons faith in what another would call ridiculous, are they not considering your truth to be preposterous? I guess what I'm saying is that MAYBE the aliens are connecting to all of us in ways that each can understand and be comfortable with, that is should you believe in any of this.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:35 PM
Could you give a more brief synopsis? I can't believe whomever transcribed it included all his ahhhhs and ummmms. My eyes are bleeding from trying to read that.

I've listened to Riley before and there may be a ring of truth to what he says I can't get past his voice and accent. It's very apparent he is feigning that accent as that is not a regional Arkansas dialect. The weed thing well, I really don't care what he does in his personal life that's the more libertarian side of me so long as it doesn't infringe on someone else.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
explain to me that if he is lying, how was he able to make it all up? That right there is the biggest peace of proof...

Yeah, I mean look at "Lord of the Rings." How in Middle Earth could one person make up all that stuff with the different beings and even languages and stuff? There's no way! It must be true!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by ATSGUY
explain to me that if he is lying, how was he able to make it all up? That right there is the biggest peace of proof...

Yeah, I mean look at "Lord of the Rings." How in Middle Earth could one person make up all that stuff with the different beings and even languages and stuff? There's no way! It must be true!

i was talking about the object near saturn

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Riley cracks me up, but I don't buy into his particular brand of bull***t. It isn't that I don't believe in ufos, aliens or the possibility that they contact people sometimes. I just don't believe Riley's story. I listen to Howard Stern religiously and I hear Riley calling into the show frequently. It's always the same profanity-laden, anti-semetic, racist, sexist diatribe about how he's working for, as he so eloquently puts it, "n****r wages". He gets paid $300 for each one hour show he does every week. Sirius even went so far as to install a microphone with an ISDN line at his home in NJ so he wouldn't have to commute into NYC to do his show live and he still complains about money. I wish somebody would pay me $1200/month for four hours of work that I don't even need to leave the house to do. His show is little more than a commercial to sell his books, bobble heads and p**s jugs. Let's not forget about his hand-drawn "symbols" that go for about $40 apiece. Riley shows his true colours every time he goes on Stern demanding more money for doing essentially nothing to earn it.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by dreb13
"a bugliada da, yagi mu a mugi woogayo", was jibberish that a homeless man had said during a prior "on the street" interview for the Stern show. Martin dutifully 'translated' the message from this supposed alien tongue into English.

I dont have any opinion of this, except that it would be really funny if it turns out that the bum really did utter alien tongue.
It just made me think of the movie The Arrival, where charlie sheen is kicking it with that little boy who turns out to be an alien.

also, Martin reminds me a lot of some sort of Jimmy Hendrix look alike, and it leads me to wonder if he too has taken his fair share of the electric kool-aid.
nonetheless, I suppose the electric kool-aid could be a possible primer for alien contact; I mean, arent they inter dimensional beings? I know some of that better kool-aide will have you slip sliding through only God knows where and what. or when.
I guess I wont be laughing either if I do get left behind for not buying the symbols.
I think on that note, he has a lot of good ideas, but there is a greater part of his message that is exactly that, his and no one else but reflections of other ideas he has come across.
Im not saying he wasnt contacted or anything, im just saying that his take on having to acquire these symbols from him to participate(which when I heard his description of them was thinking wow, some new symbols to analyze, but there all very common theological/mythological symbols (as far as their alien origin, thats another thread)) Point being, perhaps his take on others needing the symbols as their ticket, was more metaphorical?
anyways, neat thread.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by merryxmas
The weed thing well, I really don't care what he does in his personal life that's the more libertarian side of me so long as it doesn't infringe on someone else.

I'm not trying to bash Riley for smoking weed, I see no problem with burnin one here and there. The point that I was trying to make was that when he was on the Stern Show talking about being arrested for transporting 600lbs of weed, he came up with the most off the wall explanation that had everyone in the studio cracking up. It damages his credibilty when you hear him make up an elaborate story that sounds outrageous whenver he's blatantly caught by police transporting a large amount of marijuana. I highly doubt that he was doing the right thing as a good samaratin by transporting all of that marijuana to the local authorities so that they could properly dispose of it.

I'm trying to find a clip of that interview on the internets....any other Stern fans know what I'm talking about?

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