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The Cross is a Satanic Symbol Used by the Illuminati to Control You!

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posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by helen670

Hi to you as well! I was just thinking you know, that say my mother was out in the front yard and I as a little boy strayed out into the highway out front and she ran out to push me out of the way of a speeding Mack Truck that ended up impaling her spilling blood all over the grill etc resulting in her painful death...I just can't see how or why I would want a framed picture of that bloody grill hanging in my living room to remind me of her sacrifice and horrible death...of course maybe Christians would, I don't know.

Thanks Helen for your good intentions with those bible verses you posted...reminds me of bible school, church, and mass brainwashing sessions during chapel every week, although it's credibility is in serious question. Did you watch the movie that aaaauroraaaaa was kind enough to post at the top of page three for us?

[edit on 30-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 02:05 AM
I've always found the Christian use of a device that kills over a period of days through asphyxiation to symbolize themselves as a little, um, odd. The fish makes much more sense, given the context it's used in.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by skyshow

You're welcome!
same as when one gives you a piece of jewelry for your birthday or whatever the occasion,it is done in honour of something.... in remembrance.

I am not saying that one should carry 'gruesome' pictures for memories!

The Cross of Christ is nothing like you have explained!
Like I said, one wears a Cross as a sign of Jesus Christ and his suffering for mankind in remembrance.


posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 02:14 AM
I wonder how many Christians world wide are there? I've tried to find the number, but it's debatable....let's assume it's more than 100,000,000. If half of those own gold and silver crosses as jewelry, or even plated crosses, and these were to be melted down and sold at market rates as bullion, and then we added to that all the crosses in churches all over the world and melted them all down, even sold off the brass one for what brass brings, and totalled that amount all up, can you imagine how many millions of dollars or euros we would have that could be spent on finding food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, clothing for the needy, health care (why here in the United States where I'm posting at we have something like 50,000,000 people including a bunch of children, who have no health care insurance of any sort) for the sick....This just boggles my mind, and here we see a grand chance for the Corpus Christendom to come out in full force and put their gold and silver idols where their mouth is....yeah this will happen as soon as hell freezes over!

The cross is a hideous symbol, one of deceit, greed, corruption, power, capital punishment, war, oppression and control that masquerades as a symbol of sacrifice...before this it meant something a little less malevolent; it stood for the centerpiece of the zodiac and was a representation of the equinox and the solstice before becoming used as a religious symbol thousands of years before it's a useless idol where a lot of monetary value is stored up those hording crosses. It's also an implicit symbol of what happens when someone with all the attributes of the Christian profit Jesus crosses the control structure and doesn't play by their rules. Even Christians believe that this control structure is headed by their nemesis called Satan and so guess who it is who really is getting all the glory? For all these reasons and more (especially when we include just how offensive it is to those who have been oppressed by the worshipers of the cross) it's a symbol that needs to go the way of the swastika and the rebel flag of the former Confederate States of America, but most of all the poor could benefit the most if they were all destroyed and the value of the metal realized and given to those in need.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 30-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 30-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by refinement

quote:if you claimed to be the son of G-D you wouldn't fear death ?

i agree with this in that Messiah or anyone who has "overcome" in this lifetime does not have to fear death-----but the manner of death such as Messiah endured can be a cause of great stress and part of the reason for His prayers in matthew 26:36-44.

37 grieved and distressed ----over having to endure being tortured to death.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:30 AM
vines expository dictionary:cross,crucify=stauros greek.denotes,primarily, an upright pale or stake.on such malefactors were nailed for execution.origionally distinguished from the two beamed cross which had its origin in ancient chaldea and was used as the symbol of the god the middle of the 3rd cent ad the churches had departed/travestied certain doctrines of the faith.pagans were received and the tau or t with the cross-piece adopted to stand for the "cross" stauros of Messiah.

the chi or x of constantine had nothing to do with the "cross" stauros.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 10:19 AM
Let me start off by saying Great thread SkyShow!!!

I dont know who it was, but some guy posted Lyrics to a Jethro Tull song in response to a thread like this one a few years ago.
Check it out!

My God

People -- what have you done --
Locked him in his golden cage.
Made him bend to your religion --
Him resurrected from the grave.
He is the God of nothing --
If thats all that you can see.
You are the God of everything --
Hes inside you and me.
So lean upon him gently
And dont call on him to save you
From your social graces
And the sins you used to waive.
The bloody church of england --
In chains of history --
Requests your earthly presence at
The vicarage for tea.
And the graven image you-know-who --
With his plastic crucifix --
Hes got him fixed --
Confuses me as to who and where and why --
As to how he gets his kicks.
Confessing to the endless sin --
The endless whining sounds.
Youll be praying till next thursday to
All the gods that you can count.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Interesting song. Yeah, if this thread does nothing more than get people to think than it's a successful one. Hopefully it doesn't offend someone for the sake of offending someone, but rather gets people to step away from the standard established belief structure a bit, and once outside the box kind of rethink it all some and perhaps consider some other viewpoints...

It's interesting to consider cultural and religious evolution through the eons...If humanity has been here for hundreds of thousands of years as we are beginning to find evidence of, then we aught to probe all evidence from the past and try and put together the puzzle pieces to get a better idea of our origins and some of the first belief systems. It's very puzzling to me why people are afraid of that? Sometimes I think for some, it's much easier to stay in one's comfort zone where all questions are answered that need to be answered and the rest is left up to faith...however this invites in graft and corruption, and I think there is ample evidence of fraud and wrong doings in a lot of religion. Asking questions, looking for answers, and considering alternative possibilities should not be threatening, at least to a follower. Now if I had a church based on OT/NT teachings, and this was my means, I might be threatened if there was a possibility that the flock might get out and run off, and so maybe this accounts for some of the reactionary responses?

Anyway, I was hoping people would continue to post more of their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge on this.


oh and one more thing...I was just reading the thread about Lincoln being killed by Rome, and it reaffirmed another suspicion I have regarding the cross: (No disrespect intended whatsoever for anyone, just consider the idea) Look at cemeteries for the fallen in service for instance. See the calling card left at the head of the graves...It may be a stretch, but it fits the conspiracy theory.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by skyshow

oh and one more thing...I was just reading the thread about Lincoln being killed by Rome, and it reaffirmed another suspicion I have regarding the cross: (No disrespect intended whatsoever for anyone, just consider the idea) Look at cemeteries for the fallen in service for instance. See the calling card left at the head of the graves...It may be a stretch, but it fits the conspiracy theory.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by skyshow]
Actually the soldier's family picks what goes on the grave. there was a recent case where a Wiccan soldier's family asked to have a pentacle on his grave but it was denied at first. I believe the family is in the process of suing about it.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 04:55 AM
There were two cases in 2006 of Catholic Priests having conducted Satanic rites and in the process killed people. One was found guilty in Toledo, the other was in the past and a witness was paid something like $30,000 by the Church in Melbourne, Australia, to keep quiet. In Egyptian mythology ST was the evil twin brother of IOSA - same name still used in Gaelic gospel of Mark - refer Read many versions of Bible online. ST followed by letter N (Water ripple glyph) is genitive case. ST followed by God glyph is thus Satan, but when followed by a tiny rock, meaning changes to 'Rock'. So in Mark 8:33 Iosa is really just using the Egyptian word for Rock when he addresses Peter. This indicates that writer of Mark was Egyptian. The story of the Illuminati has been researched and told in new book by Ian-Ross Vayro, 'Tears From Heaven' published by Joshua Books.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Malankhkare

Ahhhh there it is the goose that layeth the golden egg [post]!!! A terrific book company for the topic, and he seems like a credible author in terms of his background and research, and most definitely something I would enjoy reading. Thanks for that...I'm giving you a star!

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Satan doesn't kill people, God does. Read your bible.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Malankhkare
In Egyptian mythology ST was the evil twin brother of IOSA

As in Set and Osiris? Those two were brothers in Egyptian mythology. Set became the evil brother while Osiris was the good one. Set is not the same as Satan. His name means "Beautiful Pillar."

same name still used in Gaelic gospel of Mark - refer Read many versions of Bible online. ST followed by letter N (Water ripple glyph) is genitive case. ST followed by God glyph is thus Satan, but when followed by a tiny rock, meaning changes to 'Rock'. So in Mark 8:33 Iosa is really just using the Egyptian word for Rock when he addresses Peter. This indicates that writer of Mark was Egyptian.

Can you explain this a little better? HERE is the Gaelic translation of Mark 8:33 and HERE is the transliterated Greek for the same verse and HERE for the Greek symbols.

Gaelic: Iosa = Jesus. Peadar = Peter. Shatain = Satan.

So if Mark was originally written in Greek, how does this have anything to do with the Gaelic translation that came later? Furthermore, Iosa means Jesus, not Satan. What am I missing? Apparently something.

"Ach Iosa a tionndadh, sheall e air a dheisciopuil [But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples], is bhagair e air Peadar, ag radh [He rebuked Peter, saying]: Theirig air mo chulaobh, a shatain [Get behind me Satan]: oir chan eil tlachd agad do nithean Dhe, ach do nithean dhaoine [If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up the cross and follow me]."

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by skyshow

Zeitgeist itself is intellectually dishonest, in my opinion. It is based on forced evidence, false evidence, anecdotal evidence, long since debunked evidence, poor sourcing, false sourcing, misquotes, and "archaeological evidence" that postdates the life of Jesus. It has also been discussed int the realm of "academia," scholarship, and secular media (what little attention it has received) and has been found severely wanting....

Replace "Zeitgeist" in your statement with "Christianity" or "The Bible" and the exact same statement you made holds true. The only difference in your perspective is the faith you have in your belief system.

Unfortunately, much of the supposed 'forced' information in Zeitgeist actually has much more 'factual' evidence to back it up. The Bible and Christianity that is presented to the masses is a much edited collection of oral histories, 'translated' into language that the Royalty could live with once the 'common man' was allowed to learn to read.

Much of the 'undying love for Christ' that many modern Christians talk of would have only reached them in the fairly recent past through the words of their Church Leaders telling them what to believe. They had no access to bibles, and if they did they would not have had the ability to read them anyway. They were to busy in the fields working for the Lords of the Land to be bothered with anything like an education.

Like I have said in my previous posts, the Cross itself is the symbol given to us by those who used it as a tool of murder and destruction. The early 'rebel' Christians used the sign of a fish. The co-opted murderous Christians used the Cross.

So after Christianity was 'legalized' and symbolized with a Cross, the First Council of Nicaea got together at the behest of the new Patron Emporer Constantine. During which Time 300 Bishops were brought together with their delegations and 'decided' on the best version of Christianity. Much like how your state Senator makes concessions to bring Ear Marks back home to you, these Bishops traded on their faith to best find a consensus that best represented everyone. While in many way this is not all bad, many of the stories and beliefs were discarded or watered down.

This sort of Streamlining has happened numerous times, but the version of the Bible that most people are familiar with today, The King James version, is a prime example. Much of it can be attributed to individuals 'translating' form one ancient language to a modern one. But one cannot deny that the translators and authors would have lost their job, maybe more, if their version of the Bible did anything to discredit the divine sovereignty of the Monarchy.

In response to those that do not view the Christian Cross as an Idol, what do you think an Idol is? Is it because you don't view Christianity as the Cult of Jesus Christ? So the symbol you use to represent Him and His Sacrifice is not an Idol. I find that to be an naive, ethnocentric view to say the least. If a symbol represents a deity, and is man-made, it is an Idol. And in this case, the Idol had previous meanings before it was used as a symbol for Christianity.

I am not saying the Cross is not, or should not be the symbol of Christianity. It is just my hope that Christians come to terms with the history of the symbol and the numerous atrocities committed under its banner. Perhaps then you could see how 'charged' with evil the symbol is esoterically. That is, if you are comfortable enough in the your faith to step outside the fantasy created to control you.

I doubt it.

[edit on 31/1/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

quote:satan doesnt kill people? G-D does? read the book of job chapters 1 and 2.satan murdered all of jobs kids etc.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by yahn goodey

the chi or x of constantine had nothing to do with the "cross" stauros.

Except that his mother went to Jerusalem and 'found' the Cross that Jesus was crucified on, bringing them home as relics. Except that as Roman Emperor, Constantine 'legalized' Christianity. Except that Constantine unified Christianity, and decided what Christianity 'should' be.

So yeah, Constantine's use of Chi (the Cross) as his personal symbol has nothing to do with Christianity's use of the Cross. Absolutely nothhing.

Sheesh. I guess if you keep lying to yourself, eventually what you believe is 'the truth' right?


posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by skyshow

And this all effects me how? I do not worship a cross, I worship the man who died on it.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by skyshow
reply to post by EricD

ok, would you agree then, to: he enforced the doctrine of the church as well as supported it's direction financially? (talking about Constantine the Great circa 300 something AD). Because he was able to unite the empire, put into place the Catholic Church / Holy Roman Empire, that co-opted at least a dozen religions, cults and belief systems....I'm sorry, but I stand my original point, unless you can show why you believe we don't know this...I'm curious and hope you haven't abandoned the thread for good so I can hear what you have to say on that...

What I objected to was your use of the inclusive 'we'. Your beliefs are not universal. I don't agree with you, but I certainly don't begrudge you your opinion. I would just prefer that you speak for yourself and not for an imagined plurality.

On the topic of Zeitgeist, here is a great link that offers some refutations as well as having it's own links to other refutations.

I hope it provides interesting reading.


posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by EricD

Is your debate with me or history text books? I meant the same "we" that also knows the world is round and that "we" shoot rocket propelled devices up into orbit with real human beings inside of them. "We" also know, not everyone will agree with this, and I suspect the "we" doesn't care about those.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by skyshow

That alone aside from the morbidity of it, should be enough to take down your crosses and throw them out, but then as we open up the bible and read from it we see that Idolatry is forbidden.

Let's get you corrected since you lack the proper knowledge of the Christian life. You are corect, idolatry is forbidden according to the Word of God!!! But let's look at the word "Idolatry" which is the physical worship of an object as God.

Well my friend, just so understand this, Christians do not worship a cross, or look at an object as a God, they worship the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. If that cannot be comprehended, then truly, I feel sorry for you!

Moreover the gold and silver crosses are expensive and could easily be melted down and sold to help with shelter, food and clothing for the poor.

Are you willing to melt down your gold and silver as well to help the poor? Is this a possible ATS "help the poor fund" your starting? Or are you trying to run wild with a point?

If it is to help the poor as you suggest, and are willing to take your own investments in precious metals as well and melt them down? If that's your true concern, the poor, it shouldn't really matter if it were a Cross or your favorite Necklace...

[edit on 31-1-2008 by defcon365]

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