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September 14th: A day to remember?

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posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by InterWeb

Originally posted by dgtempe

Lets think about it very carefully.
1. Incoming Asteroid? 2. Alien invasion? 3. Bush to nuke Iran? 4. Al Ciada planning something for us?
Who and what the heck is going on?

Jesus man, how the hell does one come up with above list and remain to keep a straight face.

You obviously are new here.

Sometimes folks on ATS look for the next outrageous unproven idea to freak out about. A thread pops up that states the end of the world is coming Monday morning...they freak for multiple posts...and when Tuesday comes they don't learn from it but instead look for the next alarmist thread to contribute to. We're not all crazy...even those that believe aliens exist.

Look, TruthWithin has posted some seemingly credible information regarding possibly odd flight structuring in certain areas around a specific day. Although it could be nothing, it's worth looking at considering the current situation here and abroad.

For those that choose to to think that the U.S. had a hand in the attacks of 9/11 if not even through sheer negligence or inaction, this could be a sign that another "attack" is imminent. Those newly released Bin Laden videos being pushed forth at this time to help cement plausible deniability.

Who knows?

But much as I like the topics...let's try and leave Reptoids, Grey aliens, asteroids, mayans, and crop circles out of it and look at the facts presented in a logical sense as they relate to what we know as true. Going into the deep end of the conspiracy pool too fast only further discredits the factual points being made here and consequently makes you want to disregard the whole thing.

Lets REALLY think about it.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:43 AM
Well YES. Lets really think about it. In fact lets raise hell about it, you see, the more we talk about what ever is impending, the less it is likely to happen.

I'm going to Coast to Coast and send George an Email- Maybe he can summon a last-minute guest who can shed some light on this whole 9/14 deal. Stirr as much of the good old @#$% as possible. Who knows, we, the people may prevent something if everyone's talking.

I'm off to do by bid for the day.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
...In fact lets raise hell about it, you see, the more we talk about what ever is impending, the less it is likely to happen. I'm going to Coast to Coast and send George an Email- Maybe he can summon a last-minute guest who can shed some light on this whole 9/14 deal.

Less likely what will happen exactly?

Dgtempe...there no 9-14 deal yet. Today is the 11th...the 14th isn't for another three days.

What exactly are you planning to write to George? I feel an asteroid is coming because some flights are grounded? Aliens may invade because no flights are coming out of New York? Osama is going to drive a VW Beetle packed full of spaghetti into FAO-Schwartz? We don't have evidence of any foul play at all. Nothing has happened.

This is not even enough evidence to get outraged about. Curious, sure...but outraged and worried? Not even. I want to see if there are anymore oddities certainly but even then who can say what that means for certain until something actually happens?

Relax my friend.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Oh, dude, forget the asteroid, that was a joke.

I'm talking about all other signs the OP posted and i'm sick of hearing about.

If we raise enough questions, it could just be that the NWO will postpone, shall we say???

Its rainning here and i'm bored. Do you mind?

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 12:48 PM
I went and checked and there are no flights to those places. I find that odd an interesting. Also, remember that a week, maybe two ago, that someone posted on an individual or entity puting in outragous number of put options on the European and American markets that they would lose 30-50% by the 21st of September. If this person or entity gets it right, they stand to make around 4.5 Billion and if they lose, the lose 700 Million or so. If couple that with all the events that seem to be unfolding and that other members are posting about, it seems as if something is going to happen and a select few are going to become even richer.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:21 PM
Perhaps there's another possibility.

Assuming we're correct about El Al, and people are misreading the website (has anyone tried "booking" a flight on that day on the phone to find out from an operator the explanation?)...then one idea would be that Israel is battening down the hatches in anticipation for a U.S. attack on Iran.

Stop flights. Secure borders. Be on ready watch for a Hezbollah retailiation, assuming Iran makes good on its promise to stir up the **SNIP**storm in the event of an American bombing.

There's plenty of speculation that the U.S. is geared up to do an attack this month, and certainly there have been plenty of signs and parallels to our runup of the Iraq war.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11-9-2007 by Crakeur]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:23 PM
OP great thread.

I have read all the links you've posted and I am VERY concerned that something is going to happen on 9/14. There is just too much suspicious stuff going on.

Thanks for the info!

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:32 PM
while all of these things do sound the alarm for something fishy i would like to go on record right now saying that nothing will happen. if something did happen that would be a seriously moronic move by our gov. if they are behind it because we already put the pieces together. unlike 9/11 where things were out of the ordinary but the vast majority saw nothing until after the fact. thats just my take on it. not that there isn't a legitimate argument for it...but i think i have a legitimate argument against it as well. so if something does happen, i will publically state im an idiot....until opinion will remain as such

kind regards,

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by DigitalGrl

I would hope that you would never have call yourself an idiot. Just as I hope that you are right about this.

I agree that nothing will happen on the 14th. I thought all of this info was interesting so I put it together.

One thing to consider. Most in the world right now are not scrutinizing this info. IF, God forbid, there were a nuclear attack on US soil, the chaos and pandemonium would be so great, the confusion so intense, that I cannot help but think that people would again cling to the President out of sheer desperation.

I would remind everyone that Bush's approval rating after the 911 attacks jumped to the mid 70's. This White House has gotten really good at making the story just disappear.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:51 PM
It looks like there is a flight to Atlanta on the 14th by doing that lookup on the Website.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:56 PM
creepy-ness. I just read this... Stolen Nuke?.. Its a pretty nice read, he's brought up many a point that makes me wonder "Um, thats not good?"

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by DigitalGrl
that would be a seriously moronic move by our gov. if they are behind it because we already put the pieces together. unlike 9/11 where things were out of the ordinary but the vast majority saw nothing until after the fact.

Well, were you politically active before 9/11? I'm sure a lot of us weren't.

So now that we're involved and can see all the warning signs, just because we're in the know, it makes us believe that it's out there and a lot of people know about it and it's obvious.

But if you weren't politically active before 9/11, then you have to go back and think in those terms. You didn't know something was about to happen. You didn't know of the warning signs. Just like I didn't. Just like a lot of people didn't. None of us that were politically inspired by 9/11 knew of the warning signs.

So to make a long point short, what I'm basically saying is, it's easy for us to sit here and think we're alert and we've informed enough people to stop it, but in reality, it's not being covered on mainstream media, it's not on your every day website like Yahoo, it's not in the faces of at least 295 million people.

So to think we've averted it with this post, in my opinion, is incorrect. We'd need to inform a lot more to stop it.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by promomag
It looks like there is a flight to Atlanta on the 14th by doing that lookup on the Website.
Why would they cancel flights for the very people they want dead?
Civilians will be flying as usual- IF anything is planned for the 14th, the more dead the merrier. (Not my sentiments)
I feel like i have to clarify everything now or some newcomer is going to say how heartless and cruel i am. You know?

I myself am expecting my mother to fly from Phoenix to TFGREEN and i am the last person on earth wanting anything to happen. I can only pray that the lord will allow me to see my dear mother again.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Thanks for this good thread, I kind of like those kind of threads, it's my secret cruel-side...

Anyway, the only ``problem`` I see with this date it's that it's friday. If the economy is set to crash, I would do it at the beginning of the week or thursday... Because in the week-end they can fix things before the re-opening monday no? Or it's easier to fraud when nobody is watching?

It's either really good for fraud or very bad to crash the market... Unless they want to detonate a nuke on the 14 in New York, then blow up another in LA on monday...

Just my 2 cents and trying to think like a false-flagist

Update: Terrorists set to go nuclear, author warns
Rudman sees another attack as certainty
Romney: Retaliate for a Nuclear Attack (Conditionning people to see a nuclear attack + retaliation against a country probably Iran)
Reuters: Bin Laden video may signal new attacks
Missing Chinese Uranium Poses Serious Threat Someone to blame for!

And there's also the hundreds of reports how the US is gonna get hit again...

[edit on 11-9-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
And there's also the hundreds of reports how the US is gonna get hit again...

That much I think we all can be sure of.

Our very porous borders are a testament to this current congress and administrations ineptitude when it comes to homeland secruity. Among other things.

Whether it would be on September 14th remains to be seen.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

We're crazy you know.

I prefer to think of myself as unique

Oh, and no one liners.

[edit on 9/11/2007 by Blaine91555]

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 03:37 PM
The MOD is holding an arms event in London this week

some important religious meaning about the day

Holidays and observances

* In India 14th of September is observed as Hindi Day, though it has been losing its relevance.
* In ancient Greece, the first day of the Eleusinian Mysteries, during which the sacred objects were brought from Eleusis to Athens.
* Roman Catholic Church - Triumph of the Cross (compare May 3, Finding of the Holy Cross).
* Eastern Orthodox Church - Exaltation of the Cross, which commemorates the discovery of the original Christian cross in 326 by Helena, mother of Constantine, as well as the recovery from the Persians by Heraclius in 628.
* Formerly, in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday following 14 September were observed as one of the four sets of Ember days. In the Irish calendar they were known as Quarter tense.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by TruthWithin

Sept 14. I do not think anything bad will happen. I have seen rumors of NESARA being enacted in a few places, but I don't believe that is legitimate either. That said, I am very much in favor of the concepts that the NESARA site has put forward. Too bad they tarnish themselves by soliciting folks to invest money in Gold.


posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by TruthWithin

...Too bad they tarnish themselves by soliciting folks to invest money in Gold.


HELLO! Money is Gold! FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are just that, notes.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by InterWeb

Originally posted by dgtempe

Lets think about it very carefully.

1. Incoming Asteroid?
2. Alien invasion?
3. Bush to nuke Iran?
4. Al Ciada planning something for us?

Who and what the heck is going on?

Or just maybe they are running a drill

Jesus man, how the hell does one come up with above list and remain to keep a straight face.

they were running a drill on 9/11 too and the towers came down...i suggest someone saves this thread in case we lose we have evidence that something may happen and if it does we can say...hey we said that this was gonna happen here is the thread.

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