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NEW Code found on Dollar Bill

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posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

Originally posted by Sekhemet
Ok thanks, but it would help if you or someone could find a decent picture of it looking like an owl instead of just declaring it IS.

I am aware there are owls all over BG.. the townsfolk know and all that.

The owl is a symbol for 'seeing in the dark' .. I.E. knowing things the majority of people do not know.

How do we know they didnt make this thing to 'not exactly look like Molech'..but got it just close enough so that it actually is good enough.. while at the same time declaring to people 'its just an owl'... if you get my drift?

I mean, these people know full well they will be all over the world one day, just like freemasons know they cant keep everything secret, so they put out false symbols and stuff to mislead people.

So its not likely that they would build an exact statue of Molech.. is it? that would look rather devilish indeed... (as if it doesnt already.. ) but a big old horned bull? hmmm.. and burning 'effigys' (cant spell it)

So yeah.. easier for them just to call it an owl, and let everyone miss the entire picture while we debate among ourselves.

Just a thought..

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

Sekhmet, I appreciate all your hard work on this, but it is NOT Molech. My friend's dad led the opening procession in the BG that is done at the owl altar. He has told me it is not Molech. The image is most definitely an owl. That's all there is to it. If you look up other pictures online of the owl, you will see that it is an owl. No one is feeding children into the fire of the owl's mouth, either.

OP -- sorry if we are ruining your thread buddy.. going off topic etc..

Forestlady.. 'my friends dad told me' is far from a convincing one. If your friends dad was anything to do with BG then of course he would say its what they tell me to say. Is he not? He is no doubt some kinda freemason?

So tell me.. in YOUR opinion, does the thing have ANY resemblence at all to the Molech statue? tell me yes or no. And be honest.

Can I just ask for other peoples opinions here please what do you think?

Remember Im not saying anything IS anybody, I leave that to Forestlady.

Im saying my 2 eyes see a stark resemblence.. thats all there is to it for me. And I didnt say anyones burning children, and I dont listen to Alex the psycho Jones either.

The ''cremation of care'' .. nobody has even tried writing all that down and getting to the point of what it really means. All I hear about is the owls.

The 'corpse of CARE' represents their cares, and is cussing them for burning him every year. Thats about the only thing I agree with AJ on.

So heres Molech..

And heres the statue at BG.

Any similarity??

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:51 PM

First off, I thank everybody for looking and contributing in which ever way you did.

I added the design which looks like an owl from the dollar to the picture of the BG statue so it would be easier for you to compare the two. There are a few VERY important points I would like to make regarding the statue, and the obvious honor that it is given if not worship itself.

1. I never made the claim that this WAS the God Molech.

2. It really doesn't matter what God is being represented by the statue. Every world power that has existed in the past took the Gods of the preceeding powers and gave it their own NAME and personage. From Tammuz to Baal to Molech to Zeus to whatever it ended up becoming. The energy given to the MANMADE god was the same, negative.
The same energy is being given to the statue at BG regardless of what it is called. It is still NEGATIVE energy. If it wasn't negative it WOULDN"T need to be kept so secretive would it?

3. The true God told the israelites to:
EXODUS 20:3 " You SHALL NOT have any OTHER gods against my face"
Deu 5:7 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Deu 5:8 "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.."
Deu 5:9 "thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them..."

Because these are obvious religious ceremonies religion must play a part in the answer of why this is important.

I am also pointing out that the "IN GOD WE TRUST" part, is NOT the God of the Bible that created the heavens and earth. He expressly FORBADE what is going on in the picture.

4. Could care less what Lilith was the goddess of, I don't care, she was PAGAN and again the same energy that went to her is going to the statue regardless of the name. IT'S NEGATIVE energy and produces nothing Good out of it. Again, hence the secrecy.

To everybody who reads this, there will be those who will pick out one thing that is not provable because it is opinion and attack it because they cannot dispute the rest of the information. Just shows what we see must be true and are striking a note with their simple ideology that the leaders would never be a part of something so disgraceful as worshipping a statue that is made of cement, plastic or whatever.

“Woe to the one saying to the piece of wood: ‘O do awake!’ to a dumb stone: ‘O wake up!’” (Hab 2:19)

Psalms 115:4-8
4: Their idols are silver and gold, The work of the hands of earthling man.
5: A mouth they have, but they cannot speak; Eyes they have, but they cannot see;
6: Ears they have, but they cannot hear. A nose they have, but they cannot smell.
7: Hands are theirs, but they cannot feel. Feet are theirs, but they cannot walk; They utter no sound with their throat.
8: Those making them will become just like them

[edit on 9-9-2007 by sir_chan]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:55 PM
I agree with all of that

It was just me relating its looks to Molech. Anyways have fun. I need to concentrate elsewhere on my topics for now.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 05:33 PM
hey guys after i saw this thread i started looking at a dollar bill and notice something that wasnt mentioned in this thread or the vid, if you look at the bottom of the pyramid it has the letters MDCCLXXYI, and i didnt think much of it until i googled it and got no results what do you guys think it means?

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by kyles1991
hey guys after i saw this thread i started looking at a dollar bill and notice something that wasnt mentioned in this thread or the vid, if you look at the bottom of the pyramid it has the letters MDCCLXXYI, and i didnt think much of it until i googled it and got no results what do you guys think it means?

come on are you serious? it was in both videos that i put in here.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 06:54 PM
oh sorry i didnt notice

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by kyles1991
oh sorry i didnt notice

no big deal....just messin around...the letters are roman numerals that add up to 1776....the date the illuminati was started.

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Funkydung]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by kyles1991
hey guys after i saw this thread i started looking at a dollar bill and notice something that wasnt mentioned in this thread or the vid, if you look at the bottom of the pyramid it has the letters MDCCLXXYI, and i didnt think much of it until i googled it and got no results what do you guys think it means?

Probably 1776?

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 10:34 PM
I found an image on the reverse of the US Dollar that resembles a King Cobra. I don't put much significance into this kind of pareidolia, (Rorschach or Freud might have begged to differ). But, I thought it'd be interesting to post the image, and see if anyone else sees what I see.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 10:50 PM
Yeah I can see that pretty good.

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:36 PM
Wow, this is huge.

This of course, has obligated for me to dig a little bit deeper on this subject. And here is my best explanation:

The symbolism is most likely an evocation of the "Burney Relief".

The Burney Relief is most likely a depictation of the Babylonian deity Ereshkigal.

Now why is Ereshkigal important in an esoteric concept from a monetary perspective? In my personal opinion, although it is true that Ereshkigal is a grim goddess, she is also viewed by her worshippers as one who cannot be ignored. So I feel that whoever incorporated this symbolism into the one dollar bill was trying to give the "devil" "her due", probably out of respect for a symbolic concept (entropy personified, I suppose) (economics, after all, represents an idea of a system of finite resources) instead of worship of a literally existing deity.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:43 PM
I have tablets of Nergal and Erishkigal in a book, scientist Anunnaki I think, I could be wrong I will look it up.

May aswel add this pic I found >

And this ones a slightly better pic of the main owl >

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Sekhemet

Another thing I would like to add to your analysis of the rear side of the one dollar bill, Sekhemet, is that the eagle-as-phoenix is clutching arrows and an olive branch, with it's head facing its right talons, the olive talons. What this is traditionally interpreted to mean is that war and diplomacy are both options that America has for dispute resolution, but diplomacy is the preferred option.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
reply to post by Sekhemet

Another thing I would like to add to your analysis of the rear side of the one dollar bill, Sekhemet, is that the eagle-as-phoenix is clutching arrows and an olive branch, with it's head facing its right talons, the olive talons. What this is traditionally interpreted to mean is that war and diplomacy are both options that America has for dispute resolution, but diplomacy is the preferred option.

Good one

This one is an eye opener aswel >

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Sekhemet

I would like to add, however, that I'm not sure that the pyramidal eye was ever meant to represent Lucifer. Instead, I think a better case can be made that it represents God, and taken with other aspects of the seal, I think it is a reference to the Tower of Babel story. According to the Bible, the ToB was an attempt by man to build a tower that would reach to God. The tower was never completed, however, due to divine intervention. Like the edifice in the ToB story, the building depicted on the Great Seal appears to be imcomplete. Furthermore, the fact that the all-seeing eye is encased in a triangle may be an allusion to the concept of a triune God as postulated by orthodox Christianity, as a triangle is frequently used to denote the Trinity.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Cant believe my smiley face discovery caught the attention of nobody..

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Project_Silo

And, my gosh, the smiley is the symbol of the evil Walmart corporate empire!!!

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Sekhemet

Originally posted by kyles1991
hey guys after i saw this thread i started looking at a dollar bill and notice something that wasnt mentioned in this thread or the vid, if you look at the bottom of the pyramid it has the letters MDCCLXXYI, and i didnt think much of it until i googled it and got no results what do you guys think it means?

Probably 1776?

Exactly 1776. Roman numerals are a funny thing. Here's how it works:

M = 1000
D = 500
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
Y = No such thing. Try V instead
V= 5
I = 1

So we have 1000(M) + 500 (D) + 200(CC) + 50(L) + 20(XX) + 5(V) + 1(I)

= 1776

Some numbers are harder to interpret, for example MCMXCVI, which is
1000(M) + 900(CM, kinda like how IX = 9) + 90(XC, works like CM or IX) + 6 (VI, or 5+1) = 1996

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:35 AM
well i found that there is the head of y bull hidden behind the flag..

for me it looks like a satanic symbol. the bull cant see anything and has a basket to eat.. also his ears are lowered as if he wont hear to much..
reminds me of the three apes..
anyway, it looks loke this to me:

i was just seeing this as i watched the first voutube video and saw the eagle from the side. it looks really like a bull that was even used in egypt and greek times and i think the omega sign is also just coming from a bulls head....

and for me this OE looks like a falling BOMB!
fits to DIE and so on..

[edit on 10/9/2007 by rxnnxs]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by sir_chan
Can you see what I am talking about? Isn't it strange that the two owls on the bottom pointed to are the ONLY place in the webbing that has a dark space right above them where there is NO webbing.

I'm looking at the fromt of the 1 dollar bill I keep in my wallet and can see 4 owls...the other two are are just above the '1' numerals on either side and partially obscured and slightly larger than the ones on the lower edge

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