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The Prophets' Equation and the Inevitable fate of Mankind by 2012

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posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Before I go talking, I would like to apologize for the long read, but please take the time to do so. Basically what I'm about to say is merely a collection of thoughts being physically expressed through written text. Anyways, I'd like to hear some people's opinion of my thoughts, both opinions and criticism are welcome, and feel free to ask questions...

First off I would like to say don't relay too much on prophecies, when a prophecies is made, it was based on all of the variables at instance it was made. These variables can be a person attitude, physical object, etc. A change in these variables can slightly alter a person’s future, and thus the prophecies are invalid.

Think of it like a mathematical equation, at an instance a prophecy is being processed, it goes through a complex mathematical equation with multiple variables in it, a slight change in the variable, will cause a slight change in the outcome, or in the prophecies or future. A large change in the variable will cause a huge change in the future.

That being said, we can safely assume that our consciousness/thoughts/beliefs should be a major variable that determine the outcome of any event. Why do you think some shamans can call forth rain, during a drought? Because through thought/prayer they managed to alter the variable of the weather, and thus in turn, they brought forth rain.

Now let’s go back to prophecies, while prophecies may only project different scenarios played out during an event, nevertheless sometime those events will still occur. So let’s go to my second point...

We've all heard about the Mayan/Hopi Prophecies of 2012, right? Of course we have. Now basically, what these prophecies has stated is that whatever occurs prior to the date of Dec. 12, 2012, will either bring man to an age of spiritual enlightenment, or utter oblivion. Now I've thought a lot about those prophecies, and well I concluded that in either outcome, man will ultimately be brought about to an age of spiritual enlightenment. However, some of these outcomes may not be what you expect. So I came up with three outcome:
1) We all die due to the actions we took prior to that date, however through death we have projected our soul into a higher state of reality or dimension (heaven)
2) Many of us die, however the remaining hand full of survivors, those who have come to realize the errors of their nature, those who have become sick war and destruction, will find comfort in each other, and a common goal to rebuild a society free of such that they have experience.
3) We learn to coexist in time, and come to realize the error of our nature, and we reach an age of peace and (insert whatever) will occur.

Look, I'm not trying to scare anyone here, but the way things are going, it seems what the prophets have in store for us is inevitable, but the path we take to get there can change. Right now, I believe a major variable in our fate is our own "global" consciousness. So what does our thoughts/beliefs have to do with anything, well its simple really. As some of you guys may already know, the universe consists of some fundamental laws, one of them is known as "The Law of Attraction."

Basically this law states that "people’s thoughts, feelings, words, and actions can sometime manifest itself into our physical realm". Similarly to what I was talking about with the shaman. But how does this relate to the prophecies?

I'm basically saying the reason why we are on a path of destruction is because the majority of the people in the world desire it. Now I bet you guys will think I’m insane but hear me out. Christian's believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, right? But they also believe that prior to the second coming, man must face a terrible tribulation. Even the New Age will lead us to that path, similar to the Christian Revelation, except the intervener may be that of extraterrestrial origins or the rapture will be replace by the Indigos. Not only that, the continuation of war, has greatly seeded hatred, revenge, and anger in minds and hearts of both young and old, thus in turn fueling and prolongs the war. Plus, the media feeds us nonsense, they distract us from what is important, encourages sexual appeal, usage of drugs, gives reasons to hate and fear. Saying that, me posting this thread isn’t any better, but at least I’m trying to promote a sense of hope as also stated by the prophets and emphasizing the significance what a person can make.

Whatever the reason or the intention, we can walk a different path, but the first step to we must take is to focus our thoughts, belief, and desire for something more meaningful and positive, we should hope for a brighter future (spiritual enlightenment), know it will happen, and maintain that deep inside our consciousness that it will occur; doubt and uncertainty is our biggest enemy. You see right now our collective consciousness is so scattered and clouded, everybody is just too distracted w/ their own daily concerns, we need to focus our thoughts towards one goal, and right now that goal is the perseverance of the human race, the earth, and a shift towards a different mindset. However, as I’ve mention altering this variable is only the first step, taking action is the that is done, is up you.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 04:16 AM
11 / 09 / 1990 Gulf War: President George H. W. Bush delivers a nationally televised speech in which he threatens the use of force to remove Iraqi soldiers from Kuwait. ][][][
11 / 09 / 2001 President George W. Bush address to the nation ][][][
it is exactly 11 years after ][][][
11th September is 254th day in the Gregorian calendar it is 2+5+4=11 ][][][
and it is 255th day in a leap year it is 2+5+5=12 ][][][
after 11th September 111 days remain until the end of the year ][][][
in magic 11 is considered to be a number of god ][][][
if following this progression then the next tragedy is going to happen in 11 years from 2001, which is 2012 ][][][
in 2012 Mayan calendar ends to be precise 21 / 12 / 2012 which makes 2+1+1+2+2+1+2=11 ][][][
but since it is a leap year 2+5+5=12,which is the dominant number ][][][
it is 101 day between 11/09/2012 and 21/12/2012 ][][][
Benedict XVI, From the Glory of the Olive, will be followed by a Peter the Roman number 263= 2+6+3=11

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Hey silence, while I do believe numerology may hold some truth in them, I'm not quite sure whether these numbers are coincidentally or intentionally made to equal "11".

However, I assume that you believe in the Numerology "11" hold significant role in man's fate. For those who aren't very familiar with the number "11," supposedly it is a number that bares spiritual merits, a numeric code that triggers a state of intuition and awareness in the human subconsciousness.

Amongst other things the number "11" can indicate the rise and fall of a civilization, a time of profound personal experiences and lesson.

How does this relate to my post? (Correct me if I'm wrong silencee), but I believe what silencee is trying to say is that the fate of man is inevitable, that its been written in stones, or he believes its part of some cosmic plan. And basically silencee is trying to link the modern events with other endtime prophecies. Anyways, from what I can gather, silencee is saying that the beginning of the end of our civilization was sparked by 9/11, and things will only escalate for the worst as the time progresses on, ultimately with one major (tragic?) event occurring by 11/21/2012.

While I do believe man's fate will be determine by 2012, like I've mention earlier in my post whatever occur by that year doesn't have to end in tragedy. As I've mention throughout almost all of the 2012's dire prophecies, each prophet also ended their warning with a message of hope. And I believe that the humans collective consciousness will place a major role in a brighter outcome of that date. And to do so, we need all of society in this world to give up their pride, competitive ambition, and lingering resentment, and focus their energy for something more positive.

If we don't learn do so, I fear that only through tragedy and death, would we learn to focus our energy for something more positive, such as peace and compassion. (It's the universal law of duality and singularity) But, some laws are meant to be broken...

[edit on 2-9-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 04:01 PM
i'm sorry to if i offend anyone with my opinion.
i am a firm believer in jesus christ and the bible.
so yes i'm a christian. not to offend anyone of other
religious beliefs. anyways... i dont believe in these-
prophecies. none of them. not just this one. the bible
says: that no one knows when the end of the world
will be. only God knows. so there. that is my opinion.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 04:02 PM
i'm sorry to if i offend anyone with my opinion.
i am a firm believer in jesus christ and the bible.
so yes i'm a christian. not to offend anyone of other
religious beliefs. anyways... i dont believe in these-
prophecies. none of them. not just this one. the bible
says: that no one knows when the end of the world
will be. only God knows. so there. that is my opinion.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by 0xxCAMOGUYxx0
i'm sorry to if i offend anyone with my opinion.
i am a firm believer in jesus christ and the bible.
so yes i'm a christian. not to offend anyone of other
religious beliefs. anyways... i dont believe in these-
prophecies. none of them. not just this one. the bible
says: that no one knows when the end of the world
will be. only God knows. so there. that is my opinion.

my thoughts the same.nice to have company

only god knows what future has in store for us,its cant be predicted,if that would have been the case,then life would lose its purpose.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by xenomorph07]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by 0xxCAMOGUYxx0

An interesting person put this on ATS on one of my posts I believe it was

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7

We may not know the time or date, but God has surely left us clues to when
this may happen. In the bible you will see he states many different points
to when Jesus will come down from heaven. As these prophecies are starting
to come to be everyday, it shows that we are getting closer and closer to the
end of times.
The end of times does not have to be a destruction event. It may be an event where evil gets conquered by goodness in our heart, to eliminate it
forever. Those that still enjoy doing evil deeds will stay on Earth until the
evil gets completely erased.
You may not believe the same as me, but what I believe is what every other
religion believes. There is a God, he has sent us prophets and has sent us
higher prophets which are very close to him to end our evil ways. Every
religion has a main prophet, every religion spreads the same beliefs.
The main point religion makes is to love everyone, be kind and do not sin.

If you look down upon other religions then you should look down upon your
own religion. If someone spreads the same message as you do then you
should help them to spread out the message of love.

God Bless.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by Equinox99]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:06 PM
Hey 0xxCAMOGUYxx0 and xenomorph07,

I'm glad both managed to put in the effort to post your opinion, I don't know if you read what I wrote, but I was beginning this thread was going to fade away, without some opposing opinions.

Anyways the quote "that no one knows when the end of the world will be. only God knows" could really be interpret in many ways. Now, what I'm about to say, is just an example as to how one could interpret that quote.

One could say the end of mankind, doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world, the world will still be there and the creatures of our planet will dwell on far after we die. And in a scientific sense the bible is right, there is no way we will ever know when the world end, man isn't all knowing, but still that doesn't mean we can't suspect ways the world would end.

Now with that being said, lets get back on topic shall we. I too myself am not a strong believer of many prophecies, but I do believe we should heed the warning of some prophets nonetheless, and whether they obtained the vision of the future through the divine, or whether they made one through observation of man's nature, one thing is for sure, I believe they were on to something.

I mean look at where mankind is heading? Look how society is and where its heading towards. We currently live in a world filled with fear, tension, and hatred. Its only a matter of time when fear, tension, and hatred lead to our utter demise. Watch the news if you must. We're not talking about prophecies, we're talking about logic. It was just a coincidence that these men of the pasts were able to foretell mankind's fate in the future.

And while I do believe mankind will live on pass 2012, I do question how many of us will be able to, and even if the prediction turns out to be untrue, is it still wrong to play it safe? Why not take actions.

Going back to what I was saying about a global conscious shift, regardless of what I may think, theres a logic behind it as well. Basically, if people realize the error their actions, learn to live for self-sufficiency not for pleasure, learn to show compassion and understanding, learn to focus their thoughts towards prevalence and peace, we wouldn't have war or corruption. Even if a person is shifting his thoughts towards something positive, he's still doing something. In my case, I believe a global shift in conciousness is the first step in acheiving peace.

I know I maybe dreaming, and I know others dreamnt of the same thing before me, but I know it will happen, how it happen is what I'm concern about. Like I said in my first post, what I fear MOST is that, the OTHER way we would ever give up our arrogance and pride, and walk a peaceful path towards in life, is if we have nothing left and no one left. And the only way that could happen is if something very tragic happen, unfortunately in our society, it would likely be war.

Hey Equinox99, I just read your post, very interesting perspective, about the "end time." And while I don't know what to make of biblical verses, I know one thing, I hope this passage is true: "The end of times does not have to be a destruction event. It may be an event where evil gets conquered by goodness in our heart, to eliminate it forever."

P.S. I believe your last comment as well, but I don't think anyone is looking down upon any religion yet. But, I guess its a message everyone should hear.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by skyblueff0]

[edit on 3-9-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Mod Edit: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/9/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by skyblueff0

I am just saying the last message because I seen many religious people who
look down upon different religions, different people or atheists. I heard atheists looking down upon all religions, which is very wrong from both sides. People should look at everyone equally, love each other and spread out the message of love. Love is the only way to conquer darkness, Love is the light within each one of us. Too many people dwell in darkness, whether they have greed, hatred, cause wars or whatever. Darkness will lead to the destruction of a person, so we must help them, and forgive them no matter what they have done. That is the message of Jesus, Buddha, and every other one of Gods highest prophets.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:41 PM

I'm actually curious, and while I know it has nothing to do with prophecies, what do you make up of certain "religion," such as Scientology and Satanism?

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Equinox99 in Magical Arts it is told that every person is a God

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by skyblueff0

Honestly, I could care less about them. As long as they are not hurting me or pushing their beliefs on me then we are fine. I am not going to judge people because of their beliefs, I won't look down on them if they worship Satan. All I can do is state my opinion and if they see the light then great, if they don't I am not going to hurt myself to get them to change.

To silencee:
Magical Arts can say we each are individual Gods, I do not worship Magical Arts so I do not think I am a God. We may be high beings, but no Gods. If you think each one of us are Gods then that is cool, but that is the opposite of what I believe.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by 0xxCAMOGUYxx0
i'm sorry to if i offend anyone with my opinion.
i am a firm believer in jesus christ and the bible.
so yes i'm a christian. not to offend anyone of other
religious beliefs. anyways... i dont believe in these-
prophecies. none of them. not just this one. the bible
says: that no one knows when the end of the world
will be. only God knows. so there. that is my opinion.

I totally agree with you (not that I'm trying to anger anyone that does believe in the 2012 stuff.)

Here are my thoughts on the issue...
1. Are the current times really as bad as we make of them, or does the media play a large factor in how we think about things? There's an old quote from about 2,000 years back (I forget who it was by, but I'm sure you've all came across it), it talks about how the person who wrote 'cannot believe' how the youth in his society is and he wonders how bad things will continue to get. That was over 2,000 years ago!

2. The Mayans/Hopis/Aztecs (or whoever) never predicted anything for this date, now did they? Not that I've come across at least. All it is is when their calendar ends and starts up again like it does every year. As far as I know, any predictions or "end of world" scenarios are all made up by people not connected to the actual calendars.

3. Why wasn't anyone concerned about 2012 in 1998/99? I suppose some people knew about the whole Mayan calendar thing, but for the most part everyone was sh*tting their pants off thinking it would all end in '99 or '00. There was even a TLC commercial I vaguely remember that asked "are you ready?" and it showed a guy in a bunker type room with a bunch of canned food. Now everyone is paranoid about 2012 because nothing happened at the turn of the last century, after 2012 is said and done with what's next?

4. Everyone says "it will not be the end, but the beginning" or "our consciousness will change." I've been skimming tons of stuff about 2012 since about 2004, and I have yet to understand how 6,600,000,000+ people (including infants, elderly people, and even people in comatose states) can simultaneously have a new or "more aware" consciousness.

5. If the Mayans (or whoever) had never "found this out", would the majority of you even have a clue that 2012 was to be a normal year like any other?

6. Human beings have been around for approximately 1 million years or more. How is it possible we're all here today if this supposed cursed Mayan thing happens every 26,000 years to everyone on the whole planet?

Sorry to rain on your parade 2012-believers, I'm not criticizing the whole 2012 thing "just to do it". It's just that I see hardly any relevance to it and "the end of the world" or whatever you want to call it. I believe that there is no connection from time to the universe, actually, time doesn't even exist. Time was invented by humans for organizational purposes, it has no correlation to the universe and visa versa. Anything that has a set time has the capability of being completely botched, and that applies especially to predictions that have no or little factual evidence behind them. Oh well, just my two cents. I plan on being here another 50+ full rotations of the earth (or 'years' as we time-inventing humans call them), I'm not going to let some 'date' ruin the next five years of my life as if it's some countdown or something.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by 0xxCAMOGUYxx0

well if u were a firm believer in the bible u wud also know that all that has been posted so far is petty much true.......
its been told in several religions that some kind of great power (the anti-christ, armagedon, doomsday, judgement day, and also the well known apocolypse) will occur upon this world, but non of this is mentioned in the new testiment.........therefor you will not know # about how screwed we all are. the new testiment is jus a huge cover up, with may i add, a huge chunk missing!
gods actual words have been left out which includes the prophets of our end on this earth!
so i put this to you can you really say you believe, and that nothin will happen?
i dont think you can considering the fact that the modern day christian has no #ING clue on what really happend over these few 1000 years!
no one does........

so if none of this exsists how are we alive? what kind of person do YOU think jesus is? is he really the miracle we all are told he is?
actually NO he's not!
he is actually everything we are told is a sin!
denial or what?!

and also explain all these remains that have been dug up?
all over the earth, each ranging from 6 foot - 36 foot tall!!
Fallen Angels?
and Nibiru/Niburu (The Planet X/12th planet.) is actually a real plantet
that is very slowely orbiting our sun is getting closer each day!
it's there, and it's coming!

2012, thats all been raised throughout history starting with nostradamus right through the egypt, china, india, ISREAL, and many many more!
all of which mention these giant beings and the 12th planet.
the beings known as 'Annunaki' believed 2 be from this planet,
the demi-gods our ancesters worshiped were known as 'The Naphilim',
decendants of the 'Annunaki'

know tell me that all bollocks!!
you can't becuase you'ed have to read the old testiment and read the pages held by the vatican!


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