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And if Ron Paul Loses...

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posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 12:21 AM
i'm already on record as having said that the next President will be a Democrat. I don't doubt that Mr. Paul will stay in the race 'til the primaries in January. Those of you who are for him should go out of your way to learn what you have to do to make sure he's onthe ballot in your State. Then, you've got to convince people to voite for him. If you want to talk about a "what if," imagine what happens if he wins enough States/delegates to be a force during the nominating convention. What then?

Let's be clear about a few things. This isn't quite an all or nothing proposition. Mr. Paul could end up within striking distance of a VP nod if he gets enough support. I'm not talkingabout my opinion here, I'm talkingabout the cold hard academic facts of the matter.

Even if he doesn't make the cut, you've got to remember that he's been on the national stage and he's said his piece. He may have delivered his messag,e but it'll still be up to YOU to stir the pot. I've already said what I think is coming in other threads, but let's stay on task here. What you say and what you actually do can matter. If you like Mr. Paul's ideas, talk about them in as many forums and venues as you rationally as you can. The politicos in D.C. are not the only people who can win hearts and minds.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:43 AM
I wish there could be some way for all of us to protest if Ron Paul doesn't make the list. How about a 48-State Capital Protest? That would get their attention...or maybe not.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 02:23 AM
I'm not sure that a protest would generate much sympathy. I think you'd get more mileage out of keeping his ideas alive by taking about them while adding your own. Let's not forget that peole who run for President have a unique chance to say "stuff" on the national stage that the rest of us can talk about after they are long gone. If WE don't keep those ideas alive, they will be glossed voer and ignored by the political elites...who have thier own agendas. If you want your own agenda, you'll have to make one.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 03:29 AM
Yeah, well, if I see the end result with Hillary vs Rudy, I have to do something and not sit idly by.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 03:38 AM
I shouldn't do this. It's wrong and egotistical.

But I'm gonna do it any way.

Yes !!! I finally did it. I finally made a good post. After months of of bad posts I finally made a worth while contribution to ATS.

OK I'm done.

Back to being serious.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by DarkMile77]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 04:03 AM
Since when, are presidents real?

I don't mean to be pessimistic but...

Since when can a individual elected president actually have any say in stopping what the N.W.O manipulates and corrupts?

A system that was designed by the N.W.O and is currently being controlled by the N.W.O. How is it possible to have an independent president that actually takes action and change the world for the better?

I think there are a few possibilities like, They would murder a president who wasn't tied to their agenda and therefor this cancels the hope of having a president to fix things. The election was a mock election and the winner is already decided a few years in advance... etc etc etc.

I must have just waken up from a coma of a few hundred years.(kidding)

[edit on 10-6-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 05:01 AM
selfless - yep its hard to keep it real sometimes. On one hand you know the president does not have that much power to change things, but on the other he does have the public face of power, and alot still believe he is at the top.

Oh the ironies in life. We all know ron paul has no chance, and what if he got elected, he could not change anything anyway.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 06:33 AM
you're wasting your time with Ron Paul. There is no chance in hell he will ever make it out for the GOP primary. Just like Howard Dean couldn't make it out of the Democratic Primary the last time around.

Sad but true -- we desperatly need a viable 3rd party -- a Common Sense Party.

Sorry to be such a downer, by all means keep working towards your goal. You may not be able to get him elected but sometimes spreading the IDEAS can be just as important as electing the candidate.

Change takes a long, long time in this country.

keep it up.



posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:01 AM
If Clinton or Giuliani are voted into office I will have lost all hope for America!

And at that point I would seriously consider moving out of the country.

Ron Paul is our last hope before our fading nation starts to crawl.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:02 AM
I also have to agree, Ron Paul was the most intelligent candidates on the floor in debates I've seen. I don't watch much big media except to see what perspectives are being taken. Big Media is driving people into several pools of thought (notice I did not use the traditional term schools as media watching these days is entertainment). What RP stands for is what I grew up with as conservative values. I removed my support of the GOP in 91 because the GOP had changed into the machine that they has been accusing the Dems for. RP represents the change that the party needs but first look at his past. Has he always stood for these ideals or did he go dormant for about 2-3 years to change views to become a populist. I'm not discrediting the man here, he is after all running for the most important position we hold in the US.

On the Dems side I see Oboma and Clinton being more for the people. Oboma is a little early in his career and may need a few more years of seasoning. If he were to win it, I'm sure he would pull in some intelligent people to work with him. Hillary Clinton would of course be taking advantage of a former president and here own experience in the office as an active First Lady. This conspiracy talk was ripe in 2000 and it sounds about the same except this time no I'm not hearing anyone saying GWB will declare ML and cancel the elections.

Now lets look at what is really at work here. It's call society and it's something we've have been working on for the better of 7000 years. We as a people have gone to war over misunderstandings or the actions of a leader that got a big ego and decided to invade or pillage other regions or states. We are very close to both at this point now because of groups of people running the very things we hear or read. Media has been adjusting stories to show us the bad stuff and the things they want us to hear just to get a rise from people. We have to be more aware to the events that are going on rather than just looking for the secret codes or signs people look for that might indicate a conspiratorial event. Remember, the US and Her constitution are built upon the beliefs and values of a people who want to control their destiny. We still vote on Reps and Sens just when voting rights were first drafted. In fact all persons of legal age and of proper citizenship are now allowed to vote because the people demanded. We demanded that voting machines placed by people that wanted to control us be replaces with machine that we could audit and depend on. This happened because we acted on it. If you don't vote and are posting here, then rethink about voting the next local and national elections. The system still works.

As a people we have to be active in our electoral and judicial systems if we want to keep control of our destiny. We also must educate ourselves on what it takes to remain a free society and not give is away to High society, Corporations or other Nations. To answer that question, what if Ron Paul is not elected? It's in your hands to make the decision and don't just think one party is the better because they all have good and bad.

Since 2000 the following rights have been trampled:
Right to travel via air, if your name matches one on a list, you may need to take the slow boat, train, car.
Right to protest the system, you now have to protest where "they" say you have to, preferably in a little wire cage.
You no longer have the right to speak out against the president.
If you are an artist, musician or journalist you are no longer allowed to speak out or report facts that might offend someone or expose a high official.

One last comment that I have to add because all of the people here use it and thats the internet. Before Google we use to have free uncontrolled access to searches. Now all searches that the majority of people use today are controlled by corporate interests. The people that pay have top billing on the search list even if relevance is less than hundreds of other results. Remember the relevance meters on Infoseek (ABC corp. bought that free running service and changed it to a media junklet).

"The choices we sew today are the consequences we reep tomorrow"

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:03 AM
This post makes it sound like Ron Paul actually has a chance, and if he loses it must be a conspiracy.

Ron Paul has no chance. A republican candidate who is being backed by Alex Jones and Prison Planet? Come on.

The Ron Paul Fantasy Tour is almost over.

The Republican nominee will be between Thompson and Gingrich. Whichever one out-conservatives the other, will likely be the winner.

Either one will beat Hillary.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Well, I for one am already going out of my way to post his ideas/comments and news appearances whenever possible. I signed up to get e-mail alerts about his campaign, but does anybody know any other links I could use to get info. and rally support. And, yes, I do agree that the odds of him getting on the ballot are slim, but if we dont stand up and give 'them' a fight (even if it is only in vain) then we're just as bad as the rest of the 'herd' - Right?

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:47 AM
You asked how to get involved more for Ron Paul.

One way is to get into online debates where other candidates are being discussed, even Democrats.

You can point out that if they are unhappy with the candidate under discussion, there is a choice.

You can also point out that if their candidate drops out, they don't have to settle for whatever is left.

Ask people to just take a look at Ron Paul's position. To look at his speeches. To really look into what he wants to do for America.

Mention that the polls are not reflecting the true position of the candidates, and that Ron Paul is picking up steam with support and funding increasing every day.

You might get more response than you imagine, as long as you are civil and not abusive in your manner. Current Gallup Poll estimates show that America now has the highest number of people that DO NOT identify with either party in the history of that organization. About 1/3 of the voters say the are not 'set' in their party politics, and would vote for the candidate of choice even if he/she without regard to party.

We can all do some work to get Ron Paul elected.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Thanks NGC2736!
I'm doing my best with the researching and the 'annoying of family and friends' (which, by the way is sad to say, since they should all be concerned by now) - But I'm always looking for more suggestions. I appreciate it!

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
This post makes it sound like Ron Paul actually has a chance, and if he loses it must be a conspiracy.

Ron Paul has no chance. A republican candidate who is being backed by Alex Jones and Prison Planet? Come on.

Well I think he does have a chance if he plays his cards right, though a very slim one.

But yeah, the fact that my current candidate of choice is backed by those scares me a little.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:30 PM
What others are saying is the point I have been pushing: his chances of getting on the end ballot in 2008 is next to none. He is the enemy of the GOP right now and is trying to run on their platform, which is NOT going to work.

So in the end we still face the major problem of having the Clintons (still a maybe) along with some other GOP person running and those two alone are going to mop the floor with everyone else. If you talk to enough people you will find some vote for the party screw whoever is running, they honestly do not care so long as they are a part of X party.
Overall if you look at the election in the USA you will find that 50% never vote, then the 50% that DOES vote is torn between the GOP and the Democrats, the others getting a tiny few percentages. Ron Pauls run for power is too little too late right about now without divine intervention or a major screwup on behalf of the other two parties. The media is not going to carry him, the papers have zilch about him, and so on. He would have been wise to have started getting his face seen more about 2 years ago, this would create a leadup effect in his favor should he find a way to run.

Anyway, most of this will have to wait for 2008 and the week/day of elections. Elections... Funny word since we never have any REAL elections, just two sides of the same coin.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by DMSpizzirri
He seems to have quite a bit of quiet support, but I think the media has already written him off as a "second-tier candidate." They never really give him a fair shot in the debates, I've noticed they skip him alot and cut him off.

Maybe yes, maybe no...Either way, at least the American Free Press seems to point out that Mr. Paul came out on top in the televised debates.

Simply because Ron touts that the government should (& will begin to adhere) to their Constitutional Oaths is a good sign. Perhaps another decent source of pro-Constitutional info would be the WTP website. They also show that it takes more than a single good citizen to turn the government around...They've been making (slow but steady) progress at tearing out the government's lies & forcing them to stand in the light.

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
I wish there could be some way for all of us to protest if Ron Paul doesn't make the list. How about a 48-State Capital Protest? That would get their attention...or maybe not.

Maybe WTP (linked above) could help with useful info to help with your idea. If not, perhaps the American Free Press (also linked above) may have the connections to point you in the right direction.

But, all in all, what you do is up to you to get started (as JO pointed out here):

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
I'm not sure that a protest would generate much sympathy. I think you'd get more mileage out of keeping his ideas alive by taking about them while adding your own....
...If you want your own agenda, you'll have to make one.


Originally posted by selfless
I think there are a few possibilities like, They would murder a president who wasn't tied to their agenda and therefor this cancels the hope of having a president to fix things.
...I must have just waken up from a coma of a few hundred years.(kidding)

Actually, it sounds more like truth than simple kidding around, Selfless; I felt exactly like this when I was in the NAVY & began to realize how much that Politics (described as the "Art of Compromise") has actually been compromising the Constitution (which does not allow itself to be compromised by those who have sworn an Oath to obey it) for the past two centuries! The "office politicking games" I saw while "In Service" was merely what opened my eyes to how government actually works in the modern world...Since then, my subsequent researches have been getting my eyes opened even wider!

Let's face it, the Big Corps (in those early American times, they were referred to as "Charters") have always been trying to screw The People...Boston Tea Party, anyone?

Even after the Constitutional Republic was set firmly in place, the Corps have been politicking our Rights & Property right out from under our noses, using government authority!
When the US Government realized that they could Constitutionally appropriate lands (Provide for the Common Defense--Military Bases & such...And to Promote the General Welfare--Building roads for the US Postal Service, etc.) for Public Need, they turned around & did something highly Unconstitutional with those lands...Granted or sold those lands to Private Corporations (to build the roads & such). As such, CORPORATIONS came to owning Public Lands!
The government should have done nothing more than lease those lands to the Corps under the sole condition that those lands be developed for specific Public Needs!
Nowadays, it's even worse...Corporations have been granted the equivalent of Citizen's Rights (even though a Corporation is not even a living, breathing entity & even farther away than that to being "human") & even granted "priviledges" that go beyond Human Rights altogether!

In a nutshell, it's not just Ron Paul that's needed...What's really needed is a lot of "Ron Pauls" willing to stand up to the NWO & say, "What you want, it's not going to happen."

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 03:09 PM
Just one problem MDS: They are building things up so it will not matter AT ALL if people challange them. Already in the election system this buildup is highly apparent and growing even more so every election. If you recall Alex Jones made a couple movies about the buildup to martial law and a police state. Then we have even more independent people making movies on how the buildup to the NWO is going to happen, Bill Moyers touched on this once in the 1980's. Then we have the current buildup to a NAU, not for the benefit of those in North America, but for the benefit of those same corporations who want total control. However what must be realized is that this is related to no one group, this is a conglomeration of CEO's and the highest elites in the nation. The political parties are just the puppets.
Eventually if things keep up and by eventually I mean within a few years here (4-10 years MAX) we are going to be living in a 1984 like world. That is if people do not take a stand or simply lose to them through revolution or whatever other means the people undertake.

Always remember though that we CAN rebel, yet you must always remember: everything comes at a price, are you willing to pay it?

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 03:41 PM
I'm glad to see that some of you understand that value of talking about Mr. Paul's ideas with anyone who will listen. Remember that you can defeat candidates, but you can't necessarily defeat ideas. Yes, he's going to lose, but you can still make the most of him while he's on the national stage right now. Most people can remember a message long after they have forgotten the messenger.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 06:15 PM
I think the overall point of voting (and one I adhere too) is the fact you at least voted for the right person even if they never had a snowballs chance in hell. That way when things get a WHOLE LOT WORSE you can say: "Dont blame me, I voted for the other guy/gal." It removes the ideal of voting for the lesser of two evils. Frankly one should never vote for the lesser of two evils and RP has offered that chance for the first time in a LONG time.

If he actually does get to run and takes lead though something is going to happen. NO WAY in heck are they going to let a guy like this take power without a high price, if not a fatal price.

Voting for someone even if they are going to loose in the case of RP is called: Doing the right thing even when the cards are stacked against you.
Edit: added above^

[edit on 10-6-2007 by Vekar]

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