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UFO/ET discussion, nobody I know wants to hear it (NOBODY)

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posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:27 AM
I think you will find a majority of ATS members feel the same way. They may have 1 or 2 people they can discuss these issues with but thats it. My hubby shows an interest but only so far, he thinks I am crazy for being an ATS member and sharing Info with others.My kids have somewhat of an interest depending on the subject.I wouldn't dare speak to my mother or sister about ATS or they would think I should be Commited! It is like my signature sentence below........

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 06:51 AM
Same here, my family and friends have no interest in the subject, it is difficult to find people who have a similar interest in UFOs.

They consider it entertainment at best. Going to websites and forums in the internet with people who share similar interest is the next best thing. The more information I find the more interesting it becomes.

I get my family and friends interested by ocassional entertaining them with some "tales"/information that I find on UFOs. I find that it is best to share the information in a light-hearted/non-serious situations/chat or I start getting the "you are a freak" look.

Know when to back off with people who are very close minded about subject.

Got to try and keep an open mind and to becareful of some possible hoaxes and bs out there in the internet though.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by ixiy]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by ixiy
Got to try and keep an open mind and to becareful of some possible hoaxes and bs out there in the internet though.

I feel this is a very good point you raise.

This issue attracts all sorts and the damage caused from a hoax only makes it harder for people who are legitimate to open up and discuss anything. The chances of being taken seriously are very slim.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 01:20 PM
Well... If a soccer game would be interupted by a news bulletin on TV that said that we had made contact with aliens, my father would say something like:

Put the damn game back on! and he'd burp proudly.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 01:34 PM
Mos, I guess I'm lucky as I have the ears of my peers and co-workers.

I'm a hardcore "want to believer". I'm quite interested in anything that
might produce legitimate, testable evidence.

Sadly, I've not seen any.

Even so, with so many reports, there must be SOMETHING going on.
I'd really like to know the truth behind it.

That being said, I talk about this openly. I've been to Groom, climbed
Tikaboo and viewed the base.
I've been to Pensacola and Gulf Breeze and spent long nights looking
at the skies.
Again, sadly I've seen nothing to bring me off the fence.

I think my approach to this subject (actually going places and doing my
own research) gains me the respect of my peers. They'll actually call
me when a UFO show comes on TV, which let's me know they truly care.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

Just my 2 cent,

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:53 PM
I am impressed with the feedback from this thread. I don't know if it is good or bad that so many people are in the same boat as me.
Quoted by GrimUK:

I believe many people are interested in UFO's but the vast majority take this stance to distance themselves in fear of ridicule. UFO's are becoming more mainstream and I believe that one day this sort of topic won't be brushed off and we can talk freely.

I agree with the first sentence but I also bet that some people who are interested in UFO's will not research or listen to constructive discussion because of hearing/seeing something that will scare them. I think alot of non-believers may actually think that there is truth to UFO's/ET's in the back of their mind but they refuse to admit it. I too hope that the topic will become even more mainstream but I doubt that will happen in my situation.

Quote by Rhain:

Sounds a lot like me. I too am interested in the abnormal and have no one to share discoveries or opions with. My family jokes about my findings to a point where I wish I could prove to them hard concrete evidence. Sometimes I feel I am the only one who is awake.

Wow, "sometimes I feel I am the only one who is awake". That sums up my thoughts in a way I have never put into words. I wish it was as simple as "waking" my friends/family but to continue the analogy it is as if I feel like that I am the only one of my friends/family who is not in a coma/vegetative state.

Quote by spliffy:

like i said, i do believe that we have aliens visiting our little planet, i just do not understand why the little gits are acting the way they are, some of the UFOs just float around in the sky for an hour and then speed off into space at mach-lightspeed ffs come on down and take the weight off your face for a while and meet a few locals. hopefully i will get an answer soon
but the little gits need to stop being silly about this and say hello to us all
good luck Moserious

Great points in you post. I've wondered too wtf are they doing? That kinda makes me skeptical sometimes. I mean why would they travel all the way hear and then just float around. If they are real then they must be doing something but they sure do look "silly" to be sure.

Quote by Vipassana:

I have always held the belief that you cant show someone the truth, but you can set them on the right path. They have to want it though...

Can't say it much better than that. It's almost like the people have some impenetrable mental armor. I've tried to show them in many different ways with little to no success. It's like beating my head against the wall.
Quote by Schuyler:

There's a planet called Clarion opposite us in the same orbit. The sun blocks it so we can't see it. It has a worldwide civilization of really nice people. They are all Christian and attend church on Sundays. And, they speak perfect English, albeit always in rhyme. Their space pilots wear hot short red dresses and have great legs.

Are you trying to prove a point? I must be an idiot or something because I don't get it. I do apprecaite the rest of your thoughts except that I rarely go to church and when I do go I have a hard time believing that they would accept this topic.

I have more to add but my child needs attention. Once again thanks to all for listening and weighing in with your thoughts and opinions. I greatly appreciate it!

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:22 PM
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one with this same exact problem. It would appear that we are all in the same boat here. It seems like there are two reactions from people.

Some people's reaction is put down the subject and say that who ever believes that stuff is mentally ill and needs help. These people are what I call traditionalist. Usually these people are religious fanatics, they are so asleep that they are in almost a coma state. They are the sheep that are 100% controlled by religion, the media and corrupt politics. They do not think for them selfs no matter how hard you try. Sadly my parents fit in this category.

The other reaction is the scared reaction. This seems to be more of an open minded person but avoids the subject like the plague because it scares them. This is very interesting to me and I think we should step back and question WHY? Why are some of the more open minded people scared. Have they looked into the subject them selfs and got really scared at what is going on and they rather push it off and ignore it. Or is it our fault for saying something to them that they where not ready to hear and that scared them off? Or is it something else all together?

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:34 PM
Have you bothered to read every post ?

By your reply, I'd say not.

Please read mine, then adjust your stance.


posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Another interesting thing to note. Some of the more open minded people that are freakishly afraid of the whole ufo subject are more willing to discuss and look into the 9/11 conspiracy. That boggles my mind because the way that I see it the whole 9/11 conspiracy is way more scarier than the whole ufo thing.

Why its like that I have no idea but it could be a way in to some of these people. If we discuss the whole 9/11 conspiracy more openly then they may look into it more and when they awaken a little bit more they may not be so afraid of the whole ufo thing.

Just a thought

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Have you bothered to read every post ?

By your reply, I'd say not.

Please read mine, then adjust your stance.


Your right Lex I have missed your post. After reading your post I have congratulate you and respect that fact that you got the attention of your peers. Maybe you can give us a view tips. I have just started openly telling people that I am a conspiracy theorist and if they have any questions or want to discuss anything to let me know.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Knight783
I do not like having allegations like "not thinking outside the box" thrown around when they are totally inapplicable.
This subject is one to ponder, and one to philosophise on, but do not condemn people for not taking it seriously.

I think people who do not entertain the notion of life elsewhere are close minded and stubborn, but those who do not believe we are being visited by aliens are not. They are simply basing their opinions on what they know, and until 100% irrefutable physical proof is offered, then their opinions should be considered sound. The 'evidence' offered is very flimsy, usually poor quality footage, or questionable testimony. If ET mastered space travel, and were as superior as we are told, then they would reveal themselves, regardless of terrestrial governments decision on disclosure.

It is equally close minded that people simply accept aliens are visiting, without a shred of proof. It is not thinking outside the box to blindly believe, it is simply conjecture, and often fantasy. The common notion of UFO's being little space ships is far far too simple, and in my opinion is close minded. Flying Saucers is so simplistic, think outside the box a little.

I appreciate the post Brother but I want to follow up on a couple of things. I think I understand where you are coming from saying that "....they would reveal themselves" since they have mastered space travel but maybe there is a reason why they have not. Who knows what the reason is why they have not landed in mass but to write off the possiblity of ET just because their has not been such an event would be a mistake IMHO. There is a huge number of reasons why they have not revealed. Also, I don't think I ever said that I "blindly believe" in UFO/ET's. Actually quite the opposite. I have researched many cases and there are only a few that I think of as "strong" cases. Without ever seeing a UFO or ET it has been only through research and such that I have come to the conclusion that I think they are real. Where they're from I don't know.

The bottom line is that I think the inabilty of many to at least look at the issue of ET/UFO's with an unbiased eye could quite possibly be one of the biggest mistakes of all time. I do not believe that every single UFO/ET report has been a mistake.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 07:17 PM
I feel what you sayin Mo'.

I get that reaction many times, from UFO/ET's to Paranormal topics.
There are a few, like my father, who listens & is actually intrigued by some of my stories & thoughts on the matter...especially when it comes to paranormal stuff, because he has many experiences with that.

What's worse than being totally pushed being played, so to speak. And this is where I must bring my mother and a few others into the picture. My mom, and a few others, listen sometimes...they even agree at times...or so it seems...until they speak of something later on(at some point) that totally contradicts what they have said previously...not to mention, when they say something that says to me...they really don't give a crap about what I am saying...but pretend to...for my sake..maybe becasue they pity me. LOL, that pisses me off! I rather someone tell me I'm talking rubbish...& to get out of their face with my nonsense, than for someone to sit...and nod their heads...& pretend to agree &...basically lead me make me feel better about something.

LOL, I do not need to feel better about anything...I believe what I believe regardless if they do not. I do not have their experiences...and they do not have mine. I don't go around preaching about aliens & the paranormal. LOL, I discuss these things rarely, with a select few of people who are close to me. I've got to remember how my mother hates the talk though...because sometimes I forget...and we get caught up in a lovely discussion...that really means nothing to her. LOL

It's sort of flattering when you think about it...LOL, but it's downright disrespectful too. Oh is what it is.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by sdrawkcab]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 07:28 PM
i know a lot of people will NEVER believe in aliens because, from the moment we all go to school, we are TOLD that god created heaven and earth in 6 days and this is the only planet god created. so aliens cannot exist, it is impossible for them to believe that life does exist outside of their beliefs. i am not saying that this is the only or the biggest answer but it is one of them

and my question, on the god thingy
if god did create heaven and earth in 6 days and rested on sunday, has he just been kicking back since the 7th day. if he was into creating life, would he have been happy enough with just 1 experiment, the planet earth, i do not think so. i dont believe in religion and i respect peoples beliefs but so far i have never got a serious answer to that question.

isnt funny how we are all going this alone in our own groups apart from LEXION, you are the lucky 1 mate
but the believers are growing and the internet is speeding things

good luck dudes

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Drexon
"The likelyhood of UFOs being real is 99.999, infinity of 9s, and then a 0 percent likely

99.9 with an infinity of 9s = 100.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:06 PM
The subject of UFO/ET visitation and coverup and our daily lives as they normally go along are basically mutually exclusive. I wish it weren't the case, but thats how it is.

ET visitation and coverup are diametrically opposed to two major forces in our daily lives, government and religion. Rare is it for our contemporary religious institutions to acknowledge the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe (more advanced than us especially). Just as rare are our governments acknowledging the existence of UFOs despite decades of ongoing credible reports. Science at least acknowledges the possibility of life elsehwere in the universe, but IMO, cherry picks (or data-selects) everything that it can to make a case that UFOs and ETs are not here on this planet.

When you have the institutions that take up a large portion of our lives telling us one thing, and a scant few stating something else, it leads to the very problem anybody faces when attempting to discuss this subject or others that aren't a part of the norm of daily life.

I imagine one day the secret will come out, but I somewhat dread exactly how different our lives will turn out to be when that time comes. Things will change. Drastically I suspect. I'm not sure how many people I know will retain their sanity when coming to grips with a reality altogether different than what they've known since the moment they were born.

This is why you can't bring up conspiracies such as this with people who aren't already accepting such ideas into their everyday lives. Its too different for them and too much for many to contemplate.

[edit on 27-5-2007 by Frith]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:16 PM
Well I used to get this kind of reaction to.......I think ANY topic that seems out of the norm is viewed this way...........


The O.O.B.E thing started up for me, and this is way WAY more weird to mention than UFO's...tri it sometime :p :p
I actually lost a couple friends over the issue they truly think I went over to the 'crazy side of life' and we do not have any contact anymore. I found that extra weird becasue the 2 freinds I lost have taken many esoteric classes with of past lives, deep meditaion I thought they were the people I was going to be able to discuss the O.O.B.E thing with.......................but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

So if I mention UFOs and stuff thats pretty tame compared to the topics I COULD attempt to bring up.
I have learned better though.

Some things I ONLY get to talk about with ATS people................and funny as a whole large group of the ATS folks thinks I am living in a delusional state of mind as well...........

You can't win for loosing sometimes.

I CHERISH the freinds I have made on this site that I can talk with who understand what it really is I am talking about.
Thank heavens ATS exsists..............

[edit on 27-5-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:28 PM
Well I’ve spoken to very few people about extraterrestrial life or U.F.O.‘s. My wife the closest person to me, whom I confine all my secrets and dreams to, who trusts me with her life won’t even give me 5 minute to show her what I’ve found are think is really happening out there.
Few of my family members are kind of into it. My Dad talks about it and believes in their existence.

One of the few things that I’ve come a cross I recommend trying this one on for size. Try talking about religion to a religious person and throw aliens in the mix you wont get a strange look, you’d get a fanatic in your face calling you all kinds of unmentionables.

I would think that my generation would be more open to this, I’m 24 but the majority of people my age are more interested in other things. But that’s the same with most peoples.

I’ve been listing to Coast to coast for about eight or nine years and have listen to peoples stories. Although I’ve yet to see a UFO in person the stories videos and articles have keep my interest for a long time

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 08:50 PM
Mos I am so glad that you started this thread, I really did not know exactly how to respond to you before because I have had so much support from my family on the subject. Have fun with all of your new friends that will be very happy to as you say"Bounce ideas off of".

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 08:38 AM
To HouseGroove and any others who might be interested in my
sometimes nonsensical ramblings :

Viewing tips ...hmm. Keep looking up. Seriously. Can't hope to see
anything cool looking at the ground.
If you can afford to, visit the UFO hot-spots. You may not see anything,
but you're sure to meet interesting people. During a visit to Rachel,
I wound up on an Austrian UFO documentary. Well, my wife and I were
in the raw footage, not sure if we made it to air. Was rather cool, though.

As far as talking to your friends about this and any other so-called
"fringe" subject, you're only going to be taken seriously if you approach
the subject seriously.

People with only passing knowledge see the picture of my wife and I
on top of Tikaboo, and all of a sudden they are asking questions.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is learn all you can about the subject
you want to be able to talk about.

I'm rambling again....


posted on May, 28 2007 @ 08:56 AM
I feel the same pain
I wonder what people think about?

They are so locked into their little universe they miss the big picture. They are not interested and I believe thats why the world is the way it is.
Sheeple led by evil men in control.

The ET are all Telepathic.
These abilites require some profound changes in peoples own value systems and mental energies.

The majority of people are followers in so many ways. Does the system perpetuate this, or does our own DNA? I imagine its a bit of both.

If so then where do Us Special People come from?
Are we the true X Men/Women?

I am different no doubt about it.
both in body and in mind.
I have had 7 near death medical problems.
Critical and often fatal events that I have lived through.
I have not had a near dear experience.
I am a walking miracle on top of the near death events.
God Loves Me.

I am the Teacher and the Healer.
I have studies that make me see the deeper truths.
I follow no path except the logic of Bruce Lee
No way as the way, no limitation as limitation.
Not a lot of Bruce Lees out there, or Arnold Swarzenneggar's

I did a Brain Hemisphere test in 1977 and came up with a Balanced Brain which is only .5% of the Population

Then I did those personality test and came up as the INJF
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling
Which is 1.2% of the population.

I am connected to a higher intelligence that does guide me and teach me.
I do the work, the syncronicities that result and the brain flashes are very interesting.

The interest in the ET and the UFO technology issues are at the core of the worlds problems, that is my firm belief.

The more people have these interests the sooner we will get there.
How do we do that when people do not respond, shut down, get scared on a individual basis?

Also when the powers that be that hold the technology and truth under cover and ridicule anyone who says otherwise!

I am not sure.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by junglelord]

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